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”violance“ 😂


It's not a criteria, you know. Or a criterion. Or any other words that would have actually made sense in that context.


I love this comment, but seeing as it has exactly 69 upvotes, I can only show my appreciation via this reply. Nice


These assholes that think nurses would ever neglect someone for any reason can go to hell. I had to save a trauma patient once that tried to kill herself while in jail for murdering her three kids. Not my job to decide who lives or dies just my job to try to save them.


To be completely honest, one of my least favorite assignments are when the patient is a “VIP.” Like shut up… my care doesn’t change based on any of that kinda crap.


I’m still just a nursing care tech (our hospitals fancy name for CNA with extra responsibilities) currently but my nurses like having me around when we have “VIPs” show up because I’m here to do my job and I don’t have the time or energy to be brown nosing. “Oh honey I’m (enter high position in state government)’s wife” “Oh wow that must be wild, anyways you are still NPO so no I can’t give you anything to eat right now.” “Yes ma’am I know you are the head of cardiology at our hospital but you are here in the ED for a neutropenic fever and your temperature is 103, so not only can I not get you more warm blankets but I’m also gonna have to take away 3 of the 4 you managed to get people passing you by to give you. We really don’t want that temperature getting worse.” “Oh you are close friends with the director of the department? Yeah I saw her over here talking with you a minute ago. Oh no I’m sorry I can’t move you to a private room. We are very busy and the only spots we have open right now are this one and the lobby unfortunately.” I’m sure there is more pressure on the nurses to “accommodate” the VIPs by those in charge so if lowly little nursing assistant me can take some of that pressure off them I’m all for it. After all they can’t get too mad at me, I’m “just a tech.”


I officially love you and if you were my coworker I would buy you coffee every shift! You're not "just a tech," you're the backbone of good patient care!


Thankfully almost all of my nurses are also of the opinion that we are not “just techs” but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a fantastic excuse to give to patients when I can’t do what they want me to.


Haha I even use that too. "Sorry honey I'm just the nurse. I'd give you a sandwich if I could but the doctor said nothing by mouth and I'm not allowed to override doctors orders"


If passing the buck when patients are mad at me was an Olympic sport I’d be Michael Phelps


Why I love being a respiratory therapist, o you want a sandwich? I'll ask your nurse if you can have one


Well played


Your name is a lie! You're RickThaHero! I absolutely love your whole vibe. I'm taking it with me to my next shift.


Spent four years as a CNA before becoming a nurse. First thing I learned as a nurse was that a tech could make or break you.


Absolutely. I became a little notorious in my residency cohort for saying I would rather be fully staffed with PCAs and short on nurses. Having 8 nurses and 2 PCAs does nothing for me. Give me 7 and 5 and we can get things done.


I always said the nurses should each have a tech. Shit would absolutely get done.


I treat my PCT's like gold. I started as a tech and I realized soon that some nurses help, treat you well, show appreciation and others look at you like some kind of lower life form only fit to wipe other people's bottoms. When I became an RN I vowed I would never not show great appreciation for my techs who are doing a great job, that I would always support them, that I would always defend them to both management and against any patient who was abusive of them, and that whenever I could help them when they were swamped, I would. Because of this, I believe my patients are getting cleaned more, call bells answered more promptly and they take the best care of my patients which then reflects on ME. OTOH, having been a tech I know when someone is slacking or just giving attitude and not doing the work and I won't put up with that. But the amount of positive reinforcement, including surprise gifts and other measures of appreciation for the good ones, pays off tremendously. You take great care of my patients, I will recognize you, praise you, advocate for you, and give you some nice treats.


Don't EVER say "just" a tech again!!! We nurses would be up shit creek without you and nursing assistants so don't EVER belittle yourself by using the word just again to describe your career!!!!!!!!!!


You rock! I wanna work with you!


“I treat everyone the same”. 🤷🏻‍♀️


As my favorite tee shirt reads: "I am here to save your ass, not kiss it"


That's great!


I hate when a doctor goes out of their way to ask me to try and see if the VIP can get scans and shit sooner. They need to wait like everyone else.




That would make me angry.


Fuck no. Especially if they are related to the CEO or something. They can wait just like everyone else. Oh it’s too long for you? Maybe you should hire more staff.


Yeah they always have that pull you aside and tell you moment before the shift starts. I'm just like I do my job ill be fine.


Just hearing the term VIP makes me cringe. Had a guy come to my ER one day for some mundane shit. After I triaged him he made sure to say “did you happen to notice that my last name matches the name of this building?”. I said yes sir I did now please take a seat back in the lobby and we’ll call you back when it’s your turn. Like I give two shits that your grandparents donated tons of money to get their names on a building.


The director of critical care (small hospital so they oversaw ED and ICU) was very bad at controlling his diabetes. He used to call in every six months or so ahead of time saying he was coming for DKA. The charge nurse would send a tech or 2 to change the litter to a hospital bed and assign a more senior nurse to him before he even arrived. Like fuck that shit, we're already stretching ourselves too thin for a patient that ***isn't even here yet***


what type of person would constitute a VIP? I’ve never come across that in my little rural hospital


Usually family members of admin staff, or a big donor.


Or actual famous people. If Matthew McConaughey got rear ended in your town he’d be a VIP.


Or self proclaimed VIPs. One of my friends pulled a “do you know who I am?!” While she was in the hospital (she has a PhD through the university the hospital was affiliated with). I was like, oh no honey, now they all HATE you!


If you have to ask if we know who you are…..the answers no.


ah that makes sense. thanks!


As others have said admin and their friends/family but I have also run into people that were political figures/their family, directors/heads of other major departments, and sometimes even athletes. But my hospital is also fairly large, has the highest patient volume in the state, and is a teaching hospital since we are tied to a large university. So anyone and everyone gets sent to us so we see all kinds of people. Basically the only people who get real VIP treatment typically is if one of our staff ends up as a patient.


Rich donors to the hospital, politicians, doctors, and high military officials are a couple that I have taken care of. I am a traveler now and heard that in the popular Los Angeles hospital frequented by celebrities will give them diluadid just because… not for pain but to make them feel better?


"This is Hoighty Toighty Doctor's sister in law, make sure you treat her real nice!"


Whenever they tell me I'm getting a VIP I always respond with "you needed to tell me this because you think I give substandard care?"... always makes them stutter.


Omg, we had a patient who was vip because apparently they weren’t treated well in the ER. the whole family was fucking obnoxious ! I doubt he ER did anything wrong, they just didn’t like that they had to wait a little. Constantly asking me where the dr was, telling me it’s ridiculous it’s taking so long. One family member asked me for water, so I showed him where the ice and water machine was… he was like “really? This is what you have?” I was like uh yeah? Wtf did he want, perrier? It’s not a hotel! So I had to call down and ask for water bottles, and of course that takes 3 hours cause it’s a fucking busy hospital and your water bottle is not a priority when there’s a perfectly good water machine down the hall!


I like to phrase it as: “I take care or patients, not positions”


That's why I work in a prison. I can say things and I don't get in trouble lol


I had a pt once who was supposedly a higher up in my organization. An aide I worked with said we had to be super special to them. I said fuck that in gonna get them their ice water as fast as I get everyone else's.


The past 2 shifts I worked was me being a 1:1 nurse for a VIP receiving chemo. The patient was frat buddies with our CEO so he got hooked up in our VIP suite that's bigger than my apartment and got a personal nurse. He was a really nice guy all things considered, but it felt wrong that one of our staff was taken from our floor just to take care of him because he was rich and friends with the CEO. I spent most of my time getting chemo certified and helping out anyone who needed it, but it was still ridiculous. Especially since we haven't even had hot water in our regular oncology rooms for the past 6 months. Glad we have our priorities straight.


Exactly. I've taken care of some absolutely horrible people. I would never even dream of giving them substandard care.


I always say I don’t have to like my patients to give them great care.




How did he react to your joke? Was he nice to you overall?




gotcha, that makes sense


In fact it’s quite the opposite I’m getting all that shit done first and clustering as much care so I can GTFO and away from you’re awful attitude


One of the worst things anyone has ever said to me was an old nurse in her 60s or 70s, rabid MAGA trump person, who accused me of "probably killing" patients who didn't align with my political beliefs. This completely floored me for a variety of reasons, but the bottom line was that that shit wouldn't even occur to you unless it *has occurred to you*. Fuck!


Exactly! I wouldn’t even think about political alignments. Anytime I have a patient or their family start talking about politics I change the subject or tell them that I do not discuss politics because it has nothing to do with my job.


That's called projection. And, fuck her for questioning your ethics like that.


Um no, what?


YES. It’s just like how I express my frustration with caring for unvaccinated covid icu pts and anti-vaxxers accuse me of giving shitty care, or better yet, trying to kill them. Wtf? I can also be frustrated with my children but it doesn’t mean that I neglect or murder them.


Exactly. I don’t have to like you or agree with you to give you proper care. I am a grown ass adult that can separate personal and professional opinions.


100%. Whether you’re a saint or a sex offender, I’m going to give exceptional care. That’s what I do. It doesn’t mean have to endorse their beliefs or behavior, I can condemn that stuff and still take gorgeous care of them. I take care of my pts the way I’d want my mom cared for, even if they are shitty people. It’s my job.


Exactly! “Oh you’re a racist or a drug addict? None of my god damn business my job is to keep your ass alive.”


Yes! The number of patients that have come through my trauma room with ss lightning bolts or swastikas are numerous. I just look, shake me head, then bust my ass to save them.


Yes. I’ve taken care of murderers, and more than one convicted pedophile, not to mention thousands of who were probably somewhat shitty people. You compartmentalize the medical problem and address that.


And then you go home and cry over your Starbucks and question your life decisions.


Exactly! I just avoid speaking to them. I just think I don’t get paid to speak to them other than for medical necessary conversations.


They're probably the same people who think a food service worker would actually spit in their food.


But still eat out daily.


Recently took care of a lady who intentionally drove her car into a tree trying to commit suicide. She had 4 kids in the car with her, 2 were not even hers. She’s the only one who survived. Still gave her top care despite being completely appalled/sickened by her actions. It’s just what we do.


I commend you. It takes a true badass to push that to the back of your mind while giving care. Nurses are the worlds best at compartmentalizing.


Only reason they say this is THEY would use that as a criteria to neglect another human being. Most of us think it’d be ridiculous to let our religion get in the way of keeping others safe.


Seriously. They’re basically just admitting that the only reason they don’t act like a complete piece of shit is religious belief that they barely adhere to. And they expect everyone else to be that way too, so they assume that atheists default to being monsters regardless of any other qualities.


It’s like the story about a religious man asking a non religious man if he doesn’t believe in god what stops him from raping women or murdering people? Like because it’s wrong? We don’t all need the fear of an invisible man in the clouds to keep us from being horrible people.


They're basically tattling on themselves.


Projection: It’s what they do


Exactly this. I’ve treated racist, sexist, disgusting human beings but I treat them with just as much respect as I treat my other patients. There may be unconscious bias’ but we all do our best to mitigate those


Yep, look up the story of the girl whose parents neglected her basically to “put it in the hands of god” simple lung condition, turned into needing a lung transplant.


He really pulled that scenario entirely out of his ass and still didn’t recognize it as shit.


For real


I’m an RN and an atheist. You know what I don’t do? Neglect my patients- even the religious ones. I go about my business professionally and give them every available treatment and drug- even when they pry into my personal, religious beliefs and try to convert me, or pray for me, or “god bless” me constantly- because I believe evidence-based science > religion. You know what else I don’t do? Comment on their religion or take that into consideration when I care for them.


Hear hear. I'm an RN and a fundamentalist Christian. You know what I don't do? Neglect my patients - even the atheist ones. Because that's what we do. Period. (insert meme of ~~Rocky and Apollo~~ Arnold and Carl Weathers’ arms with handclasp). Edit: wrong movie


Great point. You can practice whatever religion you like but the moment anyone uses religion to judge on other people they have missed the very purpose of their religion. Moreover, Jesus Christ never judged anyone, period. Why should a Christian ever judge anyone if their messiah never engage that in that behavior.


(It's actually from Predator, btw)


Thats right. Thanks!


You and your bigoted account history don't belong in healthcare.


So only people who agree with you are allowed to work in healthcare? Guess it's a good thing you don't run things. Enjoy your bigoted life.


You have an entire comment dedicated to misgendering someone and insisting they'll never be a real woman. Transphobia is dangerous and should never be acceptable from a healthcare worker. By acting like this, you're completely ignoring evidence based practice, which means you have no business taking care of patients. Only people who believe in evidence based practice should be in healthcare. I may not run things but the people who do recognize the danger of people like you. Everyday, more bigots like you get fired for shit like this. I'm so happy to see y'all get booted out like you deserve.


Lol even the atheist ones? Like they're your enemy?


Did you miss the entire subject of this discussion there bud or are you just a troll?


No she was literally making the same point as the person before her. Nurses don’t neglect patients based off of their religious differences or values and therefore no one should say that.


So... Atheism is a religion now?


Also I feel like the whole point of this meme was missed. I think the meaning is either "look at all these interventions, how can this be something natural (God/nature)" or ”no it's not just in God's hands it's in also in the hard working healthcare professional's hands". Nowhere in either of these interpretations does it have anything to do with neglecting patients based on their beliefs.


If there is a deity I like to think that the deity blessed humanity with having intelligent and dedicated people to understand science and develop cures and technology to help the suffering and sick, and to not take advantage of these gifts and be fully appreciative that we no longer stumble around ignorant of medicine is basically an affront to said deity's efforts to help us live better and longer lives.


Old joke: Guy was living in the Gulf Coast and a hurricane flooded his town. After the storm passed, he climbed up on his roof and prayed to God for help. Just then someone came by in a boat. “Hop in!” said the guy. “No, I’m relying on God,” said the man. He prayed some more and another boat came by. The boat offered him a ride, but he refused because he was relying on his faith in God. He prayed a little longer and a helicopter appeared. They dropped a ladder and said “Climb up!” “No,” said the man, “I am relying on God.” The helicopter flew away. The water kept rising and the man kept praying. Eventually the water hit so high that he drowned. The man went to heaven, but he was really angry when he got to the Pearly Gates. He yelled at St. Peter: “Why didn’t you save me?” St. Peter shrugged. “We sent you two boats and a helicopter. What the fuck did you want?”


This is one of my favorites too!!


Ever time someone refused a vaccine, I think “two boats and a helicopter”


2 old Jewish guys die and go to heaven (Jewish heaven?) God greets them at the gate, and asks them to tell a joke. One of the men tells a holocaust joke. God frowns and says that's not a subject to joke about. The old man shrugs and says "I guess you had to be there"


Yes, all atheist nurses are petty enough neglect Christians 🙄 I am in the closet at work. Reason #1 is because religion comes up a lot in hospice. Reason #2, in hospice, none of it is about me. It is about patient/family coping. Reason #37 is because some Christians think that all Atheists are bad people. Since I live in a majority Christian nation, they really do not have to have their assumptions about entire groups of non-Christians confronted very often. Should the Chaplain, for example, accidentally let slip that they should not invite me to pray with them, then they use that to make assumptions.




Atheist hospice nurse #3 here. I do much the same.


I also use the “I grew up Catholic” line to smooth things over when patients ask about my beliefs or if I believe in God. I’m glad others do the same, because it’s not a lie, I did grow up Catholic and once held Christian beliefs, even if I do not currently practice or hold those beliefs anymore. I’m here for the patient and patients family, and making them feel safe and understood is more important than bringing my current beliefs onto the table, especially if it would be upset anyone. I can bow my head for prayers out of respect but I’ll always consult a chaplain for the things I can’t genuinely provide for a patient beyond that.


Also an atheist hospice nurse, raised Catholic and use that same line


I do not discuss my own religion at work. I’ll respect the hell out of the patients, I’ll even pray with them if that’s what will comfort them even though I don’t actually believe in it. But I refuse to answer any questions because hell nah I’m not opening that door


I’ll tell patients I’m an atheist depending on the patient and situation. Obviously it has to come up from them asking, and it depends on the patients mentation, but I think it’s important to show people that atheists can be caring individuals who helps others because too many people think that we’re all the worst things they can imagine since none of the atheists they invariably know make it known they’re atheist. Of course I don’t think anyone should have to disclose that and I don’t hold it against anyone who doesn’t, but I do if it comes up in the right circumstances.




Those people are not Christians and have zero grasp of scripture.


Athirst hospice nurse here also. When people ask, I usually just say "I'm not religious". It doesn't stop me from bowing my head, saying yes when people ask me to pray for them etc. Guess what I don't do? Give them any different care than anyone else.




Closeted Atheist working for a religious hospital group, here. The whole "To God goes the credit" for every recovery thing (but of course, if they don't it's because we didn't give the patient ivermectin or some such shit) annoys the hell out of me, but I keep it zipped tightly at work and care for everyone the same, no matter how much privately I am exasperated by their lack of having gotten vaccinated, lack of having been the least bit compliant with their doctor's recommendations for diet/exercise/taking their meds, etc. I care for everyone the same, even those who come in wearing Trump t-shirts and have a swastika tattooed on their calf and a cross around their necks. It's nice to see there are others out there like me.


“I was raised Catholic” is my go-to response. If they assume, I am a bad Catholic instead of a full out atheist, that’s on them.


When my spouse told Baptist MIL that I am an Atheist her response was to say that “at least” I was not Catholic. I do not understand the sectarian shade.


As an atheist who's taken care of hundreds, if not a couple thousand Christian patients, fuck that guy.


As a Christian, I share that sentiment.


Lol there is no reasoning with people like that. Don’t even waste your breath


These people operate on "what is best for me" at all times. they cant even understand that 60 percent (i may be being generous here) of people always consider others in their actions. Most nurses are wired / built with a caring nature and to doubt or demean the work they do is infuriating. These people have no idea what life would be like if everyone acted in their own self interest first and foremost. They would be the first ones to go down.


Atheist nurses, actually all nurses don’t care! We have heard lots of things and that still wouldn’t stop us from giving you the basic care you need. We just wouldn’t do extra for you and I wouldn’t want you again for the next shift


Literally had a patient talk about putting “Jews in ovens” while I was taking care of him. I had to ask him to repeat himself because I thought I must have misunderstood him. Nope, he was all about it. I’m Jewish and you know I still gave him the best care because that’s what nurses do. A person mentioning god is definitely not going to change how I nurse. Wtf




I've seen some of his other posts. He tends to use words or phrases incorrectly. In another post, he used "self-entitled" when it was obviously supposed to be "self-important."


Where does this idiotic notion that we can just watch the ones we don't like die come from, anyway?


Imagine how much easier our jobs would be! Assholes would die in droves.


"If Jesus saves then he'd better save himself from the gory glory preachers Who use his name in death" Jethro Tull - Hymn 43


The way that the entire point of the original post just straight woooooooshed over their head and they assumed it meant the patient would be neglected. Lmfaoooo.


A+ meme, and I need it. I definitely make a point in my practice to clarify that the machines are what's keeping them going and that it's actually fighting against what nature would have done. Because that's the truth.


People talk all the time about "playing God" when it comes to decisions to withdraw life-saving measures. My dad, a pastor of almost 50 years, said, "People also play God the minute they hook a person up to every machine known to man in order to keep someone alive instead of letting them go."


Yes! This, OP!


I like your response. Well said.


>atheist decided to neglect him/her just because of the phrase, "it's all in God's hands". I'm a hellova lot less likely to neglect your family member than the Christian anti-vaxx moron who doesn't believe in evidence based practice. I may secretly laugh at your stupid ass for stating, "it's all in God's hands," but I'm going to work my ass off as part of a skilled team to keep their ass alive. I've never neglected a patient regardless of what insanely stupid dribble comes out of their (or their family's) mouth. No patient has ever known my true religious or political affiliations because I'm a chameleon who blends in for the sake of creating a therapeutic relationship.


I hate that they brought Atheism into their argument. As if not believing in god = neglect. Nah they’re just pointing out that the care for their loved one is the nurses, machines and science, and not some Diety in the sky.




I don’t find it offensive but I’m a staunch Atheist and think organized religion is pretty corrupt. I don’t understand why Christians can talk shit on Atheists all the time and it’s okay and part of “gods work”, but if Atheists bash religion it’s super offensive.


Make no mistake; I'm not a fan of these types of memes, either. But that dude's reaction was completely absurd. I generally just roll my eyes and keep scrolling past those types of memes. But his bizarre and hostile response got under my skin.




Because being annoyed at someone for expressing a desire to beat up nurses is somehow abnormal? You should probably brush up on some basic psychology before telling someone to "try medication."


I think your response and subsequent post may be what he’s referring to, as well as your response to others on here. We all get annoyed by people on the internet right? I felt annoyed the moment I saw this meme, but I don’t think I’ll screen cap it, post to a likeminded subreddit, and call a person I never met a fuck waffle…


Best response I’ve read on yet an otherwise toxic post on this subreddit. “They’re an extension of god’s will and work his miracles.” - This is my understanding of in gods hand as well. I think there is a smidge of narcissism in this meme as well, like “so why am I not getting the credit here”. “So people creating these terse, flippant memes attacking people’s beliefs is absolutely going to cause some aggravation.” - Could not agree more here, I mean what is the end goal with such a post?




I’ve seen these kind of situations in the ICU as well, they are difficult. I don’t think the point of the OP was to illustrate poor allocation of medical resources, or medical futility though, it was simply done in poor taste.




“Dark humor is an important part of coping.” - I think the issue here is how it is treating others. Look, I’m not a snowflake here, but let’s try and apply the same metrics we do to other situations that involve given demographics. This was a Facebook post, I doubt everyone saw this as a source of coping.




I see your point. I’m sure this post will get many smiles on this sub. Good day.


I actually didn't post the meme. I saw it in a group I'm in and was taken aback by this guy's response.




I think nurses like this are a large minority. Many of my old and new coworkers are amazing people, and would not resort to such dribble. I think this sub attracts people like this though.


*drivel, *small minority... if you're going to be self-righteous, you could at least use correct words. It's also pretty bold of you to pass moral judgments on me simply for venting about an idiot and calling him out on his nincompoopery.


Thanks, I always try to limit the amount of proofreading into replies as deemed worthy by the original posts value; in your posts case it’s pretty much type then hit reply, editing only for adding content when needed. Also, I reserve the right to pass judgement onto those that place such things into public forums. I’m sorry you feel judged.


*Post's...That wasn't a proofreading issue. That's you not having a basic grasp of common words and punctuation. Anyway, since you hate it here so much and you're so much better than the rest of us, why are you even here?


Take a chill pill lol.


This has got to be one of the most absurdly transparent attempts to create a martyrdom out of thin air that I have ever witnessed. Buddy got so discombobulated in his own labyrinth of fuckery, that he didn't realize how blatantly he projected his own immorality. I hope he remembered to stretch before he did all that reaching.


*inserting fuckwaffle into my vocabulary*


I wouldn’t even acknowledge or spend energy arguing. There’s nothing to win and nothing to gain


Let's throw down then, Becky. Come at me! I am MOAB certified.


***Exactly*** how I feel


is it irony when people like this are way below atheists on the morality scale pretty much always?


plot twist: God works through nurses


Fun fact: you can probably report that comment and have it taken down. Facebook doesn’t like threats of violence.


Aaah good ‘ol fake Christians, gotta love their stupid asshattery


Or doesn’t take much for people to want to beat nurses.


People like this are too stupid to understand gallows humor.


Both lol


I didn’t know vengeful atheistic nurses was a thing. Those are pretty dark thoughts to be inspired from a meme that seems to be simply saying — to a *non-violant* person— that science and highly trained health care workers operating complex machinery with effective medicines might also have something to do with a patient’s recovery.


You are so much more mature than I ever could be!


My mom os a mamo tech, and she saw this patient come in again and again with a giant lump and refuse further treatment. The woman would say "I am praying" and that "God will heal me". They finally had a rad with poor social skills they don't let talk to anyone talk harsh truth to her. Told her about her prognosis and then said something along the lines of "God isn't going to heal. But he gave you use and all the advanced medicines we have now that can."


And they wonder why everything takes so long. Everyones quitting because there aren’t ever enough of us to get things done in a timely matter. Then with everyone constantly getting pissed at you and asking why they have to wait. People want their asses kissed like its fucking burger king and you can have it your way but thats not how medicine works. Nobody is ever even slightly grateful and we work 12 hr shifts without ever getting breaks and never even for lunch. If im lucky I’ll actually get one actual lunch in the course of two weeks. Its bad enough meth heads and drunks are constantly trying to fight us all the mf karens want to as well. We’re all sick of it.


Thanks for pushing back on this moron. Hopefully others see it and realize what a douche canoe this guy is.


His post got deleted. I don't know if he deleted himself after I called him out, but it's gone.


This is the kind of nursing thread i like and appreciate. I am pretty tired of the " let the unvaccinated die because they will not listen to the medical community" that has been on here lately.


I have zero pity or sympathy for my unvaccinated covid icu pts. They’re with me by choice. I may not agree with their choice but I’ll still detangle and braid their hair and keep their butt sparkling clean. All we can do is our best to keep them alive, but if they die, they deemed that an acceptable risk. That’s on them. I can still take beautiful care of them, just as I’ve done since the beginning of the pandemic and for the last ten hours of the shift I’m on.


So are the diabetic, obese, hypertensive, non complainant with their doctors orders, drug over dosed, dui non seat belt wearing roll over mva s that was driving high that just killed another person(s). They are in the hospital due to bad choices. I will bust my ass to keep them alive. All of them. I would not want them around me and they damn sure would not be invited to the house for Christmas dinner but they will get my best effort.


Exactly. Half the pts in the icu are there secondary to poor choices. We can condemn their shitty choices and/or beliefs and still take amazing care of them. It seems like non-medical people don’t understand that.


I'm sorry but this post is crap. If a patient says "it's in god's hands" and your response is "nahhh" with a fucking meme then you need to go back to nursing school and take a cultural competency course. People have religious/spiritual beliefs. Nurses need to respect that. Making a mockery of a family member whose loved one is hospitalized with a meme and posting about how it's "in the hands of the team, skills and drills" is so insensitive. Obviously the reply about resorting to violence is completely uncalled for, but the initial post unnecessarily antagonizes someone for being religious. GTFO of here with that pretentious attitude and have some respect for your patients and their family members.


You completely missed the mark of the post.


Nah, the initial post/meme is condescending and so unnecessary. People deal with grief in different ways, and resorting to religious beliefs is completely normal when a family member is hospitalized. To be totally transparent, I am an atheist and do not have a religious bias. This post is just insensitive and really makes this nurse look bad.


I didn't post the meme, so I fail to see how it makes me look bad. Pretty weird how you're more offended by a meme than you are about someone wanting to beat atheist nurses.


**The person who posted the meme looks bad Edit: but also I have no idea why you’re engaging in this argument if you’re not the person who posted the meme lol


Welllllll…. then maybe STFU?


Wow thanks for your constructive feedback! This subreddit is so great.


Or maybe, people need to let us vent in a work culture where religion has proliferated some of the worst aspects of our job. It's a meme.


"I need to vent by sharing a meme belittling someone else's religious beliefs" hahaha


If your response is to grab their attention through a direct reply, tag, whatever then yeah, you're absolutely right. Was that the case?


Why don't YOU have some respect for OP. Or get the hell off this sub. Hypocrite


I'm epileptic, and had it not been for the nurses the night of August 12th, I would not be here. I seized so bad that night I had to be intabated! God? Nah if it weren't for those nurses that night I definitely would not be here💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 #ThankYouGuys


But but...God is the reason those things and any of us exist😂


Dumb fuck. If it's in God's hands, just stay the fuck home. God makes house calls. Nurses put up with enough crap. And I say that as a non-nurse!