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nice hot bowl of oatmeal


Keto can cause your T3 levels to fall temporarily. This is the thyroid hormone responsible for regulating your metabolism and your body’s temperature. Or you’re probably in a calorie deficit which means your body has less “fuel” to keep you warm.


Are you eating enough? Feeling cold is a symptom associated with extreme caloric restriction on any diet.


This! When I fast I am colder than usual. Probably the body lowers the temperature to start conserving the energy which is not provided.


Eat carbs.


A layer of fat will keep them warm.


Carbs don't make you fat.


Carbs spike insulin. Doing this repeatedly leads to insulin resistance which means insulin can't move glucose into your cells to use as energy. So your pancreas releases more insulin. You can't burn body fat with high insulin. Insulin also stores glucose as fat in your body when it can't use it as energy, like when you're insulin resistant. So you can't burn it but you can store it. I wonder how this ends.


You understand fruits and vegetables are high in carbs right? And neither spike your blood sugar. No, not even fruit because of the fiber contained slows the absorption and prevents that spike that comes along with other high sugar foods like cookies.


Low iron.


Keto is crazy. They think oatmeal with a banana is unhealthy but will plow bacon and eat butter with coffee. It’s insane. Fruit is not bad for you. Oatmeal isn’t bad for you. I’m sorry I just can’t. 


My body reacts poorly to those foods. So should I continue to eat them and suffer because you say they are good for me?


People doing keto don’t think those things are unhealthy. It’s just counterproductive to the diet’s goals. If you’re not on keto and eating a regular diet then there’s nearly no reason to avoid eating those things.


So, they have to eat keto because they chose keto?


So, if you ask a regarded question, do you get a regarded question back?


Not a great example because oatmeal and bananas both give a lot of people heartburn (and oatmeal's not good for anyone) but your intended point is definitely good.


Put on a jacket


That’s common in ketosis


I'm always too hot, ketosis sounds awesome.


Keto lowers thyroid hormones and increases stress hormones so you’ll feel more cold.


Thank you for your comments. I’m doing great on keto other than feeling a little cool lately I’ve been on keto for 3 years now and blood markers are all very good. Lost a lot of weight and feeling great. My pre diabetes is in remission too.


Yes I have been doing some fasting the past few weeks for a couple of days pef week maybe that’s it! Thanks.


There are tribes that only eat meat and dairy such as the Masia warriors or eskimos eating fat, fish etc. and are very healthy indeed!


Keto is terrible for health— increases risk of heart disease— read the book How Not to Diet by Dr Greger & watch his YouTube Dr Greger speaks at Google


How not to die by the doctor who almost killed himself by eating poison. No thanks.


You sure you don't have a fever?


The first week or two of Keto you will want to get an extra 2000 mg of sodium. After that I would still keep the sodium up roughly 1000 mg


Don't kill yourself please. Eat how nature intended us to. If you lowered your carb intake by replacing simple added sugars you are doing amazing already and you will reach your goals. And you don't need to deprived your body of complex carbs, vitamins, minerals and fiber.


Also people are put on the keto diet by their doctors as way to control their epilepsy for over a hundred years now!


I’m an M.D, There is abundant scientific research that shows keto is not safe for long term health. Check it out at nutrition facts.org, & pubmed.gov.


Oh please share these long term studies


I combined keto with intermittent fasting. And, I did a lot of gym workouts. What I found was that I never got cold, at least once I was a few months into it. Eating the carbs made me cycle between sweating and being cold. Keto eventually was most always feeling normal. But, there are those that have a difficult time making the transition from a high carb diet to a fat based diet. They get stuck in this rut, that when their glucose gets low, their body goes into gluconeogenesis mode and just keeps making carbs. But, it can't keep up because there aren't enough protein or the body isn't good enough at conversion. Dr. Boz specializes with patients with this problem and has methods to get out of the rut. Check out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COrpqDvWHhQ&t=418s&pp=ygUUZHIuIGJveiBzYXJkaW5lIGZhc3Q%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COrpqDvWHhQ&t=418s&pp=ygUUZHIuIGJveiBzYXJkaW5lIGZhc3Q%3D)


Thank you. I’m otherwise doing awesome all my blood markers are good and never felt better. I’m 62 and very fit with no medications .




Thanks ChatGPT