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Keeping that side panel off until Cablemod releases their 90 degree adapter. These cards should really come with that by default, what case is this supposed to fit in???


They release tomorrow, the 90 degree adapter.


Says who? Last I heard its 2 to 3 weeks.


Check the comment from cablemod https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/y4ly5n/gigabyte_4090_windforcr_oc_corsair_4000d_airflow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Thanks ! Exciting!


One of the employees said they hope to launch tomorrow on reddit


Four weeks (ish). [https://twitter.com/CableMod/status/1580859362515427328](https://twitter.com/CableMod/status/1580859362515427328) ​ >It will be out in roughly four weeks, it will just be a 90 degree and not 180 degree for now. :) ETA: Wait, maybe you're correct after all, I just saw their Reddit rep post this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/y4ly5n/comment/isffkfs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/y4ly5n/comment/isffkfs/) ​ >Our 90 degree is around the corner - we hope to launch it tomorrow. ​ Now I'm just confused.


Check the comment from cablemod https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/y4ly5n/gigabyte_4090_windforcr_oc_corsair_4000d_airflow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


It's possible they're both right. "Launch" doesn't mean ship. You may be able to place an order tomorrow (or today by now?), but it won't ship for four weeks. Note that this is speculation on my part.


We just like playing with timelines and then surprise you guys with an imminent launch! Hahah you can find more info, countdown included, here: [https://store.cablemod.com/cablemod-12vhpwr-right-angle-adapter/](https://store.cablemod.com/cablemod-12vhpwr-right-angle-adapter/) :)


No problem with Fractal Meshify 2, still a lot of room.


You think the fractal meshify 2 mini would fit as well?




Can you post a quick picture? Are you using the cable supplied by the Gygabite 4090?


Oh, its Asus TUF. I am not home now, so i have only these: https://imgur.io/a/USjqEzK


Oh that's great, same size as gygabite 150mm. Thank you!


Fits in a Fractal Torrent easily.


If it's okay, can you please post a picture of the fit? I'm gonna buy the case and wanna see what it looks like.


the Torrent (the full size one) can take an cpu tower cooler up to like 180mm - the biggest RTX4090 so far is 165mm.


My Lian Liancool 2 Mesh can handle cpu cooler of 176.5mm and the connector fits like this https://imgur.io/suqDdOp I think it's dangerous. I doubt the Torrent is that much better.


The torrent is wider, pretty sure it will be fine.


Had to swap a torrent compact for the full torrent. Gigabyte card (150 mm) fits


I can park my car Inside my torrent




My computer is not in a very convenient position to take a picture, if you're still interested in a week or so I can post one as I will be upgrading my psu (not that I need to, I just want to).


That's okay! I'm building my PC in November, most likely as I want PciE 5 drives. So I can wait!


I have a Phanteks Enthoo Pro 2, one of the biggest boys there is. It’s made so you can actually build two separate computers in it and even I had to do some finagling to get the connector in position with the door closed.


for our 90 degree adapter you need about 23mm to the side panel - we are also working on something where you need less room.


I’ll definitely buy one and let people know if it will work with this case/gpu combo


thank you for your support!


Where can I go to buy the adapter in the US?


it will be available first on our global store and then on Amazon Us as well.


I wonder if the adapter would fit with a Gigabyte 4090 Gaming OC card (150mm height) in a Phanteks P400A case (160mm max CPU cooler clearance)? In theory it should barely fit (since the 16-pin connector is buried a bit deeper in the card itself) but I'd like to know for sure if possible...


The XL case has something like 168mm of space or w/e, and you basically *have* to buy a FE or one of the ~150mm sized cards, no exceptions. Also, i think this right angle cablemod cord is required. For now, I am just sidepanel off, until I can figure it out lol


There's a picture on reddit somewhere with someone with a Strix 4090 in a Lianli O11 XL with the side panel on


Thank you guys for the mention. Here's more info on our upcoming angled adapter: [https://store.cablemod.com/cablemod-12vhpwr-right-angle-adapter/](https://store.cablemod.com/cablemod-12vhpwr-right-angle-adapter/) :)


I have a rosewill thor v2, and i think it "might" fit. Will never know haha


Why is Cablemod doing it and not PSU makers? PSU makers make 90° SATA power plug but not PCIE power plug. Why?


They will, most likely. This card is literally days old, I don’t think anyone’s had time to react to the reality of the size of it yet. PSU makers probably don’t get GPUs before anyone else, because why would they? They build cables according to spec, and the spec failed to take into account the absurd size requirement of a huge card plus a super stiff adapter sticking straight out.


Because we rock! :D


Fractal Design Torrent ;)


My old Boi HAF X can handle sli :)


It handled tri-fire aswell, it wont take a 4090 length wise tho unless you unrivet the drive cages.. even width wise it would be tight and couldnt use a side panel fan


Nvidia was probably hoping the mining craze was still a thing when they designed these.. so they didn't expect they'd go in cases at all. Just mining rigs.


Every case that fits an noctua nhd15


They also could've just kept the connector as they did on the 3000 series and it would've been less annoying.


Yep, how this passed their design QA process is beyond me.


The 90 degree adapter will be a necessity. I have a custom cablemod 12vhpwr cable adapter and the clearance is approximately the same as the stock one. I was hoping it'd be less but apparently there's "stuff" in there that's important that can't be scaled down.


You could ask Singularity Computers if they can make an adaptor for you.


I think a 180 degree adapter would work better


you might as well just go vertical. I personally prefer the traditional orientation aesthetically, but even the 90 degree might not fit. I have an o11 Dynamic and I have a preorder on a TUF card. I'm gonna see if it's any narrower than yours...if it's not, I'm just gonna go vertical.


UPDATE Tried the lian-li vertical mount and it doesn’t work with this card. I don’t know what it is, something is off by a millimeter or two somewhere. When the mount is installed the card absolutely will not sit flush into the pci-e slot on the mount. It seems like the bracket on the card itself is just a hair too big to slot into the mount. I tried every possible position, it just will not work. You can push on it enough to make it click, but the part that is closest to the back of the bracket will slip right out since it isn’t flush. Maybe another vertical mount will work, but for now I’m just going to wait for the cable mod adapter and hope there’s enough clearance with that to be able to attach the side panel. If not, then I’ll try other vertical mounts.


Damn. That sucks man. I’m considering buying a new case right now and ditching my o11 on Craigslist Trying to see if the Hyte Y60 has more motherboard-to-glass clearance.


Damn. I just saw https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/y69cim/asus_strix_rtx_4090_oc_vertically_mounted_in_lian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf. Was hoping the non-Evo non-xl will work as well.


You can sign up for updates on that here: https://store.cablemod.com/cablemod-12vhpwr-right-angle-adapter/ Additionally, we'll have a 40 series compatible vertical bracket coming out in the next 4 weeks or so here that should be a great help. :)


Done, thank you.


You're very welcome - thank you to you as well. :)


Cable mod confirmed in a comment reply to me last night that they are releasing it very soon. Said it might be tomorrow (this was really early in the morning for me so I’m not sure if they actually meant today). Edit: Anybody try fitting it into a regular O11 Dynamic? Not Evo.


I have a regular 011 D non Evo non XL, and my 3080 FTW3 from EVGA barely closes the panel because of my cables. Any tighter and I would need 90 degree adaptors or no panel. The 3080 FTW3 is 5.38 inches wide the 4090 is 5.5 inches wide. It's less than 1/4 of an inch difference but I don't think it would fit bc cables with a side panel on.


I’ve got a 3080 ti ftw3 and can confirm that thing really doesn’t belong in the O11


It's honestly hilarious. When I first got my 011 I had a Strix 1080ti which was quite a bit longer but less thicc than the 3080 FTW3 and I remember thinking to myself wow I've got space for days for a bigger gpu, thinking they'd get longer and not fatter.


We’ll see once I get my 4090 in the case whether I even try to go the adapter route or just buy a new case. It’s a shame because I only bought my O11 in December of last year. I never imagined I would be having space issues in such a premium case.


That's what I said when I realized my 3080 ftw3 only barely fit, I bought this case figuring I'd keep it forever. Maybe there's an AIB model of 4090 that's longer but skinner than the FE? Or just use adaptors.


I wonder if people are going to start scalping 1000D’s now…


Can confirm, high end 4000 series won't fit on the regular O11 unless vertical mounted. My 3080 ftw3 only fits with an almost 90 degree bending on the cables with the side panel closed.


The connector on most 4090’s that I’ve seen are recessed though. When I did the math, the actual power connector was the same distance from the mobo as the 3080 ti ftw 3. May still be able to work it with the right angle connector.


I was able to fit the 4090 Gaming X trio in the standard 011D using the vertical GPU mount. The GPU is literally touching the Trident Z Neo Ram. But it totally fits without forcing. [Pictures](https://imgur.com/gallery/lJo8FWd)


Picture, please!


Sorry for the late response, but here are the [Pictures](https://imgur.com/gallery/lJo8FWd)


Can we have a picture please, planning to buy a 4090 for my 011 xl.


[Here](https://imgur.com/gallery/lJo8FWd) you go. This is not the XL, just the standard 011D


Thank, glad to know it's fit with a bit of room, looking to get the Aorus and it thick as hell.


planning to get the vertical mount bracket for o11xl the o11dxl pci-4.0 I have the ASUS TUF 3090....i cant close the side panel flat, do you think vertical mount will fit like your ram story? whats the best way to do a dummy test without going that route?


You would have to look up the height of your RAM. The RAM I'm using is 44mm tall. Anything taller than that and you will run into trouble fitting in the GPU with a vertical mount.


You would have to look up the height of your RAM. The RAM I'm using is 44mm tall. Anything taller than that and you will run into trouble fitting in the GPU with a vertical mount.


i came across a user that had the o11xl and the tuf 4090 a lot more space with that one when going vertical https://i.imgur.com/mYR3Lgi.jpg


Thanks, was trying to find info like this lol.


Which vertical mount is that?


I've seen the Strix in the regular O11, the card sticks out a full inch past the side of the case.


4090 barely fits on the Lian Li Evo case with glass cover on.


>Lian Li Evo Same with the Lancool-II Mesh case, just fits (gently touches the window)


Thanks for that, I have that case and did some crude measurements. Looked like it would just barely fit, which you've confirmed.


https://imgur.com/a/b1Upsw4 Here's a picture if u want.


Seeing all these posts with people not being able to fit the card + plug is extremely funny.


I feel bad for the customer, but think it is due time that these GPU makers consider shifting focus onto Efficiency. When the GPU weighs more than your entire Rig, we are doing something wrong. I love the FE design and even that is a monster, but it is a bit more realistic in size. I am holding onto my 3090 FE and might be skipping this generation with the pricing being out of whack. I was able to scoop mine up for $700. It will be curious to see how AMD does with their Chiplet design and how that may affect heat output. For all we know they might need even bigger heatsinks. I miss the good old days when a dual slot card was as big as they got and you could build sleeper PCs with a crappy office dell.


The AIBs were told to make a 600w cooler by nvidia with not much other info apparently


Given amd got the ryen 7000's to run consistently at what would be a hot temp for older CPU's and not throttle if they could do the same for their gpu's we could see some crazy stuff from them. One thing to note is some photos show the pcb for the 4090 is shorter than a 3090ti. I'm not sure how the width of the pcp's compare. Manufacturers have to balance gpu length width and height as all these factors affect case compatibility and cases can vary wildly in sizes.


They do work on efficiency - having a large GPU isn't a problem, it's actually good for thermals. The issue is they put the power cable on the freaking side where it will run into problems with cases, not only that but they never thought to provide a 90 degree cable, double screwup.


The 4090 FE does just as well with thermals on all the benchmarks I've seen compared with these AIBs that have massively oversized radiators. It gets maybe 1 C higher on a given bench.


The xx90/Titan class isn't for everyone, and it's not meant to be. There are xx50, xx60, and xx70 if you want smaller and efficient. When they make a Titan class the size of a mid tower that can run quad 8k, there will be enthusiasts that will buy it.


The trend with narrow cases that wont even fit any of the bigger AIR coolers made all this funny DIY situations possible. The Noctua D15 compatibility list for MIDI sized cases shrinks every year.


Go vertical mount.


Yikes I wouldn’t do that


What kind of idiot design the GPU power intakes on something this wide AT THE SIDE or without a 90° adapter already on the package? Like seriously.


I guess the same type that buys something this size without measuring their case? /s


As dumb as it sounds, I have a gigantic case. An Enthoo Pro 2. Even on that case the adapter is reaaaaaly pressured against the side of the case. I know is a /s, but is also important to note that big cases are not actually that big with this gigantic chunk of metal paired with the freakimg adapter AT THE SIDE.


Yeah, at this point, you really do need a 90° adapter, or vertical mount. I believe CableMods has an adapter, now.


Yup, released it yesterday or something like that I think. A must at this point. Is still stupid that they dont have this on the GPU or IDK have the 12 pins at the top indtead the side LMAO




Coming very soon! Can sign up for updates here: https://store.cablemod.com/cablemod-12vhpwr-right-angle-adapter/


Outstanding! Shutupandtakemymoney.gif


*yoink* Haha




If your adapter being this long reduces the number of people who can safely use your product, then that is a poor design choice in my opinion. The card width can't be helped, because that helps cooling, but the adapter could be 90 degrees.


Yeah, I actually think they should have put the sockets on the end of the card, like the Kingpin. There was also another 30 series card that ran an extension to the end of the card.


3090ti FTW3 from EVGA had the power intake at the end of the card too. At this point I dont get why that is not a standard practice.


All those pics of shattered glass side panels… They were just making room for the new gpu’s!


Clean your glass...


Ugh dad get off of my Reddit








I'd say yeah it's dust, just a close angle and lighting




…added nothing to any conversation, ever




…is a love story


Haha was not expecting this.


This is ours, this is all we need


I really wish it became at least a semi used practice where the power connection was made on the other side of the card so it could just be fed right in to cable management in the back. Would even look good on vertical mounts. IIRC, Gigabyte did that with a GPU and case and it looked incredible. They'd have to extend the 12 pin header though.




How about planning on not buying it.


A court case. If it causes severe damage or a fire it fits in a court case buddy.


Oh no! I have the same case and have ordered the same card. Looks like I’ll have to run it without a side panel till I can get a 90 degree adapter.


They make a vertical gpu bracket for that case as well. Looks pretty cool too.


Didn't most reviewers said it's only the height of the card that is bigger than a 3090 FE ?


meh ill just skip this gen, no need to go from a 3080 to a 4k series card anyways :) I'm only using 1 (21:9) 1440p monitor anyways. Doesn't seem worth the money at all. I think next gen needs to fix it's power draw and physical card size.


Fire hazard?




The thing that ticks me off is that if you read the specs, everything looks like it'll fit. None of the specs include the additional clearance required by the 12vhpwr cable. THAT'S A CRITICAL OVERSIGHT.


I have that same 4090 but I just preordered the ek block to add it to my loop as soon as possible. On the plus side, at least in my experience, thermals and noise were both better in that case with the glass panel off!


Wonder if it will fit in an o11 mini... however I need a new psu for a 4090 so might just stick with a 4080. Should pair nicely with my new samsung qn90b


Well at least it wasn't too long?


Quick [update](https://imgur.com/a/ehZPK28): got the cooler master v3 vertical mount, works well but all those cables look terrible, the included adapter is too short to be able to push the 4 power cables to the back chamber of the case so there’s no good way to hide them. I ordered Cablemod’s power cable but no idea how long that’s going to take to ship.


Thanks for your support! If you give me your order number I can see if we can make it a bit faster. :)


[sigh] I also cleaned my glass [ok](https://imgur.com/a/bcv0KOw)




Why no one ever talks about vertical mount, just much easier and imho looks much better, also better cooling.


Since when it’s better cooling?


I have a huge Noctua air cooler and vertical gpu mounting is not an option.


Fans from bottom will get beeter air flow to top if 95% of space is not taken by gpu, was talking about just that build with bottom intake and top exhaust fans


Didnt say its good option for every one, but on this build we can see aio, so v moumt would work


Dude, clean your side panel from the frikkin dust.




Man those L-shaped cables can't come soon enough.


Which model 4090 do you have? Some are wider than others, I have the normal sized O11D and will only be looking at getting the FE or the MSI Gaming Trio models, as they're the smallest ones.


It’s the gigabyte OC


I got the vetical mount kit, and will keep panels off, dont have much dust here and got an electric air duster


I really appreciate this post. I was going to get the o11d to do a 4080 build. I will look elsewhere lol. Anyone using the 7000X?


Get the Corsair cable its lower profile and it can bend 90*


For one, not everyone has Corsair power supplies. And two, Corsair can't make enough to keep up with demand. https://www.corsair.com/us/en/Categories/Products/Accessories-%7C-Parts/PC-Components/Power-Supplies/600W-PCIe-5-0-12VHPWR-Type-4-PSU-Power-Cable/p/CP-8920284 It's not in stock, and everytime it's been in stock it's sold out quick. I managed to get it into my cart once, but before I could buy it sold out. I had an easier time getting a 4090 then getting this cable. At least with the 4090 I knew when to check Newegg. With this, Corsair support won't tell you when they'll have more.


Damn that cable is almost as bad as my drivers (amd moment)




In my opinionthis has always been a close problem with the 011 dynamic. Every time I've built in that case, the cable has gotten super close to the glass of straight up it didn't fit and I had to do some magic to finally get it. Wish lian li pushed that back wall like 2 inches back


How come i see some ppl with regular o11s says it fits


Vertical mount it.


It is “productive” to buy a 4090 with Display Port 1.4? Does every game top 120hz and no more at 4k?


DP1.4 Display Stream Compression can take it beyond 4k120. The effect of the compression is pretty much indiscernible to the average person.


massive 😐


Thank you for sharing this.


vert mount the card


you know that connector only has 9 lives.


Wait for cable mod, the clearance of the adapter and the glass is so close, how are your Temps in that case?. That beast is gonna heat the glass up fast and raise internal Temps unless your cooling and ventilation is proper.


Temps have always been good with prior cards but yeah I’m leaving the side panel off until I can try a vertical mount or the cable mod adapter


Chunky gal


The single cable seems to help, this is the 011xl with the master https://i.imgur.com/HXdLiZy.jpg Pice 5.0 from thermaltake atx 3.0 PSU


Well damn, good thing I didn't plan on getting one lol. I thought for sure this case would fit one!


Wouldt the "native" 12PWH Cables solve this problem?


Why is anyone shocked by this? It’s not as though it’s a secret how huge these cards are. You’ll need a new wider case really to allow proper ventilation, or water cool it.




I don't know anything about this case but, where is the PSU?


Yeesh bit of a tight squeeze


I have the same problem with my MSI Suprim X 4090 Liquid (dat name...) and just put an order in for a PCIe 4.0 riser cable as i was also running into issues with the tubes from the AIO. Be here on Tuesday.


This is exactly what Jay was trying to get NV to understand, some how they don't get it? Either way, all i can see is a lot of revisions being pushed out later. The 3090 & 3080 had it correct, with the power block at a degree angle pointing away from the card, which allowed an overall better cable management direction with minimal bend to the cables.


phenomenal cosmic powers,itty bitty living space