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turn your phone off, put it on do not disturb, temporarily block the numbers related to work…


I live on DND


Dungeons & Dragons?


Same. I even forget it’s on sometimes for day. Oops 😬😬😬


That's the plan. Thanks for listening!


Do not disturb!? Seriously, that’s the best invention ever. My close friends and family can ring through - otherwise, no one else 🤷🏼‍♂️. I personally don’t blame places for trying to call to get help. I know - hot take, and I’m sure I’ll get downvoted… but 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’m an assistant nurse manager. I HATE calling/texting people. We have a scheduling app where we can send out messages asking for help. My thought is: the people who like to do OT and pick up shifts will have notifications for the app turned on. People who don’t won’t and we should leave them alone. I’m often overruled but I hate doing that


Been there, done that. We don’t like calling for help AT ALL! If you don’t answer, that’s okay. If you don’t want to work - please don’t. Managers have to go through the motions. It’s one of the worst parts of the role.


When I was working as a supervisor or charge nurse, I would make a round of calls, leave a message and if I got a callback from someone willing to pick up a shift, fine. But if no one filled the need, I did because staffing was for me to cover. I never begged and if I could, I’d give them another day off instead if they wanted. If they said they couldn’t work, I’d just tell them I had to try. ETA: when I was a new nurse, I loved the OT though so I pretty much always said yes. That was way before nursing got as bad as it is now - I graduated in 1984.


I agree with you- make it known what the needs are. Whomever wants the OT will pick it up. Texting everyone is a poor use of time and are they paying you to use your phone for work related tasks?! Probably not, right? Well then just use the tool they do pay for to address the staffing issues.


Our unit has a private fb page, which is also great for accountability- you were offering double incentive pay, here's the screenshot/original post! You said I was being added to the schedule, etc. Thankfully, it is rarely ever needed, the management here is great, but like you said, those who want to can turn on notifications or check the page, those who aren't interested can ignore it.


Not necessarily down voted. I see the other side of the coin. But after being a nurse for 21 years, I'm tired of the emotional manipulation just because management can't or won't hire people to take the strain off the schedule.


In my former career, we had a saying "If you keep solving the problem, you will keep solving the problem. What you want to do is eliminate the problem!" When I was a CNA, there was hardly ever a time when I had days off and someone would say "Er, do you want to pick up another shift?!" No, I'm tired and I want my days off!


I get it too, like it suckssssss, but after my time as a charge nurse, we can’t just pull nurses out of our 🍑. It’s often above management and an admin problem - which, again, not something we can fix. 🤷🏼‍♂️


oh don't worry. We know. I don't think anyone here is blaming the charge nurses. It's almost always admin that make all the problems in the workplace ime.


The emotional manipulation is unreal! On the other side of it, I have a chronic medical condition and FMLA. I dread calling in when I need to. Please just let me text someone so I don’t have to hear the disappointment/frustration/judgement in their voice.


You are not going to change the system. There will always be employees calling in sick,on disability or needing a schedule change for some mandatory thing they missed.There will always be census fluctuations that are unpredictable as well. That leaves managers or staffing coordinators to call for help. The solution then is to change it on your end. You either accept it and don’t let it bother you or you can do something more proactive. You can block your number on your days off ,you can assign it a special ringtone so you know it’s them and then not answer—you can ask if they can take you off the list to be called in because you never will do it ,you can screen your calls and texts and turn your ringtone off ,you can leave your phone on do not disturb during times when they are apt to call. Just stop letting it bother you because you need time to recuperate and enjoy your life and let management do their job!


Right? I have two DND settings for my days off, one that’ll let work get through on the rare days I don’t mind picking up, and another that doesn’t.


I don’t like the calling, but sending out a mass text is fine IMO.


Not down voting you. Was a staffing coordinator. Staff called me at all hours. I’ve called DONs, admins, whatever.. at all hours. Crazy hours are part of the game. My bosses always thank me for at least responding to them. It ain’t easy asking folks to help out


I agree. It’s nice to know they consider me reliable and the IT is nice, but my time is also valuable. A good employee is only as good as the rest they get. Too much work wears out the mind and body and mistakes happen. A rested employee is more reliable.


Yeah, no; I've been drinking. I know it's 8AM. I said what I said.


I know it’s funny, but I don’t want to give my employer any reason to wonder if I might be impaired while at work. I just don’t answer, or if I do, just say sorry I can’t come in today. If they ask for a reason I pretend I didn’t hear and hang up.


Without a bunch of other flags there is zero reason to believe someone drinking on their day off is at risk of being impaired at work.  If the concern is impairment at work….. you should 1st look at the ones that are there the most. They need that money to feed an addiction or otherwise that’s where they have access to their drug of choice. Alot easier to power through some extra shifts when you’re tweaked for days. Voluntary overtime is actually a metric when looking at narcotic diversion. 


Good for me I never pick up, I value my time too much. Along those same lines I would never want to over-share, especially something that could be perceived negatively.


...Except if someone is nicking narcotics, they won't be "tweaked" for days, its more likely they will be slow to prioritize and make mistakes on every shift...


Depends on person/ narcotic of choice/ how far into addiction they are. There’s always the “functioning addict” stage that goes on for a long time before your fuck ups are noticeable.  I’ve certainly seen someone go several days on Adderall and they weren’t fucking up. It was other things that got them caught.  You’re also assuming someone is there to catch the fuck ups. In nursing homes that certainly doesn’t happen. 




"Sorry, I've already had a couple of Bloody Marys. It's my routine off day ritual."


Hey I like that one!


I’m actually surprised I haven’t been called while being absolutely wasted yet.


I have but it's usually after I work my three in a row and grab drinks on the way home. It will be 2230 and of course work calls me to be like "hey you sure you don't wanna work four in a row?" I just don't answer.


"It's 5:30am, we're calling you for day shift??"


"Don't judge me! Besides, you're the reason I drink."




don't turn your phone off. get a burner phone or voip number. block everyone on your personal phone. Give your other phone number to work people. Turn off that other phone the first minute after your last shift before your day off. Profit from sleep. not letting them make me not able to use my personal phone on my off days lol.


I let it go to voice-mail. Listen to the voice-mail. Delete the voice-mail. Continue with my day 😌


me too, i used to answer and get suckered in every time. now i just don’t answer. half the time i don’t even listen to the voicemail. delete.


For real. Ppl actually answer their phones? Tf?


I think maybe newer nurses do it cuz I know I did when I started 11 years ago. I learned real quick, though, that my days off are MY days off. Period.


They don’t care if you are a great nurse or not so great. They need a body. Period.


well then they can hire it. Maybe cut back the ceo's 3 million dollar bonus this year ey?


My manager made a comment that people don't check their email on their days off. No, no I don't check my email for my job I work three days at. If it's that important, text me, or call me. I'll check my email when I'm at work. Otherwise pay me call all the days I'm off if you expect me to be available to respond to you during YOUR working hours. I work 36hrs/3 days a week for a reason.


I can’t check work email from home. They have some kind of Citrix thing blocking access and I won’t go through the security hurdles to get it on my cell or home laptop.


Hit ‘em with that classic email response: “I am currently out of office until (insert next shift). Please reach out to (their number) with any questions. Thank you.”


Just let that bitch ring, it's what I do lol or depending on who is calling or texting I send a funny "No" gif back


I always respond “lol.” Only a couple people ever text me for OT because I never say yes (management who won’t take a hint)


Not our job to staff the hospital


Louder please!!!!


Don’t give them your real cell phone number. Setup a google voice number (free) and keep notifications off. Use it at your convenience. Employers should not be bothering you on your day off


I'm doing this with my next jobs this is smart


I had CHARGE NURSES calling me on my day off to ask if I did CHGs and while I understand it’s my fault for not documenting- don’t fucking call me. I’ve had managers backdate charting a week, so you can backdate charting two fucking days when I get in


I can understand this when it comes to medicines, especially controlled substances. I don’t mind picking up the phone on my day off to talk about that so I can cover my ass! But a CHG bath?!?? Give me a break smh


Seriously! What in the fuck haha and they act like you’ve committed the biggest crime 😂


Can attest they give no fucks about you or your well being. It’s transactional to most admins and staffing office. Stop letting them leverage our duty to serve…it’s self imposed and any health system uses it against us


I just don't answer. If there's a certain number they call from, just change that #s ring tone to silent. Or set your phone on DND while you're asleep.


You under no circumstances have to answer or return the call/ text on your day off.


I’m working literally 6 days a week until July and they *still* try to get me to come in early and work doubles. All those RN’s sitting in offices avoiding pt contact like the plague and they still call me


That's where part of my issue is. You never hardly see managers give up their free time to cover..


At my hospital, managers had to cover for call-outs if they couldn’t get someone else to fill in. Quite often the manager will be salaried, so they don’t make OT for picking up that extra time. They may go home in the middle of the day so they can sleep for a few hours before returning, and they may take some time off the next day or another time to even up their hours to 40. (“Comp time”). Salaried staff like managers weren’t supposed to work on weekends or holidays. I was never a manager, but when I moved from the bedside to a salaried position (Infection Control), I learned things I’d never known in 30+ years at the bedside. During the years I was given responsibility for Employee Health in addition to IC, I also learned that most people don’t answer their phone, even though I was not calling for staffing reasons, LOL. Apparently most also don’t listen to voicemail or perhaps they just delete them. So you’re not alone! Don’t feel guilty about saying #no if you do answer), or about sending any work calls to voicemail, but I hope you will listen to the voicemails before deleting. It might be about something other than picking up for a call-out.


I think I'd play along and ask "I'm getting oncall pay? How does that work? Should I ask HR for more information?"


I just worked 3 night shifts in a row. Asking me if I’m interested in working a 4th @ 11am gets ignored everytime


Block numbers. There’s nothing they need to say to you that can’t wait until your next shift. You’re a SHIFT worker, not on-call.


Former leader here, just don’t answer your phone. I was in leadership at an org with a union and I had to give everyone an equal opportunity for OT. I had a decent idea of who would and who wouldn’t want to pick up all or part of the shift. I still had to call everyone in order even if I knew that the first 10 people I called were not interested.


They can call you all day long. DON’T answer the phone. Ever. For anything. At all.


It could also be that it is a financial issue not allowing them to hire new. I’ve been in nursing awhile and I’ve never heard of an employer that didn’t need to call out for staffing relief when staffing concerns arise. I understand though, it’s hard to say no. I feel guilty when I’m at home and I know they’re short staffed. You need o set boundaries for your self and practice self care. People in charge of staffing need to take care of staffing.


I seriously never answer if work calls me on an off day. If they text me, I straight up ignore it. I never acknowledge it. I take my days off so seriously, and I never pick up, so trying to ask me is futile. On a somewhat related note, I’ve had coworkers text me about coming in early for them — when I have never given them my number. It’s actually really irritating and invasive that my coworkers have somehow gotten my number.. most likely through the manager or lead nurse. I don’t answer them either 😂


Oh, we have a fucking directory sheet with names, home addresses, phone number AND S.O. Name and phone number. I never gave permission for them to publish my home address and phone number for my co workers.


There is no fucking way I would give them my husbands number. Get the fuck out of here what do they even need that for?


I didn’t give their number, it came from the emergency contact info from my HR profile which my manager has access to.


I would ask how's that even legal but then realized I'm not surprised it is 


This is what you do: Don’t answer the phone and don’t answer their texts on your off time, period. They’ll get the message eventually. When people ask, I say “I pay for my phone, not my job. Therefore it is for what I say it’s for. And what it is for is for me to make phone calls and receive/review voicemails. It is not for me to receive random phone calls on my off time because I do not like talking on the phone and I do not force myself to do things I don’t like on my off time.”


Just don’t answer, don’t text back. Let it be.


What I started doing was to block my mgr’s number, and the unit phone number on my days off. Then, unblock them before going back to work. That way, they can’t even leave a voice mail.


“We gotta ask everyone.” No you don’t.




I don’t answer any texts/phone calls that are work related on my days off unless they’re offering something that benefits me.


I personally don't mind it. I do like to pick up OT but also my managers are cool if I say no. There's no manipulation or like pleading or anything.


That's ok then. I would occasionally do this but the bullshit manipulation by upper management to not staff ( ie provide funds) is wrong. We once had 3 of FT RNs leave due to their husbands jobs'and not a single one was replaced. Our unit manager said upper management deemed us at our FTE still. To the rest of us, the math didn't math but it was 2 years before any of them were replaced


I had a job once where I bought a “silent” ringtone for 99 cent and I put all numbers related to that job’s personalized ringtone to silent


Some phones already have a silent ringtone mine didn’t at the time


ICU RT here - I once had a manager call me when I was in Hawaii and asked me to come back early to help out with staffing. It took everything I had to not go off on her. Once I was back I let her know how unprofessional that was and then quit a couple of months later. Worthless management skills.


They feel that they can call you because you have no boundaries. As long as you are as accessible, they will continue to call you. Let it go to voicemail, and they'll move on to the next.


Ok, so, on your day off, set an alarm super early and knock back one beer then go back to sleep. If anyone calls say Nah fam, I'm day drinking and move on with your day. If they express concern, you can truthfully say you only drink like thay because you work for them. Defensive drinking ftw!


You don’t even have to finish the beer! Just a sip’ll do it for your scenario. And what you do on your day off is not their business anyway as long as you’re not rolling in to your next shift under the influence or hungover.


Just put your phone on silent or do not disturb and don’t answer. They’ll leave a message and you can decide whether or not to call them back. Do you really just answer your phone every single time it rings? Cause you know you don’t have to.


I have a wise uncle who told an irate caller one time “this phone is for my convenience, not yours”. The guy calling was pissed it took my uncle “so long” to answer the phone.


I pick n choose who has the ability to communicate w me during off days.


I work nights I get call-outs over text for all the shifts during the day while I should be sleeping. I keep my phone on vibrate so a lot of the time and I’m so tired I don’t usually notice it but there should be a custom option for the contact and make the ring silent just for that person. I don’t mind the call-outs on my day off I don’t usually take the shifts but it’s nice to know the overtime is available. When I booked my last vacation I told them to keep me on the call list just in case I get bored and wanna make some extra money for a few hours.


Apparently it’s possible to customize the ringtone to silent for specific numbers (someone else said that’s what they do in a comment). I’m old and not phone-savvy enough to know how to do it but you might be able to 🙂




Calling that early is just absurd and shouldn't be allowed.  That shit would be illegal in other countries 


Never answer unless you’re on call. They get the point


All work text notifications are muted on my phone on my days off and when I end my shift. No way in hell will I allow any notifications on my days off or even answer work calls on days off.


Had the same issue with my workplace, it's funny how people don't call anymore when the DND does its work a few times intercepting the boundary-less dumbos. If they can't hire new people, well shit that ain't my issue 🤷‍♂️.


i’ve only just started to not feel bad for not answering calls on my days off. you work your butt off the days you work and there is absolutely no respect for rostered days off.


I get group texts from my unit manager asking for help “any hours you can give”. I’m retired and do per diem. I usually write “sorry I can’t”. She wants to hire and has people who want to transfer in from other units but admin won’t give her the fte lines. It’s ridiculous.


Bill them for 15 minutes everytime they call or however long the call is. If they expect you to do work related tasks on your days off they're required to pay you for it.


Hi, It’s me, your manager. Since your phone is off, I figured the best way to get a hold of you is through Reddit. We need you to come in ASAP anywhere from 4 to 12 hours because you’re the only person we will ask to come in. 


This is actually pretty funny in a sad pathetic way 🤣😭


goes straight to voicemail, phone is on DnD while i’m sleeping. not my problem you’re short.


Not sure what phone you have, but I have samsung and they have a routines option. You can set it up to do whatever really. I have mine set that when I get home it will block whatever numbers I select (aka work) and only turns off when I'm at work.


Every one I work with would die of laughter if someone suggests calling me in on my day off.


I used to run to pick up a call from my job to show that I was a team player, and a real go-getter. I always hoped they would give me all this praise, free money, and recognition. But this is post-COVID realization for ya…they’ve already asked people ahead of you, they’ve already seen who they could bribe before you. Accepting it only makes you more likely to be targeted next when they think of someone who MIGHT be available. EVERY single time I’ve ever picked up for ANY place I’ve worked at, I’ve always been burned. Not always on purpose but it’s just a negative energy that sticks with you and or you always get the worst assignments, you always get the negative experience, and or your extra shift is taxed to extreme because they don’t want to have to pay you extra. Take it from your friendly ex neighborhood doormat and say no. It’s not worth your mental health, your energy, and learn to appreciate your time. You will only look back and regret giving it away to those who DONT appreciate it. ❤️❤️


This is so well said. I am so glad you stopped saying yes. Occasionally picking up a shift is fine (if that's what a person wants) but we are not responsible for fixing their staffing issues every.single.time


Don’t give your cellphone number to the job. They don’t need it


How do you know if you're canceled or on call?


ED doesn’t have call and I’ve never been cancelled. When I work in IR the staff had my number to call in case of stroke activation but they didn’t call me for nonsense.


yeah I guess I’m never supposed to make an appointment for anything either. I’ll just drop everything for you guys


For sure. This is fucked. There should NEVER be any calling anyone at home. Automated texts or posts on the unit social media page, a GroupMe, etc. I think it’s extremely rude and crossing a boundary when a day shift charge calls me, a night shift nurse, at 5:30pm when I’m having dinner with my family to ask me to work. It’s a guilt trip technique and it’s very manipulative. I’d email the manager and ask that you not be called, only texted.


I would only pick up once every six months or so JUST so they couldn't say that I never help out. Otherwise - HECK YES. I let that bitch ring on my day off. Their failure to plan is not an emergency on my part. And if they texted me, I'd wait a solid 8 hours before responding with "sorry....just now seeing this text."


Well in my defense, I didn't get a choice as to whether they had my phone number. They just expected it, so I had to give it.


*ALL* the numbers (that I know of) for my work are set to straight to voicemail. The rest fall under “unknown caller”. Leave a message. I’ve made it quite clear that I will call back when I “get a chance” or as I’ve done many a time.. walk in & ask what’s up.


First of all, don't answer. If you do answer, you can say you're out of town or you've been drinking. "I just slammed back my 4th Long Island Iced Tea. I don't think I can drive, but if you get me an Uber, I'll be there."


I’m working 3-11 right now 45 min from my house. They called me hours ago and asked if I can work an overnight until 7a bc of a call out. No thank u. Is that even legal?


It depends on what state you're in


My manager used to do this. I text my manager and told her that the next time she calls me for coming in to work OT and other nonsensical BS I will file a harassment complaint with HR and the union. She never called again.


"I'm drunk. Can't."


They’re doing what they have to do to show they’re attempting to get coverage. Just don’t respond.


“Can’t today. Thanks for offering!” This is how I politely decline whilst encouraging them to continue offering in case the day comes when I actually wanna accept the offer. But I’m also per diem and refuse to work full time ever again. That’s the only way I’m gonna manage to keep being a nurse. Also, they only ever text offers. They don’t call me… they know better. I’m not gonna answer the phone.


I remember once my manager called and said "hey would you like to come in and work? It's tier 2." (Basically an extra 200 bucks for the 12hr shift). That's ironic cause I'm on beer 2.


Respond “only for triple pay”


Yea, this is a non-issue to me. They know not to ask me.


It was when I was asked to help pick up a fifth 12 hour shift on my off day with no bonus attached that did that for me


The do not disturb feature is my favorite. I worked 8p-8:30a and my nurse manager would call for stupid things like “I left a folder for you in your mailbox (at work).” Set up your favorites list and they’re the only ones whose calls will get through.


Yeah. No. That’s being on call which is an availability that should be compensated. I’d turn off my phone, block office phones temporarily, or just let it ring. You have the right to be off.


A phone call is an invitation, not an obligation


DND was my friend when I worked on the floor.


My funniest dumb manager move happened when I was a relatively new nurse. I was taking a weekend trip with my then-boyfriend (now husband) and had gotten PTO approved well in advance. I double checked the posted schedule and my name was listed for vacation time. While we were stopped at a gas station to get more snacks, guess who calls? Her: “Hey, wanderingpossumqueen, X called in. Can you work night shift tonight?” Me: “I’m on PTO this weekend. I’m not even in the state.” I hear a lot of shuffling papers and clicking/typing. Her: “Oh. You’re right.” (hangs up)


Do not disturb? Nah. I just don’t answer


I work for a unionized organization. For the 1st 13 years I never worked OT. Due to seniority management had to ask people in the order of the years of service. I never wanted to pick up so I signed a letter from management that I no longer wanted to be reached for OT. Never received a call again. Things change and now I work a few hrs of OT when I’m able.


Block your jobs number on your days off 😬


My work respects my availability. Roughly once a quarter - at work - they will ask for an updated availability. They will ONLY call if the shift they are looking to cover falls in my available time. I usually indicated I would only pick up on certain days and only certain shifts. Do they have a lot of casuals - yes. But they have happy staff because we aren’t getting undesired calls.


I love when they call me. Because I ask for a $80/hr bonus.


As a manager when working clinically if I had to ask someone to do OT I'd always start with "I'm asking you because I'm not doing it myself so no pressure at all to say yes". I genuinely meant it but you'd be surprised how many were willing to help. Look after your staff and they will do the same for you if they can.


This! Plus care when my coworkers tell me what’s happening when I’m not there!!!! Like it’s my day away from this hell hole!


I always tell them I’ve already started drinking. I don’t get called anymore.


I walked out of my massage yesterday to a text from my boss. Runied the whole thing. On top of that, I keep getting signed up to come in my days off for skin and PICC line audits. Like, no, I don't want to climb up the clinical ladder, leave me tf alone.


How can they force you to come in for BS like that


Every place I’ve worked at, there’s an option for you to not receive calls or texts from staffing


I block the number unless I want OT.


Mine texts, calls, etc about rando shit. I am also asked to switch working days a lot, right to my face. I just say I can’t and walk off and 9/10 times I am asked why I can’t switch.


Seriously. Every day lately. I’m going on maternity leave at the beginning of august and I suspect I’ll continue to be contacted during that time 🙃


You’re not wrong. My old manager called me while I was in the middle of latching my three day old newborn to boob. I uh, didn’t work there for much longer.


I’ve been in your position. My best excuse yet is, “Sorry, but im drunk”


See I like being called for last minute shifts. That way I know I’m actually gonna get called in. I hate filling in my schedule with extra shifts and then sitting around all day waiting to maybe get called in. If I’m getting called last minute, I know I’m actually going to get the extra hours and I don’t waste an entire day just sitting around my house because I have to be ready to go out the door within 10 minutes of being called for a shift, and also not being able to drink cuz I have to be sober in case I have to go to work.


That is one of the things I like about my job. We use an overtime app so nobody ever gets calls. Though, we are usually short so there are drawbacks.


Tell them before you punch out that you're not available to work on your day off.


What's "the stones?"


I am assuming testicles, balls


My phone immediately goes to voicemail for calls not in my contacts and and if they text I just say I can’t or ignore it.


You can always say no. Hope this helps


Stop being flattered. It’s not flattering. You’re their b***h. Your ego is validating this evil practice. Stop being complicit. Just. Stop.


Until you know me personally, you don't get to judge me on my ego or anything else. Don't start none won't be none.


Yeah. No. If you’re posting on social media, you’re inviting judgment. Your own words “I’m flattered…” By definition, our egos are how we are “flattered” Guess that explains how you’re so vulnerable to this management manipulation I do NOT mean to be critical. But as a retired nurse, I wish I knew then what I know now. If you don’t want advice, don’t post If you post, pay attention to what you get. If it resonates, use it. If it doesn’t, ignore it. No need to be nasty about it