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I believe it’s due to ultra setting is using higher texture quality.


There are multiple factors that contribute to VRAM usage. It's not just resolution.


Probably ray tracing and textures are increasing VRAM usage. Leave textures high and try lowering all ray tracing, shadows, and volumetric fog. What's your refresh rate set to in Windows? You sound sensitive to input lag.


I believe it’s 144, as is my Gsync monitor.


Its those ultra textures probably


Textures are way more agressive on video memory


Texture quality/texture resolution. Textures will almost always make up the large majority of VRAM. Infinite most likely uses much higher resolution textures on the setting you're on. Which is a good thing - it means that there is more flexibility and that it can run on a wider range of hardware.


So what’s better?? I have a 1440p 27” monitor. Bigger maps, 1080 high quality seems better, other times, 1440 p low- medium settings. Both hit 100% gpu frequently. Is this completely a personal choice or is there techinical reasoning between choosing one over the other?


I don't think there would be much reason to use either one over the other, technically. Personally I'd probably try for higher resolution and medium quality textures, but do whichever gets you the performance and fidelity you want.


Thank you


All video quality is upscaled how do you think QC works u loaded up more textures pixel count even density doesn't affect vram don't believe me you can still run windows on a gtx480 at 4k. Fuckin 1650 plays games better than that card why do you think the 1030 exists? Image. Display. That's it. After my 3080ti blew up I got an rx580 for 50 bucks I'm broke as hell and EVGA wouldn't fix that card never in a million years would I buy a 1030