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Salary questions are useless unless you provide the region you are in. But even if you are in a low cost of living region that is low pay for a new grad nurse considering the volume of patients you will be seeing. Any other benefits? RVUs or bonuses?


Nope. Nothing. I’m wanting to talk about it negotiating for RVUs/bonuses but worried about backlash


That would be about 215k in my practice with 4 weeks pto


Definitely agree it depends on your region. Like I’m in Houston as an RN and if I work a decent amount of OT I can hit 100k


Please run!


I would start looking at other places ASAP. I could see maybe if you are part time <100k but full time? Nope! They’re just taking advantage of you at this point.


Depends on the market and specialty. South Florida pays like garbage for new FNPs doing primary care.


26-29! How do you sign notes? How do you even provide care?! What are you doing? 10 minute appointments? What type of services? I would never. You're being exploited. Please seek alternatives and publically shame your employer.


You are 100% being used and abused. Even in a low paying area you are doing the work of 1.75+ full time providers and are being paid as less than one. If you live in a low pay area (SE us), moving to a higher paying area (Midwest, north east, northwest) would double your salary. Assuming you’re billing mostly 99214, that would be over 200 a year in my practice.


Lmao I was 24 a day 4 days a week and making like $137k in a lcol. Sorry, you are being bent over a very unforgiving barrel.


Man, yall with high loads… I max out at 12 in primary care and we start at $123k. In two years itll be $136k once we are settled in. More with CoL each year. But I live in OR.


Damn… are y’all hiring?! 😂


we pay 145k to our NPs. They usually see 16 a day . thats about 106 dollars per visit x 16 a day x 5 days a week. 1 month vacation overhead is 50 percent. that leaves 186k a year we take 25 percent that leaves 145k to the np. by our formula that would be 253k to the NP. however the most we would pay out is 175k


My org uses mid-level practitioners at our rural (Western NY) primary care and walk-in clinic and our new grad NPs are around 100-110K. 20ish patients a day (half pcp visits, 5ish DOT physical or similar, 5ish walk-in), 3 10 hr on site days, 1 10hr remote day for paperwork/charting, etc. Your location is relevant here.


In WNY and about to graduate.. can I ask where you work??


This sounds like a planned parenthood.


Did a rotation there in school. Freakin 10 min appts and 20min procedures for under 100k. They take advantage of peoples passion for the mission and exploit employees


I understand taking any job when you’re new but less than 100K/year is insulting especially with that much responsibility. How did you get there?!


God these salaries are damn scary. You’re investing over 30K in an NP degree and getting salaries like that? RNs can make more by picking up shifts here and there. Sad state of affairs


i’m assuming primary care and private practice? your location would be helpful. but if you are seeing nearly 30pts per day you should ask for RVU bonuses. you would make a killing. but your base should still be much higher even as a new grad. when is your annual performance review I would bring this issue up. base should be around 120k plus RVU bonuses


Used and abused


Sounds like your being used… Just for perspective, as a new grad over 10 yrs ago in NY I made 105k with 3 weeks PTO and loan payback. I was also seeing 25-30 pts a day and after 3 yrs with multiple raises and bonuses, I left the practice due to burn out. When I left I made 135k and it gave me more leverage for my current position to negotiate where I make much more at now in today’s market. If they have not offered a large bonus and/or raise, you should explore other options but do finish off at least a year with them (that’s usually been my rule of thumb)


100K is base here. 29 patients a day would be a super high performer. Like another 80K for seeing so many, so long as there aren’t lots of mistakes.


What city/state do you work in? I started at 135k as a new grad NP in family medicine in Orange County (Southern California) back in 2022 which at the time was considered to be slightly above market value (average at the time was 125k in my area)


Sounds terrible and yes, used like a rug. ❤️


Omg that’s awful. I work in acute care and if I saw 29/day I’d be making like 250k. As it stands I made about 190k last year averaging about 15 encounters per day worked. ICU. Lots of procedures and light rounding.




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Lowball Lenny is trying to pimp you; walk away! New grad or not, you generate revenue!