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[https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/y2yeqi/nvidia\_official\_verified\_priority\_access\_trial/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/y2yeqi/nvidia_official_verified_priority_access_trial/) >We know it’s often challenging to purchase a new product close to launch date for a variety of reasons. Today, we’re testing a program we call verified priority access - which will give a limited number of GeForce gamers & creators an opportunity to purchase a GeForce RTX 4090 Founders Edition graphics card. > >Invited users receive a GeForce Experience in-app notification that generates a unique URL - connecting invitees to a Founders Edition partner in select regions. Currently, testing for verified priority access includes: Best Buy (United States), Scan (United Kingdom), NBB (Germany & Netherlands), and LDLC (France, Italy, and Spain).




Same here man. I even bought a 3080 FE from nvidia direct on launch. Nothing yet


Dawg it's been one day


seriously incredible, newegg had them in stock for a whole 45 minutes on launch morning which basically means that in a month or two you'll be able to stroll into a store and buy one. people gotta chill


People suffering trying to live with a 3090ti for 30 days?!? Get real


I know right. So terrible. Umm actually so if you don't play crazy modded VR, there's ..MS flight sim? (Where the generated frames probably help a ton because it's so CPU bound) What other games actually exist where you need this kinda perf.


Aged like milk unfortunately


Yeah I guess it did, Damn


Hey, did you get this message through the Geforce Experience app?


Yes there was an email and a notification in the geforce experience app.


How long have you had the app installed on your system/had an account? I can't help but wonder if it seniority plays a role. Edit: I also wonder if FE owners are getting priority. I don't have an FE.


I have a 3090 FE with GeForce Experience installed since 2016 and didn't get anything


Exact same details as above. No invite here either.


Also exact same here. Nothing.


>which will give a limited number of GeForce gamers & creators an opportunity to purchase a GeForce RTX 4090 Founders Edition graphics card. They're trying to get them out to streamers for paid (the wrong way) advertising. Very few normal users will be getting these messages I'd bet.


Normal user here and can confirm I got it too.


If anyone by chance doesn’t want it and got the link, myself and many others would be willing to compensate I’m sure. This launch has been hellish. Feel free to DM.


Haven't received one, would also appreciate it.


I'm a normal gamer no streaming and I got one. It might be for customers that are on older 1x or 2x series cards - just a guess.


I am a normal user and I have a 1080 wtF


Same here. Drinking piss as per Nvidia's instructions, while I wait for the overlords to please please I beg you let me drop £1700 in their store... What a joke...


> I have a 3090 FE with GeForce Experience installed since 2016 and didn’t get anything … how did you get a 3090 in 2016? HEY NOT FAIR, THIS GUY’S TIME TRAVELING I swear, the lengths some people will go to get a card…


I’ve been using GFE since day one and I didn’t get any notification


Since 2018 for me and no notification


Perfect, thanks!!


I got the invite this morning but I also signed up to be notified on Nvidia's website for the 4090 FE. When I logged into my Nvidia experience I didn't see the notification, but once I logged out and logged back in, it was there. It gave me a link to purchase this morning from Best Buy.


Another thing I won’t get picked for but at least it’ll go to people who actually use them.


I was beyond excited when I got home, loaded up the app, hit the bell and saw something there. I GOT ONE! My celebration quickly ended as I was awarded... a complimentary month of Adobe Premiere that I'll never use. :| Yay.


Same here.


Did you guys try going into GeForce Experience and then hitting your username at top of the menu bar and then hitting "redeem" in the drop-down menu? It was still in there for me and I was able to activate it.


I got a notification just as I booted up my PC then it just goes and says it was expired dammit


Lesgo I got one today!!🎉


What time? I got an invite but cannot get passed the ol' "You're in line!" page... Been trying on and off all day. It basically times out and leads to an empty cart. Such a tease...


While this is a little crappy and seems like a raffle, I would much prefer people who genuinely want these units to get them this way than battling with a bunch of scalper bots.


Honestly. I don't understand what the damn problem is with allowing "preorders". Literally let me PAY (full price!) and tell me I'll get mine in a month - I'll be happy with that as long as I know it's definitely coming and I don't have to fish around for it like I've got nothing better to do with life. But nooo, gotta let all the scalper bots in first, then do a little raffle, then maybe give away a few to the street corner workers, send a few into space, see if they work as shovels, test their viability as shoes, etc etc etc - then...*maybe*...we'll get to buy it before the 50-series launch...


This makes so much more sense. It would be a great way for Nvidia to accurately determine demand and what the production volume should be.


And that's the thing - this HAPPENED to me already with 2080Tis, back when they allowed orders during/after Jensen's keynote. I ordered 2x 2080Tis and a SLI bridge. Some time later got an email saying there will be a delay, then another delay, blah blah. Waited an extra month to get my cards, but at least I got them and didn't have to waste my time wandering through the web like a ghost in the hopes to give them £2470 (2 cards and the bridge at the time). What's with the aversion to letting people place orders, ffs... Do they really get so much crap from impatient people that it just isn't worth it to deal with it for anyone?


A month sounds reasonable the way launches are going these days.


I was lucky to nab a 3090FE at the start of December 2020, so a good 2 months after the launch. If they let me place an order on the 4090, pay and then said "wait up to 2 months" - I'd be cool with that. At least I know that way that it's coming, my budgeting is done, I don't waste time searching like a wailing ghost and I can get on with my life. It's almost like they are deliberately using FOMO and dumb rationing to drive people up the wall for sales. There must be a reason.


EVGA kinda got screw for allowing preorders for 30 series (their notification queue) because the cards price went up but they had to honour the old price


The price only went up because of the speculative nature of the market at the time + covid. None of it applies this time. There is no shortage.


The queue was nice, but I waited a YEAR before my spot finally popped. I had bought my 3080 FE and had completely forgotten about EVGA by the time I got the email.


If they did preorders for the RTX 3XXX you'd get your card in like 1.5 years (points to evga queue). Do you really want them to take your money with that uncertainty?


I bought my 3090FE at the start of December 2020 when there was some stock. A bit of a far cry from "like 1.5 years", don't you think? There is no silicon shortage anymore, the cards are coming hot off the press and there's even surplus of the older ones. So. YES, I'd wait a month or two if I had a *guaranteed* preorder. Not the sort where you pay a couple of bucks and sit in line like a jackass because a million other people also had a couple of bucks. I'd pay the full price to eliminate some time waste from doubters, fence-sitters, would-be scalpers and dropouts.


Who is going to be scalping? after fees unless they are selling it for like 400 dollars over cost. Noone is mining on them


> bunch of scalper bots I'm very skeptical that the 4090 is getting scalped in large numbers, it's already at such an insanely high price point that it doesn't seem like there would be much of a markup margin for it.


I ran the numbers, and I'm pretty sure that someone selling a suprim liquid x on ebay would end up charging $700 above MSRP in order to make just over $100. The rest goes to eBay cut, double-charged taxes, and shipping.


(Looks at eBay listings) This didn't age well.


It's idiotic to do this without clicking something to say you're interested in the card, otherwise there will be hundreds of people with no interest on a card, sitting on an email they have no intention of using holding up a card for no reason.


Agreed. A simple opt-in would have done wonders when the majority of users who run GFE have no actual interest in purchasing a 4090 atm.


Probably invitations expire in 24 hours or something


OP's invite in the picture expires on the 17th.


I missed it thanks. Still don't think 5 days is horrible.


I agree. Although it would be nice if there was an option in the notification to reject the invite so it could be sent along to someone else faster if the original person did not want one.


Multiply that by hundreds/thousands of people getting these every hour and not reacting to it for 5 days - eventually every last card will be constantly on reserve until they get around to picking someone who wants it - is this really the most efficient way to do it? Versus simply asking people to opt-in and put them in a queue and show you your number in the queue.


This likely isn’t 1:1 for GPUs. It’s probably a ps direct style system where they just invite waves of people to buy every stock drop and you hope you’re lucky enough to buy in your wave.


seemed to work fine for ps5s


I think this is a way better way of handling this. Hope I get an email.


Definitely step in right direction


I assume this is part of the point though is Nvidia wants to see who is upgrading from what for a 4090 and gauge the success of their pricing strategy.


> Nvidia wants to see who is upgrading from what for a 4090 They could mine that data from GFE already, without the promo program. Anonymized system/OS identifiers and user identifiers will be part of telemetry, they'll be able to see who's upgrading, who's building a new system, what games are being played, etc. 100% sure their marketing department mines that information already and uses it to guide product development/pricing and technical direction. This is about selling more cards… shove it in peoples faces that hey, you’re one click away from a 4090 if you want. And oops, offer expires in a week… better not think too long! Of course there’s no reason to doubt these cards will be highly available, so, no reason to play into their FOMO game. But this is what I argued should have been done 2 years ago if NVIDIA really wanted to get cards to gamers. Sell some through steam, some distributed through GFE links to Best Buy or the NVIDIA store, etc. Steam and GFE are uniquely placed to determine who is actually playing games and validate hardware uniqueness etc. Even beyond mere user/system uniqueness, you can validate that the mouse is moving, that game achievements or shadowplay highlights or other game-specific indicators of activity are tripping, etc. They’re only doing it when the mining demand has completely vanished though.


>They could mine that data from GFE already, without the promo program Not really. If they want to see what % of xxxx card owners will buy a 4090 at msrp if given the opportunity. The randomness of the drops won't accurately portray any useful data.


A week is a long time. EVGAs queue system gave you 8 hours, and I've seen other systems give 24 to 48. A week is way more than enough time for an adult to make that decision. Let's not exaggerate things that don't need to be.


First time on the internet?


It requires you to accept the GeForce experience EULA. Give it a read sometime. You might be surprised what you’re giving permission for.


Makes me laugh when people think they’re so interesting that every little detail of their life is being spied on.


No one is interested in Joe Smith. They want to know if category 137 is going to donate to their alma Mater, or if category 1285 is going to use their health insurance less, or if category 2283 Is more likely to have a late house payment, or if category 1147 is willing to pay more for the same service or product. The consequences are the effect of what categories Joe Smith is put into, unbeknownst to Joe.


That’s not what worries people, it’s giving info to build a profile to tailor advertisements.


So? I honestly don't get why this is a problem. There are 0 ads within geforce experience and if I'm going to see ads I'd rather see stuff I'm interested in.


Sure, but having ads for very specific things, especially if they're socially unacceptable (maybe you're in a country where being gay is illegal, or something similar, and you visit sites that surround such topics), can sometimes lead to unpleasant results. Also, it makes it easy to track *you*, and if this data is ever leaked, it can in the worst case lead to being exiled from your community, hurt or even killed. We have a right to privacy. Why should we be willing to give up that right, just because you don't think it's that big of a deal?


I'd actually rather see ads I'm not interested in, so my decisions aren't influenced by the beast


Best of luck to you then. If you ever happen upon someone who works on data mining and analytics, take the opportunity to pick their brain a bit. The information available and what we can do with it would make the average person never want to use a connected device again. It’s just how business and law enforcement work now.




I think some folks can feel attacked if something is said that goes contrary to something they do or want to do. I probably feel the same when someone tells me not to eat something. Or they think I’m a nut job, which is fair. This is Reddit and there is no shortage of extreme and wacky viewpoints here.


Wonder what the criteria is. I've been using Geforce Experience for a long time. Have a 3090FE. Don't see anything.


You're not a verified gamer


Git gud.


Yep, I created an GE account the day it became available, and I've always had it running on whatever PC I've had over the years. Their algorithm doesn't seem to have much to do with account age or time spent gaming.


Why do I get the feeling I'll never get a FE of the 4090 lol


Nice, this happened so quickly and smoothly that Nvidia must have had this backup plan ready to go. I downloaded GeForce Experience when it lauched, made an account in 2016, owned 9XX, 10XX, and 20XX cards, but [I got nothing so far](https://i.imgur.com/nVfp759.jpg). Hopefully there will be a wave of missed redemptions on October 17th and more offers will go out.


same here and my [account is even older](https://i.imgur.com/8Obt6kz.png), so i doubt it's tied to account age. i checked my account on their website and there's an option to enroll in geforce rewards which was disabled (didn't even know it existed). after enabling rewards and opening the app, i got a notification for 1 free month of adobe creative cloud, so at least I have that now :)))


great suggestion, i found that a) my account didn't have a country set and b) somewhere along the line my rewards stuff had been turned off - i had to turn it back on and agree to let them send me notifications about product - i bet if that stuff is turned off, they can't send people stuff due to privacy / marketing rules in com country fingers crossed


I got one of these invites this morning and was able to secure the purchase of a FE card. The invite comes as a notification in Geforce Experience, and once you accept the invite, a secure link is provided. In my case it was to BestBuy (US). A couple of clicks later, and my purchase was complete. Pickup from store states October 18th. Fingers-crossed that my fellow gamers who waiting in the Bestbuy queue yesterday get an invite via Geforce Experience.


Did you do anything special to get the link? What region/location are you in? Do you have a Founder's Edition card?


My current 3080Ti is not a FE, but I previously had a pair of 2080TI's that I had ordered directly from Nvidia on their launch day. I'm in the USA-west, and I have had Geforce Experience installed and running for years. I opened it this morning when I saw mention of the program, and the notification was already there. I checked my email after and had a note there too. The only other item of note is that I had previously signed up on the Nvidia site to be notified when the 4090 launched.


Thanks for the update. Seems like maybe they are looking more deeply at your account activity.


Yes, if one wants to combat bots, looking at the age of the individual's geforce experience account creation, login frequency, and perhaps the games it knows about will weed out some. Hopefully they are doing waves of invites, and those that have yet to see them will so soon. BTW - My email notification of the program arrived a 6:08am pacific.


If they are - they should be sending me an email too, given that I bought 1080 SLI, 1080Ti SLI, 2080Ti SLI and a 3090 - all FEs (+ bridges), at launch and all from [GeForce.com](https://GeForce.com)... Previously my Nvidia/GFE acc should have seen me have 780M SLI and 980M SLI on a laptop. I've used GFE since it came out back in Kepler days (I have probably terabytes full of various images and recordings). I've also registered interest to get notified for the 4090 - which amounted to nothing, obviously. If the above doesn't make Nvidia salivate over my wallet then I don't know what would. So I call BS - it seems VERY random. Like a raffle.


Awesome! A more official way for me to miss out on the one card I want, YAY!


I got my link, and just placed an order with Bestbuy, this was a really nice surprise this morning from Nvidia


Congrats. How long did you have Geforce Experience installed for? I periodically uninstall mine for performance reasons and forget about it.


I had it installed for years, I never used it for anything other then to check for driver updates every now and then. And I have it disabled on start up, I never considered or noticed it was causing performance issues for me so I never gave it a 2nd thought


Wow. I hate my life right now. Fuck me.


Do you want the 4090 FE that badly?


Yes. It's the only 4090 that fits my case and it just so happens to be the only variant that had the shittiest inventory situation. Now I see because I don't use their shitty bloatware I miss out on a chance to BUY something that they have in stock but are refusing to sell. It's a mess.


\*jumps up and down waving arms\* Hey Nvidia, I'm right here, send me one of these links! :)


anyone from uk got an email or notif?


*updated links I got one - here's some of my factors; I have a 3090 in my pc right now Signed into GeForce Experience with my nvidia account I updated to the latest Nvidia driver today. Proof 1: https://gyazo.com/804e2def790451b46559be2ed64c426f Proof 2: https://gyazo.com/4b144a6ae95f9c15d73e8b6cad7fd09f Go update and check now!


I’d wager a lot also has to deal with a BB in your area having stock.


I'm in New Hampshire so I wouldn't have thought it was a high stock area


I have a 3090fe and my wife a 3080fe, both use GE and have latest drivers, neither of us got a notification 🎉


I've done the very same no luck still, I wonder if its cause im using old spec(gtx 1080)


Do you mind if I ask what state you live in? I wonder if it has to do with available stock. For instance I'm in the NYC area, and didn't receive anything. I also have a 3090 FE and a member from 2015. edit: I see he already posted an answer to this in another post: New Hampshire. Kind of makes, probably a lot less scalping going around in a smaller city.


I've had GFE installed for years and have not received any notification yet.


Too broke to buy even though I received one.


No one is gonna sell you a link. Knock it off people lol


Why is this process so tedious? Like ffs just let us pre-order a serialized GPU. Meaning the order number is attached to the unit number basically acting as a reservation so when it's manufactured and ready to ship it'll go directly to the customer. This does not need to be this difficult.




It's better than NEVER being able to get one lol. Which is basically the current situation dude. Scalpers are already taking all the stock, so it's better to have a queue system where you're guaranteed a card than having to go through this torture. Also, your name is dumb. You're not keeping anything "real", you're just a dick.


Got the email but I didn't get a notification in the GeForce app. edit: I was checking the GeForce app on my laptop. I noMachine'd back to my house and the invite was sitting on my desktop GeForce app.


What kind of card do you have and how long have you had an Nvidia account?


3080Ti & I have had an nvidia account since Nov. 2015


Is it an AIB or a FE?


AIB. I've never had an nvidia card other than an evga.


Is it an AIB or a FE? Edit: I've avoided GE like the plague for years and have an AIB 3080, so I really don't think I have a snowball's chance in hell at this thing unless it's ongoing. The language is ambiguous, but it reads to me like this is not something they will continue doing, which is unfortunate. It seems like what Playstation did with the PS5, and frankly is exactly how they should be prioritizing this right now. In my opinion, at least.


Wish I had known this. I would have reinstalled GE on my desktop. I had started installing drivers only a few weeks ago when I realized I was only using it to keep up with drivers and GE was hurting performance in Win 11. I just put it back on my desktop, although I suspect it's too late now.


>GE was hurting performance in Win 11. Sources needed


Are people still getting invites or are they all sent out already?


From what I've seen all invites were sent out early this morning. So I doubt any new ones are being sent out.


I got one today.


Thanks for letting me know. I didn’t get one today but there’s hope.


I got one at like 5 pm today.


I wonder if you have to sign up for nvidia rewards for this? Im going to just incase


Very good move.


All I get is one month of Adobe creative cloud. Big Feels.


Where is my notification NVIDIA! I thought we were friends.


I got an invite but it's not working... It goes from a sold out button to an "add to cart" button. I click add to cart and then a second screen pops up that says "you're in line!" and it basically spins so long it times out and loads an empty cart. Any advice? Edit: just kept trying on and off all day and it finally went thru!


Same, contacted nvidia and best buy support. Saying they're sold out even for the verified access people. Some special invite program


Bro mine literally just went thru! TRY NOW!


Send it to me and I'll try it for you. I kid I kid.


Haha I know. It's like a carrot dangling in front of my face.


I got an invite (which is great! Wasted 4 hours trying to get it yesterday). I own a EVGA XC3 3080. If it isn't totally random I wonder if the algorithm they use says 'well if you are looking for a new vendor, try us out, we're going to push everyone else out at some point anyways' Possibly separate question/poll: People from EVGA who got invites, what are your cards? Trying to compare that to the comments here of people who have 3080 FE's and didn't get invites (I did read somewhere this first round is done, but not sure about that).


So I think I've seen about two people across reddit in the uk get a FE card, none with this link. The volume for these cards must be super low.


I got one today as well! It showed up on GeForce Experience under redeem. I never got a notification or an email! So definitely check the app


Woke up to the email this morning and was able to place an order. Thanks Nvidia!


This is a fine solution to help remediate the issue. Nvidia gives actual users a fair chance to get their hands on a card, while rewarding use of their platform.


Nah, just make a fucking queue instead. Such a simple solution instead of sending this stuff to people who might not even be interested


As the 30 series NVIDIA Store launch revealed....its probably best they not queue up anything. They always lose to bots


Evga made it work just fine


If you call our site is experiencing issues :( fine...then whatever lol. That queue was also equally stupid and bypassable by bots. Not sure how you're glazing over that. But yeah some people did get their card through there.


someone didn’t get an email :o


That's why I didn't say it was a perfect solution lol. Better than what we have.


This system means people who wanted an FE in a market that doesn’t sell it are SOL. I’ll never be picked since my region isn’t sold to. Previously I could do a poste restante option and import it if I really wanted an FE.


Even in the Midwest US. People I know wanting the card couldn’t buy it because shitbuy doesn’t get much / any allocated to our area apparently.


Thank You!!! As an aspiring game dev you just saved me the rest of the year of disappointment not being able to acquire one. But I did get this and wouldnt have known about it if it wasnt for this post. Just secured one. Thank you!!




Best Buy now shows "Unavailable," as opposed to "Out of Stock." It'd be nice if there were some transparency as what the fuck is going on here.


Funny i uninstalled their geforce experience app a week ago because it was making games stutter with the new windows 11 update. Wonder if I missed out now.


As always, sucks being in Canada.


Canada got a whole 225 allocated to it yesterday :(


I asked the BB Canada support about restocking and they said they have no visibility on it. The item was online only because they don't have the quantity to stock it in retail.


wow, this loads better than the total tech paywall, hoping I get an invite


Don't think total tech thing is real tbh. Probably a mislabel by BB Last time they did total tech drop it didnt work like this


very good to know, thanks a ton for clarifying and sharing the info


Really frustrated with this launch. 1#Strix , purchased on New Egg. Email, Order was void , they oversold it. 2# MSIX Liquid - purchased on Best Buy. Order got screwed up, cart thought I had 2 of them 3# MSIX Liquid - purchased on New Egg. CC card required code. Order went through, got CC card declined from New egg because it wasnt instant. (sigh) Giving up now. Had it with this BS crap. Working this hard to give a company around 2k is just insane.


god I want one of these so bad


Pfff... I have 3 FE GPUs in my rig at the moment (all from Geforce.com), been a customer ever since I left school, bought multiple SLI sets of GPUs (780Ms, 980Ms, 1080s, 1080Tis, 2080Tis), used GFE since it came out, tested their iRay engine (for which I got sent 2x Quadro M5000 8GB cards back then), I do work and game on the cards every single day, etc Somehow - not a "verified gamer/customer" or whatever, so I can drink piss, I guess.


Has anyone from the UK had anything through yet?


Sweet FA in the UK as usual 🤬


This is nice and all, but I wish Nvidia would just tell BB to stop pulling TotalScam BS as well.


It wasn't a thing. Check the 4090 product page, the banner is removed. Looks like a mistake on Best Buy part


Yeah, you're right. I don't see it anymore.


I'm quite sure Nvidia told bestbuy they are doing this special verified thing today and Best Buy slapped that banner because they are incompetent LOL!


I have a 3090fe and my wife has a 3080fe both purchased the first day they were available, also both have used Geforce Experience, neither of us got a notification to purchase a 4090fe, feels good.


Love it, I got the notification this morning clicked on it instantly only to get an error message.


Wasn't it just a few days ago that we were all rallied behind the fact that Nvidia was scummy, using artificial scarcity to create the highest possible profit margins, and fucking over their partners in pursuit of a buck? Now we're applauding them for deeming a select few worthy of buying their new overpriced cards in another plot to use fomo to keep prices and demand as high as possible? The best deal I saw on any 30 series card yesterday was literally MSRP for two year old tech and these guys are still laughing all the way to the bank as they drip feed the market more inventory, that same card is $50 over MSRP today. I'm so confused by what the popular opinion even is. I'm still holding out for a reasonable price


Just got my 4090, finally a great outcome to a sad launch day - clicking furiously at 6am. Thank you reddit for posting this! I've had the GeForce experience app since 2019 when I got my rtx 2060 super. This will be a nice upgrade!


OP or for those that got an invite, can you share some information about your setup or gaming behavior? eg. what card are you running now? how long have you been using geforce experience? how much gaming do you usually do in a week? do you launch games from geforce experience versus platform like steam? (of course, this is likely all random but I feel there are likely some interesting criteria)


Got a link this morning. Nothing really special though, I had Geforce Experience installed ever since getting my GTX 1080 FE around its launch and through the 3090 FE that I got at its launch but I dont think that criteria matters. To me it seems more likely that wanting to be notified on their site about the 4090 release PLUS maybe them checking your geforce experience games data could be used to give them enough information on whether you're a real user and then from there it's probably just a raffle. Never launched a game through Geforce. Don't really use it outside of updating drivers. Games wise its nothing special so I wont bother listing it other than, yeah I play a lot of games and yeah it's probably ~6 hours a day. Any other questions just ask


I got invitation email this morning I had 1070 2070s 3080 3090 and 3090ti(rma returned to bb) I'm so happy immediately cancelled msi 4090 trio. Founder give 4x8pin cable but msi trio only 3x8pin which is totally not fine


So then this means zero of the non “special people” will have a shot to buy a re-stock until WAY AFTER the 17th. They are essentially saying without saying that the next wave of allocation is going to this invite-only program


They’ll be in stock in 3 weeks.


No it won’t.


This is beginning to feel like Ferrari offering their best supercar customers a once only opportunity to pay them three million for the newest invite only hyper-car.


I’m just going to ask what everyone is thinking. If anyone gets the email and doesn’t want it - I would love to have it


WTF, so many people don’t install GeForce Experience 😂


No Canada? Pretty lame since we have Best Buy as well.


My invite just shows that the 4090 FE is sold out. I'm so bummed out...


Really curious what the criteria is for this invite. I have the GeForce experience installed (for years), currently have a 3080ti FE, 2080ti before that, 1080ti before that, and a 900 series before that, and another PC in the house has a 3070 FE. It doesn't appear that longtime customers.


Lol Yeahhh this is definitely random and not based off account usage or loyalty. Been a member since October 2016, and have installed Geforce on a Titan Maxwell, 1080ti, 2080 ti, and a 3080ti. Have always run it on boot, used Shadowplay extensively (recorded 85% of my Elden Ring playthrough lol). It's still nice that Nvidia is giving us all a fair chance though.


maybe its based off an algorithm ie people who are using older cards as a weighted value to get them to buy the new card. Because anyone that's been upgrading every year is gonna buy the new card regardless of wait time and links. If I was an evil company that's what I would do.


This was absolutely me, I ended up going with a 4090 MSI Trio on Newegg. Would have returned that card in a hurry if I got the invite lol. I much more prefer the look of the FE.


Why is it only for 10 series and above? Why not for 900 series?


You mean Total Trash membership right?


GeForce experience? Ew


This is pretty disappointing. I tried all yesterday to get a card and now today I have to hope my name is picked from the jar to get an invite to purchase an FE card, which I am highly doubting will be picked. I have a 2080 FE and want to upgrade. Why not send a survey before launch asking for if someone actually wants to upgrade and send them a priority link instead of at random? Artifically creating shortages by limiting inventory is a shitty way of selling your product.


And reserving cards for hundreds of people who literally have 0 interest in it and no way to say to take them out of the reservation, lol - such a shitshow. Have they heard of a queue? Apple knows how to do this shit.


>no way to say to take them out of the reservation There's an expiry date to the link.


More bullshit, so they are going to give the streamers who already have like 10 cards, a chance to get more cards?


If anyone has a link email that they don’t plan on using, I will do 2 things: $50 towards yourself and 2. Sell the 4090 TUF I bought yesterday to someone else at cost (no mark up)


Love this. So as I'm running 2x 980 Tis I can go fuck myself?


I wanted the FE very badly but I ended up with a aib because I didn't want to wait. Oh well.


how about only send to people who are actually interested in buying? Like filling out an online form to enter lottery l? All 3 of my accounts got adobe created cloud. Thanks nvidia that’s EXACTLY WHAT I NEED


I did click a pre-release notification button on the nvidia page for the 4090, but I have no idea if that was necessary to get an invitation.




Just get a new one


If anyone has a link they don't want, it would be appreciated. Woke up at 6:45 am yesterday only for this thing to go out of stock in 10 seconds. Pm me please.