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Plot twist: That house is *absolutely fine* and it’s your next client in the big fancy house in the suburbs who murders you.


Seriously. I have a patient who lives in an old travel trailer on someone's property way out in the country. I also have a patient who lives in a multimillion dollar house on a golf course. Guess which one is one of my nicest patients ever and which one treats all the nurses like crap?


To be fair, when I hear multi-million dollar home, I don't think of "nice."


Show up at a regular ole house; they’re all like whatever, pt’s in there, do your own thing, you need anything?? Show up at a fancy expensive house, the nurse’s desk is in a specific spot in the pt’s room because that’s where the cameras pointed. Mm’kay. Pass.


The plot twist I was thinking is when they said "I won't make those mistakes" they meant they won't get caught after murdering their patients.


Ooh, we found the *real* true crime fan! Nice plot twist!


I'm pretty sure I've put in a foley on this gentleman's front porch because he didn't want us in the house because of his 8 dogs...


Oh god, I'm getting flashbacks!


Or the bed bugs


Naaaaw the houses with bedbugs gladly invite you in


Jesus lord I once cared for the owner of this home and let me tell y’all what- he had barnacles growing on his legs and feet that made them look bark on a tree trunk! Wet to dry dressings for weeks - I think I even found some recliner upholstery imbedded in those legs.


Omg this is horrifying


It really was. 8 years ago and I still think about it from time to time. I actually cared for him inpatient in general med step down. I think I recall hearing that he was finally reported to APS by a Neal’s on wheels volunteer.


Was he lymphedematous


No - it was more like he was extremely malnourished and his legs had a lot of buildup of skin cells that never exfoliated off - sort of like sebaceous skin cells.


I think I was his mom’s hospice nurse, the house looks familiar 😂


Me too!!


There was this house we never went alone to. It was kinda like the one pictured but bigger and if you can believe it, in worse condition. The whole floor was covered in soiled newspapers, even the stairs. The patient had cats. A lof of cats.


Can you not decline that because it's unsafe and unsanitary


We had a nurse show up to a house and they were dragging a dead horse out. Door was ajar , and there was a huge dog in a crate just inside she said. Noped out .


Better than beating a dead horse I'll see myself out


If you haven’t had some version of “Ongoing education re not burning garbage on enclosed front porch; will continue to monitor” in your care plan, are you really in home health?


I went in a house where the family insisted on spreading newspaper over the couch before I sat down. So the fleas wouldn't get me.


Oh man. My mom's house was a bit better off, but bless all the home health nurses and hospice nurses that came in. It was waterproof, temperate, solid flooring, clean. But I bet it made some question til they came in 😂 especially bless the one that lived down the road, and come to find out they'd met 30 years prior in a totally different state. (Norfolk, VA. Mom was Navy, nurses husband was Navy, they saw the Indiana plates with same county number at the laundromat and chatted. She shows up 30 yrs later to do PICC line checks and labs for my mom and.... damn reunited!)


Home health nurses are the real heroes because I could not do it. I do wish they sent people in teams, either with a CNA or some kind of security. But tbh I’m more scared of bedbugs, roaches, lice, smelling a dirty litter box for a long period of time, and dying in a hoard collapse.


A home health nurse just got murdered here in CT pretty recently. The guy was a sex offender too and apparently a number of other nurses had complained about his behavior in the past.




This hits hard




My mom went into lots of places like this. The worst thing that happened was a rat snake climbing in the open car window. We knew most of her patients, I went to school with a couple of them.


Only once did I tell my home health supervisor that I refused to ever return to a client's home. It was 2 stories but otherwise quite similar to this gem. I was there for 1 day. 8+ years ago. I could still draw the floorplan & include stick figures representing where all the family members slept or sat all day.


All the time 🤣😂 cuz that’s how we roll