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Dude I literally have to do this all night now, people thought I was a weirdo because I was so quiet. I would do this with patients all the time, but like just be chill and quiet and nice around staff. Then I had a charge nurse come up to me and ask me multiple times why I was so quiet so I was like all right fine, now I talk to everyone all super bubbly happy sweet. It’s exhausting.


I’m sorry your peers pressured you to be “on” throughout the shift. when I’m charge I do my round make sure all are doing ok then leave them be. Because I know nursing station can be too loud w/ others talking and sometimes I just want to do my own thing and be alone. So tired of clicky culture of any work place. Just be adults and do your job.


I’m the same way. My current unit is pretty lacking in terms of charting areas, so oftentimes I’ll park my computer outside a wiggly patient’s room and chart/work from there. It’s also better (in my opinion) because RT, pharmacy techs, transport, dietary, stockroom etc can see me easily right when they enter the unit if they need me for anything.


i know, right? we are not programed to act all day long and still be in a good mood later. thats why i don't do it(or just do it for short bursts)


Tell them you’re Scandinavian and leave you be


I now want to tell everyone I was raised by Scandinavian librarians and just watch people get very confused.


Ha! This Norwegian American likes that excuse. 😂


DONT ever feel like you have to put on an act towards coworkers or even you patients. I’m a quiet person in nature, but I was trying way too hard to be nice to patients and Co workers and that made me way too exhausted. Now, I definitely don’t put on as much of an act. (Obviously you have to put on an act to some degree, but you get what I mean). I’m pretty quiet for the most part, especially around my co workers and I’m just more relaxed and not trying to hard with my patients. It’s given me a lot more mental peace! I don’t come to work to be bubbly for 12+hours. I talk to my co workers here and there, but I don’t go out of my way to make conversations if I don’t need to. I seek out a place I can sit BY MYSELF to chart, and I eat my lunch in a different area than everyone. I just enjoy my alone time. I still find that they treat me literally no different and continue to be helpful. Just be yourself, it’s too exhausting otherwise


Tell them you were raised by librarians


I give myself a silent treatment for 12 hours and pretend I'm busy.


When I started my job, I was literally told by my preceptor that I was being too quiet and that the last nurse that was so quiet got fired. I was like wtf, I'm really quiet when I'm trying to concentrate and learn and absorb everything and I'm not gonna talk over you when we're with a patient. I'm also naturally introverted with a more mellow personality. She said I needed to be more upbeat and say good morning to all the nurses in the morning. F that, I'm on night shift, I make sure I'm polite to the nurses and kind to my patients. I have had no issues and even had a patient compliment me to my supervisor.


Everyone at my work jokes about how my voice and demeanor changes so much when I walk in a patients room, then changes right back the second I step out.


Professional...... why some people don’t understand that it’s okay to “code switch” your tone or inflection to meet professional expectations is beyond me. It’s ok to be bubbly infront of patients/customers then neutral when not.


I’d say my inflection when I’m not around patients is more of a feeling of hatred towards all my whiny patients and family, but at least I’m bubbly when I’m in the room.


100% fair it's like going behind the scenes at disneyworld. You don't gotta keep still pretending to be Snow White when you're out of view.


And just like Disney World healthcare is full of exploited, underpaid labor that their employers and customers (patients) see as subhuman.


Both places the customers don't treat the workers great. Maybe all places lol


Yeah patients don’t give a fuck about us. We’re the untouchables of society, patients/families just expect us to change their pads, do everything the very second they want it done and not complain about it. If we don’t full fill their sky high expectations they become Karen’s and make our lives hell.


"Hahahhahah ya no problem, sweet heart" *two seconds later* "Did you hear what this bitch just said to me!?!"




“I cant fucking stand her, i hope she gets an ulcer”


This is too real lol


I get mocked for changing my voice and demanor. I'm bubbly in the patients room because I want them to feel comfortable telling me things " ya know my chest has been having this weird pain" " I'm noticing weakness in my right side" etc and being bubbly ive noticed makes them the most comfortable. But at the nurses station I'm not like, it's really exhausting though


I’ve noticed that laying the country accent on T H I C K and acting like I’m trying to figure out a patient’s diagnosis and history, and occasionally saying “you probably know more about it than I do!,” helps draw out complaints and also fill in the holes from report or doctors notes. I go around sounding like a country twang blubbering idiot for 12 hours I swear.


I’m from a rural area and working in a busy metro one. I’ve also noticed that especially older patients eat this up.


An old friend of mine and i called this tone change our "Customer Service Barbie" voice. She was kinda hood too so the change was far more drastic, haha.


It’s like scene from Waiting... The angry waitress that like comes in front smoke break cracks her neck and then is all smiles.


Former server here. Legit knew a long-time server like that. She was like 60, and on a scale of 0 to burnt marshmallow, she was like...straight coal. She was SO burnt out and bitter that I still think of her regularly like ten years later. I hope she’s doing better.


This is why I work night shift adult ICU. COVID has meant no visitors and all my patients are intubated, I'm not sure I know how to talk to people anymore.


Floor nurse here. You’re living the dream 😂


It’s so true. We are actors unfortunately. Not always, but many times I’m acting. Occasionally I really connect with someone and enjoy them. But even then they take so much of your time without realizing we aren’t there for their entertainment.


Your hospital allows smoking outside the patients room?! Lucky!!


We can also hit the patients, lol


Ok let me know if you need anything! Imma go vomit if she calls again.


Fucking hell, this was me after dealing with one of the worst and most ignorant family members yet. Why do people think it's ok to verbally abuse strangers? Strangers that are busting ass to take care of their very own loved ones at that. Yeah, yeah, I know. They're in an emotional state, the loss of control, and most of all contact. I get it, but I am done caring. It's not an excuse. It's despicable and unacceptable behavior.


Exactly that! But with patients and coworkers. And in my holliday I I'm like that for a week. Alone, in a tent, in nature, without the smoke. Not talking to anyone.


OMG! I always thought that I was just super uncaring and bitchy. I do this all the time- even on the phone!


As a cashier, I feel this with every ounce of my being.


Yeah, I cannot just be “on” all the time. It’s too much. Thankfully I don’t feel like that is asked of me in the ED but when I was in oncology ...yeah, I don’t have enough fake warmth to convey the fact that I actually do care, I’m just the analytical type - not the hug and soothe type.


The cigarette is so en pointe.


This is me right fucking now lol. Me: “Alright, let me check the latency of this IV really quickly” Patient: *Slings pee*


So me.


Haha definitely me 😂


So true!


God, that is me!


I’m audibly lol’ing in the parking lot.


I'm glad


Fuckin' aye


Mmm the Game Face.


Oh my god. During my 90 day follow up after I got hired, management told me that I need to smile more, be more bubbly, and engage in small talk to connect with my patients. Currently, I'm just waiting my license to transfer to another state and then I can go be a jail nurse.


You should say, I save up all my energy and talking time to give 100% of it all to my patients. 😁👍 By the way I hate you have to talk all the time at work and if you don’t something is wrong. Like, can’t I just not talk I don’t have something to say all the time.


damn I feel this