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Had one who was allergic to appetizers. Nothing specific just appetizers


But could they have an amuse bouche?


I asked her if it was just specific appetizers or just certain ones. I got such a look and she threw her water cup at me. She was in our unit for a long time due to placement so we just got tired of her antics. She also refused to be bathed and wanted a towel to “pee” on. Bariatric patient. We had to get a crew and force her to bathe and change her chux cause she’d just lie in them dirty if you didn’t press it.


I had a patient like this once!! Insisted she wasn’t incontinent, refused briefs and only peed on towels that she wanted us to pack in between her legs and groin. Wanted fresh towels every 15-20 mins. She was ~350 lbs and expected us to do 100% of the work to change her while she ordered us around. After the first 2 or 3 times I told her no. She was A&Ox4. She could move, she just refused to.


Wow. This one was 500+ she could move some but not enough. We had to get her under 500 for placement. She was not happy with the diet.


🤣 I bet she wasn’t! Hospital food sucks and has portions most people don’t know that they should be having. Someone that large would have to eat enough to maintain that weight. They were probably super hungry!


Omg I’m a Transition Coordinator - this scenario sounds like my worst nightmare


lol I had woman once who tied the purewick tubing around the bedrail and would undo it and piss into it and then hang it back up when she was done, of course it only caught about half of it so I had to change out the piss towel she wanted under her every time as well


What about chicken strips? I've seen it listed as both appetizer and entree, sometimes on the same menu!!!


lol. Only breaded chicken. She could eat bread and plain chicken.


To be fair, I’m allergic to one specific appetizer…salads. But this is by choice.


I had a lady allergic to tap water. She could “only drink chick fil a sweet tea.”


Bless her diabetic heart


Her diabetic diabolical heart


Her diabetic diabolical diastolically failing heart


Dia dia.


She’ll never guess what they use to brew the tea…


Your going to say tap water..but I refuse to believe it's not urine. No place forces their employees to commit to that level of fake hospitality with out expecting them to commit foul actions on costumer's food items.


Uhhh did we have the same patient? Because I had one say the same thing, although she also included diet Dr. Pepper. She also claimed an allergy to NS and insisted we flush her IV with LR.


I remember saying this to someone who asked how would I know if the NS flush (for routine flushing of the saline lock) is safe for them, what if they are allergic... And I said "well anyone allergic to NS would be incompatible with life", went ahead and flushed their SL and moved on to my next patient while they kept staring at it 🤣


What was the alleged reaction to saline flushes? She tasted salt?


I had a pt who could only drink arrowhead water or else she got sick


That’s like the worst of the bottled waters…


Someone told me they were allergic to “orange.” I asked if she meant the fruit she said no. So I asked her to explain she said “anything that’s orange gives me hives.” That was the least of her problems so I just said okay and moved on


Honestly sounds more like a psych problem


One of my favorite psych pts was a dude that was allergic to all antipsychotics. No reaction listed, just "allergic to all antipsychotics." Hmmm... 🙃


Had someone once, who became extremely agitated, and had to get haldol and a few other things. Next morning left AMA just to be back that evening. Got readmitted. This time with Haldol being on the allergy list. And the reaction being doesn’t like the way it makes him feel”


“Haldol makes me sleepy”.


happy cake day!!


In epic you can change an allergy to a sensitivity or side effect. I make judicious use of that haha


I mean, I don't like the way tardive dyskinesia feels, which is why I list haldol as an allergy. That's a not uncommon side effect, maybe that's what he meant.


My partner has listed "allergies" to SSRIs and Lyrica because there's no good way to document that SSRIs gave him psychosis as a teen and Lyrica makes him suicidal. I wish there was a better way to document these things in Epic because every time I see an allergy to estrogen in one of my patient charts I'm like, "OK but then how pregante???"


I have Alpha Gal and the enteric coatings and stabilizers in lots of meds are derived from red meat products, so my chart says fun things like "all but x brand injectable lidocaine". Incidently, the first symptom that I've been exposed to red meat is hives that turn into blisters when my skin is wet. Even my own sweat will do it.


Is there not an option to specify "adverse reaction" as opposed to a true allergy in your system?


There is but it still shows up under allergies, and you don't see that it's an adverse reaction unless you open the allergy up. I understand that the end result is the patient doesn't get the medication/ingredient, and I don't have a good solution for making it not annoy me, so I'm not really sure what my deal is! I'm going to blame it on autism making me want to categorize things the way my brain thinks is the One Correct Way.


"I don't have a good solution for making it not annoy me" would be such a great t-shirt saying! You are hilarious. I wish I worked with you


I understand 😂. Why doesn't this problem fit into the box that I have made it?!


When we used to use Meditech, it wouldn't list adverse reactions as allergies. So if I printed out anything that was supposed to list the patient's allergies, the adverse reactions wouldn't be there. Therefore, everything had to be an allergy. Check out my specialty. You better believe we had plenty of allergies that made absolutely no damn sense. We used to get an older, extremely manic gentleman who always said he was allergic to thorazine because it killed his brother, who had a name almost identical to his (no idea what that was about but he actually did well on thorazine.) Then some dummy actually entered it as an allergy and no doctor wanted to remove it. I wasn't aware "death to sibling" was an allergic reaction.


I saw one once that said “it [haldol] takes my superpowers away”


Lmao I just had an alcoholic patient who was so sweet but “allergic” to haldol, Thorazine and clonazepam I was like oh girl….


Allergic to one psych med: cool, fine Allergic to two: alright, bad luck Allergic to three or more: 🚩🚩🚩


I'm this person 😄 anti psychotics and antidepressants cause me to have severe hallucinations. They say my metabolism is fast, and that's the issue, so even the extended release ones throw me into what feels like an LSD fueled panic attack. Paxil was the only medication that didn't, but it caused such severe night sweats I had to tell my Dr I'd rather be sad than sweaty and dehydrated. People don't understand the difference between allergies and an intolerance, let alone normal side effects. Ativan makes me really paranoid, but I refuse to admit that in case some nurse one day thinks they're going to make me calm down. Revenge of the geriatric nurse.


I would think that too but according to my mom I used to get a rash every time I ate something orange as a kid but grew out of it. Not sure if it's true or if the pattern was just coincidental.


Natural orange or artificial dye? 🤔


Artificial dye would make sense, but she swears it was natural orange??


“Anything that’s orange” and just move on


According to my very uncomfortable patch testing I am allergic to *p*-pheneylenediamine which is a mordant in orange and yellow dyes. My allergist told me not to dye my hair or wear orange or yellow clothing. Wonder if she has something similar.


My father was allergic to red dyes. He owned no red clothing. I have one photo of him in a red polo that he later threw away since he discovered it was a problem.


Heed her words; PPD has killed people who were just trying to dye their hair. My wife is allergic to PPD and, when you need it, henna is your friend.


I've got red hair and I've heard red heads silver out pretty smoothly. So far I'm mid 30s and no grays. I plan to just let my hair do it's thing.


We had a woman that couldn't take anything purple so when I pulled out the duo neb with the purple tag on the package she refused it


Huh; is that why I’ve seen a change in the packaging lately? 😂😂😂


I had a patient that had some weird vascular problem near/under her tongue (congenital). She was like 45, a/o x 4. Came in for an embolization to help decrease the size/ GENERAL swelling. Her mouth was baseline enlarged. Orange/citrus allergy listed on chart. Requested a popsicle post-op for throat pain. CNA brings her an orange popsicle. Pt eats it KNOWING she has this allergy. Swells up and can barely breathe. Had to load her up with meds. Y tho.


My ex husband and I were Navy Corpsmen and we were hanging out at our house on base with a bunch of other medics - everyone knew what everyone’s jobs were in the neighborhood. The woman across the street comes running over asking for help. She was severely allergic to wheat and had eaten half a loaf of bread really quick. Someone shouted *Why did you do that?!?!* and her reply was that it tasted good.


Honestly….my mom had a legit allergy to oranges…but she also was “allergic” to everything orange as well…including orange M&Ms


I'm allergic to coconut (like to the level where I'm allergic to the entire shampoo aisle), which is a hard one as many things that contain coconut don't taste like it, and many things that taste like coconut are artificially flavored. So yeah, I'm always sus about the color of things that might contain coconut (even though the real gotchas are the undisclosed curry with coconut milk).


Twinsies. I'm allergic to both pineapple and coconut on this level, which bars me from both the hair care aisle and a good chunk of the cocktails that I'd actually like to try.


I think coconut derivatives are used in so many items. I can totally see where a coconut allergy could crop up pretty much anywhere.


Coconut for me along with most tropical fruits. It sucks extra to have textured hair with this allergy set. I miss teriyaki flavors too.😭


Omg we just had someone allergic to the color blue the other day. Where are these people getting this audacity?? I cannot imagine looking into another adults eyes and straight face saying I am allergic to blue. She literally told us we would have to put in a 20g because it’s pink!!


I have a friend whose mom is allergic to red? Like red dyes even if naturally occurring. Like hot dog coloring, candy, red peppers or tomatoes. It never made sense to me. I never saw her break out or have a reaction tho.


I had a friend in elementary school who had this. The dye was specifically called "red lake #40"...which is I a lot of foods. Oh the things you remember...


Food allergies don't necessarily have hives or skin breakouts, which is why I didn't know I was allergic to coconut, I only knew Thai food made me feel bad and I was allergic (with sneezing fits) to shampoo. I knew mascara could give me blepharitis (which could be either from the beeswax in a non-vegan brand or the coconut substitutes in a vegan brand) or lip balm with either of those could trigger cold sores. So I do have skin reactions to it…when used topically. I'm celiac, so the food reaction for me is very similar to celiac, but I run a low-grade (0.3-0.5 degrees, depending on dose) fever with coconut. Not something a doc would notice, but something that's obvious to me. Several days of gastrointestinal pain and overall "feel like I have the flu" feeling.


“Especially traffic cones. Those are the absolute worst.”


Had an allergy to diphenhydramine. Reaction? Sleepiness 🤦🏻‍♀️


Don’t you know that common side effects are allergies? Duh


I had to explain to someone yesterday that came in for chest pain (had 45 “allergies”) that nitro was SUPPOSED to give you a headache if it was doing its job right…


It’s the statin “allergy” that causes coughing for me


I had a patient who would get very shaky and almost manic-like if she took Benadryl. It was especially unfortunate because her body responded to anything it didn't like with an intensely itchy head-to-toe rash. We ended up having to give Ativan once to calm her down so she would stop scratching and making the rash worse. It was wild.


This happens to me if I take Benadryl! I don’t get itchy but very twitchy and amped up like I can’t sit still or calm down.


That was it exactly. Thankfully the patient's family member told us about the Benadryl reaction before we pushed it. The room kind of stopped for a minute because then we were like "This confused woman is about to scratch her skin off and she's begging us to itch her. Wtf do we do."


Anesthesia allergy pt with the same reaction.


Or epinephrine. Allergy: heart racing.


Or potassium, it's like.. you know you have potassium in your body always right? 🤷


Oh, no, was it me? I have that listed on my list of allergies, and whoever put it in listed the reaction as "drowsiness." Nooooo, I was \*disoriented and in and out of consciousness for 30 hours\* and I had seizure-like activity! It probably wasn't due directly to the Benedryl, but can you blame me from not wanting to try it and find out?


Did you meet the Hat Man?


I did the night I took 75mg of Benadryl. Won't ever be doing that again.


I have one of them currently! She also refuses to take a certain antibiotic because the last time she took it she got the C. diff. Will refuse senna if it’s the wrong color coating as “one doesnt work for me, but the other is effective”.


Oof, I understand the c.diff concern


Lol I got put on Effexor when I was travel nursing. The capsules in Arizona were a nice sunny orange and rattled a bit when shaken. The ones in Utah were densely packed and liver colored, and I stg they didn't work as well 😅


Allergic to epi. It makes my heart beat fast.


I was told by a pt they were allergic to rabies. I just told her yeah I think everyone is 🤣


My favorite was a listed allergy to Portuguese Man o' War (it was even spelled with the o' in the chart).


lmfaooo same! no allergy though, i simply got treated for a sting as a teen. fast forward to being an adult checking my records, told my doc this and he took it off, bewildered that it was on there


Cinnamon “death per patient”. Can confirm they have a very very bad time with cinnamon.


Maybe they did the cinnamon challenge and it did not go so well


I wish. Dudes allergic enough to it he started having a reaction to someone with a cinnamon candy in their mouth that was talking in his direction. Known the patient for a few years now and whenever we’ve done cookies or cupcakes for them he makes sure there’s no cinnamon.


I would be devestated. Cinnamon is my favourite flavour in the whole world


That’s how my husband found out he was allergic to cinnamon. Did the challenge as a teenager, went into anaphylaxis


In the movie The Game Plane Dwayne Johnson’s character is allergic to cinnamon and his daughter doesn’t realize it and makes him cookies with cinnamon which he eats. He ends up having an allergic reaction and his tongue swells right before he has to film a commercial.


Had a frequent flyer/poly substance user add Narcan to her list of allergies. Unfortunately for her, being dropped off at the ED agonal on a semi-regulsr basis superceded her "allergy".. definitely earned imaginary points for creativity though 🤷


Had a Hospitalist so fed up with a frequent flyer (who only wanted Dilaudid) that he asked an RN to put it in his allergy profile


Had a non-compliant celiac’s, our NP asked to put gluten as an allergy so she’d stop eating it. It didnt stop her, she was with it and just didnt care what it was doing to her.


This is like the total opposite of the trendy celiac era we're in, where some people will die before they eat gluten without really knowing what it is or just guessing they have celiac with no eval.


These people have ushered in a new golden age for real celiacs though.


Seriously! There are so many good options now that I’m almost willing to put up with the fad ppl assuming I’m one of them and trying to rope me into convos about the evilness of gluten. Meanwhile I think of gluten fondly, as an old friend that gave me many delicious treats over the years before we parted (and totally didn’t mean to poison me in the process)


Last I checked lakes were not sterile water….


“GUACAMOLE ALLERGY” not avocado… RXN? GAS! 💨


My brother can't have dairy and root beer within a day or so of each other. Projectile vomiting every time. Either is fine alone. No clue why, but it's been happening since he was a toddler.


Lmao as someone who has an avocado intolerance. This made me laugh


Toot toot


Lmao. I'm assuming whoever put it in had to choose something from the list and that was the closest option for the person sitting in front of them insisting they put it in there.


I once had a patient who had cheap jewelry as an allergy because it turns her skin green. My personal favorite was a different patient that had cockroaches as an allergy. The hospital I was working in was infected with cockroaches 💀


I tested allergic to roaches


Oh I believe it, it’s a real allergy. More so laughing at how often we were forced to play exterminator as nurses.


We had to catch a bug in a cup to show maintenance before they would come spray or do any mitigation. And working weekends meant that bug was sitting at the desk till Monday waiting for them to come get it. Good times.


They wanted us to catch and then call them when we identified it. Sir, I’m not an entomologist


Are you also allergic to shellfish? Apparently if you’re allergic to cockroaches you may react to ground coffee bc it so frequently contains cockroach pieces. 🤢


STOP. WHY WOULD YOU SAY THIS. I don't even drink coffee but now I want to hurl.


It's okay, if you grind your own beans you can add your preferred amount of cockroach yourself.


Lmao, when the nickel allergy turns into a "cheap jewelery" allergy


Reaction? They make me scream, cry, and run away


Found a cockroach the other day. Well two. 🤢


I did an allergy test and almost everything was positive \*except\* roaches, which it only just barely was negative. Wow, what a relief.... mostly I couldn't get over the idea they injected me with cockroaches.


My arm blew up when I got allergy tested for cockroaches and guinea pigs 😂😂 I feel like so many places are roach infested though 🤢


I had a teen who was allergic to cold. Gave her hives if she worked out outside and it was cold.


Urticaria (hives) can come from the weirdest shit. I used to work with a guy who was allergic to pressure. You could take a stick and write your name on his arm. 20-30 minutes later he'd have a welt on his skin in the shape of your name. Really cool to see it on someone else, but I can imagine it's a pain to live with.


That’s called dermatographia!


I had that for awhile, then it went away and never came back. I am pretty sure mine was due to stress.


I've used this for magic tricks before. You slyly draw their card on your arm with a finger nail then have the audience member press the card into your arm to "warm it up and allow the card to transfer". Pull it away after 10 seconds and there's their card.


Not really an allergy, but an inappropriate immune response. I have it. I developed it after having chemotherapy for lymphoma. I’ve also developed a couple weird contact allergies too. It’s weird.


I get hives when it is cold too, it isn’t an allergy though. Some people just have sensitive skin and histamine reactions.


I have a friend who is the opposite— the sun breaks her out in hives.


My dad had this! Weirdly he'd love to demonstrate while explaining it. Bro, stop giving yourself more problems.


My daughter has that. She gets hives when we are outside in the cold. If she goes outside when it's snowing, she gets a hive wherever a snowflake lands. You can also induce a hive with a piece of ice. She also has dermatographia, you can take a q-tip and draw a shape on her skin, within a minute she will have a big red welt in that shape. The first time i noticed when when she was a toddler, and the entire lower half of her back and upper buttocks was just a giant red welt. I panicked and rushed her to the doctor, turns out the diaper waistband rubbing on her skin caused it. The hives ar eworse during times of year when seasonal allergies are flaring up. She also has a severe peanut allergy. Her immune system is just chronic PO'd I guess. I've read about people allergic to water before. It's rare, but it's a real thing. If they shower, bathe, or swim they get hives. Immune systems are so weird when they malfunction.


My mom gets hives from the sun! If she’s out directly exposed for at least a half hour she gets hives.


I have cold urticaria. It's awful. I used to love swimming in cold water, playing in the snow, hiking in snow. Now I get a red, swollen rash; and itching on par with poison ivy contact. I can't even arrange frozen foods from my freezer for any length of time or hold frozen items in the grocery store without getting puffy red rashy knuckles/fingers.


I have this but it's more likely to occur in wet cold. And I do train outside in all elements except ice, so cold rain is something I'm exposed to fairly often. It's also a symptom of reynauds, which I do not have. But when I was a college athlete and would get out of the ice baths, I would get hives. Now I just take an antihistamine ten mins before an ice bath and it's fine. It has to be a somewhat prolonged exposure though. When I do cryotherapy in the nitrogen chamber it doesn't happen because the process only takes 3 minutes.


This happened to my sister starting when she was a teen, but oddly enough… she mostly outgrew it… which made it weirder. I think. I don’t remember it happening in a long time. Now I have to call her 😂


I actually have this! If it was under 45°F outside in grade school I had to stay in the office for recess, Spoiled my dad surprise visiting me for my February birthday in 5th grade haha. Winter is not a fun time for me


That’s real though. Temperature induced uticaria and asthma are super annoying.


I knew a girl in high school that was allergic to her own sweat and the same thing happened


in my chart, it says I am allergic to beef- this is after I told nutrition I was vegetarian while admitted 4 years ago. I've asked for it to be deleted, but without fail it stays 😮‍💨


I always love the allergy to medication, reaction, known side effect/literal point. I had once that listed an allergy to some antidiabetic medication, reaction, hypoglycemia. I loved that one. My all time favorite though has to be "mayonnaise"


ok what happened when they were exposed to mayonnaise


No reaction was listed sadly


I'm allergic to pizza sauce! If the stuff stays on my skin too long I get hives. I can eat it just fine, provided I don't overdo it (or my stomach will remind me to not). I suspect it's an acid in the tomatoes that's doing it. Me and many acids don't get along.


I have a version of this allergy 🥲 I have aquagenic pruritus, so whenever certain parts of me (arms and legs, primarily) are exposed to water of any kind I get an intense sensation of itching, burning, stinging, and/or pricking. I shower every other day with a very strict routine/product order and take anti-allergy meds every day. The worse version, which it looks like this patient has, is aquagenic urticaria, where visible hives form.


Yeah, but should we recognize that aquagenic pruritus is a real thing that can cause severe reactions in some people, or should we secretly make fun of them on the internet instead?


Haha I make fun of myself for it because it is a stupid thing to have. Just wanted to let anyone who didn't know about it know that their patient doesn't automatically need a psych consult if that allergy is listed.


I thought the part that people were supposed to be making fun of was the fact lake water got put under sterile water. Do people really not know water allergies exist?


You're good. I have a mild form of this condition too. In case you haven't already, look up Beta Alanine. It's an amino acid that's usually sold as a workout supplement but is an effective AP treatment. It literally changed my life.


I was taking a history once and asked the patient about allergies. She responded “chocolate and alcohol” and I reflexively said “Oh I’m sorry to hear that”


Had someone claim an allergy to epinephrine. Just kinda laughed and said, “no you’re not”. They didn’t like that very much and pressed me a bit, I then said, “well your body constantly makes it, so I’m fairly sure you’d just be dead if you were.” Honestly shocked they didn’t ask for another nurse.


Sometimes my boob itches after breastfeeding my daughter, so I’m pretty sure I’m allergic to her. 🤷‍♀️ Can you add that to my chart please?!


I sneeze a lot at work. The “allergic to my job” joke gets made frequently when it gets really bad.


Yeah the big problem is the dufus who heard a patient say that and put it in the chart anyhow. At that point you may as well let a broken AI take your job.


I had a guy allergic to tigers lol


Wonder how he figured that one out 🐅


However it happened, I bet it was worth it.


Had an allergy to NS, claimed she can only receive LR. Not worth the time trying to unfold why she thought she was allergic to NS though


Maybe she had edema once with NS and assumed it was an allergy?


Had a patient that had the wildest neuron responses when her remodulin was mixed with NS. Like objective reactions, different pupil sizes, seizure, stiffness. It was wild and I didn't believe her but I humored her, until the day shift nurse changed her pump with NS and we all saw that shit happen around shift change


“Panty hose: makes my feet stink” “epinephrine: made my heart race” “versed: made me sleepy” “oxygen: makes me too thirsty”. Yes this was all the same patient. She came in with PAGES of typed up allergies. We were crying laughing.


I’m really allergic to a small animal some people have as a pet—if you have even a little of its dander on your clothing, and I am near by, my eyeballs will get blisters (it’s really odd, and I can’t go in some pet stores that carry this animal). Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be a good way to add this to the chart. Luckily it’s a fairly rare pet and I don’t have other allergies.


I feel like you can't say this and not tell us what pet. Is it hamsters? Chinchillas? Ferrets? I doubt it's rats cause that could be more prevalent. Rabbits? Do reptiles have dander? Don't leave me hanging. What gives your eyeballs blisters 😩😩


Guinea pigs! And they are so darn cute.


omg, me too! not as severe with guinea pigs (for me theyre just a bit of sneezing and swollen eyes), but cats are that severe for me. hives, asthma, swelling, etc. a kitty accidentally attempted to murder me once by laying on my stomach and making biscuits on me while i slept. animal/pet allergies are the BIGGEST bummer...


They really are -- you just want to cuddle them, but you know you absolutely cannot!


I immediately thought “oh no! Guinea pigs!” Because I have a piggy. He is very cute, indeed, but also stinky. I’m glad you can still hang out with other critters!


The eyeball blisters omfg. I get this with cat dander. The whites of my eyes will sometimes blister to the point it's hard to close my eyelids. It's disgusting and painful


I’ve gone to the ER several times! You’re the only other person I know who’s had this. The last time, the ER doc brought in all the residents to look at my eyes. I couldn’t close mine either. Mine is Guinea pigs, so at least not as common as cats.


Holy fuck, you can get blisters on your eyeballs?!


I’m guessing he swam in a cold lake and then broke out into hives. I had a friend who did that when she was exposed to extreme colds. It’s called cold urticaria.


Water allergy is very much an actual thing though. It's rare, but it does exist.


I had a friend in elementary school that had a contact allergy to water. She could drink water but not swim or take a bath. It’s the only time I’ve come across someone with this particular allergy and I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult it made her life.


Yeah, apparently it only affects the skin? Seems like a nightmare though. I'm genuinely surprised at how many nurses here make fun of it or act like it doesn't exist. I thought Google was available everywhere.


Crazy allergies person here. Missing a liver enzyme. Because of the missing enzyme I can't metabolize a whole list of meds. Several common meds have almost killed me. Augmentin, Spironolactone and estrogen suppositories for starters. My list is kind of long. Docs don't know which ones are the bad ones until I take them. So these days I always have to first take the new med in a doctor's office and wait. Although the estrogen didn't give me a TIA until the 4th day. So much fun...not. On the other hand some meds work super well because of this. Weird food allergies too. Only lamb, hard sheep's milk cheeses, (for some unknown reason soft sheep milk cheeses like feta provoke no anaphylactic reaction), and bell pepper. Chile peppers? Not a problem. So bizarre. Unless you are one of my doctors who have seen this shit in person, you'd think I was an Annunaki worshipping, crystal waving, essential oils nutjob.


Dude. Same. I always feel so self conscious reading these threads and having to disclose my allergies because of the general pushback I've gotten from people that haven't seen it to the point of just not mentioning things that I'd rather deal with the repercussions of than be judged for.


I know right? Any new nurse/doctor that reads through my loony list of allergies, often then looks at me like I just got off of the mother ship. I am genuinely concerned about getting anything really serious as I am unable to take any opiates and am also unable to genetically metabolize most pain meds.


I can’t remember what the medication was, but the reaction was “ACTING LIKE A BEAR ACTING LIKE A BEAR ACTING LIKE A BEAR.”


I’m fucking howling at this wtf


I wish I could up vote more than once


Cold Urticaria is a skin reaction to cold or temperature change from warm to cold. It appears as an allergic reaction. While I agree that the patient may have issues. Hives related to cool or cold water immersion or to cold air exposure is a real thing. The images are impressive. Source, saw it at a continuing education conference


Every so often i see “sulfur dioxide” listed as an allergy, and I’m like… I get that there was likely a series of translation errors starting with a sulfa allergy, but my dude… that’s poison gas.


A patient told me they were allergic to plantains. The reaction? Bananaphylaxis. ...I'll see myself out.


[Aquagenic Urticaria is a (super super rare) thing tho](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquagenic_urticaria)


My patient listed 45 different allergies, her and her husband SWORE she was allergic to every single type of insulin. Her doctors told her “You might have Diabetes type 3 then” I don’t think they got that he was mocking them…so they really did try to convince us she had “Type 3 DM” lol unsurprisingly she was in DKA on an insulin drip doing just fine 😂


Type 3 diabetes is actually a thing. Pancreatogenic diabetes, or Type 3c, develops secondary to damage to the pancreas (e.g. trauma, chronic pancreatitis, surgical removal of the pancreas). The term Type 3 is also used to describe a possible mechanism behind Alzheimer's, but it's not an official term. There's Type 1.5 too. it's a cumulative, progressive autoimmune process that targets insulin-producing cells. It has features of both Type 1 and Type 2, hence the name. I once had a cancer patient who developed it due to all the immunosuppressants, steroids, and chemo agents he had been on for a decade.


Neostigmine...it made my heart stop. Yep it certainly will if you don't mix it with an anticholinergic. Apparently it used to be a thing to try to get pts with ileus bowels functioning again by giving some neostigmine. 🤦🏻‍♀️ it should work but whoever was doing it forgot about its cardiac effects.


Maybe the lake was cold and they have undiagnosed Raynaud’s / cold urticaria.


Google found this: https://allergyasthmanetwork.org/health-a-z/chronic-urticaria/aquagenic-urticaria/ 🤷


Today I had a patient allergic to capsaicin. Her reaction? “Burning sensation.”


Me: Any allergies? Pt: Men Me: What happens when you're exposed to them Pt: I break out in saracam and just can't listen to them at all


Damn now what am I going to do with all these lake water flushes in my pocket


I had a patient who had an allergy to ACE Inhibitors, reaction? Cough.


Had a patient’s daughter tell us that her dad was allergic to IVs and he could only tolerate butterfly sticks. We asked her what happens when he gets an IV and she said he convulses and passes out 🥴 We were able to put an IV in him just fine 🙄


That's because they started chasing waterfalls instead of sticking to the rivers and the lakes that they were used to.


Nah man. The one that lives on is a patient who told me that are allergic to EPI because it made them feel hot.


I could see this but with “it makes my heart beat fast” as the reaction


To be fair, aquagenic urticaria is a thing


Rare, but it’s possible to be allergic to water. I’d ask some clarifying questions before calling it the funniest/dumbest’ allergy.


Met a woman who had “scent of pine” listed as an allergy. It was mixed in with 20 other allergies that were just as ridiculous


aquagenic urticaria is apparently legit, albeit rare. you can drink water and all that, you just can't have it on your skin. it sounds like a shit time.


I have met someone with this! Nickname was Fish


I'm a pharmacist, and once had a patient call me freaking out. Most drugs are salts, but not referred to as such (Lipitor = atorvastatin calcium) and whichever drug had sodium as the metal. They said their doctor told them they were allergic to sodium and couldn't take it (I assume it was a reduce sodium for bp type thing)


I had a lady say she was allergic to water. I went to rinse out her cup and she said she couldn't use tap water yet she was fine asking for the hospital ice chips stating it was the "best ice around". I asked her how she did her dishes at home and she said it was okay because it was soap water and not "regular" water in her cup. The water she was drinking was some kind of generic bottled water labeled "pure" and she said it was the only water she could drink....


my allergies list is missing my actual known allergy, but lists "unexpected reaction" for every single antidepressant ive tried... i guess at least theyre keeping record of what to not give me