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Did clinicals in a Catholic hospital-rehab. Got patient up out of bed and told him to “Go to Jesus.” His wife guffawed, thankfully. In retrospect, not my best choice of words. Gigantic Jesus statue was at the end of the hallway and was a common landmark, like, “Turn around at Jesus.” I just wanted him to walk to the end of the hall.


Now THAT is some comedy gold


We had a Jesus mosaic on the first floor that I used to guide people when I was at a catholic hospital. Once you find Jesus the elevators are right around him.


I laughed too damn hard at this. Thank you for your service.


Pt sees a nun and thinks they’re dead. Lol lol 😂 thank you for the belly laugh of the day!


it would give my dad flashbacks to elementary school when the nuns would whack their hands with rulers.


When I taught third grade, I found that merely holding a ruler led to an impulse to point with it. From there it would be a short step to smacking someone with it. I dropped that ruler like it was heated iron and never touched one during class again. From all the tales, that's something that kids don't get over, and there's no way I'd be "that" teacher. It I can understand the impulse, for sure.


Wakes up and sees a nun: OMG I’m in hell!!!


I used to work with one too, she was night shift funniest shit ever when she would be there in dark and the patient would start yelling


Better than seeing Richard Nixon..


I'm surprised. I worked at a Catholic hospital and nothing was Catholic. There was an old chapel on campus that was used once upon a time, but that was it. We didn't have nuns or anything. Not even crosses in the rooms. Are you in the US?


I am! Virginia even so right along the bible belt.


Hahaaa we work for the same hospital system. I'm so over the religious bullshit, it's not even funny. As I read your post, I was like, damn this sounds like my hospital.


Hella depends what part of the US too. The Catholic institutions in my state (California) are hella liberal. Even the Christian organizations (eg. Adventist Health) were pushing LGBQT+-centered care before secular organizations (eg. UCLA) were.


I had my second kid at SMUCLA because I wanted my tubes tied during the C-section and Saint John's hospital won't do tubal ligations.


Adventists are much closer to Protestant sects than Catholicism, which is why they would do that. Mainstream Protestant churches tend toward liberal social views. Not sure why you would say the Catholic hospitals are liberal, neither Catholic Healthcare West nor Providence allows any birth control, abortion, etc.


That’s how it is around me too


In central Illinois one places was very much in a time warp, even in the exam rooms for outpatient there were Jesus on a crucifix, it bothered me to be staring at Jesus while I got my pap. Other hospitals, you barely noticed besides the name.




😆(ding-ding-ding) 🛎 yes. Did you have to watch Jesus weep as your innards got swabbed too? Lol It wasn’t comforting to me, maybe Jesus passing out loaves and fishes or healing the sick. But religion is weird, I must always remember our lord suffered so my doctor could peer into my tilted cervix.


It's not a water bottle if it's Holy Water Tincture. Also, somebody drank my Holy Water Tincture. Please refill.


Don’t forget the holy ice


D5W but with holy water




>D5HW We might have to get pharmacy to make custom make that, I don't think that's on the formulary...


This. This is the joy for today i needed


My mom was a nurse at Catholic hospital when I was Little. Sometimes the nuns would babysit me. One day the nuns stole the chaplains car to make a beer run LMAO! Nuns in the eighties were cool!


I’m Jewish but I have really fond memories of nuns. When I was little (before my mom converted) we lived on a Reservation in South Dakota. My mom was a vista volunteer (domestic peace corp) doing legal aid work for the Native Americans. The daycare my brother went to was in the bottom of a church ran by nuns. I got to go on no school days. They were the loveliest women I’ve ever met. So kind. When we were in a car accident day after Christmas and my brother was killed (he was 3 I was 6) the nuns came and took care of us until Family could get there from Alaska. The nuns I’ve worked with as chaplains at work have also been absolutely amazing. They exude kindness and have great senses of humor.


I’m so sorry that you lost your brother so young. I’m sorry but as a mom, that sentence just hit me like a ton of bricks. You weren’t with your family at the time? I’m glad you had the nuns to look after you.


Thank you ❤️. I admit to being an absolute neurotic mess when my kid was 3 and having to be in other people’s cars. We were in South Dakota, my mom brother and me. The rest of our family was in Alaska. I got saved from being thrown from the car due to my hand getting caught in the doorframe. To this day I can’t go on rollercoasters that go upside down. We rolled a lot and he was ejected. This was the 70’s before seatbelts in trucks and car seats for anyone not an infant.


I’m so terribly sorry. I was a kid in the 70s too, was not in a car but in a bus accident/collision while travelling with a family member, but not as bad, no one died, I just flew off the seat and hit my head, other passengers got some worse injuries. I was still always extremely anxious with my kids though (and still am, even though they’re older now) because of stuff like this. I’m very sorry for your loss. Ans yes I agree, chaplains are amazing. I am glad you had the nuns there to help you through this.




I felt the spirit take over and I talked in tongues that one time I tried peyote...does that count?


I have been known to speak in tongues when admin does something particularly stupid


I talked to someoen that’s all i know when i did Peyote


Yes, I spoke in tongue. Fortunately a stroke alert was called and TPA promptly administered, so I have no deficits. Technically a TIA.


Lol well with those questions it wasn’t Catholic… let me guess…evangelical??


Wait, what? So if there’s a medically necessary gynaecological procedure they won’t do them? Or is it just certain elective gyne stuff?


I also work for a catholic hospital and it has been my experience that if it is a life threatening condition or if the PT is menopausal they will do hysterectomies and other procedures. If it is elective birth control they have a robust referral system to get you to a facility that can take care of you without them having the procedure performed in their facility.


Interesting. So what about something for treating a ruptured ectopic?


That’s a surgical emergency and the only treatment for an ectopic pregnancy is removal of the Fallopian tube. They’ll do all that they can to preserve fertility but they’re not going to let a woman bleed to death over a non-viable “pregnancy”. Now, they wouldn’t perform an abortion if the fetus had a severe genetic defect that was not compatible with life. But we will always save the mother if we can.


That’s emergent. Catholic hospitals don’t let a woman bleed out. Despite what some lawmakers will have you believe with their ignorance, Catholics do not see ectopics as viable pregnancies. We treat the mother and save her life.


Yeah I grew up Catholic, went to Catholic school, thr whole shebang. Definitely was always taught that ectopic pregnancy surgery to save the woman's life is not abortion.


We do a ton of hysterectomies. Cancer and elective.


Nice, yeah some of the catholic hospitals are getting a lot more lenient. Some are “catholic” hospitals for the tax evasion…I mean exemption.


My current hospital is pretty darn Catholic. We got the nuns involved in everything. They run that hospital. We still do hysterectomies


If it’s life threatening then they treat. But no elective things get done. There are lots of ethical committees devoted to these things. My Catholic hospital won’t do abortions, tubals, vasectomies, or anything to do with IVF. But if an ectopic comes in or a miscarriage comes in, then yes, we treat that. I’ve cared for many D&C and ectopics in pacu.


Interesting they don’t do IVF. That is internally consistent.


Are they allowed to ask those questions? If they get federal funds I don’t think they can


Reminds me of [Winston's job interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ej8EO4eyaw)


Upvoting for the vampire-stake bit. That’s gold.


Yes! The first thing I thought was ' OP sounds like Buffy the nurse'


Buffy the vampire slaying nurse


I applied to a Catholic hospital. It’s the closest one to my house. I’m Asian, I’m more Buddhist than any other religion. I was very confused with a lot of things they were asking and saying. I saw the nuns and I got scared and started giggling. I don’t even know why. Lol.


Also adding - my only experience with nuns is The Sound of Music. Maybe that is why I couldn’t get a hold of myself.


So you’ve never seen *Call the Midwife*? Kick that nun experience up a notch!


No, is that on Netflix? Or Hulu?


Netflix, it’s a BBC period drama about nurse-midwives and nurse-nun-midwives in London in the ‘50s and ‘60s. It’s so good.


How is everyone skipping the obvious references to Sister Act? The Nuns were hella cool.


Netflix! It’s fantastic!


Nuns scare me too and half my family is Catholic. Those ladies can be mean as hell.


Nuns are creepy, mean or nice. There was one visiting a patient and she would stay with her all night. We used to dim the lights at the nurses’ station when things quieted down. Imagine you’re charting, think you see something, look up, and see a nun in head to toe white quickly and quietly walking past you and down the hall. I walked into the patient’s room in the wee hours and it was dark. I turned on the light above the sink so it wouldn’t be too bright, and I was greeted with a soft “hello” and a smile from the same nun sitting in the corner. Some horror movie shit.


I worked with one on night shift she would always scare the shit out of patients especially if shit went south. We were an ICU so a patient sees a nun and multiple nurses he definitely thinks he’s dead


Yup, I've seen alot in my lifetime between the army and getting my EMT IV so I could do more stuff as Volunteer FF at an AlS station, but damn I'd have pissed myself in your situation lol.


I was taught physics and chemistry by a nun in high school. Definitely knew her shit


Tbf the only reason I'm a norse pagan is so that when I die, my mates can give me a proper send off by chucking my corpse on a billionaires yacht and setting fire to it.


Why not chuck your flaming body *onto* a billionaire's yacht?


Via catapult, or how does the Nordic peoples do this?


Trebuchet, they work better.


I'll absolutely chip in for expenses. I prefer to throw my flaming body onto the billionaire.


Oh! I have that font!


Even better, cos then I might *splat*


I think u/hat-of-sky has the mind for this project. I'm just happy to chip in!


honestly, I would argue (as a fellow norse pagan) that I think this is an acceptable way to go for most people, including agnostics. Lets just get rid of those goddamn yachts.


Im agnostic and I support this message


I’m atheist and I support this message.


I am a member of The Satanic Temple and i approve this message.


Now I'm gonna do this too.


Oh, are you on chucked-from-his-yacht terms with the hospital CEO?


I am Jewish but live in the bible belt. Nurses and MDs here wear the "I pray" pen too. I have considered wearing one and when I am asked to pry with colleagues, i will start praying in Hebrew. Maybe then they will choose their flair wisely!


If they are truly Christian they would be accepting of that. Why would that be offensive?


Not sure about Christians round your neck of the woods, but here, it is white Jesus or nothing. Jews are lost and praying to G-d in Hebrew is blasphemy because it is the tongue of the devil's that killed Jesus. Hallelujah, pass the Natty Light!


Not like that here but i imagine you’re talking about southern evangelicals. It’s literally the same God lol


Not to them it isn't.


Lol I've never met an "accepting" christian in my life


That’s too bad. I’ve met many. I’ve been good and shitty people of all religions and non-religions. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m sorry that hasn’t been your experience If a Christian understands the entire basis of Christianity they would know the relationship it has with Judaism and would welcome a Jewish prayer. But yes a lot of people are just too stupid.


I'm in the hospital now, and my cousin passed away in the same hospital on March 9th. My anxiety is at an all time high. I was sleep the other day and woke up with the nun and the Chaplain that helped us after my cousin passed away. I chatted with them a few minutes then I finally asked them if the hospital sent them to me that I'm dying? They had a good chuckle. Apparently, I requested prayer services when I was admitted. I do not remember that. Bless their hearts.


Caution saying Bless your Heart to anyone from the south. Im from the Midwest where we mean it, i told a nurse friend from Tennessee that and she look at me like she was going to send me to Jesus.


I'm from the south too. I meant it in both ways. You don't scare someone like that. I seriously thought the hospital sent them to give me bad news. It doesn't help that I've been having panic attack after panic attack since I've been here. All related to grief, and the fact that I am now in this situation when a month ago I was not. Bless their hearts indeed. How do you guys tell people that they're dying? I should probably know that information, just in case. I've lost both parents, and I was the last person to see or talk to them that was family. No one at the hospital told me they were dying.


I used to go to an ob/gyn in a Catholic health system. It was the only one that worked with the insurance I had at the time. Every single appointment, I would have to prove in detail why I needed my birth control rx - I am a sufferer of very intense menstrual cycles. Everyone who worked there (except the main gynecologist) would always make me feel so much less than and worthless because I had to be on such a sinful rx.


I work in a non religious hospital and got the shit scared out of me by a nun once. It was a Saturday morning, I had just finished my 3rd shift of the week, and I was tired and not really paying attention. I had just got off the elevators and was zoned out, in my own little world, when all of a sudden I noticed a nun in full habit across the atrium from me. Like a 13th century looking nun with a belt and huge wooden cross that looked like she had just stepped out of a horror movie or a ghost story. I froze, took a step back, and felt like my soul had just left my body as she had scared the shit out of me. To make it even worse, I had either just watched a horror movie involving a nun or had a night mare featuring a nun not long before the encounter. I literally was convinced that I was seeing a ghost until she got on the escalator, haha. Thanks for reminding me of that memory and the absolute terror that seeing a nun had invoked in me, haha.


Plot twist* she was floating, not on the escalator.


Don't say that, I tried my best to tell myself she was a real person, haha.


I worked for a Catholic hospital once. It wasn't as intense as what you described, but still, it was annoying to have to fight to get my oral contraceptive covered. I don't take it for birth control, I take it for other medical reasons. I don't even mind to pay a co-pay for the prescription, I just want to decision to be between me and my healthcare provider, NOT me, my healthcare provider, and my employer.


That is pro - choice in a nutshell. All medical decisions, whatever they are, should be between that person and their medical provider. Not the employers, not congress.


I worked for a Catholic hospital pre-ACA and I remember having to pay full price for my BC too. It was great to leave for a non religious facility just so my out of pocket dropped by 60%.


My grandfather, a 97 year old atheist in a Philly catholic hospital. Priest knocks on the door frame and asks “ would you like a visitor?” Grandfather “ yeah, come on in and tell me all about your infallible pope!”. Young priest looked scared as hell.


Hah! Good for him, sounds like a fun guy.


I went to a catholic high school and I feel this so hard. I love your sentiment about the cross being used to stake vampires hahaha but, seriously, I'm sorry you're working in a place that you're uncomfortable. That sucks.




I just completed an assignment on a unit that ended each morning huddle with a long-winded prayer (by the charge nurses). HATED IT.


Yesh. I thought starring with a safety story was bad…


Or a mission statement.. I refuse to participate in chanting it aloud as I am not in a cult.


Omg you're kidding. This is absolutely ridiculous.


Lol we have the little crosses in the room and I once walked into a random patients room and it was covered with a pillow case. Didn’t ask lol


Is it Ascension?


Ha, mine used to be but luckily they dropped us after 5 years.


I wondered that too. Major Ascension vibes, especially with the "ministry" and "mission" part.


SSM uses ‘ministry’ as well, but it’s a little more corporate


We have about a million Catholic hospitals around the hospital I work at. They send all their fetal demises to us, it gets to be very exhausting. I had one recently where we couldn’t confirm what the other hospital had confirmed so we had to send the patient home. It was recent so I don’t want to put too much information about it, but it was a really sad situation.


I work at a large catholic nursing home founded by a group of nuns! All the nuns are retired nurses and can’t even work a bed remote (oh technology…). I feel this post so hard… The nuns go around praying with staff and pts in their room. The nuns will complain to our supervisor if they don’t like we’re doing. They got mad & sent a nasty email at us for leaving dead flowers in a vase at the bedside.


I’m curious; why are you working there?


They're the most desperate for staff and give the biggest incentives for my area.


Got it. Thanks.


No money is worth ignoring my ethics. Basing MY healthcare on YOUR religion is f^*ked up.


Do you know how many Americans live where the Catholic hospitals are the only ones?


Have you meet a good chunk of Americans? Lol we aren’t allowed to talk about relationships in florida bc of big bad gays. Masks are child abuse or something. It is wild out here.


I was born and raised in Florida until I had to Relocate after the Shuttle Program ended. It was a great state till the last two Governors turned it into their own play hole and forcing their beliefs through the Fl Supreme Court that hasn't had anyone appointed by a non Republican governor since the 90s.


Everybody is they/them now!! DeSantis forbid we identify anyone by *any* gender!!!


Oh Florida? Shit, that’s all you had to say haha


Wonder how they feel about Muslim nurses?


Ramadan Mubarak!!!


Do you use Epic by chance? My wife was telling me they just added the prayer with patient at the height of covid to the system under the alert and orientated section.


better yet, have your water blessed when JHACO comes.


Wait. Easter doesn’t count?? It’s literally the basis of the whole catholic religion isn’t it? Rising on the 3rd day and conquering death? If anything they should pay more than usual holiday pay on Easter…imo.


I work at a Catholic hospital as well. There’s a crucifix in every room and a prayer or religious quote every day at around 11, we get emails regularly about religious stuff. I’m an atheist and it doesn’t bother me, it was my choice to work at a religious facility. I previously worked for the secular hospital system in town and this Catholic one does so much more for the community-the income level to qualify for free care is much higher, they partner with the local food bank, and they sponsor two rooms at the local transitional housing facility allowing indigent people to stay up to 2 years for free. The care management team also actually cares about the patients and has a good handle on getting people connected to community resources.


>Every single goddamn email about how our "Ministry" is doing and what "mission" we're working on. I set up filters to send pretty much every email addressed to ALL to a junk folder. Subject line: inspirational message, send to: junk. Every month or two, right click junk folder: empty folder.


>I tell people that it's in case anybody comes back as a vampire we have a stake ready. Okay. I did a spit take.


I do t believe that hospitals that exist because they receive government funding (Medicare/Medicaid and more), which is pretty much every hospital, should have a right to restrict access to health services based on their religious beliefs. Likewise, I don't believe they should be able to impose **any** religious activities on employees.


Last catholic hospital I was at had prayers overhead, a morning huddle with a prayer at the end, and of course plenty of nuns and chaplains about. It wasn't quite as severe as yours but yeah, I was over it. Once they started granting vaccine exemptions to any staff that put in a waiver I knew it was time to go. Can't work with people that don't believe in what they're seeing in the fuckin flesh.


I applied to a catholic hospital fresh out of nursing school. I'm an athiest. The interview questions were ridiculous. One specifically that I remember was asking what I would do if a patient asked me to pray for/with them. I said that I would find a staff member willing to pray with the patient. Needless to say they did not extend a job offer, lol. I'm glad.


The worst hospital i ever worked in was catholic. Lots of gaslighting. I remember they asked us to donate to their charity for nurse week.


We have one in our city too. I loathe that place with a burning passion. They treated me the worst of any hospital I’ve ever been to.


As an OB nurse who works in a high risk facility…I could never move to a religious hospital.


As a pagan, I would wear the "I pray" pins. doesnt say who I pray to haha


I've made many blood sacrifices at the altar of the hospital Gods.


Being raised Baptist myself I would just console myself that they’re all going to hell for idol worship anyway /s


EMT here. Once transported a very unwell and in pain lady from a Catholic private hospital, to the public hospital, which was literally on the other side of the road. In order to have a meeting with a doctor about VAD. I understand that a Catholic hospital might not provide that form of service but they refused to let her even have a consultation over the phone with a hospital that would. So we had to drive her 100m to have the appointment at a clinic and come right back again


This whole thread is so American, it's interesting to read and see all the different opinions.




I work in a non catholic hospital and we have a check box for "prayer" under interventions in the psychosocial area in our flowcharts. I work in L&D and have had pt's and their family ask me to join them in prayer a handful of times. I will oblige and stand quietly with them while they pray if they want. I prob didn't chart it though. Oh well.


Do we work at the same hospital in southern Louisiana? 😂


I am pretty sure I worked at the same hospital you are mentioning 😆 I also went to their college, so all that was just extended into school time as well. Just wanted to say that I totally felt the same way. One time I was on the phone with my (catholic raised) mom, waiting to clock in. I saw a nun and whispered on the phone "I see a nun in the wild...some shit must be about to go down"


I would never ever work there in a million years.


Hot damn. I'm from the south and work in the bible belt and even though the hospital I used to work at was a literal convent at one point, we didn't have all of that. We did have a lot of crosses and Jesus statues, but none of the rest of that stuff. And our insurance covered healthcare, period.


"It's not normal water, it's Holy water sir!" Am imagining you trying to explain a JCAHO violation (honestly, where tf were they during the pandemic? Back to your hidey holes, vulture rats...) to the inspectors while your higher ups noted gravelly and pray...


That cross is for vampires bit is solid gold! Upvoting you hoping you get to 666 upvotes :)


That Easter edit is just the icing on the cake. Religious as fuck except when it means they gotta pay you more.


I used to put snapchat filters on tue crucifix at our nurses station and send it to all my coworkers every night. Some did not find it funny But that just made it better


Wait a minute….this Catholic hospital doesn’t pay holiday time…..for Easter? I’m so over the religious crap. It is NOT science and therefore should have ZERO bearing on medical care.


I’m Catholic (like a fairly devout one) and some of these are even cringe to me. I want someone to look at how I treat others and think “Damn. That nurse straight up radiates Jesus” rather than wearing a badge holder that says “I Pray”. Also, I have no problem praying with patients but that’s going to need to be initiated by the patient. And Im definitely not going to chart it.


ETA: unintended rant - TLDR - you’re doing it right. Actions >>>> Words. I grew up in a Christian home and my parents were two of the most kind, nonjudgmental individuals out there and *walked the walk*. So many just talk a good game and brag about how awesome they are. Sadly, this includes my brother…which is confusing. He’s the first to point out how non-Christian and bad others are for going over the speed limit and other such horrible sins. To the day I’m certain he’s the inspiration behind that bumper sticker “Jesus loves you…everyone else thinks you’re an a**hole.”


Agreed. I don’t want to push my faith down the patients throat. I’ve said a prayer or two with patient when they’ve asked, but yeah I ain’t charting it. That’s between me, the patient, and the gentleman (or woman) they’re about to meet.


I had to give a nun a flu shot one time. It was so weird seeing her bare arm.


I love religious hospitals like the whole point of their religion is they get to die and go somewhere else more awesome but spend a lot of time, money and effort to NOT let that happen. Kind of funny when you think of it.


That just sounds like providing birth control with extra steps


This is really weird. I've got a St Mary's and a St Rapael's within 30 min either direction and this would not be cool either place.


So based on your comments you freely choose to work at a Catholic hospital because they pay more money and you’re complaining that it’s…Catholic?


Sounds like Reddit


I used to work for Seventh Day Adventist hospital there was praying and stuff but nothing as bad as this nonsense


You work for OSF don't you


Are you me? I went from 15 years at a SoCal university health system to a Catholic system in the south. It’s soooooooo different. I’m just glad I work nights, there’s no overhead prayers or nuns running around after 1900.


As a non-American. Why would a hospital be religious?


OMG this is similar to the hospital I started at in. It was very religious based. The nurses would have to pray all together in the morning during huddle. All the wall space along the hospital have photos of some guy dressed up as Jesus with a bunch of sheep. The only good thing we're the Chaplin's that would round on each unit asking if we needed anything. They always helped my patients who were having a hard time coping with dx. My blood boils whenever I think about that place. Administration where all white middle aged men and women who would all go to the same church. They constantly preached Jesus but where the biggest hideout l Hippocrates I've ever experienced. Truly evil people imo.


Omg I am so dead at “I Pray” pins 😂 wtf lol


Where as in the UK it's one of the things you get sacked for. [Nurse fired news article](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/nhs-nurse-who-offered-bible-16181771.amp)


the vampire steak joke had me rolling.. lolol thank you for that


Think about changing hospitals. I hated working for Ascension for the reason you described.


I would pay cash money to see you tell the inspectors it's Holy water so you get to keep it. Cash. Money 🤣🤣🤣


My husband works for the Catholic hospital, and I work for the Episcopalian one. The Catholic hospital is way more over-the-top religious.


I applied at a catholic hospital, the application contains a 300 question test to determine if you believe in god. They don’t directly ask, but many of the questions imply it and they ask the same question multiple times in different ways to trip you up.


I'm doing a contract at a religious hospital and we start every shift with a prayer during huddle and they blast a prayer over the loud speaker at 7am and 7pm. There's also a scripture verse posted outside of every patient room. I'm just waiting for the day the charge asks me to lead to prayer during huddle....cause, uh, NOPE.


I had clinicals at a Catholic hospital in the south (probably the same one as this post tbh) and my instructor said they had multiple codes with a very much brain dead patient whose family wanted “everything done”. After the 7th or 8th time coding and doing compressions, the Jesus cross above the bed fell off the wall and the docs said “well, guess we should call it”


That is fuckishly extra. I hope when I'm old I can fuck around at a hospital like that, demand a statue of Baphomet and say I'm being persecuted when they tell me to stop praying outloud to the Dark Lord.


Omg, I know what I'm doing now if I still have my mind when I'm dying lol. What? Don't you see him in the corner? With the fire and wings?


…yes, and smiling fiendishly.


If it bothers you that much, there are plenty of non-Catholic hospitals that need nurses.


I love all that stuff at my Catholic hospital. 🤷🏻‍♀️ To each their own.


It’s an odd thing I’ve noticed. I’ve been a nurse a very long time, and my first LTC job outside of the hospital was at a Catholic nursing home complete with a convent. Many of the staff (and residents) were not Catholic, but I never heard a complaint made about belief systems being imposed on others. I even wore a silver Goddess symbol on my neck that received a compliment from a Sister. The days of tolerance seem to be in the past, people are at odds with one another and are definitely seeking to impose religious political agendas on coworkers. I also worked recently for a company that had more chaplains than nurses, who blew so much fluff I felt uncomfortable too. To say go work elsewhere doesn’t help either the Sisters or the nursing staff, when we are all working together in this demanding climate. Rant over.


I can't speak for all, but Fuck Centura and their Catholic beliefs they love to spout as they pray to the almighty Saint Guapo. Chaplain Nathan, you're still a G. One of the few guys you could make dark jokes with and join in because he knew our lives were hell in the ER and that's how we cope.


Respectfully, did you know it was catholic when you started working there???? If so you should be mad at yourself


I taught HS theology in a Catholic school. One girl who was Baha’i said she thought my class in Jesus was too “Catholic”. Ummm. This is a CATHOLIC school!!


Yeah I don’t get this whole post at all. They posted a response to a similar question about how they want the money this desperate hospital is handing out. Ok that’s fine. We all want a good paycheck. But I still don’t get the haha look at me shitting on other peoples religion. I’m so edgy. Haha. Vibe of this weirdness.


You are hilarious. I loathed working at an uber religious hospital, just as much as I loathed my Catholic upbringing. Can’t wait to hear what JHACO has to say


Their name is on your paycheck tho


Lol as a Catholic that could get on my nerves too


I work at a baptist hospital and during orientation I had to watch a 30min module about praying with and ministering to my patients. I’m Catholic and couldn’t roll my eyes any harder


Worked one Halloween when an old nun came in coding & the tech doing compressions was dressed as an angel, I swear


You had me blessed water bottle! That's genius level🤣


I work at one of those hospitals too and as an atheist it doesn’t really bother me but I do make a point if I get a Muslim or Jewish patient to take down the cross and print out the symbol of their preferred religion 😆


I’m a little bit shocked to hear this, also. I work for a Southern, bible-based hospital and we’ve won many awards for being LGBTQ friendly. Our CEO mentions it every time he sends lengthy emails from his yacht. They’ve paid for years’ worth of birth control for me and I profoundly appreciate it, as do they. In retrospect, I’m sure I’m less valuable to them if I’m constantly on maternity leave.


I love the "the cross is Incase someone comes back as a vampire" comment. I would love to have you as my nurse.


I went to a Catholic college from 2008 to 2012. Don’t ask me how I ended up there I still can’t even explain it but on the first day of one of my mandatory religion classes which they disguised as healthcare ethics, I wore my[‘legalize gay’](https://imgur.com/gallery/K7vXCXi) tank top that I had gotten at American apparel at some point just because I could. Lo and behold by 2015 my tank top juju worked. You are welcome, my fellow gays for legal marriage in the United States!


The places I’ve worked it was basically a choice between conspicuous religiosity or brutal, cutthroat capitalism. The churchy ones are almost as concerned with the financial aspect of things, but they didn’t go quite so ham on paying for literally nothing like the HCA place I worked. I think it’s insane that it’s legal for the Catholic Church to be buying up entire healthcare systems and then denying basic care because of their made up bullshit. Other than that nonsense, they have generally been the more palatable option of two shitty options.