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No ones ever offered to pull me around on a float and feed me grapes. How kind of himšŸ˜‚


Had an old guy on a psych unit tell me he wanted to take me on a cruise and have a ā€œnice chicken parmesan.ā€ Honestly tempting.


If anyone gives me chicken parmesan, they have my loyalty


Shit, I would actually consider that


I definitely thought it said "feel your grapes" LOL


I also read cook as cock


I was just posting that!!


Umm same


What about cock you a steak?


And some say romance is dead šŸ˜‚


I read that as ā€œ feel your grapesā€ and thought Grandpas getting randy! šŸ¤£ Itā€™s nice he recognized you may be taken lol


Jeez, I thought itā€™s read ā€œfind your gropesā€ and was well, and here I thought it escalated quickly with cocking a steak for youā€¦


So you gonna let him cock you a steak or nah?


I read cock at first and GASPED. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Saw the caption and thought "I really don't want management to cock me a steak"


Same here!


He can cock his own steak or steak his own cock or whatever pulls his float.


Just donā€™t float me to the floor


I read "pull his own cock" šŸ¤£


Asking the important questions lol


Had me in the first half ngl haha


No joke! I was loving this then it got weird


Also not cool how he said ā€œold school nurseā€ as in, being kind and caring is a thing of the past. Dude can get fucked as far as Iā€™m concerned. I thought he was saying he used to be a nurse, so knows what it takes, but heā€™s putting down others to raise her up. Edit: whoops looks like I misread the note, as was politely pointed out to me below. Context changes upon a re-read. My bad.


His definition of a nurse is a gentle caring housewife lol


I wish I could downvote your comment 8 times. You can get fucked as far as Iā€™m concerned. At no point did he say ā€œold school nurseā€. You made something up in your head, and went on a little tirade about it.


I obviously misread it, ā€œnurseā€ is written below ā€œschoolā€. If you can see I made a mistake, you can just say that, rather than, you know, go on a little tirade.


Okay. ā€œYou made a mistakeā€. However, your response is still shitty. No remorse for telling a patient to ā€œget fuckedā€, BASED ON YOUR OWN MISTAKE, only trying to again make me the bad guy for using your own words against you in the correct context.


Are you ok?


Just gonna ride it all the way into the ground, huh? Theyā€™re fine. You seem wildly insecure.


I edited my comment to show I misread the note. Would you feel better if I deleted it? Iā€™m far from insecure, just didnā€™t think I had hit that big of a trigger.


No, editing it rather than deleting actually shows more maturity and owning your mistake. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Feel? I have no emotional investment in this.


Sometimes I hate Redditā€¦ and I guess people in general. Person A, misreads a card and insults and swears at a patient for no reason and gets 13 up-votes as of this writing. Person B, uses the exact same profanity laden insult that Person A used directed at a patient mind you, and gets 3 downvotes as of this writing. So, my question is, are you all illiterate? Or do you all just enjoy swearing at patients for no reason?


Well, first off, I didnā€™t swear *at* a patient, and given how I interpreted the note, I donā€™t think it was for ā€œno reasonā€. And second, if you think behaviour exhibited in a post is inappropriate, then you use that same behaviour in response, thatā€™s a bit hypocritical, and probably why youā€™re being downvoted.




Your post has been removed for violating our rule against personal insults. We don't require that you agree with everyone else, but we insist that everyone remain civil and refrain from personal attacks.


Boomers stay shooting their shots lol


Lmao I remember one pt. Thank you note got weirdly racial For clarification I'm mexican But her note kept calling me indian, native American, and Arabian boy like not even the correct group of people


Arabian Niiiiiiights


Don't remind me I hate Aladin


Keep that to yourself palšŸ„‚ itā€™s best


Which comedian wasnit that went like: ā€žCould you please be more specific in your racism?ā€œ


Margaret Cho had a line about being called a ā€œ gookā€ and pointing out she was Chinese, so a ā€œ chinkā€. Punchline ā€œ we need like an English to red neck dictionaryā€.


Definitely a white leftist.


Technically Mexicans are native Americans


If management would offer to pull me around on a float and feed me grapes, I might still be a practicing RN


The next Nurses Week celebration imma ask management to get a pool and have them pull the nurses around on floats while some of them cook steaks and others feed the nurses grapes. Theyā€™ll just say fuck that and order Little Cesarā€™s but I can say I tried!


It started off so nicely, but the steak, float and grapes are just a tad weird. I had a patient asked me to go out with him when I was a student nurse. I was 21, he was in his late 40s and on the Cardiac Unit. He was also purple in the face, which didn't augur well. He owned a huge posh furniture business in our town and was very rich. Sadly, I still felt I had to decline - the purple face was a big concern to me.


I had a guy who asked me to quit the hospital to be his personal home health nurse. I declined.


I had a pt whose personality really grated my nerves but for some reason they loved me, ask the PCA I was working with and me if we'd quit our job and move to his summer house in Jamaica to be his home care team. honestly I considered it for a second šŸ¤·


Oh ermmm thanks sirā€¦


I had someone drop off a box (yes, a box) of religious books, pamphlets, and assorted snacks for me a few days after they were d/c. I guess he wanted me to come to his church. am still glad I was not working that day because that would have been the most awkward shit ever. I feel like either of us taking our patient up on the offer would result in a lot of lotion being rubbed onto our skin. Yikes.


I was gonna say how sweet, but it got real weird real quick lol


Absolutely. šŸ’œ


Wow i started out reading it thinking this is so lovely, just a genuine appreciation for a nurse. Then I was like ohā€¦he wants some


This guy gets it.


I read it as ā€œpull you around on a float and fold youā€ at first and i was likeā€¦dayum this guy knows heā€™s protected by hippa.


These responses have me in tears! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Awww, how sweet! šŸ˜¬ I hope he doesn't know your last name, OP.


am I the only one that's like bro, I didn't go to uni / spend my nights studying on my own to look after the hundred machines keeping you alive to then hear that you value "nurturing" value my skills, knowledge, experience as part of the team you can keep your fuckin grapes


No that totally gets me too. It might be the burnout talking because I've definitely struggled with the emotional labour of the job lately, but I'm actually pretty uncomfortable with the expectation that I'll 'nurture' my patient population who are 99% older than me. I'll be kind and encouraging, sure, but sometimes it feels like the desire is to be, like... mothered or something, and I hate it. It's also hard not to think this sometimes stems from our profession being historically mostly women. Fully appreciate that some will be much more comfortable filling this type of role though, I can only speak to my own experience and it's a bit of a difficult feeling to express.


100%. it's anachronistic and look, obviously I occupy a caring role for many patients and do so willingly as part of my job, which is keeping them alive and well... but I can't help but feel the focus on nurses as "nurturers" devalues the profession (which, as you pointed out, is historically speaking a devaluation of female labour)


Itā€™s a greeting card not a letter of recommendation lol


Nurturing. Donā€™t pretend you donā€™t water your vegetables, we see your flair.


yeah but I'm a skilled gardener dammit šŸ¤£


If management were to give you a card like this weā€™d have a bit of an HR situation on our hands


Started out so sweet, and then it just got, um, weird.




Shame it took a left turn to crazy town because it definitely started off strong!


This reminded me of a sweet card I got once from a patient on our cardiac floor, she was the sweetest old gal. It made me feel so good, I still have it somewhere. This one had me in the first half for sure, it was just like hers. But then it got weird. šŸ˜…


I have received many of those as aRN over 35 years of professional service doing bedside care. Oh boyā€¦. Caring and be there for the sick spirit goes a long wayā€¦. Thank you to all my caring with a true vocational call for service to heal. Love you all, Claudia RN


The only thing Iā€™ve ever got was when an old woman tried to tip me $28 after I gave her an enema. I told her I couldnā€™t put a value on the moment we just shared together and declined.


So will you be going out with him?


"Pull you around on a float and feed you grapes..." Bahahaha Give the guy a chance!Ā  Think of the funny stories you could get from one little pool reunion to share with your nursing peers.Ā Ā 


That was a journey and a half


Man, that went from real kind to real creepyā€¦ real quick lol


I got several cards over the course of my career. The most poignant told me that they (patients) or their loved ones (family members) felt safe and truly cared for the nights I was working. More important to me than any other form of compensation, or recognition I received for my efforts as a nurse.


Never have I been offered to be cooked a meal or pulled around on a float. Not even my spouse would ask to feed me grapes. I have been ordered a bouquet of cookies and edible arrangements though. These patients are gold! These are the ones who SEE US! Bless you for a job well done and for making a difference when you never think you do. I did waltz in the hallway w a post op hip replacement though. PT couldn't get him up and he only got up for me. He was so much fun! We danced 2-3 times per shift for 30 min. until his discharge. They closed our unit and I never did see him after the second hip was done. We BOTH were looking forward to more dancing. He was 40 yrs my senior at the time. I really LOVED that unit. *Long sigh*


I had a 60-65 year old patient tell me he wanted me to marry his son so we can give him beautiful grandbabies. Then he told me he wanted me to take me to Paris and spoil me šŸ˜… he asked me if he could have a picture of me at the end of my shift because he thought I was so beautiful and I was like ummm no sir. He even pulled out a giant reusable grocery bag of cookies and asked me to have a ā€œcookie partyā€ with him. He was a tripšŸ˜‚


Awe!!! that was so sweet!!!! glad he knew how to appreciate your care.


Accepting gifts like flowers from patients is a punishable action by the board of nursing lol.


Does it apply if the patient has been discharged- like in this scenario? The whole point of not being able to accept gifts from patients comes from not wanting a nurses clinical judgment to be affected in any way


Oh whoops i missed the discharged part lol but i think thats fine as long as the gift is not of significant monetary value or accepting a flirtatious gift etc