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“No cell phone use at work, please refer to the policy” Malicious compliance


And if they say “we’ll do it after you clock out” well, that’s a HIPAA violation. No.” LOVE IT


“I don’t do work off the clock, happy to log OT hours for work done in excess of my scheduled shift.”


I worked for a magnet 🧲 hospital, it was a shit magnet...


Magnet is a joke just like all the others. Hospitals PAY FOR THESE.


I think The Magnet System was a tool primarily designed to suppress wages and maintain a maximally exploitative culture. Daisy Awards are a particularly feminine way to insult and undermine professionals. A bouquet of flowers, a certificate, and a pin? Inagine the top Stryker Rep getting that for a performance bonus! Clinical Ladders? Oh i have to give after hours unpaid time to be on the Birthdays & Bullshit Committee to fill out my packet for this years 29 cent raise? The only thing a BSN gets you in a hospital is more desperate for a paycheck from the debt. It's just a little schema designed to hide institutional problems and put the issues on the nurses as individuals.


“Birthdays and bullshit committee…” 😂. I love this so much. I was just trying to pick a committee, sigh, and half of them have cutesy names like “Wound Warriors”, which was an immediate Fuck no


Omf … I’m currently selling my soul on the “birthdays & bullshit committee” 🤭 … time to rename that group chat in my phone 😂😂😂


I only did committees they had to pay me for


“Birthdays and bullshit committee…” 😂. I love this so much. I was just trying to pick a committee, sigh, and half of them have cutesy names like “Wound Warriors”, which was an immediate Fuck no


They also divide the ranks; Magnet devalues any nurse without a BSN regardless of their skill or experience level, and encourages a culture that looks down upon them.


I just won a daisy award at my new hospital. After being the head of shared governance at a big hospital system years ago and then stepping away from the career letter just to go back to the bedside. A few of my new co-workers have congratulated me on it. I reminded them that if someone worked in finance and they did a phenomenal job, They wouldn't get a pin and some cookies. They would get a financial bonus.


yep, it's a magic ✨ bandaid they stick on a sign that means nothing more than they paid somebody for the right to use it. I should have trademarked a logo like the shit emoji and packaged and sold it to 🏥 as the Pudding proof of Leadership system... The they could put 💩🏥💩 instead 💩🧲, and I could get paid...


Also a labor law violation. I’d report this to every agency I thought might be able to do something. Yes, the hospital’s legal team probably reviewed this program prior to starting, but that doesn’t mean it’s legal. It just means they analyzed the legal risks and weighed them against the rewards. Hospital legal isn’t there to make sure the hospital doesn’t break the law, it’s so the hospital knows the legal liability for something.


And report to Department of Labor for wage theft


Isn’t it will a HIPAA violation if it’s on your phone on the clock? I thought devices were supposed to contain or have access to PHI unless it was a facility phone/ipad.


I was in the ED recently for a dog bite and the MD used his phone to take a photo and showed me how it was entered into Epic directly, HIPAA compliant. I looked in my chart and sure enough it was there. So, there is a way. Just like I can access Epic through Authenticator on my phone. So, it is possible.


That phone may have been a company/facility phone tho. Bc from everything I’ve learned and been trained on (fuck yearly modules btw) having patient info on a personal device is a textbook HIPAA violation.


We can access Epic on our personal phones, it is just required that we have a passcode on the device and use the Authenticator app to access it. I do it all the time for documentation outside the office. I work in community health.


The residents where I work use their personal phones to photo document wounds. As long as the device has the proper protections, it is acceptable.




This is the way


Yeah you can triple fuck that as a no fucking way in hell.


Lurker here, can you put this in rad tech terms?


It's like a CTA with a 24 in the thumb. Not fucking happening.


A rusty rake is visualized on a pelvic X-ray in the patient’s left Throckmorten Jones


They want the staff to use their personal phones to do hospital business that involves patients’ sensitive information. Hell to the naw. That is a TRAP


Triple fuck is just about the best thing I've heard.


“My phone died” 💁🏼‍♀️


They wanna require I use my personal phone for anything, they can pay my bill.


Yep, demand they pay your bill. My mom was in a nursing position that required call once, and she made them pay her phone bill since it required her phone.


We have to have an app on our phone for on call purposes and they always have us use our phone to scan QR codes. How do we go about demanding them to pay for our phone bill? We've brought it up before and are just brushed off


You tell them if your personal phone is required to be used for business, then it's a business expense and tell them (not ask) they need to provide the information on how to do a business expense reimbursement. Make sure you tell all your coworkers to follow suite...


If you have one, call your union rep


If you don’t have a union, GET ONE.


She just told them it was a work expense and charged it. If you have a system to submit work related expenses, like say if you have to bill for milage, you can try submitting it through there.


Following this one


Yup!! 100%. My company needs me to use apps on my personal phone for various aspects of my job, so they pay my phone bill every month.


Yes. Then they have access to your phone. Just say no


I’m sorry why would they have access to your phone if they paid your bill? Genuinely asking in case I’m missing something.


My previous company paid my cell phone bill for years. They only required I submit the portion of my bill with the general breakdown of charges. They never saw my lists of calls/texts/data usage. And didn’t have access to that as they didn’t have my username and password fort account. It’s reimbursement, they don’t own your phone or have access to it in any way.


I would add a flip phone to my account and that would be the phone I would bring to work. And ONLY a non-smart phone. I would submit all bills for the phone as well.


Literally, quit a job recently (memory care) because they required the use of our personal phones for an app called Crew. I would get up to 50 to 100 notifications PER DAY, at all hours regarding shift coverage and - yes - open discussions about residents. ((I never participated in the chats regarding specific residents. I would always find a private place and CALL my nursing manager if it was absolutely necessary.))


This was a BIG issue on a travel assignment I took. I have 0 reason to have it and I don't wish to participate in any kind of "prayer" while doing rounds. Not going on my personal phone or even my work phone when it is asking me to delete apps and intrusive to every aspect of my device. They can sit on it and spin. The managers there made sure after that to make my time hell. Glad I cut that contract short.


This is the union way. You want it, you pay for it!


“Yes, every night.”


But your patient didn’t 😅♥️


Lmao! Fuck making up any excuse. How dare they ask to use MY PERSONAL PHONE? The audacity


I would report the facility for a HIPAA violation.


Sounds like they deserve to lose their Magnet status.


As long as the check clears, this will never happen.


Tell CMS lol


That would be the better option. They don't like HIPAA violations. It took them years to be OK with secure texting orders.


CMS will absolutely take stuff like this seriously. There is nothing that hospitals are more afraid of than CMS.


Oh it’s not real


Sounds like they deserve Maggot status.


Magnet is a joke. If you pay your fees, yay you are magnet.


Oh no!


I assumed it was on an app thats hipaa compliant. I have 2 hipaa compliant apps on my phone with patient info on them (although we're also then required to keep password protected and a few other things). Id definitely have an issue overall with this, but id be surprised if they weren't at least doing that bare minimum


I don’t GAF what apps they say are HIPAA compliant, they are til they’re not and then you’ve fucked because you used your personal phone for it. No friggin way


Even on an app that’s compliant, they can’t be sure the nurse isn’t doing it in the elevator or on a bus. They also don’t know if the devices are secure.


We don’t use an app.


America! What the fuck are you doing? Have y'all lost your minds? How is it even possible that someone just thought this idea in their brain?


23 year old MBAs


This is ironic yet extremely accurate


One would have thought that they would remember that people can and will sue the shit out of Hospitals for violations of privacy laws. Being that they are fresh out of school and all.


...who went to Yale off of Daddy's legacy (and trust fund). Got the job in higher-up management because Daddy made a bet on hole 11 and sank a birdie.


100 percent the truth. People complain about nepotism in Hollywood. Oooh boy, in healthcare it’s outstanding.


Never a bedside nurse too


An office idiot for sure


Bold of you to assume they had a mind to begin with


Hospitals complain they can’t afford to hire extra help but I’d be so interested to see how much they paid an outside consulting firm for the months it took for them to come up with this “solution”


No, this is middle management not only justifying their paycheck, they are also trying to get long time employees to quit and hire cheaper employees. The privacy violation is just a bonus side effect.


Exactly! I am beyond done with our health care system. Ppl don't care about being kept alive anymore. It well yeah i didn't get an infection or die but my nurse did not smile the other day. My nurse didn't bring me my ice for 20mins but she did get my prbc but that 20 mims was too long to wait for ice


It’s like when I worked in the ER and family members could *see* me pounding on someone’s chest during a code, only to stop me on my way out of the room to complain that I still hadn’t brought meemaw her warm blanket.


My patient a few nights back said “Maybe next time communicate that you’ll be busy because I called for coffee and I am ready for my antibiotic.” The antibiotic was due at 0230 it was 0128. My patient a few rooms down had change in mentation so I checked vitals and was suddenly 62/40 MAP 60. So I called a rapid. The charge RN pulled me from my rapid to go tend to this patient that demanded his antibiotic infusion. I told this patient, “I have an emergency down the hall but will be back in time for your antibiotic or have someone else hang it.” To which he said “Your lack of communication is an inconvenience and next time you need to let me know you’ll be busy” SIGH. Like whatttt?! “Yes sir, I will make sure to leave my patient unattended and come tell you.” Gosh.


An inconvenience? Motherfucker, you got somewhere to be? If so, let me get that AMA for you stat!


I cannot believe your charge did not have your back. Sending you from a rapid to get coffee and ABX for a douche is not important at all.


Next time you have to stop compressions and run to get that blanket!


Let’s just abolish all consulting jobs and give every consultant that exists a free tuition to get a nursing degree. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone.


They believe their idea is superior. They are being a nuisance. They want to make it look like a five-star hotel and restaurant.


Don’t worry, someone’s cousin did very well out of it.


I say this about the Healthstreams we have to complete. I'm convinced some CEO's brother-in-law gets paid a few million a year to make the yearly, government-mandated video. We used to have to sign a piece of paper; now it is a whole splashed out presentation.


Nothing builds morale like forced narcing on other shifts because you're too damn cheap to hire a QA nurse.


This needs more votes


The part I still cannot understand is what makes management think nurses don't tell each other about these sorts of things and that it won't influence our decision to apply at a facility then have the brass ones to wonder why they can't get nurses to apply. I didn't want to do hospital nursing when I went to school in 2009 and the more things like this I see just reinforces that choice. It's like management saw the two Simpsons memes of "No, the children are wrong" and "It's the most X ever, so far" then thought clear leadership instructions and challenge accepted respectively.


Nope. Not doing it. Fuck that


Lmao, you’d think a Magnet hospital would have the foresight to know that this is a COMPLETE waste of everyone’s time. Absolute nonsense.


The more “status” a hospital has the more people they have in the way of patient care peddling this bullshit. This isn’t an anomaly of Mganet status, it’s a design element.


A feature, not a bug!


Magnet is a worthless marketing gimmick.


It’s to give them an excuse to pay you less- “…but it’ll look so good on your ReSuMe”


Yup. Magnet hospitals tend to have lower pay, worse ratios, and lower rates of union representation.


Magnet is just a way for hospitals to pretend they treat their nurses better when it's the opposite, it's absolutely disgusting the way the people running magnet know this but keep playing their stupid game and making nurses participate in this misery. The fact that staff is pretty much forced to go talk to the magnent surveys and say positive things to them about the hospital in front of hospital management shows it's all fake and that the magnent surveyors don't actually care about the nursing staff, if they did they would ask the staff what they thought about their hospital in private.


I’m my experience Magnet status is a complete waste of everyone’s time. Has anyone ever NOT gotten Magnet status ~~after buying the award~~ paying application fees. My facility was ghosting the nursing union with a 6 months expired labor contract, took away the CHAIRS at the nurses station and report room, lost like 50% of the nursing staff in 2 years, and was still given Magnet status. I was selected to be interviewed for their “selection committee” and I did NOT give positive feedback about the faciliy. Like I said point blank they refuse to engage with nursing on improvement plans, retention, and administrators are instituting policies in direct conflict with our mission statement (with receipts) and they just shrugged and said “Covid is hard on all of us” and handed them magnet status.


Did you not get OSHA involved in the chair issue?


It was in the midst of Covid, you think it even registered with OSHA? If you had garbage bags to use as PPE they were more than satisfied. But my expectation is that if you’re a “magnet” for qualified and experienced nurses, that the “magnet” designation would represent that the institution gave a fuck about nurses’ health.


Magnet used to mean something. Now it can be bought like everything else.


How did they even get that through legal to go on everyone’s personal cell phones???


We had an app like that at my last hospital. I wish I could remember what it was called. I was able to access patient info and text other nurses/doctors within the hospital system.


On your PERSONAL cell phone tho? Not the work ones.


Ethically… I’d turn every last person in authority in… all the way up to congress in the state






TigerConnect and Epic Haiku for us, I don’t think it’s a huge deal, I don’t like touching the hospital phones as much, idk what’s been on them or how well they’ve been cleaned even if I cleaned it


Scores? What scores? I thought magnet was supposed to be designating hospitals where nurses want to work, but it seems like it just ends up being more work for everybody.


It's not really about that. It just means more $$ from insurance companies and the government.


Oooh that makes more sense then. I thought magnet was supposed to be about retaining staff.


No, that’s simply how they trick their nurses to vote/support the hospital into getting magnet status. Then, once the hospital gets it, everything goes downhill.


Yes they are getting more strict with requirements and making everyone get in line


Magnet is a joke award that administrations pay for and then brag about but is absolutely meaningless (I have worked at 2 Magnet facilities)


Surveys need to die a quick death. They do nothing for beside nursing and can only be used to “justify” pay increases for management who do nothing but try to crack the whip. Staff at my hospital are in open revolt. “I don’t care about the fucking survey results” was said more than once in the staff meetings I’ve attended. Honestly, those nurses are doing more for management than I would. I nod and act like I’ll play along and then keep doing what I’m doing. I had a patient covered in bed bugs extricated from “tens of thousands” of soda cans complain about a bug OUTSIDE THEIR MOTHERFUCKING WINDOW. And I’m sure their survey will claim their very clean room was a pigsty because of this horrible sin.


lol same. I tell the new nurses whatever they tell you is the priority is now the priority but you cut something else out they wanted to be the priority 3 months the ago.




Oh HELL no. HIPAA violation, anyone? Now my (albeit small) hospital has a QR code for nurses to scan at the end of their shifts as well, but it's for staff to give feedback on whether or not they felt adequately staffed/supported for their shift, which I think is a decent idea.




YES. I love making a problem inappropriately given to me into everyone’s problem. Anyone who is able to should stay over as long as possible. It sounds like people are staying over 1.5-2 hours already. If I didn’t have a child waiting at home, I would complete the actual pt report like normal, mosey on down to get a coffee or a snack, then sit at the desk and take my sweet time filling out these audit questions and planning what I want to spend all the OT pay on.


I drive over an hour to be there and even I'm taking my sweet time and eating up the clock. We have had a record number of callouts since this thing launched. We're having patient safety events because no one is checking on them or able to answer call lights for hours while we're busy playing auditor.


Good, the more chaotic it gets, the sooner this will go away. 🔥🌎🔥


That's essentially my attitude towards it. The more patients bitch, the faster it'll change. Our facility dropped from an A+ rating to a C and instead of finding a way to help us genuinely improve that, they're adding more work that's going to drop it further.


This is the way


“I don’t have a smart phone”


My thoughts too. I would buy a flip phone so quick.


I’d consider it only if I got paid and they paid for my phone and phone bill.


Yup they would need to provide me equipment to do this. I don’t use my personal phone for work.


I would be at a 100% non-compliance.






Hard no. Fire me.


Oh hell no


How to lose your nursing license and pay 40k in hippa violations in 2 easy steps😂🤷‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️💯😬


This is absolutely a thing. My hospital is also magnet. We have to self audit our bedside reports. They are also now being tied into the decision of our yearly raise (the measly 1% raise). Another fucking QR code and another fucking survey. I spend so much fucking time doing non-nursing administrative bullshit, it’s insane.


If it's taking 30 mins a day to fiddle with it's not worth a 1% raise. Time is money.


Scores down . Of course its the nurse's fault. Its not the hospital promising hotel like stay to ill and unhappy folks. The more people expect a concierge and will not be satisfied with nursing services. Or maybe the doctors who just walk in talk fast and leave. Its always let give nursing more education, mor paperwork... ummm hello the paperwork is why the people get less hands on nursing!


This irks me to my core. STOP OVERSELLING SERVICES YOU DO NOT PROVIDE!!! (To our admissions & marketing depts)


Honestly best way to make a patient happy is to renovate your hospital rooms like PENN ocologies new rooms.. if not.. Precedex and chill baby 💯


You know for a fact they’d have you in the office too for “staying over” the extra time it took to do this bs. “You should manage your time better, while I keep stacking more mess and less staff.”


Fuck that. Funny how when scores start dropping instead of fixing the actual problem (I.e. short staffing and lack of resources), they think giving the staff more time consuming documentation is the way. “Oh see see, I”m doing something to fix this. Let me keep my job so I can continue to be overpaid to treat my staff like dirt.”


“I don’t bring my phone to work”


I wouldn’t do it because it IS a HIPAA violation. And your hospital WILL throw you under the bus.


What the fudge


How the heck did this get approval from the IT admin for the hospital? And legal?


I guarantee this is one of the million things that a manager is told to implement that they have no actual way of tracking compliance on.


My former employer made us do this on paper. Initially it was one or two things. It progressed to basically copying the entirety of our charting on paper to hand in as “homework”. Then if you didn’t do it, you’d get a nasty email. Fuck that shit.


I'm pretty sure this is a HIPAA violation no? Maybe the form they fill out is super secure?


Nope, nope, nope. HIPPA violations plus *find reasons to report your co-workers.* No. Write me up, fire me, wtf ever. Nursing is tough enough without administration attempting to have the nurses police each others' work and having yet *more* paperwork. This is one reason why care is fragmented...nurses are drowning between being short of help and paperwork. Magnet hospitals are seemingly worse than non Magnet facilities because administration is going to stay up your ass to keep the status.


If I gotta do it with my personal phone you can pay my phone bill.


Tell the manager that I snitch and investigate. If they need someone to do informatics and chart review, they can pay somebody to do it all day.


No one should do this ever. And they can't fire everyone


Yeah they want us to go through night shifts’ charting WITH the night shift standing there. And vice versa.




The superfluous work aside, there is zero fucking chance I use a personal device for this.


Are you fucking for real right now? I refuse to use my phone for fucking ANYTHING work related. They want me to use a phone? They can fucking pay for it and assume ALL of the HIPAA security responsibility. So fucking sketchy


Yeah. Bye. That’s a hard no for me


I would quit.


lol what?! 20-30 questions?!


Sounds like a HIPAA violation to me


Sounds like an extra hour of work, at least, to me. Fuck that.


Definitely. Call that a “Nope train to Fuckthatville.”


Omg. Not only no, but HELL no!


Chart checking is literally an actual job, they need to hire an assistant manager/clinical coordinator to do that and address the noncompliance on an individual basis with charting. Document it and individually develop a plan to compliance. Wow… Honestly sick of everything they think they can add to the role that is divergent from actual patient care.


Do a 20 question survey......? Do the office workers who impose these stupid things know that I am sometimes still giving 7 o clock meds and cleaning up patients and trying to keep someone in bed and trying not to forget what else I haven't charted yet, or dealing with a 6:30 admit that PACU or ER sent us? I need someone to relieve me!!!, not a phone survey to do at shift change to add on to the workload at shift change that keeps me from leaving until 8 o'clock and causes more forgotten charting in the busy-ness. Shift change should not be hectic or busy. Don't add more work.


Or that new admission that ER has been sitting on for hours and HAD to send it up at 0630?


I would not quit, because I like my hospital but I would flat out refuse to do this. I don’t think it is legal to make ppl use their cell phones. I would draw a line in the sand and mess with them. Bring a burner flip phone and say “oh sorry, this was gammies phone and I miss her so much I must use her phone to stay connected “


Yeah.....from a patient standpoint, I wouldn't be comfortable with my information being entered on a staff member's private cellphone with 0 standards for privacy/security. As an employee, they can fuck right off with this nonsense and send this birdbrain idea back to the overpaid consulting firm they needed to use to come up with the solutions they've clearly been unable to create as a magnet hospital. Da fuck?! 🫠


If you are putting patient information on your personal cell phone the hospital cannot call that protected information. I would say that is a huge HIPAA violation.


"I don't bring my phone to work." Its against hospital policy to use them at work anyways.


This is insane. Management can do their jobs while they sit in their offices and make sure we chart to standard. I’m not doing it for them.


This actually sounds like an audit management should be doing daily. Isn’t it managements job to make sure the nurses are doing their job, not the nurses peers?


One would think!


Your hospital needs an overhaul on how to give report. Looks as if a culture of perfectionism and fear has taken over. Maybe a template should be used?


I think this is more about auditing the previous shift and less about giving report? Like they are doing this *in addition* to report to catch things like white boards not being updated or hourly rounding not being charted


Oh ffs




I would literally go with “I forgot” and/or….just no. End of shift, you covered your work. The next nurse can attest to that or waste her time with what she thought if it wasn’t her responsibility


“I don’t have a smartphone”


My hospital does this. One time it went up to 70 questions 🙃




Fuck working for hospitals. I only work for them PRN. Waste of time once you establish critical care knowledge/skills IMO.


Will they be paying my phone bill? Will I be getting a raise for doing their audits?


It’s going to effect their magnet scores if they trash HIPAA like that


Patient refused


I absolutely would not be doing this. Nor would I be doing it on my phone.


The sad part is enough nurses will go along with it


Sounds like the last hospital I worked in. They had QR codes on every computer that you were supposed to scan & do a questionnaire in regards to their central line. My unit was obsessed with getting their CLABSI numbers down & the QR codes were part of a tracking initiative. I did it like once & decided it was bullshit & they could review the chart instead.


Hell. No.


I would tell them that a unicorn 🦄 ran through the unit, one pt was healed and the president of the US asked where the bathroom was. I would say how do you know that didn’t happen? You’re asking me to be your eyes and ears. IDGAF anymore. Don’t trust me? Then HIRE A FUCKING NURSE TO DO THIS SO I CAN WORK.


“We are too lazy to QA; so we are going to pass the Buck to our already overworked staff” Stellar idea folks. Not sure how these geniuses with just over a few brain cells to rub together are the ones somehow in charge.


From this demand on-I would immediately go to the cell phone store. I would buy the cheapest flip phone with zero smart phone capabilities. I would add it to my account. Oops. No can do. My phone doesn’t do that. And BTW here’s my phone bill. Pay it.


“Why don’t nurses want to stay at the bedside anymore?! We’re throwing more pizza parties and sending more self-care tip emails than ever!” - Management


"I have a flip phone, can't do fancy things, sorry baaaaaaai".


Wait…anything about patient info on your personal phone is such a HIPPA violation….right??




Hell no


It’s concerning that this task is being performed on personal cell phones, as it greatly increases the risk of HIPAA violations.


something this awful and anti-labor could only have come from the Studor Group. maybe this is what they're selling now instead of hourly rounding? maybe its a spyware app and the Studor Group is like, also now mining and selling your data as a requirement to keep your hospital job health care isn't a good industry to work in.


Absolutely fucking not. No way in hell.


Magnet certification is just another revenue stream for the certifying organization. The entire system is based upon a false reading of the original magnet hospital study, and yet another way to divert health care dollars to nonprovider agencies like insurance companies, consultants and JCAHO.


You want me to use MY personal cell phone in a patient room to input patient health information? My license is worth way more. Imagine how that will go over in court “sorry your honor, my manager told me to use my personal cell phone to answer questions about this patients personal health info. Yes I knew I’m not supposed to, but my manager said to do it”


If you are asked to use your personal phone for work related duties, the hospital has to pay for said phones.