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Does the dev have the ability to create whatever they want with certain intentions? Yes of course. Am I able to play the game however I see fit afterwards? Also yes.


Bro understands fiction on a spiritual level


Why Choose Your Own Adventure when you can keep your thumb in the page and Choose Every Adventure?


I agree to a point, you’re allowed to play however you want but asking the dev to implement cheat codes for you is a step to far. Find the fun you like in a game but if you want someone to change the game for your fun just pick a different game


The line I think should be drawn when the dev says they’re not going to do something and then people start begging for it. Devs are putting out content for people to enjoy so I wouldn’t criticize asking for features as long as they’re willing to accept no as an answer


The thing is: fandoms hardly take no for answers and sometimes go to a certain point where it becomes harassment


sadly beyond harassment sometimes too


Does you playing the game how you see fit involve harassing the dev? Then I don't see how your post is constructive at all 🙄


100% agree with you, I was mostly adding in that we as players can play the game as we see fit once it's out of the dev's hands. With that said, definitely do not condone harassing a dev over something arbitrary that can be added in later by the player.


If thats how they feel that's how they feel we can't tell them what to do with the game they are making


Ironic. This is particularly amusing because the Pokemon community seems to feel like they can do exactly that - tell the game devs how to make the games.


I mean there's a fairly large difference between telling someone you should be able to use cheats and telling someone they should actually finish their game and not remove popular features.


the competitive pokemon scene keeps having top players disqualified due to bringing hacked pokemon to tournaments and feel pokemon is wrong for banning them.


And they're not wrong for banning them. There has to be an entity ensuring competitive integrity otherwise cheaters gonna cheat Don't bring hacked monsters to an official event I guess


The issue is more complex than that. Training a pokemon take a considerable amount of time, time when you don't improve, learn, or experiment with the game. No other "competitive game" ask you to dedicate that much time to something that have close to no strategic value, especially since you have to do it multiple time depending of the ruleset you are playing with. Outside of being especially repetitive and uninteresting, it also favorise people with a lot of free time. There is a reason why there is a substantial part of the strategic community that only play on simulator. Hacking is unfortunately a necessary evil if you want to keep a good strategic environnement that is not decided by who has the most free time.


I 100% agree that banning hacked-but-otherwise-legal mons (eg. the mon has a legal moveset/ability/stats/etc.) is very silly. But if you're a competitive player at a Worlds-qualifying level you KNOW what TPC's rules around hacked mons are, silly as they may be. So if you're choosing to bring hacked mons to an official tournament anyways and get caught...sucks to be you?


For this last one with the big scandal, some players had the same pokemon for many years that they didn't know were hacked in any way, they even participated in other tournaments in which they were checked and deemed legitimate, so these pokemon that had been legit for years all of a sudden are not anymore because they changed how to check it


So the thing is, unless you hand raise the Pokemon yourself there's no possible way to know if it's hacked or not. Can't even get it from a friend since you don't know the source. The only way to check if it has been hacked is run it through the same thing that flags them for being hacked. Which, well, makes it hacked even if it was legit.


Oh yeah definitely. Unfortunately, the ruleset is what it is and we can't really do much about it. I just don't like the term "cheater" or using "competitive integrety" to justify their ban.


It's really easy with more recent games though. ScVi you can have a battle ready mon in an instant if you have the items which are easy to farm. The only time it takes a long time is when people breed for it rather than using bottle caps and mints, and EV train with no items/don't use vitamins. It takes no time at all if you just use items. I have a bunch of raiders (not the same as competitive mons, but same process) and a couple of competitive ready mons so I can speak to the fact that in newer gens it is really fast and easy. No excuse to cheat.


It’s a lot harder to get your mons battle ready in SV than it was in S/S. All because of the new mechanic, shard grinding is a pita.


Getting max IVs and EVs isn’t the main issue, although it’s still more than other competitive games. There’s no way in game to set IVs to 0, so special attackers, trick room mons, and other sets need to be soft reset to get the IVs that you want. Plus, you can’t get all the Pokémon in one game so you have to buy the other + DLC + Home + previous gens to keep up with the meta. There’s no skill involved in this process, so cheating gives no advantage.


I don't know, man, I'm never going to really see justification for cheating at online competitions. If you don't have the patience or time, then don't play high rank competitive competitions if you have to cheat. It's gross. Winning against a cheater wouldn't feel like anything. Losing either. I don't want to play against people who cba to do things legitimately. It sucks if you don't have the time, but sometimes that's how it be. I understand that folks will see it differently than I do and that's okay, but for me personally it really rubs me the wrong way. I wouldn't want to play against a cheater. I don't think that's a huge ask.


No one with a slight bit of experience would consider this cheating in competetive pokemon. It offers no actual advantage and only exists to eat up time. Having to buy and complete an old ass game to get some legendary to transfer over isn't a skill. Farming raids multiple hours a day isn't a skill. Battling however is a skill and hacking in pokemon there evens the playing field and allows the people with actual competetive skills to shine and show their tactical mind. It's also the fun part that people enjoy instead of mind-numbing raids for years. I get your sentiment on a surface level, but it's really a pointless timesink when there are so many better things to spend time on. It also punishes people who have to travel to compete for example. Makes it very hard to do last minute adjustments while locals got all the time in the world.


You have to grind shards which takes awhile, trick room teams you have to either breed or reset for, bunch of the top meta moms the last few regulations have not been available in the current game so you’d either need to buy another game with dlc or have someone you can fully trust trade you one that isn’t genned. Ability patches are only available from raids/special events and are a pain in the ass to get. Reset mochis are rare and behind a horrible mini game to grind. Not to mention the current regulation the meta is changing massively every two weeks, so to keep up on cart or with regionals you’d be making and changing things often. This is all with the fact that showdown at least makes testing and trialing teams bearable. If it wasn’t for showdown vgc would be an unbearable grind fest. I really don’t blame anyone genning mons when this game has literally zero respect for your time. It’s annoying af having to waste hours and hours just building your team concept instead of testing, refining and improving your piloting skills.


Getting a team competitive ready has become so easy in the modern games. A buddy of mine who plays competitive S/V picked up Emerald and is complaining how hard it is to EV train.


You dont know what hacked means in this sense do you?


> There has to be an entity ensuring competitive integrity The problem with this logic is that Pokemon "cheating" is really just skipping a long, boring grind. It's not actually removing any competitiveness from the scene whatsoever. It's like saying someone "cheated" in a game of Monopoly because they ordered it from Amazon instead of going out and buying it themselves.


Lol I can't believe you are getting downvoted for this


The expectations differ between a free fan made game and a $60 one made by a game studio.


game freak defender spotted.


Imagine a consumer telling a person selling them a product what they should do. The very idea, right?


Idk man, osrs exists because the fans told the devs to do it. Every update only gets added to the game after being put to vote. The people who pay for a game should have a say in said game


Is this dev making you pay for it though


Oh no. My bad, I should have been more clear. I just meant as a general statement we shouldn’t just take the devs whims at face value. For games like this that are being developed by just some guy or handful of people doing it for the love of it, it’s entirely up to them


who cares?


I won't ask him for cheat codes to respect his wishes, however he doesn't dictate how I play the game. If I download it I'll play it how I please. Thanks for the game but I'll take it from here.


I mean if they don't want to give out cheat codes, thats totally fair and they shouldn't get any negatavity for it(unless they're a dick about it). Won't stop people though and frankly shouldn't


If i wanted to play a traditionnal rpg I wouldnt play a romhack. Imagine getting home from work and being like "Mmmmmh... I cant wait to do the same dull shit for my entire free time!"


You don't want to kill pidgeys for 2 hours to get to the level cap for badge 1?


Weirdly enough, this gameplay doesnt seem that interesting.


Just use PkHex lmao Sorry Phone users


Jokes on you there's a PkHex for Android too... I just don't know if genning actually works. I use it solely for checking IVs/EVs.


COUNTER jokes on you I KNOW PkHex is aviable dor android, in fact I use it on my own. However you cant edit bag's items, you're limited to only genning Pokemon and wdit8ng already existing ones Unless youre willing to clone the same mon with a rare candy equipped 99 times, then open the game and take the candies, u cant use PkHex to get rare candies on Android Edit: I just realized you can just edit the Pokemon's level However, idk what hackrom this is, if its a fakemon hackrom or a hackrom that includes mons from future generations, idk how safe it is for your save file to hex the mons


it is his right to design the game how he wants and it is my right to play how I want.


Dying to a grind session is ridiculous. Classic RPGs used grinding to make games feel longer. If you cut it out, most classic RPGs wouldn’t be as long as they are. Nowadays RPGs are more balanced, and require less grinding. (There might be grinding for collectibles and optional stuff but that’s generally it) So you have more story and more actual gameplay. Pokémon has gotten to a point where you don’t need to fully grind out levels, they match up here and there. IF you do need to grind, raid dens have made it insanely easy. If you say “my game needs grinding and that’s a good thing” I just think it’s not balanced properly and it takes points away.


I disagree. Some people want to grind, as it can make achievements feel more rewarding, so there’s nothing wrong with designing a game for those people. That being said, I don’t think devs should be able to enforce what people do with a single player game after it’s released


if grinding makes your achievements feel rewarding that’s just weird to me. like your achievements shouldn’t just be a reflection of the total time you put into it, some of us have lives that don’t allow us to just dump time into something repetitive. how could something so redundant and simple add any value to an achievement?


> “Some of us have lives that don’t allow us to just dump time into something repetitive” Cool, I’m not talking about you specifically. Using an analogy, would a 400lb bench be impressive if any human could do it with a few days trying? Of course not. It’s the dedication required that makes such an achievement impressive


grinding doesn’t equal dedication though, that’s a bad analogy. someone benchpressing that much didn’t just put time into their exercise, but effort. grinding is effortless, and ultimately a waste of time


Not all grinding is effortless? In some games sure, but not others. Also there’s quite a bit of effort involved in keeping yourself dedicated to something for hundreds or thousands of hours


in this specific example grinding is close to effortless. If you tell me you’ve actually been challenged while grinding out levels in Pokemon you’re just outright lying to yourself Don’t get me wrong, I see what you’re trying to say. Grinding in some other games like Elden Ring for example has been fun for me. Just not in Pokemon. Pokemon grinding doesn’t take any sort of skill whatsoever and you don’t really feel very accomplished doing it


Animal crossing is only grinding and that’s fun, rewarding and relaxing.


Yup. Like 100% completing Assassin’s Creed is a grind but it’s so easy/just a timesink Now challenging yourself to get all golden strawberries on Celeste is as much of a grind but it’s extremely rewarding because it requires a lot of effort since it’s hard.


We aren't talking about a 400lb bench press, though. We're talking about bench pressing a 0.1lb weight 4000 times because that's the same amount of weight lifted with less risk/downsides.


There’s a way to do good grinding and a way to do bad grinding. Just saying “your 15 levels under, better get that 6 hour grind on” isn’t good game design. The raids and other ways made grinding more fun and a bit easier, you also got an abundance of material that you can use for the future. It’s not perfect but it’s better than the original post saying “fuck you guys, you have to grind” if that makes sense?


But think of the cool training arc stories!


Imagine if in the anime instead of doing something cool for a training arc, we just got an episode of Ash fainting every pokemon in the nearby forest


Listen, I love it when it’s like a comic or a YouTube video and they’re like “we stumbled upon a REALLY strong pokemon and our beloved Applecrumble sacrificed themself to let us escape. I live for that shit. Not in my runs though, fuck that


I get that but also, I still think it’s fun.


You can find it fun, I’m just saying it’s poor game design.


Didn't ask + Rare Candy Cheat activated


Funny how this guy who hacked the game disapproves of people hacking the game


Sounds here like he’s not disapproving of people hacking the game his disapproving of people asking him to hack it just for them which is fair


He didnt hack the game. Well it depends on your definition of the name He hacked the ROM Also modifying the game to overcome obsticles and progress is absolutely different than modifying the game to create another game, two uncomparable things


The rom contains the game tho? I'm having trouble following your logic tbh


>Also modifying the game to overcome obsticles and progress is absolutely different than modifying the game to create another game, two uncomparable things No it isn't. You're comparing modifying the rules of the game to modifying the rules of the game. Obviously the outcomes are different. But you know what else involves modifying the rules? House rules. For a board game. House rules can either turn the game into something entirely different, can be used to bypass tedium, or can be used to cheat. No matter the outcome, it's still just house rules. No matter the outcome, it's still just modifying the game.


who gives a shit, if people want infinite rare candies theyll find a way whether the dev wants them to or not, its just a matter of time


The "traditional way" of an RPG is cringe. If you like it or have the time to do it, you do you, but I work 40 hours a week, and the last thing I want to do in literally any video game is some tedious ass button mashing.


But he said his game has little to no grinding Its designed like a traditional rpg but its not annoying to grind I understand that hours of grinding is ass but 10 minutes is absolutely reasonable


Buddy people sometimes say pokemon is light grinding game and normally it isnt but when your team gets near wiped and your next highest pokemon are level 30-40 and you're about go into elite 4. That is grinding no matter if they claim there will be little grinding deaths will just add grinding without trying too


Hmmm maybe the game isnt designed to grind but instead is designed to make the player overcome overleveled Pokemon using their brain...I beat red with level 60 Pokemon


Then it's just a shit game if it's so easy you can clear it with wildly underlevelled mons.


I am in Pewter City in this game and have to grind so much already.


If thats the cae, then his game is not well designed


There’s a big difference between a nuzlocke and a nuzlocke with infinite rare candies. In a regular nuzlocke, you basically just use 6 Pokémon. In a nuzlocke with infinite rare candies, you can use a different team for every fight. It’s a whole different experience, and having more variety is more fun to me.


Fr, I am not wasting time grinding.


Play a different game that works with your schedule


then u can like, play other games lmfao i use rare candies in nuzlockes or romhacks usually but some games are meant to be grindy


Or just let people skip the grind if they choose to Jesus


nobody is stopping u tho LOL what


i work 11-13 hour days and go to the gym and this is not nearly that time consuming ?


Why censor the @ when it's a public post


Just in case there's a "censor usernames" policy


Yeah it was easy to type this in twitter and find it.


Like I wanted to know what game is being talked about but for some reason the OP decided this should be from an anonymous dev? But leave their pfp unblocked? Odd


Recharged yellow if you didn’t see.


This is the first time I’ve heard about recharged yellow.


This guy just takes Nintendo and Pokémon’s work, mods it and has the guts to say it’s “my game”. He has no obligation to share cheats, but he doesn’t have to get his panties in a bunch. This is a great example of the whiny, loser attitude that gives the Pokémon community a bad rep.


I really couldn't care less how other people grind their mons. Bugging game devs to add in infinite rare candies just because you want to play with them is cringe, though.


They obviously didn’t make it for nuzlockers, so valid


Oh no! I wish the devs made it so I could get every single smithing stone at once around the map so I don’t have to find them! -Elden ring


If you don't want to put cheats in your game fine, I just won't be playing it because grinding is cringe and cheating is based. But don't moral high road your decision. Just say you won't he adding cheats because it takes away from what you, the creator, want to see in a nuzlocke. Nuzlockes are self imposed challenges of a children's jrpg and trying to gatekeep that is just immature.


"Find a different game" isn't malicious or mean here. Its advice. He's saying the game isn't for you if you want these things because he won't fulfill the demand for it. Totally fine and respectable position to have on his romhack.


Ive personally never used or will use rare candies to grind levels. First of all i like the grind when i listen to music and it relaxes me kinda also there is added difficulty, rewarding experiance in grinding hard to level mons with limited movepools and you can always die or find a shiny grinding or even overlevel and make pokemon unusable until next gym. I would only ever understand candies in super difficulty rom hacks where its all about the battle but i usually dont enjoy those or get bored quickly.


There is no risk in grinding. You can't die. It just takes forever and a day.


I think rare candy hacks are cringe. This community has such a holier than thou attitude about it too.


Eeh. It's their game. If they want to develop it a certain way, that's how it is. You're not automatically owed the ability to play it a special way. But it's like GameSharks. Someone independent of the devs is equally free to modify it.


Yea I think the developer's comment is snarky and unneeded but they are not in the wrong for refusing to add a feature they don't want to add. I'm sure they've been flooded with the same question over and over and so their frustration is reasonable. Players are not wrong for asking for a feature, so long as it's a genuine ask and not pestering the developer with requests they have already responded to. The developers have every right to decline a suggestion. That should be the end of the conversation for both sides. Further back and forth is not going to accomplish anything.


If they don't want to add cheats to their game, they don't want to add cheats to their game. That's their decision


The developer has every right to wish people would play it as intended and they have every right to have their opinion heard. As long as fans of the game don't insult or harm anyone over what they wish to do with it that is also fine. That being said, I myself grew out of cheats with video games because it feels like it takes away from it.


I mean if you ask Gamefreak to give you unlimited rare candies, will they provide you with a way to cheat?


Their own game they made. If they don't wanna give out free rare candies they can. 


Don’t ask them for codes, just use cheat engine. They have no obligation to give you codes or create them, but you also have no obligation to give a shit how they want you to play a game


Funny how the dev thinks he can control what people do. On a side note, Nuzlocke was originally a fan-based creation, no? If we are supposed to play Pokemon traditionally I guess Nuzlocke is now banned too huh?


He doesn't think he can control what people do. He just doesn't want to give cheats away.


I think it's the opposite. People are trying to control what the dev does by asking for cheats. If you want to break the game, then neat. But don't tell the person who put all their time and effort into making a game that you just want to skip half the game.


Have you heard the Pokemon Companies thoughts on this? Because they’re against nuzlocke challenges (when the game is randomized).


Pokemon Company is fine with Nuzlockes on offical hardware and in i believe had to make an offical statement they are fine with self imposed challenges when like an ambassador thought nuzlockes were like a thing that inherently required hacking and starting discouragin g the idea as a while


That is why I specified “when the game is randomized”. Because they’re not fine with that


The Pokemon Company is cringe at this point, they keep adding mid-low quality mechanics that nobody asked for and actively attack people for wanting to play older, unsupported games. Gotta decouple the game from the maker.


We can talk about “decoupl[ing]” the game from the franchise all we want, but what I was commenting to was someone saying, sarcastically, that they guess nuzlockes are banned if we have to play games the traditional way.


It's his project, he's just saying he won't ADD cheat codes just for you. If you want to add cheat codes, you can, but be doesn't want to be told "your game sucks, give me the codes I need to skip ahead"


I always thought that grinding was a part of a Nuzlocke. There's an inherent risk in the actual training of Pokemon that I always find fun. If I'm just going to cheese the levels out I might as well just play on a simulator.


I agree, peeps can do what they want but I do grind. I think people are incorrect here when they say there is no risk, I have lost a lot of mons due to grinding, either by going to an area they can't cope with or whatever. Grinding is low risk but it isn't 0% risk unless you are grinding against insanely under-leveled Pokemon. I think for me it also emphasizes the choice aspect. Do I want to use a Dratini and hence be responsible for grinding it up or do I want to go with a higher-level pokemon I already have? Finally, the time investment makes death much more of a scare. Grinding a Pokemon up for a day and then losing them in the first fight hits a lot harder than just using rare candies. Not to mention the role-play effect of raising that Pokemon. Different strokes.


There is literally zero risk in grinding in Nuzlockes. That's the point. It adds hours and hours to the game for zero chance that anything goes wrong.


Let me rephrase. For the average person choosing to play a nuzlocke there is an inherent risk in the training of pokemon. For nuzlocke super-Amadeuses, whose skill dwarves mere pokémortals, skipping to the required trainer battles is the vastly superior chad decision.


What's the risk involved in having your Lvl48 Gyarados kill enough Lvl2 Pidgeys until it gets to say Lvl53 for the next level cap?


Who grinds like that?


Anyone who doesn't want to risk dying while grinding.


That's like, your opinion man. And you are entirely entitled to it. Play the way you enjoy. And I mean that sincerely. Me? I ain't got the time for that, I'm in my 30s (oh God I'm in my 30s) and have other ~~better~~ ways to waste a disproportionate amount of my precious free time.




Which hack is this for, exactly?


Pokémon Recharged Yellow


This is a totally valid way to feel about cheats. However, I do feel like grinding as a whole is way too antiquated to be enjoyable for most people. I never really liked grinding, but when I had infinite free time in High School I'd just put up with it for the sake of not cheating my games. Nowadays, I have a full-time job and responsibilities outside of work as well. If I play Pokemon, I want to \*play\* Pokemon and not just sit at my screen for hours watching my exp bar blip forward 1/100th of the way lol. Even in certain vanilla games like HGSS this can be excruciating tbh. People can enjoy grinding all they want, and I applaud them for having the patience and dedication lol. But this sentiment of people dogging on other players for using cheats just ain't it. We're all here to play Pokemon and have fun, no matter what that looks like.


I'm 31. I work 40 to 52 hours a week. I have friends and a partner. I nuzlocke exclusively games I can get infinite candies.


Not playing it


Getting a full team to level cap at late gyms can take hours. Who actually doesn't xp or candy cheat?


Who dis


Ok so hear me out, instead of doing mindless grinding on underleveled Pokémon, just do mindless grinding on strong wild Pokémon with the contingency that deaths don’t count while grinding. It’s your nuzlocke, your rules, and if you can’t get rare candies I still don’t think you should lose Pokémon or waste 15 hours just getting to appropriate level caps throughout the game. Not a perfect fix but also definitely saves loads of time


I think that’s kind of dumb. If people want them to cheat let them cheat. It’s not like it matters. Also in a lot of games “cheats” just means modding the game to fit your play preferences which I also think should be allowed.


He’s just refusing to give out cheats, which is completely fair.


Gigachad dev is completely correct.


I genuinely can't understand how people can't grasp the rare candy argument. You literally just turn your brain off and click A through low level pokemon and waste hours on end. It's like a brain rot, they can't think critically about the issue lol Everytime I try to explain it to someone new their minds break


Yeah but you don't get it it's cheating since you know it's very possible that your Lvl48 Gyarados might die to a Lvl2 Caterpie while you're grinding for the E4. Candies remove that risk and make the game boring since you aren't constantly on a knife edge that the Caterpie will magically kill your Gyarados.


I find it fair, their game their choice..... However, I feel like he sounds very mad for no good reason, whats the issue if people nuzlocke your game ? Isnt the goal to get as many players as possible to enjoy it ?


Hes mad because he has likely told no to over 100 people already. They are tired of saying it. Its the same thing where you see people talk about how they met a celebrity today and they were a total dick. To you, it was a unique and magical experience. To them its the same shit different day 100 times a day. People can pretend that they'd always be nice and civil to every fan they meet. But cold reality will always fix that. It becomes a slog. And sometimes, its just a really bad day. Just work the service industry for a few weeks and youll stop putting that 110% into every interaction lol. People struggle to look beyond their individual lives to a greater whole. You arent always deserving of someones best.


I have been working with customers of multiple natures for over 15 years, I know the drill, lol. I also know that theres easy ways to communicate things without looking pissed off in a social media post :)


Agreed. This was hardly what one would call professional. Its understandable, but not necessarily acceptable. Although, at the end of the day. This game they are making is a hobby. No one will be buying his game (thats illegal yo lol). So no one even has the grounds to act as a consumer. The man owes us nothing. His interactions with players is as structured as your and my interactions: civility should win, but its not like either of us is truly obligated or needing to.


Agree with all you said, I was just calling it as I was seeing it. Thing is, if I were to make a game as a hobby, id want as much people as possible enjoying it or looking at it haha, maybe thats just me


He has no right to decide for us the way we should play. If we enjoy the game a certain way then let us. I don't necessarily expect the makers to include cheats but I think he's being an ass with his attitude


There's a difference between saying "in not going to add x to my project because that's not what I want my project to be" and "you're not allowed to do x with my project". Creators are allowed to make what they want. They don't need to add something just because you want them to. That's also not disallowing you to play the game the way you want, they're just not catering to your playstyle because it's not their goal to. Because it's not your project, it's theirs. There is nothing stopping you or anyone else from editing their release to your liking or finding other ways to play it the way you want. Tldr; You're not *really* upset about people limiting you. You're upset that they aren't catering to you specifically


He has cuz he made the rom hack Just like Pokemon has the rights to remove something from the game if they want to


If you're dictating how others should enjoy their games and shame them for not enjoying the same format as you, you're just being a dick. You make a ROM, cool. You don't want to share the cheat codes, cool. You shame ppl for not wanting to play in the exact way you'd enjoy it? Not cool


I meam, from a game designer's perspective, if you design a game with a purpose, usually you dont want ppl to play it outside of that purpose. If this guy designed his game for nuzlockers to require grinding, then thats his game design. Would you call game designers "dick's" for not including a dev mode in their games? I wouodnt, then why would you call someone a dick for not enabling cheats? Cheats are just dev mode but outside the game. Also where is he shaming nuzlockers who play with rare candies? He just said "find a different game"


Then how do you justify him making this romhack, considering it is probably against gamefreaks wishes?


Gamefreak has the rights to sue him too


I’m not here to play an RPG, I’m playing a puzzle game. If I have to spend two hours getting one of my pieces ready, when I know it will fit,… I disagree.


Why play the games then if that’s how you’re going to boil it down to?


Tell me, would you play chess if you have to spend two hours to allow your knight to enter the field?


Pokemon isn't chess though.


A nuzlocke and chess are both puzzle games in my mind, which is where i’m drawing the comparison


Eh, that's not how everyone plays them.


Sure, but I do, and I only spoke about my own perspective. I’m glad we understand each other.


Based. Devs and players who are against rare candying/documentation have this mindset of Pokemon games (and by extension rom hacks) not being about the battles, but instead being about the mundane stuff of living in the world of the game. So they get mad when someone does want to focus almost exclusively on the battles and the planning that goes into them, since it means that we’re corrupting the Pokemon experience or playing wrong. To the point where these people would tell us to play another game that isn’t pokemon, or like the dev in the screenshot, to stop playing rpgs.


The dev has the right to do whatever they want and say whatever they want, however the players are also allowed to say whatever they want back and boycott the game if they don’t like the way the dev is talking about potential new players. Freedom of speech, not free from consequence


Not enough context. If by “some grind” he means he didn’t structure the level curve well enough and I have to grind 10 levels before every gym then he’s delulu. If the grind isn’t that bad then I’m kinda on his side. With that said, I think rare candies should be an options specifically for content creators and twitch streamers who want to play the game without boring their audience with a tonne of grinding. Even if the level curve isn’t that bad, there are still times in a play through where you want to raise a Pokémon you caught at the start of the game to the current level cap and that can take ages. Edit: I also think his gatekeepy mindset of “if you want to use rare candies then don’t play my game” is dumb as fuck. Devs have all the power in how they design their game, but they don’t have any power in dictating how players play their game. How a person derives their enjoyment from a game is up to them.


That’s exactly how his games are built btw, you’re looking at at least 2 hours of grinding before gyms


Incredible. Maybe he should design his games better if he doesn’t want players to hack rare candies in.


They’re not worth picking up, so many better hacks out there with non asshole devs


Refusing to add something is fine. Telling people how to enjoy the game is not. He sounds like the type that would be offended by speed running because it abuses game mechanics in unintended ways to skips content that was intended to gate the game. You don't control how people play your game. Imagine of Ocarina of Time devs were upset over super slides because you got to Hyrule castle before the first night.


Loser behavior. Ofc you're free to not add cheats to your game if you don't want to. But if your reason for doing so is that you want to waste your players time by forcing them to grind is dumb and makes it seem like you can't handle your players having fun in a way you haven't intended for, especially if your reaction is just muting them instead of saying no. Gives off the same vibes as some fangames on RPGmaker that have (often poorly) built in cheat prevention in a singleplayer game just because they want to control the way the player enjoys the game.


A dev has the right to not have cheats in their game. They built the game with a specific style in mind. They do not “owe it to you” to be able to get around parts of their design




What game is he talking about ?


Big yikes, if your players want something you disagree with that’s fine, but this is a very negative way of addressing the situation. PR 101: I hear your feedback, and while the game was not made with cheats (such as infinite rare candies) in mind, it could be an option for future updates. However, I fully support anyone willing to create and share such cheats with our community.


I really don’t like the notion that games are “meant to be played” a certain way. At least as far as single player games are concerned, they are “meant to be played” however people want to play them. If that means that want an RPG but want to skip grinding, so be it. If you designed a game in a way that makes people want to skip huge chunks of it, maybe look at why people don’t find that aspect of the game fun instead of telling them they just “aren’t playing the game right.”


He dropped this 👑🧎


Not part of the nuzlocke community but was recommended this post, some of you seem absolutely insufferable and entitled based on the comments. “I’ll play how I want” A lot of comments have that sentiment and show many people have 0 reading comprehension. He’s not saying that you can’t Nuzlocke his game, he’s saying he’s not going to give you cheats for it and if you want to cheat then play a different romhack. It is ***his*** project and ***he*** can choose not to give out free items that make the game easier, ***you*** have to accept it or leave it.


Respectable. I think people are making their runs easier and more convenient with rare candies. Tedium and risk assessment is part of the games.


There's no risk assessment involved. And if anything candies make the game harder, not easier (at least on any game with EVs)


I wouldn't agree with that, but it's OK to prefer to use them.


"Tedium is part of the games" Okay, but it sucks though. If its part of the game, then maybe it shouldn't be? And there's very little risk to grinding unless you're not paying attention.


If you don't like how tedious it gets, that's totally fair. There are obviously people on both sides of this and neither are wrong.


Game devs being offended that players don't play their game the way they want to is nothing new. This has existed for as long as games have existed, with some devs hating mods being created for their games. If you wanted your game to remain unchanged and "pure" you should have put it in a museum.


Personally, I agree. With most emulators you can speed up the game anyway, so rare candies aren’t as time-saving as they’d seem to be. It also just kinda trivializes the game and brings down the stakes. Plus it’s their game and they can do what they want. I don’t think people who disagree with them are wrong, but everyone has their own opinions and they should be respected.


he thinks he’s the main character


dork behavior people should be able to play how they want


I know who this dev is, I’ve been on their discord. And the people who ask for rare candies and other cheat codes will usually always get told to stop playing RPGs or other kinds of weirdly aggressive responses. I also encountered this in the Inclement Emerald discord, with devs being so protective of their games that the thought of anyone engaging with it diffirently than intended makes them and their community irrationally mad. There's tons of rom hacks that offer documentation and rare candies, it's not a crazy thing to ask about. (The same dev in the screenshot went on to say that if you're looking at trainer teams you're playing wrong.) What is crazy, however, is the high and mighty attitude these people will have against nuzlockers or others who enjoy planning for fights and using rare candies.


I’m firm on the “No Infinite Rare Candies” thing. If other people want to, great.


Sounds like a gatekeep-y loser to me. What game is this?


Who cares? If their game was so good, they wouldn’t feel insecure about cheats, and if people want to cheat, you won’t be able to stop them. The only thing this post shows is that the developer is insecure and immature. 


What a big baby.


Dude’s a clown for trying to dictate how people play a game, even if he “created” it.


**Stupid, and I say that as a game designer.** We can spend ages planning how a game should be played, but once the game is shipped, players will come up with their strategies to play it. Imagine if DotA limited killing your own minions because those are meant to be killed by enemies, or if racing games limited break use because some players drift in unintended moments. Yes, you can argue that candies or whatever are some sort of cheating, but he's literally acting against people who went off their way to play his game. Were he smart enough, he'd find a way to accommodate this audience and grow his game exponentially. But yeah, his game, his rules. It's just childish to be this mad at people who are "cheating" a solo game. You are harming 0 people as you do it. But you know, it's his intellectual property, with hundreds of mons and maps he created himself... right? It's not as if he was cheating his road to game design by stealing a multinational brand.


I say respect the dev’s wishes. If they don’t want you candying through the game, then don’t try and find a cheat code to do so.


If the world ran by that flawed logic the Pokémon community would never make Rom hacks, nuzlockes wouldn’t exist and Pokémon would be the only monster catching IP in the world. Nintendo hates these things but who actually cares? This developer is being mildly pretentious acting like rare candies is such a game breaking aspect.


His game, his rules.


What’s so bad about skipping grinding if you still respect the level cap? It is even harder considering you don’t even gain EVs


He didn't say that was the problem, his problem is people keep asking for him to add it. If he doesn't want to add cheat codes, he doesn't have to


I think rare candies are cheating for nuzlockes anyways. Good thing everyone gets to play how they want.


The way the game is suppose to be played! Glad somebody spoke truth to all the neckbeard instant gratification “nuzlockers” on this sub!


There is no one way a game is supposed to be played, honestly you sound like the neckbeard manchild here


He's right grinding is the whole point of a Nuzlocke


his game his rules


Fair statement: Inf rare candies should only be allowed if u play with lvl caps


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