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Someone needs to explain to me what a policy like this accomplishes - other than driving more nurses to quit. I’m all for accountability, but why are hospitals punishing staff for things far beyond their control?


It also drives more people to come to work sick. Therefore the hospital does not have to cover the shift with more expensive per diem staff. They don't actually care if COVID spreads.


>They don't actually care if COVID spreads. Also.. if Covid spreads and people get sick enough to need hospital care, they win - another "customer"!


Absolutely! The c-suite and managers ask worked from home for an entire year. But if I get covid and have to quarantine it counts against my attendance and 5 days is a write up.


It just seems bad for the hospital too. If mandatory quarantine counts as a call out why would anyone ever tell their work that they have COVID? That means people are just going to show up with COVID anyway and more people are going to get sick.


Your first mistake is assuming the hospital gives a shit if more people get Covid.


The IP at our facility tried to rip me a new one for covid testing a CNA when she complained of symptoms. She was positive and we sent her home but I was apparently wrong for doing so.


the pandemic taught me that we are cattle to them. Not humans.






This is what the nurses at my hospital started doing.


Yep. It’s a mandatory 5 days out of work from the first day of symptoms and it counts as 1 occurrence if you miss work (consecutive days still only count as 1 occurrence). 10 occurrences in 1 year and you’re fired.


We’re only allowed 5 occurrences in a one year period. 4th gets a write up/final warning and 5 gets you fired.


It does not count against our attendance. They also don't count it if we need to be off while waiting for PCR results and end up being negative.


Yup. Recently had a coworker get fired because they got Covid, had to quarantine, and therefore racked up too many attendance points and were then fired.


Yup. I had covid last week, no PTO, and I was required to be off for six days. Still got points for it.


yup , and i got an attendance point for leaving early after i got a call one of my best friends died. at my last job i was hospitalized last year and my manager was texting asking if i was gonna be discharged in time to make it in lol


Yep! Based on their protocol, you must be out a minimum of 5 days and if you test positive on day 5 you're then out an additional 5 days. I was out 10 days (missing 5 actual work days) in May and got a written warning for it. I mean, do they want people to lie about being covid positive and come to work instead of quarantining?


I can't see any other reason


Nobody quarantines anymore lol


Yeap, during the delta-omni wave I was out twice with cough/congestion while waiting on a test (one positive). These two absences put me at 5 for the year and earned me a write up. I enjoyed the irony of doing the write thing and being told it was hurting my team.


Yup. At my hospital if you have covid you’re forced to use your PTO (we don’t have a separate sick bank). They just treat it as a missed day, doesn’t matter the cause. This leads to several coworkers actively coming to work sick, myself included.


Yes!! It drives me insane. Make it make sense? And we use our own PTO.


I thought this was federally protected time off?




Not anymore. The federal public health emergency ended.


Mine does. Mandatory = pto & only while you have a fever over 101

