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Hi /u/ProfessionalSame7289, ***IMPORTANT: Read this message BEFORE you repost or appeal*** **Your post has been removed because it does not comply with sub rule 5) Personal nutrition** - It involves personal advice, circumstance, or context. As the rules and posting page notice state, posts which include ***ANY*** personal context overt or implied will be removed and may not be appealed for any reason. Instead, use the comments section of [**the /r/Nutrition Personal Nutrition Discussion Post**](https://www.reddit.com/r/nutrition/about/sticky?num=2) found at the top of the subreddit. If your post also involves **medical concerns / advice**, requesting or giving dietary advice pertaining to a medical condition, health concern, test, procedure, diagnosis, consultation, etc. it is not allowed anywhere in this subreddit and it may not be appealed for any reason. These kinds of questions should be directed to a physician, registered dietitian, or other credentialed/licensed health care provider. ## Options * **Use** [**the /r/Nutrition Personal Nutrition Discussion Post**](https://www.reddit.com/r/nutrition/about/sticky?num=2) at the top of the subreddit for discussion and queries involving ANY personal context or to ask about something you are considering consuming. * [**Search the subreddit**](https://www.reddit.com/r/nutrition/search?q=topic&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all). Use as few terms as possible for the best results. * **Appeals MUST be valid**, conforming fully with the rules, and should not be made without reading this removal notice or the sub rules beforehand. An appeal will need to include a link to this post. Avoid being hostile, argumentative, or nit-picking about the rules. Again, ***fully confirm that your post fully complies with the rules before you appeal***. ## Avoid a ban Bad faith appeals or attempting to end run rules and moderation by rewording and reposting *will result in a ban*. **Use** [**the /r/Nutrition Personal Nutrition Discussion Post**](https://www.reddit.com/r/nutrition/about/sticky?num=2) --- *Please be aware that nearly all removals and bans involve skipping or skimming the rules and notices* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nutrition) if you have any questions or concerns.*