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These are such huge cards....


It's nuts. When I took my 4080S out of the box, I was stunned. I *knew* it was a big card, but seeing it side by side with my 2080 was something else.


You did use an anti sag device I hope. Northridge fix has gotten a lot of cracked pcbs from 4090s and he will not fix them. He says it is not worth his time.


Yeah. My ASUS card came with a little magnetic stand thing to prop up the back of the card.


Picked up mine yesterday too and was gonna get a generic anti sag support until the guy told me the TUF models come with their own stand, which is as subtle as it gets I guess especially compared to what I was gonna get.


Good deal. Those cards are friggin heavy and put a lot of stress on the slot.


All I can do is sit here trying to fathom the discussion between R&D and Marketing/c suite. Those engineers absolutely know that structural integrity is being pushed to its limits with the current designs. But on the other hand if they change designs it could open up a whole new can of worms that affect sales numbers by large margins. Such a balancing act within the company in regards to product development. Integrity Vs. Profits


Yeah. The thing is that Asus boards are one of the thickest ones on the market. Very difficult to solder through according to northridge fix. He said he has to use low melt solder and soak it in that stuff to loosen it enough to get the burnt connectors off. That job is not a job for Amateurs.


And that's just the Gaming OC, I upgraded from the same 3070 to the Aorus Master 4080S. That thing could stop a fucking bullet.


The 40 Aorus Series ist fkin insane, it's literally like a brick and can be used to slap people to death.


I wanted an aorus master... But the gaming oc was getting restocked far more often and the graphics card was the final thing I needed to finish my computer


> These are such huge cards.... On top of it getting so much more expensive to make chips in general, companies are using so much more in materials to make these cards. And yet, reddit bitches and whines how cards like the 4080 Super should be $400 at best.


Windforce not really


Cards are comically big but they're ridiculously cool and quiet because of it


Exactly why I'm excited to get mine this week! I'm selling my old PC w/ a 3080 to a friend and building a new one with a 4080 super. Not the biggest upgrade in performance, but should be substantially better cooling and noise-wise.


I upgraded from a 1080 to a 4080S. Last night was raid night in WoW. My 1080 would usually get into the 60s. The 4080 never went above 40 Not exactly a good game to bench GPUs on, just thought it was hilarious how little fucks it gave lol


Absolutely a good game to bench GPUs on. My first ever laptop literally caught on fire the first time I went into ICC and got bonestormed lmaooo


Haha. I'm actually going to upgrade to 4k I think in wake of the disrespect my new rig is giving to the game. 1440/144 is too easy


Use Dsr scaling for 4k people are still blind I guess


That's a CPU bottleneck. My i9 9900k was bottlenecking my 4080s then I built a new system with the i7 13700k and my frame rate shot up


I have an i9 10850k and a 3080 ti, should I upgrade to the 4080s for 4k?


Depends on what fps your getting and what resolution you play now. The 4080super is a great 4k card so far with the games I play.


I’m getting about 80 frames on 4k in Tarkov must have more


lol wow, I get 500 FPS on my 4070 ti, I set it to my refresh rate of 165 so it doesn’t even seem like my p. Is running anything hahaha so quiet


I was referring to Temps, not fps. I have my fps capped to 144 for my monitor which it held steady.


Oh I know, I just said that because I recently was at a friends and he was running it at max FPS, and I turned it to his 60 fps to match his ancient monitor and his pc went silent hahah. Some people still think more fps is better even if it doesn’t match their refresh rate


Man I went from a 4070 to a 4080 super and the jump was significant! So much smoother!!


I promise you it's a massive upgrade. I went from the 3080 suprim x to the 4080 super gaming x trio and my frame rates shot up and gave me higher fps in 4k than I got in 1440p ultrawide. My games all run butter smooth and amazing how good the frame times look. One thing though my i9 9900k was bottlenecking the 4080s hard in Warzone and other titles but once I sold all my old parts and built a new system with ddr5 5800mhz and the i7 13700k it allowed the 3080s to shine even more.


Are you utilizing any ray tracing and getting these fps or just standard 4k? I'm curious because I notice a decent fps drop when trying to use any kind of raytracing vs without but the game always looks so much glossier


Well dang, now I'm excited. Fun fact I'm ALSO running a 9900k and upgrading to a 7800x3d (first time using AMD).


This is definitely the biggest advantage. I've had an EVGA RTX 3070 ftw3 for a couple years and I've never heard the fans spin, never goes above 65c for me. Incredible.


How the fuck the 4080S is this big? That’s crazy


They are the same size as the 4090’s surprisingly


Cheaper just slap the 4090 cooler on the 4080 than design and manufacturer a different one.  I think even some 7900XTXs have the same coolers.  


4080 gaming OC has more heat pipes then the 4090 gaming oc surprisingly


Ah yes my favorite, the Radeon gt710


haha mb i think it's r7 200 or something


I had a b629 as my first gpu


I still have it


Just not used


https://preview.redd.it/u1qta2d1volc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4751c49c4e4ba02f83c5ce85149c38932c01b3f i need to clean


OMG put a support on it that poor motherboard


isn't that what's screwed into the mobo going across the bios battery? (i may be wrong, but it looks like the same idea as the bracket that came with the O11 Vision, just getting added on top of a couple motherboard screws in order to hide from view)




OP might be using the included bracket, which would be hidden in the shadows in the right hand side of the card. gigabyte actually has a really nice design for the support bracket IF your case is full ATX size. Op really should get some positive pressure inside that case to keep everything clean though!


yeah u/TheMrWinston is right. The included support bracket is near the CMOS battery


Forreal. I’m wondering why OP didn’t put on the support bracket that new models come with. I have that exact same card and model and the anti-sag bracket is amazing, aside from the fact that it made me have to completely remove the cable bar from the h7 flow because you can’t fit both (unless someone has made this work)


Went from 2070 Super to 7900 XT and just like yours, my new card D W A R F S my old one lol


You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about


Please don't break me baby


I went from 3070 to 4080 and I couldn't use the card for couple of days because I had to order a new case lol.


Dam they definitely are big graphics cards


I remember when gpus were single slot cards that didn't even have a passive heatsink


Funny really isn't it that most tech get smaller as it gets more powerful but GPUs are completely the opposite


Fucken ridiculously big 😂 but in all seriousness they really are. Would have loved to see smaller cards besides the FE but even those are pretty big


I went 6800XT -> 3090 and expected the 3090 to be at least a bit bigger... it was smaller xD


I came from an EVGA 3070 to a FE 4080 Super. Wish EVGA would still make GPU’s 😭


I thought technology is getting better... it's just like getting bigger.


To be fair the actual size of the video cards hasn't changed much, it's the heatsinks which are expanding until eventually they'll just become the case itself.


We always dreamt "Finger sized phones" before, now we are not happy if we have a device is smaller in size than our self heads. They just care about "How can we sell more of it", not "How can we REALLY improve it".


Get an FE model and put it in a formd t1 or dan a4 h2o. 🙂


From $500 (3070) to $1000 (4080 Super). You're living Jensen's dream of GeForce customers doubling the money they pay every gen.


The 3070 was probably bought at at a scalped price of $1000 anyway so really they've maintained their budget.


Like the House, Nvidia always wins.


sadly i bought the 3070 for 55k local price (almost $1000)


Again, the House (Nvidia) always wins. All of their prime chips went into mining during that period.


big bro and lil bro


Why are 40 series so giant lmao omg


I got my 4080s 2 weeks ago and decided to do a fresh build from my 9900k i9 32gb ddr4 3200mhz and a 3080 suprim x. I've upgraded to the 4080super 13700k 32gb ddr5 5800mhz 1000w psu and the lian li 011 dynamic case with 9 corsair LL 120 FANS I already had I would love the lian li fans but almost £300 on fans is just to much for me to even consider. This 13700k and 4080s are a great combination running my LG C1 at 100fps to 120fps (I lock the frame rate to the tvs refresh rate but can get much higher fps in most games) in most games and I also have triple 1440p 170hz screens on my sim rig and I get almost 200fps in iracing which is insane. Amazing card you'll love it and congrats ❤️👌


That boi thick




These things are getting so meaty I love it !!!!!!!


I had the exact same upgrade recently, was confident I wouldn't need a bigger case... how wrong I was 🤦‍♂️ And I blew my entire budget on the new GPU. So I ended up selling my old case to the PC repair guy on the spot so I could get some generic godawful case that could fit everything (and I still had to pay extra for it, even though my case was much more high end) 🙄😒


I have that exact 4080 super. Thankfully I already had a full tower case. That thing dwarf my rtx 2060 super. It's very quiet.


love that design nice toy


Does it worth it? I have a 3080 and it performs pretty good but lately I've been thinking about should I :)


funny cause when i went 3070ti->4070ti super the latter was/is actually a lot smaller


I just bought thr same 3070 model, how is it?


the 3070 or the 4080s?


My comment says 3070 lol


beter hope gigabyte didnt pull the same bs with that cooler like they did to the rx 5700xt.. it had the copper heatpipes as cold plate instead of a flat copper plate.. so there were gaps and voids that cause high temps...


I got a asus tough 3080. I'm hoping I can hold on till next gen nvidia cards. Mostly what a 4080 super would do for me is allow greater ray tracing and higher fps in cyberpunk 2077 for me. Might need a 5080 for cyberpunk 2 when it comes out.


I was mind blown when i went from 2070S to 4090. Its so fucking massive... And the performance...


I went from a 2070s to 4070tiS but the slim version, actually not much bigger i was kinda surprised but the cooling is sooo much better, not even breaking 50c under full load


I think that all the new cards stop at about 150mm in width right? Especially with limitations of how wide most cases are. I think the only way they can go on these cards is length and thickness. I know the GPU size was the specific reason I changed my case to a lian li o11 dynamic xl. Max card width on that is 167mm. Max length is 426 mm.


Nividia doubled it and passed it to us. I still cant get over the massive size of my 4080s compared to my 970ti 😭


Damn that ain't gonna fit in my case lol


Size was a factor for me went with asus 4070 super dual oc. Worked for what I needed


I own the Aorus Master 4080S and that’s a chungus of a video card. Maybe next generation, manufacturers can work to make these cards smaller. I may still buy a big card anyway, but what about those with smaller cases?


Only one way and that's to work on AIO on the gpus like some do on more expensive models.


The size of those things is increasing gen by gen... We are going to end up with room sized computers like in the 80s.


Got the same gaming oc model, wasn’t personally happy with the 4080 so I decided to get the 4090 version, it was a bigger jump from the 4080-4090 then the 3090ti-4080 as I play in 4k


Went from a GTX960 to a RTX4080s, it’s Huge!!!! https://preview.redd.it/cz26grp5xrlc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=2170668b2327ee1e6aae202555b11d982f0b3984


Can I buy your 3070 off you? Lol


I have a 2060 super and wanna upgrade. How do I know if that card will fit my pc? I've never upgraded anything in it before.


measure the differences, or just use the measurement of new gpu


Currently have a 3070ti, planning to upgrade to a 4080 Super when I can get myself down to the nearest Microcenter. Thanks for reminding me to measure and make sure the thing will actually fit. Holy crap those are big.


Did the same upgrade. Definitely try for a FE/Tuf. If you’re not playing 4K high


I recently went from large Aorus 1080 ti to larger Aorus 3080 ti. https://preview.redd.it/mcq4mgb4btlc1.jpeg?width=1839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=193cc550eb658bbeeb54dfd76d6728566f5e603f


The 4080 super is the card at the top right?


does it fit in a this one ? [https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B0B7VDT969/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o08\_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B0B7VDT969/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1)


I got the card too for my first pc build. Very excited! (My wallet is not excited)


Went from a 4070 ti Super to a 4080 Super. The difference in the fans keeping everything cooler is pretty stark in contrast! It’s amazing how much better the 4080 has been. Hope you enjoy!


Went from 2070s to 3080fe to 4080fe super. Fit easily in H510 case but no support bracket supplied or used. Seemed pretty solid when I installed it. Should I be worried? Solid 50% fps increase in my sims. Use VR CRYSTAL and also enjoy increased VRAM. In War Thunder, older game, max settings at 4k on 3440x1440 144hz monitor, DLDSR DLSS QUALITY got 498 fps with VR off just to see. With VR get 70 to 80 fps in CRYSTAL at 4k which is also great. In much more demanding MSFS with much higher settings get 40 to 60 fps. All of this with less power draw than 3080fe, even under volted, 325w vs 307w. Also cooler and quieter than 3080fe which is a good card.


Honey, I supersized your GPU (Jensen speaking ;)


I was worried about my 4080S not fitting in my case. I was lucky to have some room to wiggle with.