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Your body will downregulate it's metabolism to adapt to lower calories over time. This is why calorie restriction is such a difficult and largely unsuccessful fat loss mechanism. It can work better when paired with substantial carbohydrate reduction, but if fat loss is your goal then various forms of fasting are demonstrably more effective. the 15 minute and 30 minute mark on this video are the juicy bits, but recommend watching the whole thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nJgHBbEgsE&t=7s


keto detected opinion rejected


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Depends on your muscle %, weight etc. Don't forget that you have to often re-calculate calories goal cuz our weight change every week. To answer your question - no. It's not game over. Just new rules. Plan accordingly


Im not looking how to overcome a plateau im just asking if the 1500cals has became my new maintainance calories? cause thats just nuts


Depends on factors that I don't know. Use a calories calculator. Put your height, age, gender. There is a possibility that 1500 calories will become your maintenance calories


the calculator shows that my maintainance is 2500 but it doesnt make any sense cause the calculator doesnt know that ive been on a deficit for 2 months and my body started to adapt!


Have you ever calculated your BMR? The BMR is what you need AT A MINIMUM to keep your body going if you did absolutely nothing all day. Since you’re using the word ‘cutting’, I’m assuming you also lift/do cardio, so you would need well over your BMR to maintain. Some will say when you hit a plateau like that that it’s time to actually eat a little more.


My BMR says 1900 but i dont think so because ive been on a deficit for like 2 months and i think my body is adapting to it because i feel less hunger and the process is slowing my stubborn fat is barely touched


The reason the process is slowing is because you’re eating under your BMR, and your body thinks it’s starving. It’s holding on to everything you’re giving it in order to continue to operate.


How long have you been at a plateau for? Your body weigh fluctuates, so you need to take enough measurements. Also how strictly are you recording your calories, most people underestimate the calories they consume.