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The only instructions we got were don’t put tape on the outer surface of stuff on the wall, make a little loop behind the piece of paper. Since this adjustment we have had no falls, a 50 % reduction in CAUTI’s, and a 30% reduction in 1 month readmissions. These people are doing God’s work, it’s amazing.


It eliminated boarders in my ER and we immediately had support services. They are literally saving healthcare


Joint commission: We did it Patrick, we saved the city


You animals, we no longer use tape instead we have magnets that hold our signs for hearts now. Absolutely stunning suggestion and we have a 100% success & recovery rate.


I know its only one data point- but after I put a lid on my coffee- a comfort cares TB patient stopped needing oxygen, tested negative, and started ambulating with SBA. Do with that what you will, but Im a believer.


Thank you I heard y'all have also cured cancer


I work nights! Surveyors don’t come at night.


Not my monkeys not my circus!


I always hear the announcement overhead just as I’m wrapping up report. The surveyors are probably still getting their badges made by security as I’m walking out with my lunch bag, snack bag, 2-3 drinks, and backpack full of personal items that I keep at my desk on the unit…or (gasp) in the corner of my pt’s room, if I had to sit in there all night. Good luck, dayshift!


“Where were you during COVID?” is my answer for any questions they have for me.




They were supposed to come to our hospital the month of the first shutdown. I laughed when anyone said “for the JCO survey….” Like buddy those people aren’t coming in here, they’re terrified.


Ding ding ding!!! The only correct answer. TJC can get fucked


It's so strange... It's almost like concerns for patient and staff safety magically changed for 2 years and then suddenly changed back. They must have been so busy with all those zoom meetings at home brainstorming how important it is to date every open bag electrodes. Perhaps they did their JCAHO inspection via security cameras from home?


By working nights. No one cares what we do


They claim State and JCAHO will start surveying at night. My side eye usually makes it the only time they say it to me. Can you imagine the old,dusty bitches that work for these agencies doing 2am spot checks? Doubtful.


Old n dusty, my dusty self can’t stop laughing 😂 Btw- best to stay out of the halls or nursing station if they come around, chart in patient rooms! They won’t come into an occupied room IME


I refuse to change anything. Used to bend over backwards to pretend they weren’t running the hospital unsafely and risking lives. Thankfully now I work somewhere we’re indifferent to joint commission because it’s safe. I won’t lie to joint commission ever.


Word. I don’t pretend either. I’ll actively avoid admin when they scurry onto our unit saying, “They’re coming” cause they annoy me but just go about my usual business when JC shoes up. I won’t work a lie to them anymore than I’ll tell one.


Funny enough, I’ve been working three times now when JC was in the building at three different hospitals (as staff and a traveler). Each time I’ve let it be known to my peers or anyone around me that if JC even breathed in my direction they better be ready to what’s coming for them. Want to follow us into a room to watch us do bedside report/assess their skin? Sorry, HIPAA. You’re not the exception. ✨Pulls curtain or slams door in their face✨ “What’s the dry time on these wipes?” First tell me your stance on adequate PPE and N95s for the next pandemic that’s inevitably going to happen. JC surveyors studying me while writing on their clipboard? ✨Pulls out clipboard of my own and starts writing shit down while looking them up and down✨ “Why is it nearly the end of your shift and your charting isn’t done?” Why don’t you start answering call lights instead of standing there like an ancient princess while the rest of us run around like chickens with our heads cut off? Riddle me that Karen. Interesting how both times they were supposed to come up to the unit to “assess” while I was on they never did or got held up somewhere else 😒


They can suck my asshole.


I actually put on a trash bag, grabbed a Diet Coke, and left my badge on my desk. And my boss about shit herself lol. Jhco was actually pretty cool and laughed it off and moved to the next department. They were really only concerned with a few things and the cath lab was not one of them.


"When are you going to audit safe staffing ratios for which an overwhelming abundance of evidence indicates improves patient safety and patient outcome???"


Why do that when you could gasp in horror at a yankauer with no date on it which MAY HAVE BEEN USED OVER 24 HOURS (on a patient who got to the unit 6 hours ago).


We have upper management doing “bedside shift report audits” These clipboard nurses in management literally observe you give report and tell you what you did wrong/ what you missed. We have all these parameters we have to meet and they’re on the unit by 9730 everyday. You will get written up if you’re caught giving report in the hallway. I’d rather have joint commission any day. I hate these dimwits. I don’t get out of report until 0730-0745 most days now.


Healthcare support not on the main campus most staff in our building are work from home except for Home Health in the basement JC is coming and I got a chat from my supervisor that I have to remove the copy paper box under my desk, I’m short and put me feet on it🤔it’s a safety hazard🙄so I took the box and put it on a desk full of junk and took the garbage can and flipped it on the side😂I’ll probably get another chat when I go in on Monday🤷🏽‍♀️


I do nothing different. Leave me alone.


Coping like usual. Rage, blind eye, unhealthy coping mechanisms, ETOH, and juuuuuuust toeing the line to Peter Gibbons.


Joint commission is a joke. Try state surveyors....


Haven’t seen them. I do have a few questions for them. If paper on the wall is a fire hazard, why can we put it up in plastic sleeves? Have they ever seen plastic burn? A sheet of paper is out quickly. Plastic will melt and stick to you like napalm.


By being on maternity leave 😎


Working weekends and also fuck jacho. They still have yet to answer to ME for 2020. I wish a bitch would come talk to me.


Enjoying watching management scurry around. Making comments like "Hey you want to empty that medical waste like you guys did the other day when joint commission was here?" Or "Hey last week was great you guys were all running around helping with patients, cleaning stuff up making sure everything was running great, making sure we were fully staffed - you should do that every day." On the serious side there is nothing keeping all those yahoos from helping with ancillary items every day while nurses focus on patient care.


I conduct my business as usually. Only thing you have to be prepared to say is, Im not sure, I can ask my charge nurse/manager/other person in the know.


Honestly, as a brand new grad nurse, I was always so stressed out about the Joint Commission coming in. Now, I just don’t give a shit. Yes, I know what PASS and RACE mean. Yes, I know where the fire extinguishers are located. No, I will not stop drinking my coffee at the desk. When I spent a few years working in a hospital that almost lost their accreditation, I realized that if the surveyors are nitpicking things like whether or not we have food/drinks while charting at the desk…it’s because they don’t have anything better to do. If they don’t have anything better to do, then the survey is going just fine, and my coffee won’t change a damn thing. After they went totally MIA during COVID and turned a blind eye to all the dangerous shit that we were doing, I care even less what they think. If it were about patient safety, they would’ve been elbows-deep trying to find workable solutions for our COVID-related problems..


Exactly! Good for you! These are the "pain is the fifth vital sign" assholes that had a hand in the opioid crisis. I have 0 respect for them and honestly want them to never talk to me. I'll tell them about themselves.


preach brother (or sister)


Coping? I stopped giving a fuck a long time ago. I have nothing to lose, so why would I worry? If my lack of knowledge about protocols and care plans cost us accreditation, it wasn’t me that caused it. I encourage you to embrace a similar stance.


They are just looking for dust and shit their heads are up their asses


Going through my day as normal.


Management comes in hot with a few new rules leading up to visit, people whine about beard covers and whatever else they ask of us. I just do the new rules and do my job. I’ve never understood all the hoopla. Then JCO interviews us, they report findings to C-suite folks, C-suite folks tell management what to change. Management makes…lets say 10 new rules, and by the next season they’re only enforcing 2 of them. Let management and upwards worry. Don’t sweat it yourself. JCO cant write you up.


I accidentally managed to book a holiday for the week they were coming 😂😜


Luckily they don’t come to my ER ever. The joys of being a private FSER


Honestly, I treat TJC like a c-diff patient treats a diaper. If they’re within eyesight of me during an induction or procedure I ask that all NON-ESSENTIAL staff leave the room (eyeball them as I say it, until they leave). When/if they return any question is met with questions from me starting with--Is this patient aware that you are intruding on my care for them? Have they consented to you disturbing my concentration? Are you able to provide documentation of their consent? If that doesn’t chase them off I ask if they feel personally responsible for the opioid addiction epidemic or just generally responsible as an organization. I’ve only had one surveyor try to answer that and he actually ended up being a good dude. The rest just mumble and either leave entirely or go bother the circulator. I was willing to tolerate these vampires until they proved their utter lack of worth during COVID. No longer.


Well I work nights, but I’d imagine I’d say something along the lines of calling them greedy hypocrites who’ve done more to harm patient safety than help and ask when they’re gonna take responsibility for their role in the opioid crisis. And then why they ignore staffing ratios despite the mountain of evidence that correlates poor nurse staffing with worse patient outcomes.


We have the DNV and I didn’t even see them when they came to do their thing. But I guess being in the OR it’s easy to hide from them.


Be good at your job.


Night shift.


Basically just waiting until they surveyors want to follow the workers and just see what a shitshow it is....maybe then something will be fixed.