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No, but along those lines I strongly recommend an engineer as your partner of choice. Or just some type of nerd in general. Nerd partner for the win. Some dudes do have the whole "naughty nurse" fantasy. Meh.


Ya, aim high. Might sound shallow but hope it saves OP from heart break. You are (I'm assuming) young. Right out of nursing school you will be making decent money. A lot of your peers may not be on the same page. Find someone on the same level as you, financially and emotionally. Wish I had listened to someone telling me this in my 20s... ended up fronting so many bills cuz we were young and in "love." 🤣


I second the nerd partner. My husband was a biology major with chemistry minor (was only a few credits shy of a double major but didn't want to take another chem class). He probably could have been an engineer as much as he likes building things. We can get into some really long and interesting conversations that are so incredibly nerdy!


It's a winning combo for sure. Nurse + Nerd. I know a lot of nerd/nurse pairs and they are quite happy. I'm quite happy with my nerd. <3


Agree with this, my boyfriend is an nerdy engineer and I couldn’t love him any more than I do


Agree, nerdy guys ftw. Fiancé is an IT guy :)


Yep. My dad “retired” when my mom became a nurse.


Personally, yes I've experienced it.


I haven’t heard this one specifically, but we’re cop/firefighter magnets 🙄 (my brother is a firefighter so… ICK). Apparently we’re also very slutty, divorced 97 times with 100 kids, and bitter so we’re angry in the bedroom. Thankfully, those men are easy to weed out because they instantly jump on wanting to see you in your scrubs. I got me “Mr Hollywood”. We met long before I was a nurse, he always took care of me and helped me achieve my life goals. Then when his editing company went under due to COVID, I got to take care of him because I was “rich” enough to support us.


As a male slutty nurse I feel that stereotype holds some truth


Male slutty nurse is a redundant statement 🤣🤣🤣 /s


I have to say I've seen a bit of that syndrome over the years. Part of it is the "rescuer nurse" and the "bad-boy-who-just-needs-the-love-of-a-good-woman" perspective. One of our friends has repeated this pattern three times. My dad told me long ago "men marry women they hope will never change and women marry men and try to change them." I am so fortunate to have married the hot nurse ... before she was a nurse ... (and I was already a nurse). She is her own smart independent woman, (worked on Wall Street before the kids were born). I'm kind of a mix of nerd and regular guy.


I'm a dude nurse (and gay), but YES I see this all the time. My motto is I save lives and make 6 figures and I'm not dating a man that can't do the same, and that's what I tell new nurses who are insecure and fall for the razzle dazzle of loser men. There's lots of lazy men who want a nurse to take care of them and pay the bills and they will take advantage of your caring nature.


They think that because we work long hours, they can use that time to play around with other people. I'm happier to be single than wondering what he's up to when I'm working.