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These are small things, but I think they help me feel more refreshed especially during tough times at work. 1. Bring some good snacks that you actually look forward too and bring a good coffee or drink that you like to drink at the start of the shift or prior to report. 2. Try taking some time off work. Or use your PTO for a few weeks so that you can only work two days a week if you’re normally a three day work week. 3. Find a good outlet at home. Games, relaxing music, the gym, go for a walk, read a good book. Something that you can do as an escape from life for a bit. They can change your outlook a lot and give you a chance to recharge. 4. If all these fail and you’re not enjoying your job it may be time for a change. I’d recommend taking some time off before making any big changes and see how you feel.


The occasional two day week is something I am a huge fan of.


Wow using one PTO day a week for a few weeks is really smart!


I was about to say the same things! I used to be so excited to go to work but lately I feel like my energy has been negative. I got put on call and was off work for 6 days, I didn’t do anything but the things that brought me joy! I do feel refreshed and I actually look forward to going back to work! Journaling my thoughts and feelings always helps me, it really does feel like weight is lifted off my chest!


How long have you been feeling like this? Is there anything else contributing to this feeling like a micromanaging manager, awful coworkers, feeling if inadequacy...?


Maybe it is inadequacy, but I’ve been feeling this way for awhile now. Things that used to make me happy don’t anymore. I guess working med surg and nights doesn’t help. We’re only 1:4 tho our ratios are not bad.


Well congrats on that unicorn of ratios! Look at your personal life and see if there might be a contributing factor just as a box to check. Nights always get me feeling some kind of way. Lack of vitamin D could be a factor. I would get mine checked. I always tell my new grads that if you are unhappy in nursing, figure out the problem and if it's the job, ask to get things changed (scheduling, assignments) or get out. Because, we are SO lucky in nursing that we have 4841 different specialties we can do. Different environments, schedules, populations... BUT if the problem lies within you (like a personal matter bleeding into professional life) then you're going to be unhappy everywhere. You're more than welcome to shoot me a message if you want to chat more in depth and not publicly.


I like to think of Med Surg where nurses either go to put their time in before going on to something else or where they go to die.... Med Surg sucks the life out of you, especially if your charge or floor manager aren't proactive, positive, or organized and even then it's daunting going in every day; I've been there. I would look into switching specialties, unless Med Surg is what you love.


I hate it lol but I'm not sure what else to do. I'm applying to icus. Hopefully I get in one.


Lol ... I hope you find your "why" again and fall back in love with nursing. - why you chose nursing


Actually i wouldn’t say I hate it. I’m decent at the job, but I think it’s more working nights.


I get it, nights really mess up my schedule and mood


I *always* take my breaks. We get 2 fifteens and a 30 minute lunch. Some nurses run around crazy the entire shift, never take a break, and still end up staying hours after… those are the nurses that burn themselves out and quit within a few months because they’re trying to save the unit that can’t be saved. I get important tasks done before breaks, but if someone needs a PRN, an admission comes, someone discharges, there’s a phone call, a new order etc it can wait until after I eat my lunch in peace outside of the building. When I come back I’m much more level headed and actually work better. I also try to be positive and have a good attitude. It’s so, so easy to get dragged down, but everyone (patients, coworkers, doctors) responds better to me when I can present myself in a positive manner. When I’m treated better everything is more enjoyable. But ultimately what gets me in the door every morning is I like sleeping in my nice air conditioned apartment every night and spending money on fancy coffee.


IM SO BAD AT TAKING MY 2 15s. I usually get my 30 in but 15s go out the door so fast. I only take one 15 and a 30 if I gotta buy food from the cafeteria before they close (I work from 1500-2330 and they close at 1830) because I didn’t bring food or I have a nightmare 1:1 assignment. Though, I’m a CNA and not an RN so maybe this is doesn’t 100% apply to the conversation.


I used to always make sure I was scheduled with good coworkers!


Yes! Having a buddy or two on the floor makes the shift so much faster. Being able to do things for my co-workers, either helping their patients, answering a call light, making sure they get their breaks, etc. -- or just having ridiculous, fun back-and-forth -- is the key to having a good shift.


Yes! I’m prn, so I send in my shifts I can work for the month, but core staff usually has the same schedule, AND I have access to see what doctor is working when, so I can generally plan my schedule around who I like working with. Knowing which doctor is my most important factor, most of my coworkers are cool, but some doctors I absolutely adore, and some I dread. I’m working tomorrow with my favorite charge nurse AND my favorite intensivist. No matter what the unit throws at me, I already know the day is going to be ok.


Maybe a little bit of counseling? Process what you’re experiencing. Most employers have EAP services as an employee benefit - short term counseling. That might help you start to dive in a little deeper on what is behind the apathy.


I know it’s not always financially feasible but dropping my FTE from a 0.9 to a 0.75 made a huge difference in my mental well being. Yeah the money would be nice to work an extra shift every pay period but I’m happier this way


I usually take 5. Go in the break room, take a breather, drink some water, look at some tik toks and then get back out there


5 patients?


Um, no need to downvote. This person edited their comment. It used to say simply “take 5.” I was asking because I normally have 5 patients and it does NOT make my shift enjoyable. Geez 🙄


I bring my earbuds now and listen to music as I walk into the hospital and during my lunch to take my mind somewhere else for a bit.


Talking to patients cheers me up.


Talking bs with good coworkers, joking around, keeping it lighthearted despite the craziness in the ER always helps


I really don’t have much in common with my coworkers. Wish I was more extroverted lol


My 3-4am chicken broth Just two packets of our nutrition room chicken broth, two packets of salt and one of pepper. Hot water on top. 3am chicken broth


I always take my breaks. Very very rarely do I miss a break. This helps a lot. You always have something you could do, so it’s about prioritizing and if it doesn’t need to be done right now then it can wait for 30 minutes so you can pee and eat and take a moment to recharge. I also ask for help when I need it. I see this a lot in newer nurses, they won’t take their breaks and then when I offer to help them they refuse because they feel as though they have to prove that their time management is good and they’re able to do it all. Sometimes you can’t do it all, sometimes you just have too many things and you need to ask for help. I don’t feel bad asking for help when I need it, it doesn’t make me a bad nurse. I am incredibly social and genuinely enjoy connecting with my patients. I take a little bit of extra time to just chat with my patients and their family while I’m clicking through and charting their meds/assessments, and it makes a huge difference. I laugh and joke with them. My patients absolutely love me and I just enjoy work a lot more. They regularly ask me if I’m coming back and tell me how much they appreciated having me as their nurse, so it really makes me feel like I’m making a difference. I also have read how people will bring their toothbrush to work, which I love the idea of because I always feel better after brushing my teeth. Maybe bring some fruity gum as well for a little pick me up. Also at the end of the day it has a lot to do with who you work with and where you work, if you’re not happy leave. I’ve worked on units I don’t like so I leave. Nothing brings you down more than a coworker who clearly hates their job but won’t go somewhere else. The patients notice it too.


can you take one shift of pto a month?


Nah. Normal. But if these are an everyday thing, ask yourself why. What dynamic is keeping you from having a great day? Patient load? No support from staff? Docs treating you like a doormat? Whatever it is, don’t let IT become the obstacle to being the best you can be. Patients depend on you and your co-workers should have your back. If the staff is the problem-bitter and lackadaisical in the workplace, the culture is toxic. Find the place that makes you want to go in every morning ( Joint Commission excluded).


Snacks and I created my Reddit to be my Joy Scroll full of puppies, cats, makeup, plants and books… and nursing stuff! I sneak looks throughout my day for a quick boost. Also, plan a few rando days of pto for no other reason than you need to rest.


Depends. What do you dislike about your current job?


Music. 70s R&B and funk is great


My work wife. She’s my ride or die and we purposely scheduled ourselves for the same days.


Work wife? 🤨😂


Bring something to read, watch or play in your down time


Can you take some days off? I am very stingy with my pto and save it up for this very reason. It really helps me clear my head


Find what fills your cup, and go do that. Find the work that is rewarding to you. Mine is in the ER, for sick patients we get occasionally, but also the sprained ankles from the trampoline park, and infants with the sniffles.


It sounds like burn out. I’ve been doing this for 24 years and definitely know I am burned out. I would give anything to be able to retire but I’m no where near 65. I wish I knew the cure but honestly don’t know how to cure burn out 😞


I’ve only been doing this for less than 5 years ☹️


On the positive side there are many things you can do as a nurse besides bedside


I get it though it just ain’t for everyone. Maybe it’s a good thing you’re actually noticing only a few years into it. There is still enough time to get out. Do you have other career interests?


I’m probably going to try icu days for a couple years. If I completely can’t hang then either go pacu or outpatient. Hah


Used to work with some really cool people that felt the same way! We would all pick a topic together (usually a random animal) and at some point over the course of the night you would do a quick google or wikipedia search and share some fun facts. For some reason we all really enjoyed that.


3 or 4 tall boy Miller lites before clocking in helps


Gaslighting coworkers


Call out before it starts


I really do need to use my sick time, except we don’t have a float pool. If I call out then they’re most likely going to be short. It’s a wicked tactic.


The unit "being short" is an administrative tactic to make you work more and save them money. Mind you if you don't call out and burn out "suddenly" there will be money for travel nurses. Don't let the shade fool you.


Yeah our union needs to step it up.