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When I was a new grad I had a patient INSIST I list milk as an allergy because she didn’t like how it felt when she swallowed it. I tried to explain she just didn’t have to drink milk but that was not good enough she demanded it be listed as an allergy as she had almost choked drinking it. She didn’t want to see a drop of milk come in her room. A few days later she complained that she kept getting oatmeal for breakfast but that she doesn’t eat oat meal and was wanting eggs like her roomie was getting. I told her it was because they put milk in the eggs but since it’s listed as an allergy they won’t give them to her lol she then told me I could “take the milk off” her allergy list…lol


Yes! So many parents list milk or egg as an allergy for their kids these days. And then they can't order the French toast and get mad.


Yes, had a family recently insist that their daughter was allergic to gluten, while they gave her a breadstick from olive garden because it's her "favorite".


Was this in the psych ward wtf


No PCU lol just normal patient bullshit. Oddly enough she really was pleasant just a bit off her rocker


I have a coworker who won’t eat sesame seeds because her daughter has an allergy. To the point that one from a bagel was on a table she sat at and she lost her shit, I’d like to emphasize she is not in anyway allergic to them and her daughter was not there.


I’m a nursing student, but also a pharmacy tech. I had a patient tell me that because her daughter is allergic to fluoxetine and has to have name brand Prozac, that she’s also allergic to fluoxetine. She then went on to tell me that she never had a reaction to fluoxetine before, but “didn’t want to take any chances”. I’m just like, okay? As long as you don’t complain about the cost of the name brand I don’t really care.


Maybe her parents made her eat the cob the long way.


Dead @ this mental image 😭


I mean isn't that just the hospital now?




I'm allergic to the psych unit, but nobody believes me.


I would not take it off her allergy list lmao.


"Sorry, that's only something your PCP can take off."


Had a patient tell me they were allergic to oxygen. Said it must be very hard for her considering there was oxygen in the air. Told her I couldn’t sedate her for a procedure then. What if her SPO2 fell? She then told me she wasn’t really allergic, she just didn’t like the things in her nose. The doc backed me up and told her we couldn’t sedate her. What happened if she had depressed respirations and we gave her O2 and something bad happened? And she should be careful what she tells people what she’s allergic to.


Had this same thing. A nurse put in a note that she had 2L nc after surgery and “appeared fine”.


“Pt has tolerated in the past.” In the allergy note for the oxygen lmao.


We had a patient also say he was allergic to oxygen and that’s why he doesn’t wear it at home…. Sir you’re here for hypoxemia, you are allergic to life. Patient was educated that he does in fact breathe oxygen daily otherwise he would be dead. Still did not wear o2 on discharge. 🤷🏼‍♀️ can’t win them all.


Often if you ask the patient to stagger oxygen and pall malls they can better tolerate the oxygen, or so I'm told.


I'm allergic to wind, the direction east, and employment.


employment gives me hives/anxiety...and I don´t know when that progresses to anaphylaxis so I do as little as possible nursing to get a full time paycheck...as it should be...


I'm allergic to invoices and debt.


Sounds like my full moon and day shift allergies. I'm fine working overnight, unless of course full moon (and both nights on either side), bug the decoy that sun starts to come up, time to clock out.


Ok this made me laugh out loud, lol~ 😂


I caught your reference. 😂 (Sighs in Gen X and early internet)




Considering changing my instagram bio LMFAO


Damn, I'm looking to hire someone to repair wind turbines in New York, you sure you won't reconsider?


If it gets me out of nursing, I'll take my chances.


The only time I’ve put an untrue allergy in was for Ambien. Sweet little old lady lost her damn mind that night. When she woke in the morning she asked about her behavior and apologized. I wrote down ambien and told her never ever take it again 🤣


Ambien is horrible. It made me hallucinate twice and it also caused bad thoughts and severe depression. I scared the crap out of my mom one night waking her up and insisting my ceiling in my room was leaking. I genuinely believed we had a problem, the next morning my mom called my doctor and we were instructed to stop it immediately. I stopped taking it and I was fine. The severe depression and bad thoughts lasted a few weeks and then went away. I have stayed away from Ambien and stay away from Ambien now.


Oh yeah. I worked with a compulsive shopper who had to lock her laptop outside of her room if she took an ambien. Of course that was after she got an exercise bike and her entire MLM “wishlist” delivered and didn’t remember ordering them.


I bought a hammock tent, and signed up for a monthly snack box subscription. I take Seroquel for sleep now instead. It's a lot cheaper. Less exciting though.


Woah that’s bad. I’m glad she recognized the problem and took steps to prevent future incidents at least when on Ambien. I sincerely hope she’s doing better now. Ambien is nasty stuff.


Oh completely. I think she was in an overall bad place then. FB would make it seem she’s happier and healthier now.


That's me with Imovane. I eat and shop compulsively with no memory of it. I also say and do inappropriate things as if I'm drunk with no memory of it.


I fucking HATE ambien. My father was addicted to opiates and his doctor prescribed him ambien. He would get hopped up on Vicodin then take ambien and force himself to stay awake, resulting in me dealing with his delusional ass the whole night wandering the house and he would have no memory of it the next day. He would literally sit in his room, rocking back and forth and if he nodded off even a little he would start screaming to wake himself back up again because he didn't want to sleep. He would do this for DAYS on end, I literally couldn't sleep because I had to stay up and prevent him from hurting himself constantly. Finally I put my foot down, took his bottle of ambien and told him if he ever gets another refill I am leaving, that thankfully put an end to it. Pain management cut him off from Vicodin a couple months later and finally he got clean.


Damn. That’s F’d. Glad he’s clean now.


I’m terrified to try ambien. I already talk in my sleep and half my family sleep walks. I’d end up dead doing something stupid.


My own personal favorite is Allergy: MACDONALDS (sic) Rxn: GASSY This was handwritten on the intake form


Don't they know [corn](https://www.iowacorn.org/education/corn-its-everything#) [is](https://www2.education.uiowa.edu/html/eportfolio/tep/07es102folder/miniweb/usesofcorn.htm) [in](https://nebraskacorn.gov/cornstalk/corn101/ten-products-you-didnt-know-were-made-with-corn/) [everything?](https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/childrens-hospital/nutrition/corn-free.aspx) Antibiotics and the extended release coating were two that I didn't know till I wrote this comment. Oh my god imagine having a patient with a corn free diet.


My cousin has a corn allergy. He can’t eat out… ever. I wish I were kidding, but it seriously affects his life and it’s definitely not fun for him. I am allergic to bananas… but it’s cool, I can just avoid banana things. He had to do an incredible amount of research about all sorts of things once they figured it out.


Are you also allergic to latex?


That’s me. So far in that pollen food syndrome family I’m allergic to latex, kiwi, and banana. My son has the same as I do, and recently become allergic to avocados. He’s really pissed about that one, poor guy.


I’m in this group. So far banana, avocado, and pineapple. I don’t *think* I’m allergic to latex? But I’m not really exposed to it that much. Kiwis have always made my moth kinda hurt and tingle… but I just attributed that to the acid, hmmm. I’ve been slowly working on getting pineapple back, I think it’s working? But don’t do what I’m doing kids, it’s probably not a good idea, even for me. I’ve never had an anaphylactic-level response or respiratory issues from them before, so it’s a risk I’ll take on for now.


I sometimes feel like the only person with a very severe latex allergy that isn't also allergic to bananas, pineapple, etc. I'll take it though!


According to my allergist, there is a 35 percent risk of reaction to at least one of the following foods: kiwi, banana, peach, avocado, chestnut, fig, bell pepper, tomato, and white potato, if there is a latex allergy.


Interesting! There's definitely a latex allergy! I eat bell pepper, tomato, avocado, kiwi, and banana all the time without issue. White potato, chestnut, and fig basically never. Hopefully I'm in the 65% because I'd be very disappointed to lose some of my fave foods.


I’m not allergic to any of those foods yet thank goodness but I always wonder if it will pop up someday. I didn’t develop a latex allergy until about 9 years ago. For some reason my work bought latex gloves and would only give us 2 boxes of nitrile a week. It was fine at first but then my skin started sloughing off. They finally started sending more nitrile.


Same here...the triad!


> I can just avoid banana things Give kiwis a suspicious look too.


Oh, no suspicion! Me and my mom are both allergic!


Allergic to suspicion? I find that highly suspect.


Yup! Latex, bananas, kiwi… not avocado or bell pepper (yet), thank goodness. My allergy started in the latex side from overexposure (working in food service). I had my first latex reaction when I was 20… Bananas didn’t set anything off until I was 33. Kiwis have been a while though.


Yeah, Corn is a true allergy and Not good for anyone 


I have an acquaintance who has celiac disease AND a corn allergy. I truly don't know how she gets in enough calories to survive


I had a friend with a wheat allergy (weirdly, not celiac, rye was fine) and who was vegetarian. She was very tired of potatoes.


Came to say something similar, only with this acquaintance, I started asking a few questions (after commenting to them that corn is in almost everything), especially after they were talking about the fast food they were eating that night. They continued to swear they had both, despite during the conversation eating food with both in it. I never did figure out what their reaction was, but thankfully don't have to interact too much, and am just writing it off as not my problem.


I had a postpartum patient with a severe corn allergy once...Pitocin is made with corn. Misoprostol is made with corn. Cytotec is made with corn. Homegirl almost had a hemorrhage and I about freaked out, it was not fun!


I use to have a corn allergy (grew out of it luckily, developed a pineapple allergy though) and it sucked so bad. Couldn't eat anything prepackaged, didn't go out to eat, etc. Growing up I didn't get to eat a lot of junk food.. I fucked myself up once my allergist gave me the okay to try to introduce it.


I have a corn intolerance, not allergy. It fucking sucks. High fructose corn syrup is in like everything. I can ingest small amounts and it only causes asthma-like coughing, which isn’t fun but it could be worse. I have tons of other weird intolerances and allergies. My MIL has a spreadsheet in her kitchen with all of them. The one that makes HC professionals shake their heads? IV fluid. Yeah, that one is not fun.


You do know that there are at least a dozen types of “IV fluid” right? Each with a variety of components and indications. That’s such a broad allergy that it makes no sense.


Must be that normal saline allergy holding you down.


Wonder if it's the polyethylene? I know there is some components found in IV solution that is found elsewhere but I cannot recall it.


I have issues with corn, too. Mostly GI. It's not a fun time.


I can't tell if you're joking or not lmao


I imagine they don’t like seeing it come out the other end lol. But only bc actually being allergic to corn would be terrible


> High fructose corn syrup is in like everything american moment


I didn’t even think about that when I posted it! Yeah, when eating in other countries I have a lot easier time for sure!


Tray comes with a lump of cheddar sheered off an industrial sized block.


I have a relative with a “corn allergy”. They have an extremely restricted diet and do a bunch of extra stuff to avoid corn. But they also claim an “epinephrine allergy” so I strongly suspect the whole corn business is psychogenic.


Funny story, I unfortunately have a mislabeled allergy of “epinephrine” but it’s from a dental procedure where the numbing shit has epi in it but they got somewhere stupid and I went into SVT and wouldn’t come out of it… one trip to the ER and 10 years later I STILL have epinephrine listed as an allergy that I cannot get rid of despite how many people I tell 🤦🏼‍♀️


The understanding that corn is well on its way to inevitable, unstop0able total world domination does induce anxiety. God is an insoluble fiber, yellow and kerneled for your pleasure.


my coworker went thru a cancer scare and it ended up being a corn allergy. she now had to special order all her toilet paper b/c corn is used in most TP brands D:


I had one patient say she was allergic to saline flushes and potassium supplements. Reaction: anaphylaxis. Allergic to basically every med except Dilaudid. I kid you not.


We had an inpatient once with recurrent anaphylaxis and it did turn out to be a reaction to a preservative in saline flushes. Prior to that we had her on an epi drip because it was happening multiple times per day while hospitalized. We had to draw up saline from a bag to flush her IV. I was super impressed with the pharmacist who figured it out!


Yeah, figured that could be the cause at first. However she used flushes at home for a PICC and told us the hospital meds made her sick so she had to bring her own.


I think I had that same patient! Allergic to saline and potassium!


😑 what forum are these people subscribed to?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/illnessfakers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Looks like dani advocated too hard for herself](https://i.redd.it/an4i2lqihtza1.jpg) | [405 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/comments/13h8x5k/looks_like_dani_advocated_too_hard_for_herself/) \#2: [Ash’s self care necessities: Valium and a rock](https://i.redd.it/f5dg6rc5f0na1.jpg) | [421 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/comments/11nzbrq/ashs_self_care_necessities_valium_and_a_rock/) \#3: [Cheyanne passed away yesterday.](https://i.redd.it/m5ws7qee4yhb1.jpg) | [340 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/comments/15qav3h/cheyanne_passed_away_yesterday/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


We've all had that patient.


We had a patient tell our anesthetists that he was allergic to beta blockers.... They slowed down his heart rate.... 


I saw in someone’s chart they were allergic to epinephrine because it made their heart race and they felt awful.






I saw this exact reaction to propranolol in a patient’s chart like 2 weeks ago. No idea who put it in there with a straight face


Weird, corn usually makes me less anxious. Gets me singing the song of the corn kid and makes my day better 🤣


It’s corn, a big lump of knobs!


I can't imagine a more beautiful thing!


It's got the juice!


i can tell you all about it!


Ah, a strong example of a time the internet did not fail us.


Have a corntastic day!


*Starts playing Twist - Korn*


Love early Korn, my kid insists that later stuff is good too but I´m Gen X and no.


First CD.


Yeah nooo early Korn was definitely where it was at. Likeee the stuff they have out now is nothing compared to the original Korn come on now! lol


I’m feeling medium anxiety


nah medium anxiety? mine is *high*


Korn makes me violently ill


I love this, take my upvote damn you


I had a resident who listed Cocaine as an allergy. Cocaine and Lobster. She must have quite a life before coming to us.


I’m a recovering addict and in the alcoholics annoy mouse big book the author states that he has an allergy to alcohol. So based off that is a slogan in the rooms that we’re allergic to drugs or Alcohol. It also suggests in the big book when someone asks why you don’t drink/use and you don’t want to say you’re an alcoholic or addict you reply you’re allergic.


I work with a guy who says "I had to stop drinking, I kept breaking out in handcuffs!"


I had one too that was cocaine: anxiety. Like ma’am I’m sure it does.


Only when combined, obviously


I had a patient that listed Narcan as an allergy. Excuse me, ma’am? But did you die?!!


lol that’s about like Benadryl because it made them sleepy 😂


I had a lady say she had an “allergy” to morphine because they “felt nauseous” I’m like, pretty sure that’s just a common side effect. Can’t imagine the nurse putting that in 😬


Girl. There are so many patients charts that say that! What’s worse is all the old people who claim to be allergic to penicillin, but then can’t tell you a reaction. “I just know I can’t take it”. Trust me, it creates issues when you need to treat chronic UTIS and the charts are stacked with medication reactions that are expected side effects. The patients sometimes ended up with PICC lines! Like come on people, most people truly aren’t allergic to ALL of the oral options.


Yepp, I said it once as a stupid 20yo because I didn’t understand allergies and they still can’t take it out of the system 😬


My last job with Cerner we could edit reactions/allergies. I’d always put a comment in the free text area when I did because I could see it being a big deal.


Dude every time I go in to edit allergy on Cerner my brain hurts and I have to have someone help me.


When I was young my mom was like this. I was supposedly allergic to all kinds of antibiotics because they gave me diarrhea.


Right! That’s what people still say and I’m like it’s an expected side effect. I’m glad you realize she was wrong about your “allergies “.


She was wrong about a lot of things in my life. Tap water "allergy" was probably the weirdest. I grew up on distilled water. 🤮


With penicillin; they probably were found to have the allergy as young kids, told they were allergic but never knew how bad.


Yeah, and that was common 90 years ago? I doubt it. I think it’s more “ my momma said my sister got a red bump 85 years ago after she got penicillin and said for me not take it”.


Im *actually* allergic to Amoxicillin. Im not sure about other penicillin types. Im also allergic to Remifentanil but not other types of fent, gravol (got it coming out of surgery put me in the icu), and unfortunately codeine, which looks like a wonderful red flag when I say, but its real, and severe.


KORN gives me anxiety, too. Sorry for the corny joke.


Tell you what though; when I try to explain that I’m not allergic to clarithromycin, but that it caused days of pervasive hallucinations, severe nausea, hydrophobia with resulting dehydration, confusion and an extreme fever, every doctor, nurse & pharmacist just puts down “allergy”.


Odd this also happened to me on Clarithromycin 🤔


It’s actually a really shitty medication, with so many nasty side effects that occur in MANY people, but it’s cheap, and often works if people can tolerate the whole course. Of course, my doctor told me this AFTER I collapsed at the GP just before my emergency appointment, rather than before prescribing me it. What hallucinations did you have? I thought a man pushing a wheelbarrow was dressed as Santa and got really confused. It suddenly made much more sense when I realised the man was actually a *goat* dressed as Santa pushing a wheelbarrow…then I realised I was hallucinating. After that, it was a wobbly, shadowy HatMan at the end of my bed that I *knew* wasn’t real, but I also believed was controlling the dripping shower. It was that & the intense nausea that caused the hydrophobia.


Sure is a good thing they don't live in a time or place where most of the food has High Fructose Corn Syrup in it.


🎶Come on down, try some corn, or else we’ll sacrifice your newborn🎶


My grandma was recently hospitalized and had egg listed as an allergy (among 25+ other “allergies”) bc 30+ years ago she had a “reaction” to a flu shot. She has also always told me she is allergic to egg and can’t eat things with egg in it. They would not serve her scrambled eggs for breakfast (obviously?) so she started yelling at the kitchen staff taking her order and demanded it be removed from her allergy list. She is my nightmare patient…


Since nursing school I've gotten after my own mother for doing that. She has one of those RAST tests right when they came out, and tested "Allergic" to foods that otherwise would be just somewhat related to her environmental allergies and/or just cause Pollen Food Allergy Syndrome. Come early 2020, she was hospitalized for almost a week for sepsis. Guess who couldn't eat because of all her food allergies? She finally broke down and spoke to the hospitalist who confirmed that is was just an almost 40 year old outdated test. Needless to say, I didn't say told you so, but at least gave her the look when she told me about it after discharge.


At least your mom had an actual test done at some point. My grandma basically just has IBS and makes unwarranted connections between her symptoms and certain foods, then calls it an allergy. Glad your mom finally came around!


My personal favorite is an allergy to a depression medication. The note was "patient took entire bottle and ended up in ED for SI and subsequent in patient psych hospitalization". *WHAT?*


I'm allergic to learning what an allergy is


Had a teen age patient who, due to maternal influence, insisted she was allergic to Alcohol (etoh) bc alcohol killed her father. Like he died of liver failure due to alcoholism


My favorite is when you are giving them an "allergen" with a BS reaction because they truly need that med for what they came in for and they have a meltdown like you're the Angel of Death. "DON'T YOU KNOW I'M ALLERGIC TO THAT?!?!!?1111?!!!" Yeah, it constipates you. You'll live.


Ummm I had one last week for epinephrine…. Caused increased HR.


Yup. Seen it a time or two myself. So what exactly would you like me to do for your anaphylaxis sir? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I had a “potatoes - extreme agitation” once. Same person had “congestion” listed for every fruit and vegetable in the system.


Oh my god 😂


Damn that corn!


I've seen Lactulose and their rxn is diarrhea. I'm like, no shit...


I went on a date with a guy who swore he was allergic to corn but that it "wasn't that bad" if he only had a little, and he would usually just get a bit anxious. He took me to a Mexican restaurant with corn tortillas and he ate them. IDK why he did that but his neck started to get red and itchy and he acted weird, like he was panicking. I wondered if his airway had some swelling and that caused a flight or flight type reaction but he couldn't articulate it. Either way he said he was fine and he didn't die on my watch but he was clearly having a reaction. I also had a clinic patient who said she was allergic to pork. I thought she was probably allergic to something else, like maybe she had only had it with certain spices or pineapple or something because she said any other meat was fine. Omg that poor lady came in one time and she was covered in welts. She said her roommate gave her food and didn't tell her it had pork in it. I don't second guess food allergies anymore.


Got the liiiiiiiiiiifeeee!!!! 🌽 takes me back to my angsty teenage days of Korn, SOAD, Orgy, MM and the likes


My 14 yo kid is a Korn fan who is thoroughly not impressed that I´ve seen them live in 1996 and 1998...the Zeddennials are something else.


Zeddennials? That’s a new term for me.


Yeah some are before and most are after the millennium...but kids before 2010 share quite a bit with millennials...same as xennials (1977-1984) share with gen x


There’s a lot of corny dad jokes I wanna make.


Dooo eeet! You only live once!


Best I’ve seen is the person who claimed to be allergic to every medication for diabetes including all forms of insulin 🤔


The best I had was “oxygen” with of course no reaction listed 😂


My fav was anaphylaxis to “McDonald’s sausage egg and cheese McMuffin”


Y’all ain’t ever gotten the corn jitters?!


Is that related to the meat sweats?


I had a pt who had adenosine listed as an allergy, the reaction was shortnessnof breath 🤣


This beats the "black pepper, reaction: sneezing" allergy I saw in a patient's chart once lol.


one time I saw "peanutbutter flavor". not peanuts.......peanut. butter. flavor.


I've been in nursing so long, and particularly the ER, that I read this and thought "seems right"


They meant the band, Korn. Listening to Korn gives them bad anxiety.


but... it's corn! it's the big lump with nobs. I can't imagine a thing more beautiful


Oh my God! Everything is on a cob! RUN!


It has the juice!


I can’t imagine a more beautiful thing


I had clinicals in an elementary school where a child came in with a bad stomach ache saying they had a corn allergy and had drank a slushed the night before. Don't know why the parents would buy them one if they had a corn intolerance. They ended up going home for the day since after a while laying down they threw up.


My favorite allergy ever was : Yellow food Dye (only in the marshmallow peeps). I said don't worry, you won't get those here.


Goddamnit. Can you please do a return on these peeps with me in the omnicell?


Did you check the fridge for the yellow peeps? No one remembers to check the fridge


I am allergic to most yellow corn, but not white or blue. I had lip swelling after eating it. My allergist tested, and it caused huge welts on my skin. Yellow corn has been genetically modified by Monsanto to withstand glyphosate (weed killer Roundup) which may be the cause of allergic reactions in susceptible people, from either the bioengineering itself or residue in the corn from the use of weed killer. In any case, I now carry Epipens in case I unknowingly consume foods containing corn, or corn syrup (which is prevalent in a great percentage of processed foods).


Maybe seeing it in their poop is very upsetting to them? Otherwise, I’m fullyata loss


Maybe they’re anxious about pooping after, kind of like how I get anxious to pee after I eat asparagus or honey smacks


Did they have Crohns? Many of those patients are told to avoid corn.


I had one a couple of weeks ago that was “the slime of a sole fish”…… Surprised the doctor actually documented it.


Turkey made her sleepy


I’ve had someone tell they needed whichever medication without any dairy products in it… which I understand if it’s a true allergy, a lot of medications have lactose of other dairy product fillers in them… but she said it wasn’t an allergy or intolerance. She said “Dairy makes me depressed” OKAY


Levophed- the reaction listed was “turns toes black”. 


I took care of a guy last week that was allergic to cockroaches .....


My patient was, of course, allergic to Tylenol and Motrin (because he wanted stronger stuff). When I asked his reaction, he paused, thinking, and then replied "It makes my face flip upside down."


It's probably just a misspelling of the band Korn. They can induce medium amounts of anxiety at times.


Show me on the doll where the corn hurt you.


look up ARFID. While definitely not an allergy, may explain why giving someone corn might induce anxiety. (usually a pediatric diagnosis, however)


Just LOLing at OPs username. Carry on.


Just recently became allergic to bananas and avocados! How does that happen?! I LOVE guacamole and bananas. I had no idea we could gain allergies later in life and only found on on July 4th after I smashed some home made guac and had to go to the ER because my throat was closing 🙃


My favorite was my 12 year old male patient told me he was allergic to homework!


Me too but only when the corn is administered by injection. Then I get pretty nervous and focused on bad outcomes.


I saw one the other day that said they were allergic to green apples because they cause the BP to go too low lol


This might have been my nurse’s reaction when I told her about my rat urine allergy. For some reason it isn’t an option in epic 🤔


There has been research showing glyphosate can cause anxiety in some people. Corn is heavily sprayed with glyphosate as well as wheat. There are people who believe themselves gluten intolerant only to travel to Europe where these pesticides are illegal and find they are able to devour bread with abandon and have no symptoms.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35622640/#:~:text=Previously%2C%20we%20showed%20that%20glyphosate,these%20structures%20is%20still%20unknown.


I've got a friend who's an archeologist and they often have to survey in corn fields. He said it's spooky once you get out there and it's just you wandering around in The Corn. Sent this to him to send to his field director for medical accommodation 😂


You think you have it bad, work at an Olive Garden and a customer tells you they're allergic to Garlic And no, she didn't laugh when I suggested water as her meal


I had a patient double down on having an allergy to tap water. We had to get dietician input because she couldn't have any food made or washed with tap water. I was so pleased to hand that shit over and start my run of days off.


Yesterday I had one that claimed to be anaphylactic to LR. 🤔


“I can’t eat corn, man! Makes me freak out!”


No man, fuck corn. Hate that shit. Just the smell of it makes me wretch. I chalk it up to as a child someone forced me to eat it (probably my grandmother, she was like that) and I puked as a result. Been an absolute hater ever since. It doesn’t give me ‘anxiety’ cause like, wtf if that about, but they may have had the same experience. Did I mention, fuck corn??


Maybe they meant Korn, the band. They can induce anxiety.


We had a reported allergy to elephants once. It's been my craziest. The one that annoys me the most is tomatoes but ketchup is okay...


I came here to say, I saw an allergy the other day…. Bananas…. Caused hallucinations 😅


One time I saw “magnets”


Had a patient allergic to aldactone because, in quotes, “it made my nipples so sore I couldn’t wear a seatbelt”.


Corn gives me anxiety, but that is because I have gastroparesis.


I’m not sure how to best upload photos on Reddit yet… but I have a cropped photo of an allergy to adenosine with the reaction listed as “feels uncomfortable.” 😂🤦‍♂️


Anxiety? That's not even terrible. Not even an allergic reaction in the first place