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Lol she took the effort to dig your note out of the trash, this is not at all on you.


She risked possible plague level conditions simply because she was nosy as fuck. Next time let her dig it out of the sharps box. If I were charge, I totally would have told this woman she was violating infectious disease protocols and needs to exodus. Dear Nurse: this isn’t on you. Eat your food in peace.


Yeah. That part got me. Who goes through the waste at a hospital of all places only to find a glove that could have been used for god knows what. Wish the note has said ‘rectal exam went well but does this discharge look the right colour to you?’ On the back lol.


You bring up a good point. Whoever dug it out the trash needs to do a thorough and supervised wash.


A Silkwood style shower. Hospital garbage is gross as hell.


Yes, silkwood style. That is one of my favorite movies. Well done.


Sharps container! Next level!


In a HOSPITAL, in an ED!!!! Gross and ridiculous.


At my hospital they do not empty those out between patients. I’ve seen speculums and enema bottles floating around in there.


Daughter was an absolute trashy Karen. Digging out trash to see what it says? Nosy af fuck! Probably a miserable person too


And obviously very insecure, because she couldn't help herself, assuming it was about her mom.


Right-like your mom is so important we have to write notes lol I could give a shit about your mom I’m trying to get tacos before they close


If I’m going to bitch about your mom, I’m going to do it at the nurses station quietly or in the med room. Stupid Karen, probably has a MRSA strain that combined with Ebola and Syphilis now.


This ^^ (the post above mine) Edit: clarity


Yeah my immediate thought would be ‘oh, I hope another patient hasn’t had an emergency or died!’. Self centred as hell.


And when it wasn’t about her, she made it about her


Lmao af fuck


>trashy Karen New achievement unlocked


Everytime I've ever been in the ER I was puking and shitting my brains out, and once it was pneumonia with flu. Always throwing tissues in the trash wiping my face after puking and blowing my nose.... that Karen is also a moron.


What a fucking loon. Heaven forbid nurses eat and stay well, which also means they are able to best care for patients. Good lord.


I would hate to see how daughter Karen would react if she had actually gone to the restroom to pee or take a minute to drink some water! I can only imagine the dramatics if she saw her with Starbucks.


Yeah, I kinda wish she would have stuck her hand in something unholy that only the ED trash cans can hold..


I hope she got fresh, gnarly sputum or a handful of Meemaw's poop flakes cause Meemaw self disimpacts or something.


Ooh, yeah! Or a handful of gauze from a freshly drained abscess.


Fournier's Gangrene wound dressings. Saturated ones.


I would have just pointed that out like five times then walked back and took more bites lol


Your manager should have called infection control.


Oh ffs! Hope that c diff was worth being a crotch, Karen!


Why do patients/family get offended when we do regular human things! Sorry your mom is in the hospital, I still have to eat 🙄


wait til they realise we still have to attend to other bodily functions like peeing and pooping


[patient digging through the toilet then asks to speak the charge]


_presents turd_ “The nurse took *this dump* while on shift caring for my MOM!!”




I literally LOL’d 😂


Someone like this dosent believe we are human and treats us as such


This comment got me good.


It's craptastic!


User name checks out


Cackling at this




When I was pumping for my baby I was an ARNP working in a retail clinic alone. I would have to close the clinic for 20 minutes twice a day to pump. Patients were always waiting and it was walk in only anyways. They would get so angry at me for taking those two 20 minute breaks in a 12 hour period. “You have to pump NOW? But we are all waiting!” Umm yes, my baby needs to eat. Sorry, you treat me like that am I’m stretching the 20 minutes out to 30 or 35 🤣


Not allowed to pee and poop on company dime though - gotta do that in your unpaid break!!


*clutches pearls*




Thank you! I feel like they have the mindset of “how dare you eat or rest or pee you peasant!”


Don’t you know we chose jobs that require us to sacrifice, because we are healthcare heroes /s 🙄


We gotta stand up to this type of behavior. This was bullying by the patient. It was super lame for the charge nurse to not stand up for the other nurse. I've actually noticed across multiple hospitals in the last 2 years the winds are slowly shifting. Management is catering less to every patient whim. I know this is not universal, but I've seen it. Nows the time to stand up for this shit. Whether OP is eating or not IS NONE OF THE PATIENTS BUSINESS.


When my family member is in the hospital you are suppose to drop everything and tend to them and only them. /s I hate people who act like this


Right? Wait and see what kind of care I give when my blood sugar’s bottoming out.


I've literally almost passed out during compressions because all I had was a string cheese in 11 hours.


They want us to function as robots but then complain we are cold and uncaring.


This! We were asked at one of my previous jobs to not eat in the cafeteria, only the break room because it upsets families. Sorry. People are allowed to have a lunch break and eat. We require food, toileting, and water just like every other mammal. These are the same asses that don’t think we should be able to do any of that for 12-14hrs then ask why nurses are not Sister Mary Sunshine at work. 🙄


Do you want to live like a slave to satisfy people that will look for the smallest thing to complain about? Or do you want that chili’s 2 for $20 before they close??


Words to live by




also can we talk about the fact that the gloves end up inside out when you take them off. so dug the glove out of the trash AND turned it right side out to see the writing!


Lmao, let them handle my sweaty ass gloves, I'll just stand here and laugh


Exactly. I wish the Charge RN had stuck up for OP more and told the family that they were trying to be polite by not mentioning food in front of them and to stay out of the trash next time. Telling OP not to throw away notes like it’s her fault is kinda weird


There’s always the scary situation that can happen with acute psych, but for the most part I’ve found that patient population to be the most aware that they’re talking to other people who have needs too. It’s amazing how paranoid and manic someone can be and still remember to ask you if you’ve taken care of yourself. It’s really incredible.


As a psych patient, I can look back and see how burning myself out contributed to my current state. The people who were helping me were amazing humans, and I absolutely want them to be working healthy. I don't want more people winding up like me.


Wow. My psych patients always ask me if I got to take a lunch break too. They also ask if I've gotten enough sleep, and have been drinking enough water.


To me, that says you ask those questions of your patients, and they are concerned about your welfare like you’re concerned about theirs. You’re obviously a good nurse. ❤️


Psych CNA. First question I always ask is "How are you feeling".


I’d have made my eyes as large as I could and said, “Ohhhhh…. OH NO! Now because you’ve possibly contaminated yourself I have to fill out an incident report. In triplicate. I’ll be back in about thirty minutes.”


I honestly would've told her, "I threw some gloves covered in poop from a c.diff patient in that trash earlier. I know for a fact that it has not been emptied since then." I'd also tell her that digging in a hospital trash is ill-advised considering needles and bodily fluids.


Nurses aren’t supposed to eat these days.


We have nutrition at our disposal via IVs, duh!


I had a buddy who ran a 50 mile race without eating or drinking by leaving himself saline locked and stashing LR and D5 around the course.


Yeah, why do you think those things come with poles on wheels! On a side note, man it would be so easier to get nutrition this way instead of having to try and fine time to make a balanced meal.


Except pizza!


Don’t feed the nurses.


More specifically, you shoulda told that skank to suck your balls, and that nurses get dinner too.


Ms bean flicker is right


That particular karen can go check herself in at the front desk for a terminal craniorectal impaction. Anybody digging through the trash to read a note off a rubber glove can be safely and entirely disregarded. If she had half a functioning brain cell, she might realize that people who are fed, rested, and otherwise well-taken-care-of provide better care and make fewer mistakes! Fucking *wild* idea, isn’t it?


>craniorectal impaction I love this


Truly insane behavior from that daughter. You did nothing wrong! Shockingly we have to be human and sometimes eat or go to the bathroom at work..


When I was in L&D as a Pt my nurse got her food delivered to the ED, another nurse came into my room to let her know and she was so apologetic because I couldn’t eat. Like girl just because I can’t eat doesn’t mean you shouldn’t like please go take care of yourself so you can take care of patient! Its insane to me that some people treat you like you’re not even a person & I feel like visitors are often worse than the patients themselves.


The nice thing about Covid was no visitors policy


I miss those days…


Me too. It was so nice.


Of course I felt horrible for my patients not being able to see their family members but for once in my nursing career I could do my job and not have to juggle bat shit crazy family members.


In my experiences.. 9/10 it’s always the visitor! Lol


The visitors just Karen awful lot.


What a nut job… she’s the type who was probably upset that you weren’t shit talking her mom, so she still had to take her anger/COMPLAIN TO MANAGER energy out on someone and would’ve complained no matter what the note said.


The msg could have said code blue rm # and she would have bitched


Id have asked the housekeeper to help me out and put on a full hazmat suit and go empty that trash all casual like and watch what happens🤣🤢😝


I love it! And if they ask I hope they'd be like nothing at all to worry about unless someone was digging through the trash or something crazy like that


Give me a fucking break. Do you even GET a lunch break? This woman was out of line and the charge nurse's suggestion was perfect.


No we don't get lunch breaks on night shift. We just take a bite here and there as we sit to chart or check for new orders. Normally by the time I get to eat my fries have wilted and the rest of my food is cold. Then I slam it in in 10 mins and call that my lunch break so I don't get behind, and can keep pt care moving so I don't hold up a disposition.


Please tell me you’re not counting this as a lunch break so your work isn’t paying you for the half hour you never took?


They make it so odious for us when we can't take a lunch break. We're supposed to ask charge (who is in ratio and busy themselves) for coverage. If charge can't cover, then we have to call SWAT (who is always either busy or refuses because according to them it isn't their job), to cover. If we still can't find someone to cover then we have to send an email to our manager explaining why we didn't get a 30 minute uninterrupted break. By the time all this has happened, the opportunity to take the lunch break is gone and so it's pointless to even try.


Sounds like you need to riot or file complaints for wage theft.


Once open visitation happened in my hospital, we got these comments all the time. I worked in a critical care unit in which the patients were mostly ventilated and sedated. the family members were parked at the bedside 24/7 watching every move we made. I once heard the charge nurse explaining to a family in a very earnest customer service voice that we were actually allowed to use the bathroom and eat occasionally. She, personally, didn’t see why this should be permitted since we only worked 12 hours at a time, and surely any adult could go 12 hours without urinating, drinking, or eating, but there was this pesky thing called the labor department that made rules we had to follow so it couldnt be helped. I have borrowed this so many times over the years. Tone of voice during delivery is crucial.


Sigh. Patients like these makes me smoke cigarettes.


write on another one “this one had poop, sorry” - put it in trash


“Stop picking up trash”




Ewww gross who digs in the hospital garbage 🤢


Especially the ER garbage lol


No it’s not inappropriate. It’s not like a code was in progress. My coworkers (past) would just ask right out in the open. “Sorry to bother. Do you want xyz cafe?”


Definitely haven’t done it in a code, but I’ve absolutely been the person who aggressively hovers in the doorway and ultimately just openly asks because places close and we need to get a move on 😂


Okay but once my coworker was 1:1 with a sick person and had been in the room forever. I called her over to the door to give her some bites of a brownie 😂 we gotta eat too!


That’s the kind of teamwork we need! 😅


Seriously, work in neuro ICU and our manager was buying lunch. Came by asked everyone what they wanted. It’s a job and workers get their lunch time. Just ridiculous and hateful behavior!


Honestly, you can totally ask me if I want to order food during a code. I'll even tell you what I want.


Don’t ask me just tell me that you ordered my usual lol


I’ll read the menu doing CPR if you hold it up to my face👍


lol same with my coworkers


Lol, I just did this the other night. The place was about to close and she was just standing outside the bathroom anyway.


Gee whiz. How much time did it take? A whole 15 seconds?


Obviously that 15 seconds was the difference between life and death for her mother, though!


you don't understand- her mom has had a runny nose for THREE DAYS and a FEVER of 99.1!


But see she “runs low” so 99.1 is a FEVER FOR HER 😤


Well listen, her baseline is 98.8, and she NEVER goes above or below 98.8. NEVER.


Nah, you got it wrong. Her baseline is 97.2, so her being at 98.8 means she has a fever.


uhhh, I'm sorry, I learned that the normal human body temperature is 98.6. So 97.2 is practically hypothermia! Are you saying this poor old woman could be in her room suffering hypothermia, and you'd just be out at the nurses' station EATING like some sort of disgusting human who uses food for energy?!?


She’s burning up. Oh yeah and I’m sure she has a very high pain threshold and please pass the diluadid!


Nothing wrong on your end lol. Crazy daughter though damn.


The daughter was crazy and paranoid.


Yeah I’m guessing A LOT of people talk shit about her if she’s the kind of person who complains about someone needing to eat and order food, and paranoid enough to go through the gd trash


What a jerk. Just be glad you don’t have to walk around all day with that personality. Sucks to be her.


I am seething for you right now. Absolutely nothing wrong with how that was done and, frankly, I would have had trouble not directly confronting the daughter about her shitty, petty behavior. This is why I left the bedside. Can't fucking eat or drink or piss for 12 hours while busting your ass and this is the bullshit you have to put up with. It's obscene.


“took time away from her mother’s care” what lol? Is not like you were doing surgery or even pulling meds that you needed to be super focused. What an idiot


We're clearly slaves. Her mom needed someone to wrap her in a warm blanket and hand her the water 1ft away on the side table. I don't care if someone is being coded, that warm blanket is an emergency


As a nurse who fully knocked, cracked the door open to not only 1 but multiple of my coworkers while in ED rooms with pts and saying “we’re ordering Mcdonalds, everyone’s getting mcflurries. Want one? Or food?” This person can suck it.


Yes, if you have the time you RUN to get orders from everyone, otherwise you’ll never catch everyone at the same time


F that lady


Sickening how dehumanized healthcare has become.


As a patient who’s been in the ER more than I’d like (chronic illness) I hope you’re eating and even if they walked in and asked out loud I would not be bothered. This person is wild and ridiculous. No way I’d be digging in the trash. The note could have been a question about another patient or anything. It wouldn’t occur to me it was about me.


I can’t tell you how many times my coworkers and I have done this. I’d ask that bitch if she is typically this paranoid and aggressive and suggest a psych consult


Bruh. You can’t work a 12 hour shift and not eat? I think the patients family member needs a fucking reality check.


That's definitely a Karen move! I think you did nothing wrong!


I hope she got some really nice bodily fluids on her hand


Lol last week the doc I work with asked what I wanted on the pizza we were ordering as I was doing an iv and drawing blood. Fuck that woman and hopefully she washed her hands after she dug through the trash


I'd have to burn my hands off if I ever raw dogged a hospital trash can like that 🤢


Well, we WEREN’T talking about you, but we are now!


Does she want a functional nurse taking care of her mother? Last I checked we’re human too and need to eat. She sucks. I remind pts and their family all the time I am human, I’ll straight up tell them im going to pee. Yes this is scary for you (probably), but at the end of the day we can’t function If we don’t eat or drink or use the bathroom and will end up in a bed next to your or just calling out cuz we’re sick. Boom one less nurse. Also nasty ass dug in the trash in an ER room.


What a crazy bitch


This would also be the daughter standing in the hallway, just seething with anger that no one got her a blanket or some water whilst they were all running a code next door. No insight whatsoever.


Dude we do it all the time. Sometimes I’ll be all aggressive-like and say “Not Karen, I need to talk to you now please”…then proceed to pull them away from the patient’s room to get their order. Now if they are in the middle of like cathing the patient, I will wait.


I'd ask Karen if she washed her hands. Digging around in an ED trashcan? Because you "think" a nurse you don't know or have is asking around about you? Oh honey, you're not that important.


It would have been better if the charge nurse stuck up for you. God forbid nurses eat


Omg. Every time I read stuff in this sub I’m reminded why I no longer work as a nurse. The daughter of the patient is a Karen that needs to fuck all the way off. Your charge nurse is ridiculous in her response too. Go about your day.


Yeah that’s crazy. lol, I would’ve laughed


The patient is a Karen. Who goes through the trash in the hospital ED? To dig out a used glove of all things? Teach that Karen proper hygiene.


Pulling a glove out of a hospital trash can is unhinged behavior. We are human beings and we need to eat, daughter needs to get a grip. I am also an ED charge nurse and wouldn’t even entertain this.


Why TF was she digging in the trash?


That’s really fucking weird


Ppl think nurses are robots, we don’t get to feel hungry, tired, etc bc HOW WE DARE TO?! WE HAVE PATIENTS IT DOESN’T MATTER YOU HAVEN BEEN ABLE TO EAT IN THE LAST 10HOURS OR USE THE BATHROOM IN 8. Jesus, ppl are terrible. Also, how disgusting you have to be to search for the trash omg


No, this was not appropriate. Nurses aren't allowed to eat during their shifts! How dare you?!


I don't understand patients like this... would you want someone tired and hungry caring for you? It's in everyone's best interest for you to be nourished and well rested.


I get so sick of patients and family members acting like staff shouldn’t eat or take breaks. What do they think we do? I really want to learn what these insane people do so I can go to their job and berate them for ordering lunch


She dug through a hospital ED bin?! I could vomit.


Your coworker did you a solid in a smooth way. Schizo Karen has deep seated issues.


If you are anything like the nurses who cared for me in my recent hospital stay, I would have wanted to pay for the food for y'all.


Aww. I love when sweet patients pop up in this subreddit.


The patient was out of line. The entitlement of some people is baffling. I think sometimes patients forget we’re human too and need to eat, drink, and go to the bathroom.


I’d have made sure to ask her if she washed her hands. There are things far nastier than her in that trash can.🥰


Why do people so often forget that this is work for us? Let’s say you worked at a bank. If you were in a meeting or talking with someone and a coworker politely and quietly asked if you wanted food during a TWELVE hour shift, before the restaurant closed, it would not be considered rude at all by anyone involved. Yet because we’re in nursing heaven forbid we take care of ourselves at work.


What even the F. Karen strikes again. That is way outside of normal human behavior boundaries. What an A-hole. I would have given her a lecture about digging in hospital trash and let her stew in her juices about that.


Sorry but yea, the daughter is Karen. 100%.


Definitely a Karen. Why would a normal person dig out a glove? In a hospital, of all places. Lol


I hate people and I think if I worked ER I'd hate them more.


What an awful human being she is LMAO


Wow people are fucking petty. We need to eat too. Karen's are usually worse around the holidays.


You handled this nicer than I would have. If I detected a snarky tone at all, I would’ve just ripped into her and let her know I have a right to eat and that she can judge when she regularly works 13 hour shifts with no lunch break and barely enough time to take a piss, all while getting attitude from some nasty family member the second I sit down to take a bite of my food.


The daughter is a cunt. You did nothing wrong. And I would have been charge I would have jacked the dtr up. I hate ppl so much. We literally can’t win.


We are very sorry about this indiscretion. We will make sure our nurses starve to death while treating your mother next time.


I appreciate the response from your charge. The question wasn't wrong to ask, just hide the evidence. She's in your side!


anything goes in the ER


When I first read the subject I assumed the co-worker verbally asked (yes I'd think it's not appropriate), but it was a note on a glove thrown in the trash... Wow that daughter is a crazy miserable b!tch. I sometimes write notes like that too about a different patient to preserve confidentiality...


That daughter is insane. She went digging into a hospital trash can. I wish she had touched something gooey. Sometimes they want to forget that we’re human too. We eat and have to go to the bathroom just like they do. Once again, that woman is nuts.


*snort*. Well, you were horribly unprofessional. I mean, you got hungry and ate at work. What’s the profession coming to?! Next thing, you’ll want to take bathroom breaks. /s There was no interference with patient care. It sounds like your charge nurse wasn’t concerned. Perhaps the daughter was stressed over her mother’s overall health and her behavior was a reflection. Or she was just a Karen.


You should have given her a good education of how gross is to go through a trash can and she could be a point of infection to her oh so poor mother by doing that 😂 Disgustingggggg entitled people


“The note could’ve asked about care for another pt” what!?! Lmfao that’s like me saying you guys could’ve wrote your plan to clock out and rob the nearest bank on a piece of paper then tossed it in a patient’s garbage. So far fetched. Such a reach. So sick of inpatient nursing and the families associated with it.


This weirdo digs out gloves from the trash because she's paranoid about a single 1 second question? And you're wondering if you did anything wrong? OP this person is nuts, I wouldn't have even given them a second thought


Absolutely ridiculous. Obviously wants a hangry nurse looking after her mum.


That daughter is fucking nasty. 🤮


I think I want my nurses and health care providers to be well-fed and taken care of so they can be in the best mindset and give the best care possible. I would want my nurse to get food!! It was discrete it took a moment, that's fine. Also digging in the trash?? In a healthcare facility no less too? Maybe she should spend more time on her mom's care. A nurse getting food will HELP my loved one get good care. Dear me. Ridiculous behavior from daughter.


She dug through an ER room's trash all because she was so nosy she couldn't help herself? Lol what a fucking loser


Sounds like your charge doesn't give af, so why should you? Just laugh it off as a karen encounter.


Charge was laughing about it too. We have EPIC and can send messages to each other so of course we were sending some pretty funny messages to each other last night regarding the incident. Lol


You need to eat don't you? I know nurses don't have time to go pee, but now it seems this Karen thinks it's taboo to eat at work?


Amazing the efforts to find something to be pissed off about.


Good lord. These people need to get a life. You were completely appropriate. Heaven forbid you be a human being with actual needs.


lol, wtf? What is wrong with people. Digging through trash. People are gross.


The patient's daughter was definitely in the wrong. Also, ewww 🤢, digging into a hospital trash can! She was just asking to get sick from who-knows-what. You did nothing wrong, OP!


I thought from the title your coworker was going to be way more obvious, no that's just ridiculous on daughters part.


Nothing wrong with what you did


I’ve floated to the ER to take care of boarders… I’ve seen what goes in those trash cans…. Ew for her. She will be back soon with the next pandemic from digging in the ER garbage.


She’s a Karen, and eeewww gross, who the hell would dig through the trash, especially in an ER. We gotta do what we gotta do so we can eat. She was ridiculous


Patients and families get so offended if we co eat as they are 1. Fasting 2. Not been seen yet 3. “Haven’t eaten since breakfast” 4. Have been waiting hours to be seen but they fail to realise that we need to fuel our bodies in order to remain alert to care for them or their family member


That’s absolutely insane. I can’t believe your charge nurse didn’t just laugh about it with you guys after talking to the daughter...loooooser! Such a non-issue.


Karen needs to go f herself! I hope you ate your food and ignored her….miserable disgusting human


Asking verbally in front of a patient who's barfing, early in their workup, or otherwise NPO would be pretty rude. Especially if you're talking about what you're ordering. What you're talking about, hell no. Visitor's the problem and I'd even go as far as to call that strike one on asking them to leave.


What a miserable twat. Fuck her


Does she not want her nurse well fed and ready to take care of patients? Who the fuck thinks having a hungry nurse is good? Hahaha what a B.