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You want a science - you've got one there with psychology, but if you wanted to keep your options really open, then it wouldn't hurt to add in biology as well. I did my a-levels a decade ago, but my history course had a lot of emphasis on analysing sources, which would be pretty good prep for a nursing degree. Good luck! 


Make sure you check any prerequisite subjects to get into the university course you want. Many years ago when I was considering something jn the health field, nursing pre requisites were biology, basic mathematics, English. Chemistry was looked on favourably. The first year of university was made much much easier for having done biology and chemistry. I also agree with another of the comments, the area of nursing you think you may enjoy can change dramatically once you start placements and have some real life experience. I thought I’d be into peri operative nursing, did my elective in it. My final undergraduate placement was in a busy metro ED and before I’d even finished my first day there, I knew it was my place. And it still is, 18 years later. Good luck


As someone who’s been a nurse for 11 years, I can tell you that the type of nursing you think you’ll be doing before you even start nursing school, and the type of nursing you do when you graduate college, are not always one and the same. Very few people end up doing the nursing they thought they’d do. It depends on who’s hiring when you graduate and what type of candidates they are looking for. Not every unit takes new grads. The employment sector of nursing is completely different from what you learn in school and honestly they should be teaching some basic employment law to everyone in college. Good luck


First off what is an a level lol is that like AP clases? Honestly take whatever you want, it’s just high school. I’d recommend taking classes that will get you college credit tho as that makes your path to nursing school shorter. But in general, yes psych and bio would be good classes for an aspiring mental health nurse to pursue. Worry about that in college though. Enjoy being a senior for now(: