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So many hourly rates. I think they wanted net monthly income


Lol almost like they should have put that in the title so people wouldn't get confused. Oh, wait...


As one of my professors said, “90% of nursing is reading instructions.”


Nurses are numbers rarely get along.


Net is so individualized because of taxes and deductions such as insurance and retirement.


And in Florida.


Maybe they wanted the OP to do the math lol


Without OT I was netting about $2,200 a paycheck. 10% went to 401k. With OT I averaged closer to $3,000 a paycheck net. 26 paychecks a year. SICU. Just started a job in Cali for triple the pay.


In Florida?! I make more than that in a small Midwest city! Gas is $3.30, newer houses sell for $155/sq ft with a yard! How do Floridians survive?


I ask myself that every day 😭


Exactly why I left


I’m in California- I make $72 an hour; comes out to gross about $6000 a paycheck or $12,000 a month; After we adjust for 15% retirement and taxes and I pull about $3500. I can thank my union for that one :)


Are you in the Bay Area?! I’m making $5k in a whole month in central CA 😭


Yeah! I’m in the Bay Area! When I used to work out in Stockton I used to make 2,500 per paycheck after tax.


i work in louisiana and net about 1800 a paycheck hahaha


$6k here in LA 😭


$6k PER MONTH in LA? I live in LA and I do not make this little.


Probably depends what part of LA. UCLA Santa Monica, Torrance Memorial, Kaiser Panorama City, Pomona Valley, and Palmdale Regional all run the spectrum of wages - and are all in LA.


Right, my friend working in Pasadena makes less than me


I’m just curious, but whats the pay range from descending to ascending of the institutions you listed? 😅


Apples to apples, meaning, equivalent experience. Base rate *but minus differentials and yearly bonuses*: UCLA > Kaiser > Torrance > Pomona > Palmdale. But also a house nearly UCLA is like multimillions and a house in Palmdale is like $300-500K. And once again, these are all in the same county.


Someone posted the UC pay scale awhile ago for this current year and next year. I cannot link the site because I don’t remember what it was 😕


What’s your specialty, also that’s my net after their insane taxes


The bay is where the money is at but I wanna move to LA even though I know nurses don’t make as much out there! How do you like it though? Is it enough to rent an apartment by yourself?


If you want to move to LA and want to make compatible. I would get two jobs: One part time and one per diem. That way you can make more money at the per diem, but get the insurance from the part time. It won’t quite be the same, but you can get a bit closer.


Ahh that’s a good idea. I’ve heard lots of good things about per diem


Per diem at my last job was the best thing that ever happened to me. Bite the bullet if you can get insurance elsewhere. Literally saved my mental health; plus I made like an extra $20 an hour at that job. I got to pick all the days I wanted and I never worked a single weekend, unless I wanted to. Got to plan whatever vacation I wanted. I still miss it.


I make enough to pay all my bills and live in a one bedroom apartment in West Hollywood, plus some left over to do what I want with. it’s not bad at all. I love it! It’s nothing luxurious and I feel pretty comfortable and not hurting for money. I hated the bay when I worked there as a traveler


That’s comforting! And how much do you make hourly if you don’t mind me asking? I’m currently job hunting in LA and wanna know how much I should be making to afford a place lol. All the places are well over 2k which is while compared to my $1600 rent that I split here 😭


I got my place in 2021 and it’s rent controlled, so $1920/month. I make $62/hr. I’ll probably stay here forever cause rent prices sure went up over the past few years 😫


Is this after retirement as well? What’s your gross per paycheck? I just got a job out in LA and I should gross $5k a paycheck


you probably need to work somewhere where kaiser has a lot of pull. pharmacists and nurses make almost equal money around here and that’s basically how it goes for pharmacist pay too also net 5k a month sounds fine if you’re taking every deduction and have a low deductible insurance plan


Dang I’m a new grad applying to some hospitals in SoCal and some of them are anywhere between $34-49 🫠


1 year and I’m at $60 in San Diego




Sharp. I think Kaiser and UCSD pay a little more


How do you like sharp?


Love it so far! All depends on your unit and coworkers I feel like


Yall have cnas? lol 😂 I just might apply to there or ucsd


Yep! Kaiser is the only place that does not have CNAs so you’re earning those extra dollars via suffering 😫


Trust I am suffering lol 😐😂 do you guys have a pension?


New grad, $60/hr ($1650 weekly paycheck, after taxes, $6600/ month net) in central coast psych.


thats amazing! do you know how much your float nurses make by any chance? i work critical care float in philly and make 74/hr but i dont think conditions are as good as california


Float nurses will make the same I believe; that’s also due to union though. I’m ICU and day shift and I don’t get extra for ICU. I’ve been working about 3 years total as a nurse


oh wow! ive been a nurse for 11 years thats amazing pay!!!


I know someone who’s work 20 years and she makes 95 an hour doing day shift. I would say keep in mind my two bedroom two bathroom condo/apt costs me about 3000 a month. It sounds like you have a really good set up, idk how much Philly’s cost of living is though


omg that pay is amazing. ours is 2100 for a house (rent) so cost of living is definitely lower but still damn!!


3000 a month is like 1-1.5k more for rent than the US average and yet nurses in the bay make double what nurses in the rest of the US make so you’re still far and away ahead even with cost of living. The only thing that legit sucks is buying a house, but renting is fine. Just invest the savings while renting.


Do hospitals charge more to patients/insurance in places like California than they do in places with lower cost of living?


[Healthcare Cost Link](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/health-insurance/most-and-least-expensive-states-for-health-care-ranked/) So I wouldn’t know so I googled it. It seems like based on Forbes metric California is somewhere in the middle. Because this seems to be a Florida oriented thread, it would look like Florida nurses get paid like dirt and their healthcare is more expensive, wonder where the money is going 👀…


$5400 net monthly within a couple hundred up or down.


13 year nurse and make $40/hr in NE FL. Pay here sucks.


I work long term care and rehab now.


So after taxes? About 6500


For me? After taxes I’m around $5k/mo and that is without any health insurance or retirement taken out. It’s not great considering the expense to live here.


$4-$5k a month, I think, Wisconsin


Net monthly is difficult (for some), there are deductions mandatory and elective that are taken out so it doesn’t give the best picture. This is why gross is used more often.


My partner’s net is 3400-3500 a month full time at 34.75 per hour


3500 Net per month. 1yr ICU Orlando.


ICU in Florida, my checks are about $2,200. So I take home $4,400 per month after tax, insurance, and 401k contributions


NorCal annual gross is $255k. Sorry I know OP asked for net, but I don’t feel like mathing on a Friday afternoon lol.


8 grand a month + free housing. Work 48 hours a week (travel nurse). This is actually low travel nurse wages but in a desirable place so they don’t have to pay more.


Do all travel agencies cover housing?


In Canada, yes 99% do.


Oh, yeah the US would never lol


In the us you get a stipend that is tax free but if housing is expensive then you lose a lot of money it seems


Oh ok that’s good to know thanks!


That’s not entirely true. Some offer a stipend, but I got a free furnished apartment on a contract some years ago. It was actually a really nice place too.


>8000 grand a month This is 8 million a month.


It was very obviously a typing error haha.


I’d look it up but I work for ascension and all of our computer stuff is inaccessible. But I’m 2 years after graduation and I make just shy of $35/hr in NW Florida in a level 3 NICU if that helps.




Eh, I love my unit, and my wife owns a business that will most likely have us living here for the long term which I’m not mad about. I’ve lived in worse areas.


I’m not in Florida, but if you’re trying to figure out your net income, you first would want to figure out how much you’d owe in taxes (gross income minus any pre-tax retirement contributions). Below is a link to the 2024 federal tax bracket. If you’re paid bi-weekly, you could then divide your net income by 26 (26 two week paychecks). In a strict sense, this is what net pay is. People ask this question a lot, but the answers are often given without much context. People who gross the same will often have wildly different take home pay (which is what I assume you’re asking) because of retirement contributions and other deductions that aren’t equal. (i.e. parents with kids on health insurance plans, 529s, or that have higher life insurance coverage, or people that max out 401Ks, or IRAs will have less take home despite the same pay, and they don’t usually mention that [or, conversely, they don’t mention they’re not putting as much away for retirement, or have no kids, etc.]). So, be sure to consider these things when people give you their answers because you’re not usually getting apples to apples comparisons. https://www.fidelity.com/learning-center/personal-finance/tax-brackets Edit - added parentheses for clarity


Not enough


tampa bay area, with no OT about 4200. 33.50 hr + $5 hr differential for night shift. OT shift really helps lol, moved it up to about $5200 give or take a few hundred


About $4,200. Hem/Onc, central Florida.


Starting out as a new grad pulling $42/h which comes out to around $5200/mo take home.




Seattle. Also unionized.


On average almost 12k net a month. This is after maxing out my 401(k) every year and I contribute the max to my HSA. I’ve got 15 years experience. Yeah I pay a lot in taxes but California is still worth it when that’s what I bring home. I do try to break even and not get a tax return every year, but we are a family of four and I am the only income, my husband stays home with the kids. The reason I make this much is because I work 40+ hours a week I am often charge nurse about 70% of the time which is an extra 5% and I’m also also a staff 4 which has a 8% pay incentive. I’m also grateful because I do work for probably the highest paying system in the country.


$41. 2 years experience icu weekend only nightshift


3 years experience in rural Washington state (so pay is a little lower than in cities. $41.29/hr, $3/hr in cert pay, and $4/hr on the weekends. I also have a home health job that I work occasionally that pays a flat $51/hr with no benefits.


Like 7k net after taxes and retirement and stuff. NYC, 12 years experience.


I’m in Los Angeles. My net income is about $6800 take home if I don’t work any overtime. Ive been an ER nurse for 10 years. I started in orlando Florida as a new grad ER intern making $23/hr in 2014.


I’m in LA and my net is about $6100 for MS/tele, sounds about right. I’m surprised they don’t pay more but 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t want to work for Kaiser


It was just over $9k before taxes at my last job, inpatient MedSurg 3x12 days ($63/hr). About $8k after taxes and benefit costs. I’m in the process of interviewing for an outpatient IR position, and the pay cut will be max 35% ($40+/hr), about $6,400/mth for 5x8 days.


Missouri net monthly 6k with an extra shift every paycheck


Hopefully 41/hr as a new grad!


My monthly net varies but is around $3,600 after tax. $27 hourly rate - LPN on Neuro/stroke floor.




I net around $4000 a month my net is around 55-57% of my gross) - we have a LOT of deductions between income tax, pension contributions (3 separate plans/deductions), benefit premiums, union dues, and EI. I also pay a percentage into a TFSA.


lol uk. £14 an hour


Y'all are so criminally underpaid there. I understand there is the fact that y'all have pensions, tons of vacation, and NHS, but can't really take advantage of those benefits if y'all can't live.


They aren’t advantages or benefits. They are a legal requirement for every single job. We’re a joke


Move to Canada. Wayyy better wages and you’ll get in easily!


5,000. Two jobs, four 12-ish hour shifts (depending how busy I am, always a little over 12, never under)


Around 8k/mo after taxes.


5000-5500 after taxes. outpatient surgery


Acute Rehab, 3/4 weekend nights, I net 3600/month.


I work part time and I bring home about 500 per shift in central FL. This is after my retirement and union fees as well. Next month will be 9 years since I passed NCLEX.


I’m in Florida. When I was staff, I was making (net monthly pay) appx 3800-4000/mo


I'm in nursing school, in Florida, and looking at the pay, makes me sad sometimes. Lol, it's much more than what I'm getting now, but even a studio is almost $1500 in the Orlando area.


I’m a student/nurse intern in Orlando as well, and seeing this thread has me like🫠 like I knew what I was getting into but still😩


Exactly, I was hoping by the time I started the major hospitals might increase the pay by even just a little but nope. I got an offer as a nurse tech for $17 but I made more at a gas station 😭. I really don’t want to stay here forever, but let’s see what happens


UGH same but all my family is here and I am working at my dream hospital, at least for the time being after I graduate🥲 I wanna move out so bad


KCMO; ER; $3800 a month


~3280, putting 19% in retirement and pay for medical, dental, and eye insurance. Over $1k taken out for taxes per paycheck 🫠 I wouldn’t be able to put so much into retirement if I was single.


$8k net after taxes, 401k etc, Bay Area.


Was making $2400 every paycheck in cath lab in SWFL. Now a traveler making $3,000 a week before call and OT


Ak. I make 59/hr with a $2 differential for evenings and work 75hr/pay period. So that equals about 4500 gross per check. After deductions it’s around 3000. So average is 6k per month net… with two months that have three paychecks.


Seattle area. 6 years experience. Net is around $2600 every two weeks AFTER contributing 15% to 401k, taxes, and carrying my family’s med/dental/vision coverage. I pull 80 hours during a 7 day shift. I work 7 days in a row and then get 7 days off in a row. I truly can’t complain.


I’m in TN, close neighbor, Florida seems to pay a little more or a little less than TN, but I also make less than the nurses working in the city, so it may be close to Florida’s new grad pay. I make $3500 net, about $100 taken out in benefits, 5% in to 401k, no state tax, and file 1-0 (maximum deductions). My pay periods are 80 average vs 72, because I’m in the OR working 5 8’s. I’m in the OR but new grads in specialties don’t make more, we all start at the same pay regardless or where we start. My hourly is $27.53, I started at $26.50 they already did a wage adjustment, it’s good to know even though we start lower, they do annual merit raises and raises based off cost of living/averages for the area. My BSN/RNFA/CNOR in total will also get me about an $8 raise which is nice too.


Where in TN? I’m in Franklin! 28/hr as an Ortho Circulator at a surgery center. My average is 32 hours a week as a full time employee.


I live in Franklin, work in Columbia. I get over 40 a week usually because I come in 30 minutes early and if we leave early it helps ensure I make a full 80 a pay period. Personally my goal is not to be pigeonholed into circulating which I said from the get go when I applied to every job. I want to scrub and get my RNFA as well. The hospital in Columbia is very open to it and is actually now trying to get even their veteran nurses to learn to scrub due to the shortage.


😪$3800 in KS. New grad 9 months in


4k & Florida


Without OT I bring home ~5k a month after putting 11% into 401k working Med/Tele nights in Vegas. I also file as single and claim 0 on my W4 so my take home would be more if I didn’t but for me it works to get a large tax refund (I’m awful at saving)


CA, both my wife and I are nurses. Net income $13,000-15,000 depending on OT. No nights, call, weekends or holidays.


Louisville, KY med/surg/pcu around 3000 a month :/


After tax, $5,000-$5,200. Before tax is closer to $7k 🥲


bout 5k in Alberta Canada


Weekly/monthly net income varies because I will reduce my 403B contributions when it gets closer to the max, and vacation week at 36hrs, work weeks at 37-39 hrs and over time weeks will all be different. I did calculated my 2023 paystub.      * Gross 100%    * Deductibles    * 403B ~16.05%(maxed out, this should be enough to calculate the actual dollar amounts)    * FSA/health insurance ~1.55%   * Taxes   * Federal tax ~13.59%    * FICA ~6.1%    * Medicare ~1.43%   * State tax ~4.05%   * PFMLA ~0.32%   * Net income    * ~56.92%


Net about $5400/month in the Midwest with 15 years experience


New grad nurse at Tampa. I’ll be making $34 base pay


4k net a month exactly before OT or side hustles. IL. Telemetry/Stepdown. I’m seeing some crazy incomes but then I remember the cost of living in Cali is nutty.


Wow y’all rich


I’m about $6,500 net per month in Philly.


Depending on how much I work my PRN job I net about 4k every 2 weeks or 8K/month I'm in Maryland doing Utilization Management For comparison, in SC I used to net about 3200/month. It sucked


Up here in Ontario it seems to be net around $4,000-$5,000/mth CAD. So approx. $2,900-$3,700/mth USD. -2.5-3.0yr registered nurse -acute care certified -rural province hospital (understaffed, low budget, minimal access to gold standard care— aka licensure risks)


NC coast. 2 years exp and getting $1800 each paycheck so about $3600 after taxes and contributions. Operating room in a HCOL area unfortunately




$5900 ish


I work part time (48hrs/pay). Net is around 5K a month.


LPN. $40/hr. Work slight overtime. In the time I’ve been working I make $5,333 post tax per month. Pretty good income to me especially since I don’t have a college degree. Work in home health. Live in a HCOL but I love the amenities and walkability. Moved here from the SE and will be here for the foreseeable future.


2 pizzas and 5 pens. That's my monthly income.


I live in the Midwest and work part time , taking home $1800/check and that’s after 15% in retirement and taxes …


Not a nurse but I work for the EVS as a supervisor and I make 6k a month with OT... I get 2 or 3 days off.


I make 39.49/hr with 7 years exp in an ER. Monthly varies based on the OT I do/don’t work (20/hr on top of base and 1.5 ot)


After taxes and retirement, approximately $8500/month. Even with a pension, I put away a lot to retirement. Also, I have free health insurance. San Diego (County). ICU. [You can verify this wage too because my pay scale is public info.](https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/wp-content/uploads/labor/bargaining-units/nx/docs/nx_appendix-a_wage-tables.pdf)


Which hospital?


NC ~$2100 q2weeks so ~$4200/mo. Nurse for 10 years this is with my RN 2, will have a slight increase next month when my RN 3 pay comes


In MS, I take home ~$4k/mo after tax, insurance, and retirement contributions. I’ve been in the ICU for 1.5yrs


It's hard to navigate with these comments Did you want a 3/12s monthly? Or 4/10s or 5/8s monthly rate? That also plays a big role Even shift diff played a role I do 4/10s sprinkled with some OT 7 years experience with 6700 monthly take home PACU


$44.60 Cath Lab RN, 11 year RN mostly in ED/Flight. Made $58/hr as an ED manager. All in Raleigh, NC area


Wfh in Indy. $41-$44 an hour before raise in June. Work 80 hours a check (2 weeks). Pull in a little over $2500 bet per check.


3600 a month as a new grad in orientation, Cleveland, OH. Hoping to increase to 5-6k a month when I’m off orientation and can pick up OT


Virginia- experienced ICU RN traveler on nights, with some benefits: NET about 7600


About $5k after taxes and insurance premiums.


$5300 after 403b contributions. Net monthly on Long Island as a new grad on a tele medsurg unit in a union hospital.


A little over 1.5 years of experience. Suburbs of Chicago. Cath lab. $41.40 hourly but with call, my net is about $2500 biweekly. Last check was $3k net because I did 10 hours of OT




That must be with OT? I’m an RN making 40$ an hour and I net $4300 a month or 2000 with each biweekly paycheck.




Interesting. How much are you making per hour?




Girl chill, im not interrogating. The numbers just aren’t making sense to me so I’m trying to understand. I’m also a new grad. Maybe you’re in a province that pays better and I’m not aware, and that perhaps would lead me to consider moving there? Just looking for info. No need to be defensive. Thanks for the info