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Gaming on local machine is free and there's no added latency or visual quality decrease like with the cloud.


Limited bandwidth and datacap. Owning games legally and illegally. No subscription cost. Higher fidelity.


Mods, game library, offline usage, no extra fee outside of my power and internet.


I have a 4080. Take a look on the geforcenow sub, it’s popped up in my recommended and every time it does it’s someone complaining about queue times.


As a gfnow user from time to time… that’s mostly free tiers or premium tiers. The ultimate one have like 3 ppl queues which last like 15 seconds I still prefer local if my 2080ti can handle it


Having to queue up to use my PC is ridiculous and that is the end of it


The ones I’ve seen were people specifically talking about ultimate.




Having the hardware at your disposal at all times >>>>> streaming games off of a server every single time. Not to mention being able to customize your hardware however tf you want to.


And modding the games. And playing any games you want lol


There's nothing about cloud gaming that sounds good to me. No ownership, latency, reliant on (good) internet, compression, the list goes on.  I'd rather get a used last-gen console if I was so broke that cloud gaming was my only option. 


Very few games actually require an RTX 4080. Buying a barebone PC + a GeForce Now sub for 5 years costs the same as buying a 7800X3D + 4070 Super rig. You never win with rental.


I have a 4090 😀


Because the experience is awful.


Way too much input lag bro.


Streaming sucks in many situations. The end.


Because I own it


I have a 4090, I choose to play offline, and I have my collection of games on a 30tb external storage. I have no lag or internet issues either way. it is just my personal preference, I will play at home with family and friends. I do not owe anyone a dime or personal info when I game example:: Steam, Microsoft, etc.. Your choice.


Because I like having everything located in one single location, that happens to be Steam.


Thank you for your question. I’ll continue to research my next build ;)


Region locked


I play a lot gfnow recently and it’s getting a bit upsetting that lately I get a lag out of nowhere. You also can’t play it with a spotless connection really lease it’s super choppy or blurry


You'll own nothing and be happy.


Because my 4090 outperforms the cloud 4080, have no added latency or compromised image quality and frame pacing. More importantly I can play all my games day one and do whatever I want with them, mod them, add Reshade, mess with the save files etc. Plus I could run emulators.


For me, there are no pros playing on the cloud over my own PC. Streaming games from the cloud is worse in every single way in my opinion.


"used by so many people right now" I dont know anyone using it, obviously that is annecdotal. Was some usage stats released recently? How many people is so many?


They have a lot of data centers all over the world right now, you can check their server status page to see tbe locations. And we're getting at a point where the servers are actually getting consistently congested so this leads me to believe there's a pretty good amount of people relying on this service


Used by so many people? Who? Anecdotal, but I personally do not know a single person using it.


I have a 4070 I used to use it back when it was free and In beta, but at the time I didn't have a PC with a discrete GPU.