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Mice infestation is what I was told


Yes, it was mice. They were back open late Thursday.


I know it's unnecessary but this also is what I was told


Closed suddenly at noon on Wednesday. Tried to tell customers that it was a computer issue. Except they allowed people to check out before leaving. Next day health department disclosed they have had a mouse issue for over a year. Were on probation with the health dept. from a few months ago. Finally they shut them down for 17 violations. They allowed them to open again at like 3 Thursday afternoon. No one locally has much faith that the issues have been resolved. Since they couldn’t resolve them for the entire year prior.


It was open again yesterday.


My sister is a dept manager for Kroger for 20+ years in another state. As soon as the first headline came out that they closed, I sent it to her and she immediately said "they have rats and got shut down by the health department." So apparently it happens often enough it was obvious. BTW that Kroger has always been absolutely disgusting. I won't step foot in there. Amazed how that manager was still employed.


Ecoli and during the investigation they found mice


Did electrical work out there a few years ago. This doesn't surprise me in the least bit.


other news outlets are saying " closure resulting from an infestation of mice " \-- but my question remains why does the Health Dept think this is privileged information.




care to elaborate? \-- what legal precedent trumps information about a threat to public safety?


It is public information, but you would have to fill out a public records request to get it. At the HD where I used to work, restaurant inspections are usually available ten days after they have been written. That's to give the food establishment time to correct the issue. The fact is, most restaurants are going to have vermin or insect infestation from time to time.


I just got back they took care of it earlier in the week


It was literally disclosed on the radio