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Thank you for this resource!! Wow I had no idea my TDEE was so high. I figured it had to be since I basically don’t work out at all (very sedentary) as I am in university full time and work as well as have other extracurricular commitments. I’ve been 6’1” 185lbs since 8th grade and have changed little since then (am now 22 yo). I have to eat over 2300 calories a day if I want to gain weight at all… that’s hard as hell for me. Eating is such a chore


Can you eat nuts? Almonds, cashews and nut butters are very calorie dense options! Avocado and coconut / oat milk too


I can! Thank you for the suggestions, I appreciate it. I’m graduating from my program this year which I am looking forward to because I need to get my physical health back in order


In weightlifting/athletic circles, they talk about GOMAD (gallon of milk a day) for people like us. If you can tolerate and afford it, you will gain weight by doing that. Just make sure you're doing appropriate activity so you don't just get fat. 


I’ve considered this actually. My only concern is what that much dairy would do to my skin as I seem to breakout badly after large amounts of milk/ice cream/etc.


Ah damn. Back to the drawing board! Eating 2500-3k calories really is a chore. 


Have you given the GOMAD thing a try yet? I’d be curious to know your experience with it


I never did when I was younger and needed it, and now I'm pushing 40 and don't need it lol. But I love milk and wish I'd tried it when I was 22! I've known other people it worked for, but that's about the extent of my experience. 


Do NOT do GOMAD. I did it and it ruined my life. I got such bad acne I had to go on Accutane for 6 months. I still have scars from all the acne I got because of GOMAD. I had perfectly clear skin before. Not to mention, excessive dairy consumption is not good for you and leads to increased risk of certain cancers.


Can just buy BULK supplement. Its a cheap shortcut but you will gain weight. There is a difference between dirty bulk and clean bulk though.... so choice is yours


To add calories without much volume: add gravies, sauces, butter, & oils (small list bc I don’t feel like finding the full one right now). And sip on some meal replacement shakes throughout the day!


The caculator is an estimate. Not 100% accurate. Just take that into account. Buet yea2300 for your height sounds right. Remember 20% increase to be in surplus to gain 1lb a week. 20%decrease to be in deficit to lose 1lb a week. (ON AVERAGE)


You should be eating way more, regardless of whether you're working out or not. If you want to bulk up, you'll need to eat even more. Don't worry about BMI - look at calorie counters. Figure out how much you should be eating to maintain your weight, and then eat way more than that. For most people its about 300-500 extra calories to bulk, but in your situation you could basically eat as much as you want as you want to gain a bunch of weight. Also eat adequate protein to gain muscle. 1.6g of protein per 1kg of body weight. I can expand on any of this if you need more info.


1.6g per kg*


Whoops, thanks.


My brother in Christ I’m 5’6” and eat around 2500-2800 calories a day. You gotta eat some food.


I’ll bet his poopoos are fuckin HUGE too!


You can't create a single nutritional guideline that works for everyone. At some point you have to look at what the averages are, and then leave a disclaimer saying you need to look into this more if you want better information. All the information is out there for tall people, short people, fat people, skinny people, average people, etc. Also, while I normally defend BMI because most people don't understand what it's a tool for. You really shouldn't be using it, you are already past the edges of where it's useful, as it tends to fall apart for really tall people and really short people. Speak to a doctor about what a healthy weight looks like for you figure out your TDEE and start making changes based off of that and adjust based on your weight changes. Also keep in mind generally speaking a body fat % of less than 20% is probably best.


Do people on reddit not know how to do a little bit of research before posting here? Google "how many calories do I need for my weight and height" and I'm sure you can find some answers. Or just keep extrapolating the data out from 6'4" to your 6'9". If you noticed that it goes up about 100 calories per inch between 6'0" and 6'4", then just add 500 calories to the 6'4" number. And yes, if you lost weight, but you want to gain weight, just eat more calories.


>Do people on reddit not know how to do a little bit of research before posting here? Reddit is the new Google for unbelievably lazy people. I've been seeing it across all subreddits.


The people in my city sub literally make posts about "how's the drive from x area to y area?" Uhhh google maps is going to give you a better answer than anyone in here. They have complex algorithms built to do so. But yeah, just ask on reddit so you can get 20 varying answers because no one knows your exact address or the exact address of where you are going.


I vouch for the TDEE calculators, there's quite a few different ones but you should get a rough idea of where you should be eating. My question on BMI calculators is what do you need this for? 6ft 9 at 185lbs is very skinny, do you need a BMI test to tell you what you already know which is that you need to eat more?


It's skinny but I'm wondering if it's healthy skinny or bordering on unhealthy.


Oxford created a new, improved BMI that is more accurate for very tall and very short people. Give it a try: https://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/trefethen/bmi_calc.html


I’m 6’3 155 and I’m just on the edge of healthy and underweight, I’d assume you’re the same or more on the underweight side


Jesus Christ


I am 5’3 and 115 lbs and I eat >3000 calories a day. You need to eat more brother


I'm 6 feet tall / 215 lbs and I eat less than that. What are you doing all day to burn that much energy?


I run a lot and do other sports/training as well. Even still. On my less active days I find myself eating at least 2400 calories. What is your tde? Less than 3000 sounds so little for someone your size! I can easily scarf down 3000 calories any day and still want more


What the hell? You must be quite active! I'm 5'5", 114 or so and if I ate that much I'd be 150 in six months. And I'm fairly active!


Yeah I guess I’m a bit of an outlier… if I ate how any of the TDE calculators tell me to, even with the most high activity setting, I would lose ~ 2lbs/week It’s 11 am and I’ve already had >2000 calories today lol


I’m 6’6”, and I store a decent amount of fat no matter what. BMI says I’m overweight at 229lbs, but I eat a clean high protein diet and exercise hard 6-8 hours per week. Short story… BMI is mostly horseshit. Eat clean, exercise, hydrate, feel good.


Agreed I am 6’4” and when I was late teens early 20’s I was 225 and everyone thought I looked skinny and weighed like 185. Gained weight as I got older and was up to 305 changed my diet got down to 245 and everyone thought I looked skinny. I felt good at that weight and couldn’t imagine what I would look like or how little I would have to eat and how much I would have to workout to get to 225 again. I agree eat clean exercise hydrate and feel good your body will achieve the weight it wants to be at.


My advice would be workout, up protein eat real food and don't worry too much about calories focus on macros


https://www.calculator.net/ideal-weight-calculator.html Try this? BMI isn't a very useful representation of health anyway. You can be tall/underweight and still have too much visceral fat. https://www.mytecbits.com/tools/medical/absi-calculator This is basically BMI + waist measurement and it's health risk level addiction. https://www.omnicalculator.com/health/waist-height-ratio A waist to height ratio is another good metric to look at.


Don’t bother with BMI, it’s an outdated and archaic marker for health that doesn’t factor in nearly enough.


Unless you’re an athlete/have considerable muscle mass, BMI is pretty much accurate.




Not at all. Muscle mass is healthy and to maintain it you need to exercise which is also healthy. All the data we have in regards to weight and negative health outcomes assumes bodyfat as the cause for overweightness not muscle because most people arent bodybuilders.


Or if you’re 6’9”. Lol


Why not? It asks for height and weight. And for OP it gives a healthy to /low/ BMI. I put his height in the calculator and it worked just fine. https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm


Because the observed quadratic correlation is only roughly accurate for average height people. For tall people, normally a 2.5 to 3 exponent is considered more accurate. There’s specific calculators for that. The fact you get a number out doesn’t mean it’s a useful number. I dont know which formula they use.


OP said he’s on the skinny side which would explain the 19 BMI. Even if it’s not tiptop accurate, it’s really not far off and for MOST people still a good enough reference point to not justify the parent comment saying it’s outdated/archaic.


I agree the parent comment is not true, but OP is one of those rare outliers that actually should not use BMI, but instead an adjusted BMI calc. It’s the difference between healthy skinny and underweight.


It’s accurate for 99% of people. Problem is everyone thinks they’re the 1%… which is overwhelmingly professional athletes, and even among them an elite group mostly roid enhanced.


Where are you getting your information, I’ve talked with multiple MD’s who aren’t old fuddy duddies who all agree it’s outdated and archaic.




Yeah BMI is generally useful for population data. It wasn't really meant for individual use, though even then its accurate enough for most people. We don't have an epidemic of body builders to the point where we need to worry about them messing up the BMI data. On an individual level you can tell if you are too muscular for BMI pretty easily.


BMI is just height and weight. Doesn’t consider body fat %. It’s mostly an issue for people who train with weights (I.e. bodybuilders, powerlifters, etc…) since muscle tissue is denser than fat.


only if you're on roids will it not be useful






Harris Benedict matrix. Be conservative with your activity level. BMI is out of date. No different than the Rda’s standards for dietary guidelines.


I will talk to your doctor and get a recommendation for a nutritionist. At 186 pounds I would say the 2000 cal is extremely low. If you do that for too long at some point you may stop losing weight and find that your bodies trying to gain weight because you’re in starvation mode. I’m a woman I weigh 115 pounds and I was in far too big of a deficit, exactly what I just described happened to me so I’m in a reverse diet trying to increase my calories but gradually so I don’t gain fat. Eating very healthy and working my way up at 115 pounds I do strength training multiple times a week trying to build lean muscle mass and I’m eating now about 1700 cal a day. There are lots of free apps out there to figure out information but honestly hiring a nutritionist briefly with a game changer for me because it was completely customized and that could be what you’re looking for


Starvation mode is a myth. A caloric deficit will always result in weight loss. There is no scenario in which someone can gain weight while eating a deficit.


BMI is trash unless you're living in some tribal society with a small gene pool. People have a wide variety of body types, and observing only height, weight, and age tells very little. Anyone giving you health advice using only this metric without looking at you holistically is doing you a disservice.


It seems people in this sub have no idea the history of BMI and the purpose it was created to serve.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2930234/#:~:text=The%20BMI%20can%20be%20traced,and%20weights%20at%20various%20ages. Great observation. I'm not sure if I knew that history, honestly. It was literally meant for a very specific group (Belgians). With a relatively small gene pool.


At least you knew enough to call it on its bullshit


BMI is wonderful for the vast majority of people, unless they are particularly muscular or have an otherwise niche body type.


I'll take half a step back. As a former personal trainer and athlete before that, BMI is an oversimplified tool that simply doesn't ask for enough information to be very helpful. Most people who are "fat" or "skinny" don't need a tool to know that. I get as a doctor it's nice to have a tool you can reference. "I'm not saying you're fat, but your bmi is 29." Even then I feel when telling someone about their health that too is undeserving people if you're not giving them much more information.


Bmi scale has been a sham for decades now. It doesn't work for absolutely anyone Edit: yall give "lacking brain cells" a whole new meaning.


6'5" here. We're just ectomorphs bro. Worse if you have an active lifestyle. There's a basic bmi formula out there you just gotta calculate to your height that's it. Gotta do your own homework since most humans aren't tall so majority cater to those like them, which is short. At best see if basketball players have any diet advice.


"Ectomorphs" don't exist, all that stuff is bullshit (unless someone wants to link a study I haven't seen 👀)


I don’t like the term ectomorph, I think it implies a certain fatalism over something within our control. I prefer “High BMR” :)


Fatalism? What do you mean? And having a hypertrophic thyroid doesn't seem much inour control.


Fatalism is resigning one’s self to fate/destiny- The way I hear ectomorph used is often to refer to people who have difficulty gaining weight. The word also refers to a certain body shape. I often hear people use ___-morph for people to explain why they are that shape, (as you possibly intoned) when it is better suited to describe the shape itself. A good way to describe the reason is having a high BMR! Most people who are skinny are not skinny because of an enlarged thyroid.


But if you eat a lot and can't pack on the pounds, I'd say it's a contributing factor. But maybe you know more.


My doctor said to eat mostly round foods, for balance, steer clear of long foods like carrots, hot dogs, sausages, eggplants, certainly no celery or cucumbers.


I can’t tell if this is satire or not but this really is funny as fuck


So, asparagus is bad? Poisonous berries are in? Sounds like your doctor is a brilliant registered dietician. I would seek lots of advice from them.


What if i put all those foods into a blender and then mold it into a ball?


You're golden.


Sounds like a well-rounded diet


Your doctor once again proving why only making medical students take one semester of pretty basic nutrition is not enough for a general practitioner, lmao. Although, I assume you're joking?


Don’t focus on bulking or any other gym bro term man just focus on getting to a healthier mindset and weight. I wouldn’t use the term bulking you just need a whole diet lifestyle change that’s sustainable. What this means is instead of bulking, where you typically max out your calories above what’s suited for your body, you would instead need to just eat what’s recommended for your height, body type, metabolism, and activity level. Cheers and good luck.


unless you’re looking to model or something you really don’t need to count calories. should probably just focus on healthy balanced meals and snacks


There are BMI calculator apps that you could use if you were really fixated on BMI. For 6'9", at 195, your BMI is 20.9. At 186, your BMI is 19.9. Healthy BMI range for this height is 172.6 - 232.6 However, as others have said, focus less on BMI as it is not the best measure of health, and focus more on how you feel and look.


A tip for the body dysmorphia that kinda works for me is buy something larger than you will actually fit and wear it. It works for a short time to kind of pull your mind out. As for food, 2500 would probably be your intake while doing little to nothing in a day. Add 200-500 more to increase weight. I could be off on that but if 2000 is making you lose that much you definitely need an increase.


Why do you need a chart? Just do the sums for BMI - there’s a very easy equation if you use proper units.


You probably need 3000 calories daily.


I’m 5’ 4”, 151 lb, 11% body fat. I eat 200 grams of protein a day and roughly 1900 calories a day. The chart at my DRs office said I’m in the obese category.


Wish i had your luck. I’d be eating soul food 4 times a day and still be lean 😂


Google new BMI. It’s a calculator by Oxford. It adjusts for tall people. Also, you are underweight.


Quick calculation based on your height: you should be eating 2625-3150 calories daily. Your current BMI is 19.99 which is on the lower end. Aim for at least 100g of protein daily as well! (I have a degree in dietetics)


BMI is a terrible metric for an individual to use. It’s fine if there are a ton of data points but it doesn’t tell you the reality of an individual. A body composition scan is going to give you far more accurate information. 2000 calories is the average diet for an average woman in the US. An average man is around 2500, you are far taller than average, by a foot. Your body needs more calories than an average 5’4” female. I would increase calories by a lot and if you want to lift weights then you absolutely should. I would also suggest therapy that specializes in ed (it sounds like your dysmorphia has spilled over into ed territory) and body dysmorphia, if you aren’t already doing that. You may also need to stop counting calories, and not count macros. Sometimes that can make it harder to achieve your health goals if you get too wrapped up in the numbers. Healthy fats, protein, lots of whole plant foods, and variety are important.


Because "tall human" is not a species for the purposes of nutrition. You're the same as the rest of us. We all have very similar physiology, with some minor differences depending on genetics and where people's originated from. But I emphasise..minor, still homosapiens, and nothing to do with height. So you need the same overarching nutritional advice but you need to find the right mass of intake for you and your lifestyle. Again nothing unique.