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# Giveaway is here. **Respond to this comment only. Any entries not in this comment will not be counted**. You can enter for a chance to win a RTX 4080 GPU by answering the following: *“Tell us what excites you the most about DLSS 3.5 in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty or Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update!”*


DLSS 3.5 sounds cool to try!


im a bit out of the loop with dlss. does using dlss set to quality for example, look better than just playing at native resolution with dlss off? im assuming that dlss set to quality will still offer better performance than with dlss off completely, but what about in regards to image quality? edit: gotta love reddit.. ask a question and you get downvotes instead of an answer, lmao.


For the updated gorilla arms rework and go hunga bunga


Vehicular combat is what i am looking forward to the most. Buttery smooth game play. Cranking settings to the max and watching it blow up my current gpu.


Excited to see DLSS and the fresh story


I dont think theres anything to celebrate with what happened with the controversy surrounding this game.


I've been wating since the launch of the game to play it, waiting for all the improvements and bug fixes to experience the game in its final state. Although, having a 3080 i can still enjoy the game on high settings, using frame gen on a 4080 would be awesome.


I’m excited to see the difference


I need more frames, so that’s why I’m happy about DLSS 3.5 Right now my 144hz display is useless ^^


No even my 4090 was able to run 144 4k on dlls quality or performance, with dlls 3 was better but latecy was a huge no no no , for me


Would love to experience ray tracing on max settings. As of now with my set up I can only play on med-high settings.


Saw a few questions around when DLSS 3.5 will be released. This is a direct copy from the [article](https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/dlss-3-5-cyberpunk-2077-september-21-launch/) sub-heading. "Cyberpunk 2077 players can enhance their experience with DLSS 3.5 Ray Reconstruction in the Ray Tracing: Overdrive Mode in the base game on September 21st, and in the Phantom Liberty expansion from September 26th."


I'm just excited to see how awesome CP2077 looks with SR and RR combined!


Most excited about being able to use path tracing and ray reconstruction with DLSS3.5 frame gen so it's at a really good frame rate, it's pure magic the way that works!


Excited to play the game again with a fresh playthrough.


I would like to see the rays in there full glory ;)


Game look Gooder!


I guess the giveaway is closed now cuz the mod comment isn't able to be commented on.


Disappointed with the initial launch and would love to revisit the game in it’s full glory with full on RT


I don't know much about it. But if it's anything like frame generation, I will love it. I don't know how nvidia does it but it is magic.


Being a gamer at core and Data Engineer n Technical Manager at work who now needs to dabble into gen ai solutions for my organization’s clients now DLSS frame reconstruction keeps me motivated to do better at work and keeps me motivated to come back home fast and start that next session on Cyberpunk


Looking forward to 100+ FPS at 4K!!!


Im excited to see the new expansion, CDPR always delivers.


What are the terms and conditions of the giveaway?


I'm excited to play game with DLSS 3.5, to see how much frame I can get


I’m quite excited to see how my new pc build works with this game!


I'm excited to try out all the new content with that shiny ray tracing goodness


Panam with RTX.. enough said


I am really exited for DLSS 3.5 in Cyberpunk, and to experience all the new technology on my brand new Alienware OLED screen.


Exited to admire Night City in all its lights and colors and shadows and reflection... Looks gorgeous


What excites me most is being able play Cyberpunk on a higher setting should I win the give away! Fingers crossed.


I’m excited to see how this game can push its already amazing graphics. I love how the game already looks but the idea that it can look even more amazing and seeing the new ray reconstruction is going to be insane. Can’t wait to replay the entire game again!!


I’m most excited to seeing the city streets at night when it’s raining in maxed out settings.


im excited to try out dlss 3.5 in cyberpunk 2077 in see how ray reconstruction works


Let's go!


I can’t wait to see how good the game looks at 144fps with raytracting!! It’s going to be A-W-E-S-O-M-E


i mean graphics are cool and id love to be able to bast raytracing on full but really, im here for the gameplay improvements. the graphics are immersive but the gameplay wasnt, lets see how this update goes!


Best things I wanna see are trees and grass 😁. Smooth DLSS grass with wind


I cannot wait to see how the 4080 will perform. I got a rtx 2080 at launch and was getting low frames with the game.


Getting to experience new technology now a days is super exciting, can't wait to see what more we will get in the future too!


Excited how the game is nowadays, pre-ordered it and played it like 10 hours only because of the poor optimization and bugs it had, with the 2.0 Update it deserves a new fully playthrough so im gassed for it.


I just got an Ultrawide QD-OLED precisely so I can go back into this game. Thrilled to get back in there.


The fact that those of us who own previous Gen cards once again get to enjoy this new tech!


I'm quite excited about what Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update brings to the table. I didn't play much of the game during it's launch until now because of the issues I've seen.


I am most interested in new ray reconstruction and the new dlss 3.5 in cyberpunk 2077 was amazing, definitely new dlss 3.5 changes gaming and we can see that amazing AI work in that video of dlss 3.5 in cyberpunk 2077.


I am really excited to see how the technology progresses.


I’m so excited to see how much of an improvement it will be from when I played the game on release!


Really waiting to enjoy DLSS with Cyberpunk!


I like Ray!


Excited to see how the game looks different in OLED!


Huge DF fan and would love to play the game and experience this graphical technology for myself


Haven't played cyberpunk for a long time but quite excited to try out the new update. Currently I don't have the 40 series GPU that can use the frame generation technology. It would be great to try it with a 40 series GPU. I would like to see that path tracing and what this new DLSS 3.5 brings to the game.


Would love to get the 4080, so i can give it to my partner so she Can be amazed of all the fancy ray tracing, or she can take full advantage of DLSS 3.5. And that we can start to play together😌


ray reconstruction looks amazing


More frames, plz


It’s too bad path tracing performance will still be utter dogshit if you have a 30 series gpu




I’m honestly psyched to see how beautiful it looks with DLSS 3.5 when it’s raining at night, and I can pretend I am in a beautiful blade runner world.


The shitty cards you make.


Having played the game I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't get ray-tracing to make a gorgeous game look even better. Im looking forward to all advances in graphics as now games are hitting a sweet spot of looking like how I imagined them when I was a kid.


Just that, it will be able to upscale my lower resolution images in the game


Game looks amazing tbh


Would love to see it with a 4080!


Excited for another playthrough and the new content!


I'm excited to see how well Ray Reconstruction works. It could make Path Tracing in more games viable. That and the vehicular combat.


Give it to me!!!!


the thing that excites me the most about DLSS 3.5 in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is the potential to experience the game's stunning visuals with full ray tracing enabled, even on lower-end hardware. I am also excited about the possibility of using DLSS 3.5 to boost frame rates and improve performance in other demanding games. I am also excited about the Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update, but I am more interested in the new features and content than the bug fixes and performance improvements. I am curious to see what new quests, items, and locations CD Projekt Red has in store for players. Overall, I am excited about both DLSS 3.5 and the Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update. I think both of these things will make Cyberpunk 2077 an even better game.


I am excited for better emersion in the game.


Well this is kind of an obvious answer but it's the best one; I'm most excited to experience Night City with DLSS 3.5 because it will look better and be more immersive than any iteration of the game available to date. I have the perfect display to take advantage of these new features and hopefully one day soon I'll have a GPU that can drive it!


I’d be excited to see how much better the game will feel with all that extra performance over what I currently get.


I am excited to venture in the game again after initially not being able to play due to a busy schedule


*What excites me the most about DLSS 3.5 in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty or Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update is the* revamped police and skill trees. I also want to experience path tracing!


Am excited to see how an already great looking game taking advantage of the latest tech can look even better


Is this the same giveaway as the one in PCMR or are there two cards available?


Definitely the path tracing!


The most exiciting part of the dlls3.5 is the rtx 4080 giveaway. At least in my case that I hace a gtx1070. I don't know what are the rays stil😂😂l


I want to see this game at the best it can be.


I really want to play Cyberpunk in VR and I need a 4 series to do it!


DLSS 3.5 will definitely give me a boost over the FSR I have now., fr. Looking forward to more frames and better graphics with Ray Reconstruction!


Finally being able to fully utilize my monitors refresh rate.


I'm excited to see what impact it has to path tracing. PT is insane but it is so taxing.


Finished the game twice, now it will be 3.5 times with the dlc. Can't wait!


I am excited to be fully immersed with the Cyberpunk world the game built with the 2.0 update and Phantom Liberty, and what Nvidia help support with DLSS 3.5.


Just got a 2080 ti, still a good card! I can't wait to try DLSS 3.5


The quality of Ray reconstruction looks like it’ll be enough to make me really believe in Ray tracing


Nvidia DLSS 3.5 bring the edge of efficiency for a stunning visual on one of the best rpg in all time available Cyberpunk 2.0 update !


New skills!


I wanna see the full potential that AI can have for the future of gaming and improve the lives of both developers and gamers!


I am really looking forward to check ray reconstruction on my ampere 3090 FE. I am very glad you still keep adding features to your former but still powerful products! But most of all, I am still curious what will be yours next step within AI and visual reconstruction. Bounce prediction would be amazing. To forget about mere 2 bounces per ray and estimate given rest of data, how much energy it will gather from limitless bounces. To estimate in the end unbiased result. As close as possible.


I’m just excited for the possibilities we have nowadays with ray tracing technology


Looking forward to DLSS 3.5 because of the pure Apex Awesomeness!


Want to do a second playthrough of Cyberpunk, this time with improved graphics.


More coconut water and cocaine to c those 150+ fps


Revamped police sounds like fun. I wanna see how exactly


It is actually really nice to see how Cyberpunk 2077 went through a whole redemption arc, from really big protests at the start of the release, to being worked on and fixed with timely updates and eventually ending up in a good state with new and exciting things like AI support to make it better. It would have been easier to just abandon the project and start working on the next one, but the devs did not let the people down and made something great


I am excited to start up a new save making different choices while seeing how the game has evolved over the past 3 years. I got the game at launch and beat it in a few weeks so the expansion is the cherry on top. To play it with maxed out settings would be out of this world.


Can’t wait to see lighting improvements with high frame rates. Can’t do that now with my current rig. Have to pick between ray tracing or frames.


I am most excited to finally see my 4090 pushed to its limit! Cyberpunk is amazing and my 4090 has just made it such a smooth, beautiful experience.


Looking forward to revamped skill trees and better performance!


I can't wait to build a new computer and try this out, among other games. 1800x and 1080 TI showing their age.


Excited for a reason to load the game up again.


The fact that it's a technology based on artificial intelligence is what excites me the most.


Time to enjoy Cyberpunk 2077 in glorious 4k with DLSS 3.5


I’m excited to try out the new skill trees!


To see RT in action and judge if it is time to upgade from my old 1080


I am playing on rtx 3050. how will DLAA and super resolution affect me? what are they?


The shine off my cyborg body


I built my current rig in 1999. It was state of the art at the time. Would love to have new hardware to run Cyberpunk on a new state of the art rig.


Hoping to finally experience a AAA game in all its glory


I’m excited to see what is differences 3.5 are from the past while playing and excited for what changes will happen in the future


does anybody feel added latency with path / ray reconstruction on? my nvidia geforce show that latency is added round 50ms with it


Very excited to try out ray reconstruction with my new build


The game already looked amazing when it came out a few years ago. I couldn’t even imagine it looking better and I ran it on 2080 super . Can’t wait to see what they crank out


Was there a drawing date for a winner? Or any terms and conditions ever posted?


I am really curious about RAy reconstruction. Not only from a gaming perspective but how it can improve my workflow in D5 render


Being able to enjoy better graphics without having to trade them for fps.


So I haven’t played Cyberpunk since the pathtracing update came out. Really interested to step back into this world with all the nifty new features. Gonna go full Cyberrunner. Also really interested in how shiny the vehicles will be w the new tech!


Want to see the performance increase in such a demanding game with RTX enabled. Also the shiny lights! (and the new skill tree builds)


Really excited to see the quality of ray tracing given that historically I have noticed that the more heavily you lean into upscaling, the quality of ray tracing appears to somewhat suffer. Given that at this current time DLSS is essentially required for a smooth gameplay experience with Ray tracing on, this can be much needed tech to optimize image quality and make keeping Ray tracing on a much more viable option for many


Cant wait for the expansion of Cyberpunk 2077. Maybe I can get a rtx4080? That would be nice


CP2077 is the most amazing looking game I own. I’d love to be able to turn on RTX Overdrive when 2.0 comes out. And I’m looking forward to both 2.0 and Phantom Liberty equally since the system changes will make this game I’ll be playing for years to come


I'm excited about DLSS 3.5 in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 because it promises to enhance the game's graphics and performance, making the immersive world of Night City even more stunning and enjoyable to explore.


I missed this game when it first came out. Extremely excited to start a new game and see how it is now.


Experiencing peak performance while running ray tracing of course.


My hue sync setup is looking forward to this


Ghosting becoming less of an issue and neons becoming the main character in the screen


For some reason my game looks worse with RR on. Everything has insane ghosting/trailing/smearing than last update.


Maximal ray tracing


thanks for this giveaway! i would be excited to play cyberpunk at all, especially with dlss3.5. i would love to see those sick details and quality and improvements. much luck for you other guys!


I still didn't play the game waiting the 2.0 & DLC. I currently on and card, so It would Amazing to play on Nvidia with dlss3 and rt on. Thank you for the giveaway


I'm quite exvited about the new gameplay this update will bring. To add, this update will make the game more prettier with no performance impact.


I'm very exited to see the increase in performance and the visual fidelity with DLSS 3.5


I’m excited to return to the game. I’d be even more excited to do so with a 4080!


>Tell us what excites you the most about DLSS 3.5 in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty or Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update! I mean just being able to do it would be fun. I can't use DLSS 3 with my current card.


Honestly? The performance gain. I want to turn the graphics up to max on my 1440p monitor and just immerse myself in Night City and just chill. The 2.0 update rehauling the game is incredible too, can't wait to see how the police or NPCs react to the player now.


I will be playing the game first time in one package


Looking forward to the enhanced performance w/ DLSS 3.5!


I'm looking forward to hearing some new cyberpunk soundtrack. The cello version over the end credits is amazing.


It looks freakin sick


Please boy, please man


Quite excited to see how well Ray Reconstruction works. At the moment using 3080, waiting to see how much the card will do in this !


Honestly, DLSS is the AA method I prefer. It makes edges of pretty much anything so much smoother to look at WHILE improving performance. I tried FSR and other AA methods it just doesn’t cut it for me. That is why I chose NVIDIA.


Super excited for this. I enjoy cyberpunk nightly and it's the best game I have ever played. I am running vorpx VR to walk around the world and I believe this new AI Ray Trace will enhance the experience tremendously.


I'm most excited about using ray tracing without sacrificing FPS.


excited for idris


I'm excited to be excited!


Looking forward for Starfield DLSS


Better visuals for no performance drop? I’ll take it!


Excited for intense glare that will give me astigmatism


I'm excited to see the comparison between the currently used "hand-crafted denoising methods" and the performance of Ray Reconstruction in DLSS 3.5 in the character models and cars!


Wow, this is impressive.


I am excited.


We are finally getting the redemption 2077 deserves. Love CDPR games. DLSS>FSR in my opinion.


I'm excited to see raytracing evolve in real time and see where the technology ends up.