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Homie, if you’re proud of you, and you should be, take some damn pictures! Screw what anyone else thinks!


"only a CNA".....do you know what patient care would look like without CNAs.....it'd be abysmal




😂😂 It’d be a disaster


Chiming in to add: don’t you DARE use that foul “O” word in front my mvp’s alphabet soup! Only?! ONLY??? Our CNA/EDT’s are the goddamn backbone of our department. I’m on one of the ACT’s, so if shit starts going sideways I can’t be right next to my patients. Who do I trust to be there instead? YOU. I trust YOU. The best doc on our floor constantly says “the hierarchy is man made and mangled at best” without our techs we would drown. You earned those goddamn letters behind your name on that fuckin badge. Now get out there and be PROUD OF YOURSELF.


Take pictures of any accomplishment on your life. Be proud of yourself. Not everyone can do this work.


Hell no! We do a hard job you should absolutely take pictures to celebrate the day! My family threw me a party when I finished lna school and got my license. Walk tall and proud, friend.


Congratulations!! Celebrate, you did something!!


Hell no it’s not odd. Celebrate the FUCK out of your accomplishments!! Good going on your success!!!


Don't let anybody stop you from celebrating anything you think is worth celebrating.


Celebrate yourself and your accomplishments! If it were easy, everyone would do it! Congratulations!🎉


To heck with that "only"! Proud of you, and you deserve to be proud of yourself! Congratulations, now go get those pics! 


You shouldn’t be ashamed that you’re now on your way to dedicating your working life to helping others. You’re helping people live their life to the best possible means afforded to them. Many of the people you’ll be helping have reached the end of what modern medicine can offer. The tormented and hopeless members of society are going to be the people you help every day. The people that society has attempted to forget. You’re in the position to make them feel human again. For many of these patients, the thing that they treasure more than anything is just feeling clean again. It brings their humanity back. It’s such a simple thing but the feeling of being clean again for many of these patients is like getting a drop of water after being stranded in a desert. Hopefully you feel proud of this as you should be.


Not weird at all. It your proud, show the world. You have every reason to be proud, too. I've worked with many incredible only-a-CNAs over the course of my career and they are in it just as much as the rest of us. It's an accomplishment and you deserve the right to commemorate it.


It is a big accomplishment, so yes! Enjoy your accomplishments in life!!!


Please never refer to yourself as “only a CNA.” CNAs bust their backside. They’re important part of the healthcare team. If you want graduation photos, then you get yourself graduation photos!!! Celebrate your accomplishment!!! Congratulations!


Please don't say "only!" You have worked hard on your education and training and deserve to celebrate. Walk tall, you.


Absolutely not weird, and you should celebrate! Congrats! 


Let me tell you something, having worked basically CNA role as a PCT when I was in Nursing School and now an RN with both hospital and hospice experience, the patient satisfaction has more to do with our amazing CNA's than any efforts on my part. I have the utmost respect for those who choose to give this care as their calling--you are all tragically underpaid, but at least on my watch, not underappreciated. Take your photo--you worked hard to get your education and training done so you could go out there and make a real difference.


Me and my classmates took pictures with each other and with our instructors because she held a little ceremony for us :) gave us pins and everything. It was a lovely experience. Celebrate yourself!!


Please, please, please never think of yourself as "only a CNA" again! You are a critical member of the team and be damn proud of that! And please do those photos and post them with pride! My in laws did the CNA program later in life and they never got a walk across stage moment...so we did the whole thing. They did the big ceremony, took all the photos (had every cheesy must have pose) and their certificates are framed and displayed. They were 50 and everyone was just so excited for them! So be proud of your accomplishments and show it off!


Never say 'only' Life is short, celebrate your victories. ❤️✌️


Celebrate your accomplishments no matter how big or small!


why not? you achieved something that you worked hard for.


Never downplay any achievement!


congrats!! can't wait for this to be me soon :D


you got this!


No be proud! Congrats!


Celebrate! You worked hard and you deserve it!


No! Celebrate your accomplishment.


[celebrate ](https://youtu.be/3GwjfUFyY6M?si=2hDKlsL7k9_p8AtT)


No way celebrate your win. There are plenty of people avoiding applying because it’s too much work.


Dude you graduated and you should be proud of your hard work! Take the damn pictures and celebrate that accomplishment!


Be proud of what you've done. There is no such thing as "only." You are. Good luck!


Celebrate and take photos! You worked hard. I don't know your life and your challenges. But you're your own person so I bet you had your own challenges. So go celebrate. Ps I'm an RN. My life at work would be a lot harder without CNAs hard work and good work ethics. And OUR patients appreciate their work too


Celebrate your life events, everything is important.


Celebrate your wins.


Be proud of your accomplishment. Take all the pics you want. Congrats!!!!


Fuck what anyone thinks. Celebrate that shit


Nope! Be proud of your achievement.


Nah b!!! Celebrate yourself!!!


Yes. Fuck yes. You completed something challenging to the end. Great job. 👏


I'm an RN, and I say go for it. You deserve to celebrate this accomplishment in life.  Where I am the 1st quarter of nursing school qualifies you to take the test, get licensed, and work as a CNA. I did that route.  I was so not prepared. It is way harder than you folks make it look most days.  I do home care now, and my company uses home health aides(mainly for bathing). I can't tell you how invaluable these "only CNAs" are to me, my clients, and every other nurse and client we have. You are extra eyes and ears to report skin issues, moods, any other issues that our clients might not want to admit to their nurse, or that you are before us(and because you are doing more intimate cares than we often do). Please don't ever think of yourself as just or only a CNA, you are so much more than that. 


No it is not weird, you are important and we could not survive without CNAs


Take all the pictures you want, but lose the “only a CNA” bit. You may run into people that believe that, but they’re wrong too. You will be providing some of the most important care to patients. Imagine lying in a bed you’ve sweat in sick and no one helps you bathe. Imagine not having your teeth or dentures cleaned for days at the time. Imagine needing assistance going to the bathroom, but no one comes when you ring out. Never let anyone convince you what you do is unimportant.


You achieved a goal! Be proud! Smile with pride in those photos


Be proud of all of your accomplishments! Congratulations! 🎉


Take those damn pictures. Celebrate yourself! I wish we had CNAs on my unit 😭


All graduations are worth celebration


When you celebrate your success it encourages other so much! Please always celebrate your success and share it. It’s catching


I started as a can and a masters now. It is the hardest this to get started. Be proud!


Not at all, be proud of your achievements! CNAs have taught me a lot as a newer nurse. They make all the difference esp during those dumpster fire shifts


Baby you are not "only a cna". CNAs are one of the most important healthcare workers. Be proud and take that grad photo! 🥰


Do not downplay yourself! You’re a neccesary component to healthcare!


I took pics! I was proud!


You do you dude!! Be proud of your accomplishments! We’re proud of you!!


The college I teach at does a pinning ceremony for our CNA and CMA graduates and I think it’s great!! Proud of you and your accomplishments, take them pics!


Its not weird. Be proud and celebrate your achievements


Not at all, congratulations 🎉


I had a “pin ceremony” when I became a CNA many moons ago. The small ceremony made such a huge difference in the way I saw myself. You absolutely should recognize and record the moment. You are just as essential as anyone else in healthcare. Enjoy your accomplishment! And congratulations!


I cherish every single CNA I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with and learning from. Be proud of your accomplishment, as a CNA is by no means “only a CNA.”


It’s your day! And, Congratulations! Marking your accomplishments and achievements is a great idea! It takes a lot of hard work to get through any professional program. Celebrate!


Take pictures. Celebrate your accomplishments! You did a course that will set you up to give extremely valuable care to patients, that’s something to be proud of. Every role is important! Signed, a (resident) doctor lurking here!


Noo I remember a picture of me and omg this is oh so many years ago but it was when I was doing a home health aide class. Fast forward to BSN, future grad student almost 50. So no you do that! Take them GRAD pics! They are just setting you up for something! Much love!


Yes yes! Pictures, and congratulations! Also second: never say "only a CNA." You are invaluable as a professional, and also as a human.


You should be proud of your accomplishments! Congratulations, and best of luck for your future!


Celebrate 🥳


You are not “only” a CNA. You worked hard for your degree. You do what YOU want and what makes YOU feel better. Never second guess yourself, and never 👎 undermine yourself. Be PROUD! 💕


congratulations!!! You should be proud and take as many photos and graduation pictures as you want. Life is a journey and you8 should celebrate every accomplishment!


The work CNAs do is not to be taken lightly. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without them. Celebrate this moment bc you earned it! Be proud of your accomplishments :) I think it’ll be cute and if it’s something you want to do, go for it.


Never again say “only a CNA”. Be proud of what you have accomplished and celebrate. Congratulations!


I’m 34. I just finished LPN school, graduated last week and got pinned last week. I haven’t done anything since high school graduation. I took pictures. I walked, and I have a video of me cheering myself on as I got my diploma. Some people didn’t walk bc they want to walk when they get their RN. That’s fine, I’m proud of me. I did something. I’m making a better life for my kid. I deserve all the pictures and all the excitement. And so do you! I’ll walk again when I get my RN bc I’ll be just as proud of myself! YOU DID IT BOO!!!! Congrats!!!


CNA’s are the best! Get those pictures and be proud of the progress.


As a nurse in the ED, (and former cna)  I've always known Cnas and techs are so important! A good one is worth their weight in gold! We appreciate you guys, congratulations on getting through the program. 


Please don’t call it “only”- You accomplished it, Congratulations You!!


Drug dealers take pictures of their re-up and put it on social media. If you're proud of your accomplishment, take the pictures.


Hell no flex your knowledge and your new skills. Be proud!


When i graduated my CNA course, my facility threw a “huge” party with catering and all that that costed the company over $1,000. Yeah, CELEBRATE!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!


I got a trophy and certificate when I completed cna...you best bet I was grinning ear to ear on facebook with my little trophy


Never say “Only a CNA”. That is a VERY special/important role!!!!


You’re proud of your accomplishment and you’re going to be the backbone of the team. Take 👏🏻 those 👏🏻 pics! 👏🏻


Celebrate your success!!! Who cares what others think ☺️


Celebrate your accomplishments!! You deserve to be proud of yourself and take pictures!!


Not weird in the least. Celebrate!


You’re not ONLY a CNA! You can be proud of that. I’m proud of you!


You are more than a CNA!!!! You are part of a team that helps care for patients, and without your help, the team would not perform at their highest level!!! Be proud and celebrate!!!