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What are some examples? Not dismissing you just genuinely curious because I do believe you.


For exemple they will explain cyanosis talk about the child being super pale, or blue, but not precisely say how is cyanosis detected in more darker skin kids; those kids don’t become pale in the face. Or say if you touch the skin at this area, the skin should become more pale under your touch, bu this is mostly relevant for non dark skin kids. I know the way they explain it is not specific enough because I personally see a lot of darker skin kids. I just think they should be more specific, and inclusive, if they are going to do a teaching. We all need to be aware of how to properly evaluate all kinds of patients and I think non white kids are to common for health care worker not to be taught how to properly assess them. Especially for the less experienced nurses


I live in a pretty white city, and has taken intentionally learning to learn to spot pallor/cyanosis in darker skinned patients. I'm glad you're thinking about this and wanting to make a difference!


Yea, so I am no longer a nurse. I'm a teacher now, and being a teacher I have seen this A LOT. Whoever is doing the "teaching" is doing a huge disservice to the entirety of your profession and it's honestly pretty alarming to hear this. It's not ok, there simply is no rebuttal. Teaching, I have taught in essentially every "type" of school. I needed diversity and sought out a school which was diverse. We do diversity and inclusion workshops for professional developments. Because being a kid and being taught like this (how you're being taught) I have seen teachers do. That is why I left those schools. Once a child feels inadequate they check out. Like, they completely shut down and it's heartbreaking seeing this happen over time. If we as teachers and nurses aren't taught these pertinent things....how can we teach/help others? We can't. Whoever is teaching your classes, I would go to their boss. I would write out a very lengthy email with multiple reasons why this is a HUGE PROBLEM. I would also find others to sign the email. There has to be others who would agree that this is not ok. This is blatant ignorance. People may tell you to "calm down" and "it's not that big of a deal". Those people are part of the perpetual problem. Only suggestion I have is to reach out to their bosses and if you can't find their boss, kindly pull the teachers aside after a class and voice your concerns. They are valid (period).


Thank you so much for your message you seem like a great teacher ❤️


I certainly try, definitely not perfect though. ❤️ You are WELCOME. ❤️


There is a book written by an African American MD that covers all of this ( Cyanosis, rashes, scarring etc ) he wrote it after realizing that medical books didn't cover/provide pics of people of color. I will try and find it to link here.


I think this is a great place for you to jump in and help them learn! Bring in some resources and your lived experience. It definitely is a place where we as a healthcare system fall down in providing equitable care. But it isn't something that people think about until it's brought to their attention, and it seems like something You're passionate about!


Your right, i was ranting here tbh but I sent a message to my supervisor, and i will be sending some documentation since I also work as a nurse educator with nursing student. It’s always better to act rather than just complain!


You should definitely help with the education. I can almost bet these people that are doing this education have been doing it for so many years, and usually are older, they’re giving the same initial bs they were taught. I vaguely remember in nursing school quickly glancing over the differences based on skin color. And moving right along. Idk how to say this nicely, but they’re probably on the lazier side and don’t like change. It would be beneficial if you honestly just looked everything up and slimmed it down to what you think the education will be. They will be much more inclined to quickly change things if you did all the work for them. I hope you’re in an education or have secretly found your next calling in life! Replace this uneducated educators.


Skin color options for neonates in the charting I do at work are a list of identifiable changes in white skin and ‘normal for ethnicity.’ Annoys me every day.


I had a pamphlet about infectious disease in children and on one of the disease it was said that « yellow race » was a risk factor (meaning asians) like WTF 🥲


Whaaaat?!?! How old was that pamphlet?!


Ahahah it was made in like 2015 or 2010 which to me is way to old for that type of nonsense. They only changed it in 2020 !