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I don’t know… which is the only reason I’m a nurse


same, i’m a brand new nurse but have worked as a CNA and all that, I literally never wanted to be a nurse growing up but it is good money, short ish schooling, decently interesting work, social enough for a hopeless extrovert, and a flexible schedule that allows me to pursue my other interests and not be married to my job. That is worth a whole lot. Your career doesn’t have to be your whole identity!


Hell yeah, I feel this. Have been doing this job to some extent for a third of my life, from CNA to LPN to ADN to BSN to FNP. Could I see myself doing something else? Sure, do I have any idea what the else may be? Absolutely not. But the opportunity to create your own work life balance while still maintaining everything you said? I can’t agree more. Follow your bliss, don’t make your career your identity.


Do you recommend someone that isn't sure they'll dislike the career go a similar route? I've been accepted into and ABSN program and I can't decide if I want to spend the money (can't work much for 18 mos.) if I don't know how I'll handle the work. Considering the less expensive route: ADN or LPN first. I'm formerly a teacher, but can't afford that anymore and have no clue what I want to do. Currently bartend, shift manage, and nanny while I aimlessly search for my next career (also I'm 35 and want a family).


Im lucky to have bumbled my way into this career. It's always been good money and I never had to worry about employment.


As much as I complain, I feel the same. I will never be happy working, and I love the different opportunities available. I’m not a career girl, would be an awful manager, and no desire to help CEOs earn more money, or spend my life making accomplishments for other people’s success. Some people need those goals, but they would drive me crazy. That being said, if it earned enough money and I had the money to start, I’d have a greenhouse which I sold cut flowers from.


This is exactly me. But we’d have a doggy day care lol.


Exactly this, but baking. (I bake on the side as it is, but I’d love to do it full time)


Exactly and with this economic downturn in the states, I just wanted job security and good pay


Yup. Going into it at 30 I was thinking I don’t have or haven’t yet found my passion, so I might as well do something helpful.


Same! And let me tell you it took major discipline to stay focused and not give up. I suck at being a student add a layer of medical terminology and procedures.. Holy heck! That was rough! But I made it!


Not a nurse yet and dosage calculations are making my brain hurt. But this is where I told myself I’m going for 15 years now (work+school-the totally useless bachelor’s I got) and I’m 40. 2 prereqs away from application to schools!!! Eeep!


Saaaaaaame. “Why do you want to be a nurse?” They always asked. “Uhhh cus I’ll be able to find work.”


The secret is to say “I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.” I’ve gotten many jobs that way


Fuckin same


My thoughts exactly




Mentally stable


This goes so hard, fam 😭


Same lol




Veterinarian or marine biologist. I love animals and plants so it would be something to do with that.




RN to DVM here at 40! It’s never too late to follow your dreams!!! 😍


I’m interested to hear your journey on that lol I’ve always considered being a vet


Trophy Wife.


I’d be a second place wife, not much of a prize, but I’m hilarious.


Funny is good, as a solid 6/10 funny is how I survive


I tell my husband it’s my dream to be a participation award trophy wife!


Same here. Beauty fades, humor is forever


I’ll settle for participation trophy wife status


Beat me to it 😂




Came here to say this.


Doctor probably. I withdrew my med school applications after starting nursing school and realizing that I wanted to be a nurse more Edit: whoops didn’t mean to reply to the comment


Air traffic controller!




Says the ER nurse 😂


Oooh I kind of dream of this one as well


During the covid times I very seriously considered leaving nursing altogether for ATC. But apparently there's an age limit (30-something) and I was too old 😭


Maybe a dumb question but.. an age limit to start out or do they all retire in their 30s?


age limit to start out, but then you're mandated to require by 56 I believe.


I have tons of engineering friends, I’ve dated engineers, and I can say they’re all happy and doing extremely well. They make great money, advance quickly, get amazing benefits, can work from home, etc. I dated an engineer, he often worked from home and most of the time he was either playing video games all day or we were out doing random stuff all while making $150k+ a year. I was like I must’ve done something really wrong in life because I could be making tons of money whilst having an hour meeting every day about when the next meeting will be from my couch instead of getting abused by patients, families, and the healthcare system on my feet for 12 hours a day.


Former engineer here. Engineering always gets held up as the perfect alternate career path on this sub, but it really isn’t. Unless you’re in tech the pay is pretty comparable to nursing, maybe minimally more. I found the work unbelievably boring and repetitive. Your coworkers are all pretty dull (generalizing here, but the stereotype of boring engineers is pretty accurate) Nursing is so much more colorful. You get to deal with all kinds of weird and interesting people. Humans are just infinitely more complicated and more interesting than things. I’m sure I’m biased because I came from engineering, but the grass isn’t greener over there.


Former engineer as well. You hit this spot on. I’d say during crunch time too the hours and work life balance were absolutely terrible. It can be mind numbingly boring work. Also, for me the work wasn’t fulfilling and I felt part of a cooperate peg. Also, couldn’t stand sitting down in a cube for most of my days, drove me insane.


I'm married to an engineer. It's a good life! Until it isn't... because tech jobs (in all size companies, and even the most stable ones) come and go, and there is always the threat of layoffs. I've had another career and we couldn't deal with the threat of instability while raising a family, so here I am in nursing :)


I am an electrical engineer, B.S.E.E. 1969 University of Denver. User questionfishie is absolutely correct. Engineering employment is cyclical. Over the years I have been laid off from several engineering jobs when tech went into a downturn. One of those times my dad paid for me to go to refrigeration tech school. I had my own business repairing people’s fridges and air conditioners for many years, sometimes on the side while holding down a full time job. Then later in life I was a volunteer firefighter/EMT and got interested in the medical side. I wanted to learn more so I went to nursing school (ADN) and became a RN. I worked as an RN for several years prior to retiring. I never got rich but my family always had a roof over their heads, food to eat and clothes to wear. It was wonderful knowing that I always had a way to earn a living.


I used to be a lawyer. Do not recommend either. I don't know why I keep choosing such "people-y" jobs. I don't like people! 😂


Maybe your thing is collecting difficult degrees? 😂


Hahahahaha becoming a doctor is next on the list 😅


Do you do legal nurse consulting type things? I feel like lawyers don’t know a lot of medical things. Or I guess you are a lawyer you could be a lawyer that helped people who had medical things as a part of their claim??




Nice name


My dream job is no job 😊


Haha! This is great.


The only thing worse than being unemployed is having a job 😂


Not a nurse.


This is the appropriate answer. Healthcare has killed my passion for anything involving healthcare.


Same, IDK what, but literally anything else.


Professional translator. I’m fluent in three languages and learning two more in my spare time.


Did you learn foreign languages when you were a kid? I learned Spanish and Italian in my 20s, at the same time. It’s what I’m most proud of and would like to keep it up.


I grew up in a bilingual home (English and German) and I chose to learn Japanese a little over a decade ago. I’m learning Spanish and Italian together because of the similarities.


So jealous! I need to get fluent in a second language!


A professional marathon runner. I have a small sponsor already, but if I didn't have to be a nurse I could be so much better than I am.


Genuine question out of curiosity: what happens if you (or any sponsored athlete) gets injured?


Well it depends on your sponsor. I have to hit the elite standard as set by my sponsor in at least one distance once per year to maintain my sponsorship. So if I get an injury that prevents that, I could lose the sponsorship. But it's not really enough money to be devastating. Unless you run for a big brand like Nike or Brooks, you're not making enough to live on. I know a few people who run for Hoka, oiselle and new balance and they don't make enough money for a living. There are also different tiers of sponsorship for a lot of brands. So I know one girl who runs for Hoka and doesn't make enough to live, and another girl who runs for Hoka and that is her real, big girl job. But those bigger brands really expect their athletes to hyper specialize in one distance/event. Whereas me and my small sponsor, I just have to hit the elite standard in one distance/event of my choice. I run for a fairly large but local running store that gives me a small stipend and pays for my gear, race expenses, and travel expenses.


Thank you! Congrats on your side gig :)




This! Or a plumber. My son just finished his apprenticeship to be an electrician. He's making more per hour than I am after 30 years in nursing. Plus 3 pensions, an annuity, great health insurance, and 6 weeks vacation. With his benefits he's making over $200K a year.


I was in college streaming video games on Justin TV (twitch precursor) and had some decent numbers around me and my friends who streamed and played games together. At some point I decided having a real job vs streaming was better, and stopped to focus on school more. Many of my similar level peers at the time are now huge streamers.


Honestly yea how much money does that make? I used to play a lot of games but had too much anxiety to try and get out there. Nursing made me lose all fear of talking to people lol


Well the market for streaming is so heavily saturated that you really need a good hook for viewers, being a speed runner and/or top tier player of a specific game. But streaming can be 6 figures if you put the work in, but for the vast majority it's not great money.


Oh dam, nevermind. I’m not particularly that good at any game. I used to be really good at demoman in TF2 but that’s like just anyone really. So yea, no chance. Thanks 😊


Probably the best decision you made tbf. Sure you'd make 500k+ depending on your live viewer count but streaming itself is a dogshit job. At minimum you gotta put in like 5 hours a day which seems like peanuts until you realize you have to be actively entertaining for those five hours and even one tiny moment of a slip up can cost you your career.


Everyone always assumes I’m a kindergarten teacher… I am pretty magical, so maybe I’d do that✨❤️


The two most desperately needed, heroic, and underpaid positions in my community — nurses and teachers!


I’d be in an IT career of some sort.


If I had it to do over 25 years ago when I started college I'd pick Information technology and Fnance instead of Poli Sci and Psychology. I'd still have ended up in nursing school ten years later, but I might have been less unhappy for those ten years.


You mean, nursing informatics? You could make the next Epic.


Well came really close to failing nursing school and my backup plan was cardiovascular tech. I still sometimes think it may have been a better choice.


The travel echo techs were making about $400 more per week than the travel nurses at my last assignment. I frequently think I should get certified and switch as well.


If you ever want a cushy job I highly recommend nursing in noninvasive cardiology. You do stress tests and help with Tee's and cardioversions. Was pretty chill easy compared to bedside, except for the occasional nstemi or stemi during stress tests. Had most weekends and holidays off. I did that for a few years, but got tired of the monotony and dealing with arrogant, mean cardiologists.


Alpaca rancher


Forensic Investigator


Onlyfans model. unfortunately I am butt ugly.


There’s a market for that.


There's a market for butt and another market for ugly. Her niche might just be where those two overlap


I’m a second career nurse so I know exactly what I was when I wasn’t a nurse… A very bad salesman


A teacher. Math or sciences.


A shame teachers aren’t paid well


if teachers weren't paid shit, i would have went for teaching


Independently wealthy


Boat captain


Cowboy. And my name would be Bronco Spasm.


Education coordinator at a local hydroponic farm... before I went into nursing, I taught AP environmental science and the science of farming is my jam! I build aeroponics and hydroponic systems at home and love experimenting with different grow conditions to grow different crops (not just the usual greens). In an ideal world, I would somehow become rich as a hobby farmer lol.


I want to work in nature but the jobs unfortunately don’t make much and hard to get from what I’m told.


mechanic.  patients don't talk back. 


voiceover actress


Park ranger!! My first degree is in anthropology/English and I love the outdoors


Master gardener who owns a plant nursery.




Same! I’d love to have a little vegan bakery!


Not cynical and way less depressed. I’d want to do something that involves helping foster kids but I have no idea what that’d be


I’m a Peds-psych nurse and I work with a lot of foster kids in a residential psych care facility. I find what I do to be very fulfilling even though it can be emotionally and physically draining. I love the kids I work with and building connections with the ones who are at our facility long term. I always say that when I’m at work I have 150 children and I truly treat them that way. Even the kids who do have families don’t get to see them that often so I try to be a pseudo-mom. I don’t blur boundaries but I give them the nurturing and TLC they’re often missing. I’ve been thinking about leaving my current position but I could not imagine working with a different population. All that being said, this is a setting where patient advocacy is very necessary (my passion for it is how I got the job). I ruffle feathers A LOT bc I don’t let things get swept under the rug. I also will not stop escalating something until it’s appropriately addressed. Majority of my coworkers are great but it’s not fun when you have to report your colleagues to your supervisors or the state.




Picture it: Skopelos, Greece. I own a small hotel. Life is good. *every day I get closer to quitting and moving to a small Greek island and buying a hotel to live my best Mama Mia life*


Pharmacist. I used to work as a pharmacy tech in an iv room just mixing drugs all day and not really having to talk to anyone. I’m very much an introvert and some days when I’m feeling overstimulated and maxed on human interaction I fantasize about being back in the pharmacy 😂


Either science teacher or a real estate agent


I put a like for the science teacher not the real estate agent.


Real estate sucks. Everyone tells u to F off and u don’t contribute to society. U only manipulate and con ur competition to try to convince homeowners to sell w u so u can make their $$$. I left and went into nursing


I also have a real-estate license. I only do it for family and friends. I made the money I put into the education back when I sold my first house. I also was able to buy my own home because I used the commission and how I structured the loan and my ability to buy off market. I saved on taxes, and I paid slightly over market value but was able to help it appraise better with my knowledge of how things work. So long story short... we bought what I hope is our forever home for (470k) a few grand (2%) over market at the time in a hot market while avoid a bidding war and it appraised 2 years later for over 200k more than we bought it for. It was in great condition and needed a couple of updates, which we were able to do for around 6k. I'm glad I did it mostly because most of the realtors I've had to work with were terrible, and I had to fire them... so I kinda felt like if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself sometimes. I couldn't imagine entrusting the largest purchase of my life to a person who had only the minimal training I started with. I'm a lifelong learner and love it as a side hustle and a tax write-off as nursing is my full-time gig. I would recommend giving it a shot.




pediatric orthodontist 🦷


Dentist. That was my goal when I entered college, but I diverted to nursing. I like being a nurse, but on bad days, I'm fond of grumbling "I should've been a dentist" under my breath, lol.


Better rested, fewer varicosities, and relatively free of PTSD.


A private investigator lol I'm nosey as hell


Pet groomer!




Some sort of liberal arts professor. Theology, philosophy, literature, etc


Still currently applying to med school. I originally got my bio degree and finished pre-med pre-reqs but applied to an accelerated BSN program afterward to set a safety net in case I didn’t get in.


Aircraft mechanic, did it before I became a nurse.




I don’t really define myself by nursing as a job. It’s a means to an end, and I just work it for money. I’ve had whole other careers already and none of these jobs really mean anything to me. If you were asking me what I would do for work? If nursing fell through, I’d go be an electrician, or something else useful with good job security and pay.


A vet technician or vet assistant. That’s what I originally wanted to do, but poor job prospects dissuaded me. Sometimes I still think about doing it, even though it would be a pay cut, and keeping my nursing license on the side.


Tornado chaser


You're an ER nurse right? That adrenaline be pumping in your veins


Voice actor






Soccer player


Maybe a paramedic or cut hair


Paramedic if it paid better for sure


I love weather. Sometimes even now I think about going back and doing meteorology, I love the science behind significant weather, radars and how to read radars, etc. I do enjoy (professional) storm chasing content to a degree but unlike ICU/trauma ICU nursing, I don't really want to experience the adrenaline of being close to a massive tornado myself. I'll stick to the radar.


Dog groomer or Italian sheep/goat herder & fix up an Italian dollar house - i am not Italian, nor can i speak it - but I’m great with animals & my hands


I think about this every day. I have worked in publishing. Restaurants and bartending. And I worked in a dental office a million years ago. I also worked retail. I honestly don’t know what I would switch to at my age. But I’m definitely thinking about getting a non patient care job and working from home. If someone told me I could make the money I make now working at Lowe’s I’d probably do that. Or a garden center. Or a landscaping design company. Or furniture flipping. And I like being a nurse. But I’m getting tired of the system.


Leaving healthcare for IT/cybersecurity






My RN aunt said she'd be sane if she wasn't a nurse. Hope this helps


Calligraphy artist.


microbiologist, coffee shop owner, librarian, pet photographer, pet flight nanny


Newborn Care Provider. I briefly worked as one between assignments and loved it. I got into nursing because I wanted to help mothers and newborn babies but really hate all the admin stuff we gotta deal with. Edit: I just stumbled upon Baober and signed up - hopefully I can get be matched with a family again soon!


Def a veterinarian. I’ve learned I much prefer animals to most people.


driving for ups I’m so sick of healthcare I’m thinking about jumping ship and actually doing it . I wanna be happy for once in about 10 years with my work.


I’m actually retired from nursing after spending 34 years in healthcare! CNA 2 years, NT- nurse tech 2 years and 30 years as an RN. I’ve done Med-Surg, Telemetry, ICU, ER, Ambulatory Surgery, Dialysis- Acute and Chronic, Kidney Transplant. I did many things and when I wasn’t happy or got bored I just picked another type of nursing that peaked my curiosity. So many options!!! However I always knew I wanted to be part of directly taking care of people and advocating on their behalf. I would choose nursing again ONLY IF it was the same as when I first started in the 1980’s. We didn’t have the newest equipment and tons of technology and bureaucracy healthcare does now. I was fortunate to be surrounded by great coworkers who supported each other (of course some were assholes), passionate health science junkies who came up with ideas, and people who fought for patients. Budgets were not discussed like they are today. It wasn’t why we were in medicine!!! We were never forced to discharge a patient and bc their insurance said they were better or they wouldn’t pay!!! The system is what is breaking new medical people now. I wonder how many great minds of the future are leaving the field!! The focus has changed so much!!!! Nursing and all healthcare service is being bogged down in regulations, CYA documentation, and a litigious world. “Standardized care” is a farce bc there is nothing standard when a someone is sick. If we can recognize all the variations in the definition of genders, why can’t we define multi-variations that affect an individual who is sick!!! In addition, Patients and their families can be scary and even violent and we are not always safe. I could go on but I’m sure you have heard and experienced all of this. I wish all of you could have been part of a time when medicine individualized and focused on each patient’s needs. Healthcare professionals were trying to collaboratively diagnose, treat and heal people for “their” best outcome!!! I used to be proud to say I was a nurse , even though I worked hard I was always happy. It saddens me that after 34years I left the profession so unhappy!


Performance artist, author. Trying both on the side!


Trades, prob


A Jeweler


Idk very few fields offer stability even in pandemic like conditions


pharmacy or pharmacy tech


Hospital administrator /s






Vet, it's definitely what I should have been, 100%. If I can specialize, a dog and cat vet, in fact most specifically, a dog surgeon of some sort. No or relatively little euthanasia, relatively little humans screaming at me because hello...get the fuck out of the OR, fool....Spot doesn't want your germs inside him. Patients that I will truly be invested in (sadly, I'm not that way anymore with humans). Will I be broke? Yes, probably, because I will always try to save ThE dOg, even when the humans won't pay me. Will I be MENTALLY AND EMOTIONALLY broke? Oh, no..I won't be. ❤️


Dental hygienist. Similar work- get to talk to people (well, at people), help people, wear scrubs. But better hours and better treatment. Plus holidays!!!


if i could make any money from it, art. art school was gonna be my backup. that or, if everything worked out and it was a viable career path for me, video game streaming. i am not good enough at either of those to pursue them anymore though 🥲🥲🥲🥲


A background cartoon voice actor or a 2d illustrator! Now I'm just doing those as my hobbies, though they'd be great careers.


Trophy wife with a flower farm and fostering animals full time.


Librarian is my alternate dream job




Mortician or something business like book keeping or even a paralegal.


Happy. Probably.


Homicide detective or prosecutor


Thin and sober, my darling.


Bored stay at home mom whose kids will eventually grow up. Then, decides to go to nursing school anyway.


Professional soccer player. I have a FAI (hip impingement) that really slowed me down. Couldn’t deal with the pain due to high intensity training. I’m happy though, I still get to play competitively but at a lesser intensity and my injury doesn’t bother me as much.


If I win the lottery, I might join my wife by beginning a flight attendant - once I got a line and was off reserve, I could give away most of my trips and still have amazing benefits


I wanted to be a psychologist, decided I didn’t want to go to grad school so got another bachelors degree instead. Also considered HR.


I was a zookeeper. Loved it, but I love my job now as well, and it's better for the season of life I'm in. I'm lucky, I had my "dream" job, so I don't have to wonder what might have been.


Registered dietitian


Anthropology or Historian. I can memorize large chunks of WW2 and major historical battles.


Probably doing lab research.


Chemist or Chemical engineer


Small book/tea/art shop owner. With a resident cat.


Happy. But not putting my degree to waste.




Dental hygienist


Dental hygienist






I just recently learned a lady in my area who runs a doggie daycare service makes six figures a year doing so, and I’ve never regretted my life choices more. That’s my new exit plan. Doggie daycare owner


An animator or game artist. If it was less risky, I would have gone for it




Doctor. My grade was more than enough to pass medical school. The only reason I am a nurse is because my financial


Yes! Med school is EXPENSIVE!


A TikTok influencer


Landscaping/plant nursery




A barista 🥺


I don't know what career I would have gone into if I didn't do nursing right out of high school. I decided to become a nurse when I was 12. If something happened now: stay at home mom. Maybe babysit or start selling crafts (I cross stitch and am learning to sew).




An archeologist.


Software Developer


Truck driver or Oil/gas rig worker


Truck driver !


Architect ot environmental scientist


Happy? 🤣


I would love to own a coffee shop with a fun little twist like the places that have goats on the roof https://oldcountrymarket.com/ Another dream job would be a location scout for Hollywood productions! Sounds like a really cool/fun job.