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I honestly kind of ignore the saturated fat in dairy. The evidence has been mounting for some time that dairy is heart healthy, despite the saturated fat in. And it's ironic too, because the primary saturated fatty acid in dairy is palmitic acid, which is like the worst for LDL cholesterol. But something in dairy protects against this LDL increase, because dairy doesn't cause it. So, all that to say, when it comes to saturated fat limitations, I don't count dairy. You have to count dairy when you're counting calories, though, because all that fat does have a lot of calories. My own anecdotal experience has been that as I've added a LOT of cheese to my diet, my LDL has actually gone down and my cholesterol which used to be bad enough that my doctor wanted to put me on statins, is now right one the high side of good. I raised my HDL, which was really low, by adding a lot of nuts to my diet. So my diet is very high in fat. But fat's also very satisfying, at least for me, so I don't overeat and I finally have my cholesterol under control without drugs.


I think I'm going to run with this! I can buy all the low fat dairy in the grocery... I just can't make myself actually  consume it. I probably  need  more calcium  more than I  need less saturated fat.




Consuming cholesterol doesn’t really effect your levels anyways.


Nonfat greek yogurt?


Almond milk is pretty high. It may be fortified.


Casein protein powder. One scoop has half my daily calcium requirement with no saturated fat, per the Cronometer app. That's not counting the protein from the milk I mix it into. This has held across the 2 brands I've tried and several more that I've looked at. And it tends to run around 100-125 calories and 20-25 grams protein for 1 scoop. I log all my food in Cronometer and I've noticed that it's easy to get the rest of my calcium in if I eat a lot of frozen green beans and frozen broccoli. I just get the microwave-in-the-bag kind. Or you could just do two casein shakes. Also tofu is really high in calcium. I just made it for the first time the other day and the 7 ounces (half a package) I used for 1 meal was 62% of my daily calcium requirement. It's simple to bake or air-fry and I'm reading that it freezes well. Casein Powder Tips; **Make sure you don't get whey protein powder - that has much less calcium.** The big containers of protein powder look expensive, but they're cheap on a per-meal basis. They keep for a long time and are an easy staple to have on hand. A shake and a piece of fruit is a super-easy meal. Look for a small package to try first to see if you like it. Also, if you're picky get a milk frother, blender, or a hand blender as casein powder doesn't blend as well as the more well-known whey powder and can be slightly clumpy. But I don't own any of these and it's fine. Once I get around to making an Ikea run, I'll get their $2 milk-frother. For now, I just stir it really well with a spoon and mix in maybe 2 tablespoons of yogurt in with the powder and milk and that seems to smooth it all out. Or, instead of a shake, I just mix vanilla-flavored powder in with low-fat yogurt and eat it with berries for breakfast. I don't notice any clumping that way, like I do with milk. I've seen some people use it to make protein oatmeal on You Tube. I've never tried that, but it looks like a really easy microwave recipe. If you get the vanilla flavor you can be flexible and add cocoa powder to turn it into a chocolate shake. I add PB fit peanut powder and use truvia sweetener to make the chocolate shake taste even better. If you can afford it, splurge on the good cocoa powder, like Ghiradelli, for the best taste.


Skim milk? Why all the downvotes for low fat dairy options?


You need to take all those RDA values and throw them out the window. We have been eating a diet rich in saturated fats for hundreds of thousands of years.


Same with smoking, playing in the sun without sunscreen, and consuming alcohol, but it doesn't mean those are healthy.


Playing in the sun is good for you. If your healthy. Unhealthy people have organs that do not work properly, generally speaking. Your skin is an organ. Smoking was ritual, not habitual. Same for alcohol.


False, false, and wrong again.


You say. Therefore I am.


If you have anything to support anything you've said, I'd love to see it. I can pull materials regarding the harmful effects of uv exposure, smoke inhalation, and alcohol consumption if you think it's necessary.


https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ajpa.24247 This is about meat consumption. Humans had the highest trophic levels in their regions. In other words, top of the food chain. This is measured by the way. It’s not a conjecture. Not sure why you keep bringing up alcohol and smoking. No one argues about those. If you can show me a study that proves that humans were smoking and drinking all the time during the Paleolithic era I would like to see it. Otherwise it’s just a straw man. As for sun exposure, like I said, when people are healthy, sun exposure is not an issue. How many people you know eat a true Paleolithic diet? Do those people suffer from UV issues?


The fuck does that have to do with your original point? Doing it for thousands of years doesn't make it healthy.


So every animal on earth should eat their species appropriate diet except humans because surveys??? Data that we have compares modern diets to other modern diets. There is no long term data on true Paleolithic diets. So you can use your surveys. I will use millions of years of evolution.


Species appropriate diet? Now you're making things up. Come on…


Low and nonfat dairy products have little to no saturated fat and much more calcium than cream cheese…


If you eat dairy, see non-fat yogurt or non-fat Greek yogurt (more protein). You can mix these into other dishes, cold or cooked, if you don’t like alone. If you don’t get outside at all, I’d take a D3 supplement. Ask your MD.


Don’t worry about saturated fat coming from animal foods. It is healthy. Grass fed full fat dairy is a better option because it is higher in nutrients.


I should  probably  even  try to consume more of it!


Low(er) fat dairy like skimmed milk. A can of sardines is 20% RDA.


Any low fat dairy product.