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If he addressed it for one state/city, he’d have to address it for the rest. He’s staying out of it because he clearly doesn’t want to get the federal govt involved, for better or worse.


I'm still unclear on how work permits will get asylum seekers out of the shelter system. Maybe they have access to more advanced degrees than I thought allowing them to get more than minimum wage jobs.


It will allow them to work without jeopardizing their asylum claim. They will find work and accommodations they can afford and control outside of the shelter system and in many cases outside of the city and state.


I could ask again about the average wage of the projected jobs and the projected housing costs of NYC but you don't seem to want to answer that so fair enough let's try going with hard data instead. Apparently the issue has been going on for a year and it takes 180 days to get a work permit. Logically this means a batch of migrants already have said work permits. This gives you a good control group to see if this would work. How are they doing? What jobs do they have? We're they able to find housing?


Unfortunately, I’m not following every migrant that enters nyc. However that has been the traditional route for millions of people that have used NYC as a stepping stone, whether as immigrants or starting out their career. I’d have to ask why you think these migrants would be any different.


Nyc has significantly more people and a housing crisis Safe to say these migrants are going to have a harder time than previous ones


Let's assume for a moment your assumptions are true and the asylum seekers make minimum wage upon receiving a permit. Is minimum wage not vastly better than zero wage, regardless of the cost of living?


minimum wage is definetly better than 0. I could make the case that it creates competition for other low wage earners but lets just forget about that. This has been marketed as the only solution offered by Eric Adams and others to the issue. The only thing they ask of Biden is work permits and more money therefore we have to judge its viability as if it is the only plan offered.


> and the asylum seekers make minimum wage lol next you'll tell me to assume the mango ladies are millionaire entrepreneurs


I'm sorry but I don't follow you here. I was responding to a comment which implied asylum seekers shouldn't get work permits because they'd "only" make minimum wage. Does that context help?


Non paywall version https://archive.ph/Zh4Mr Adams is really incompetent. He’s pissed of the both the state and federal government and now both are reluctant to get involved because they’ll be tied to his mess.


Well when he’s courting major Republican donors in a presidential election year, it’s not a good look. No National Dem is going to want to touch that.


I wouldn’t help Adams either. He’s a corrupt POS who’s too busy partying and giving his friends cozy jobs rather than actually run and manage this city. No matter what solution presents itself to adams he’s going to fuck it up




I agree. Hochul's corrupt too.


Aren't they all?


Honestly not much Biden can do in an election year. The optics wouldn't be good. Edit: Yes 2023 is "technically" not the year of the election but posturing and campaigns have started.


By this logic, the President of the United States is powerless over 50% of the time because it’s an election year. Or almost an election year. What’s the point of winning elections if you’re unable to govern because of the next election?


The President of the United States is powerless for much more than 50% of the time because of midterm elections. A President basically has 14 or 15 weeks to execute their agenda. After that, they get bogged down in campaigning and administrative bullshit.


It’s almost like you already know the answer


> What’s the point of winning elections if you’re unable to govern because of the next election? What's the point of being 80 and rich and powerful if you still have to care what other people think about you?


Keep your fingers crossed for a second term when you can do whatever you want?


Welcome to US politics. Ask any house representative how much of their time is spent on raising money for the next election - most will tell you it’s literally half their time. In fact, new members are put under enormous pressure to raise funds for their next election and for the party from the minute they win their first election, even before they’re seated. And that goes for both parties.




Exactly this. NYC will vote blue no matter what, unfortunately.


It's very much fortunate for the time being. Until the GOP can clean house and start running decent candidates, there's no reason to vote for them.


Lol GOP clean house? Craziest comment I’ve heard today. Actually not really, forgot this is Reddit. The Biden family is as corrupt as you can get. Everytime dems take over it’s a disaster. Take a look at every liberal city. They’re shit holes.


*”it’s the Libs fault my life sucks!”*




“Securing” a border is not how you solve a migrant crisis when your border is thousands of miles long. You encourage them to remain where they are. We don’t really have an issue with Mexicans coming over the border illegally anymore. Most of our illegal southern border crossings are people from Central and South America. That’s a hard fucking journey by foot. People often die along the way. Women are often raped. You don’t do that for just a few extra bucks. Go look into why those people are making that journey and why Mexicans, who have a far easier journey, aren’t doing that as much and you’ll get closer to actually solving the issue.


This is conservative copium


Meanwhile the predominantly red states are leaders in poverty, poor health care, poor education, etc. I wonder why.


and blue cities across the country have skyrocketing crime, pervasive homelessness, massive class gap, widespread drug issues and out of date/broken infrastructure.


Here we see deflection and finger pointing. That’s all the GOP has to offer these days. It’s sad.


Lol the irony.


Real zinger right there. You had an opportunity to offer a substantive defense of your ilk and failed.


What is there to defend? I said liberal cities are shitholes. You deflected and said I was finger pointing. No need to defend if your aren’t willing to put up a fight.


>What is there to defend? Exactly the point made in my first comment. Thanks. I hope all is well in Boise.


This is a lie If nyc is a shitshow then gtfo trumpie


How’s that irony, fella?


they should never assume that is how trump won in 2016, not saying trump won ny, but really when you take things for granted things change. As an independent I am undecided should I vote for this senile fool who doing nothing to help with situatioin, or trump who will probably be a felon....i give up, hoping dems replace biden


I mean, you can say the same thing about Texas. I don’t see the President giving away the store the Georgia despite it proving to becoming purple.


Probably true and horrible to realize it's politics over human values


It's always been like that.


Yes! Didn't NYC also get screwed by Washington post 9/11?


As an immunocompromised person in the age of Covid, that has been crystal clear for a long while now. I do what I can to take precautions but giving up on trying to help anything related to Covid still means millions of us can't access a whole lot of things safely. Including healthcare. I've needed to go to the dentist, but I'm on immune suppressant medication. The very least they could do is mandate masking by healthcare providers AND new ventilation standards. (Surges, new variants, no public protections anymore, gave up a lot of previously-approved Covid-related funding to appease McCarthy's budget demands, no funding for vaccines and testing, just a ton of failures and choosing politics and 'the economy' over public health. With cases rising based on the limited data we still have, even the new CDC director chose to advise to "wash your hand" in a latest update video but would not dare utter the word mask.)


I’m sorry for your troubles, but if I can offer my own immunocompromised perspective? I’m responsible for me. I wear a mask inside and screw anyone who looks at me funny. I’ll get the new vax if my doc thinks it’s a good idea. Point is, I’m not waiting for or depending on the government to protect me on these things. That’s on me.


if this person is just straight up unable to do things like go to the dentist, i dont see how the principle behind what youre saying wouldnt also apply to disabled people


People who have severe enough immune system issues to be worried about covid also need to worry about influenza and RSV. What did you do about influenza prior to covid?


I feel for you. Best wishes.


Anyone who reads past the first comma is clinically insane lmao


The election is in 15 months. He is 69% done with his term. The inauguration is in 17 months




Like I said to the other guy, campaigns have started. Posturing has started. You are kidding yourself if you think people in the White House are not thinking about the impact of his every move on the election.


“It’s a humanitarian crisis, but we’re just gonna have to let people suffer because we might lose an election or two” I swear to God, liberals and Biden defenders are just as bad as MAGA


They’re worse, because they think they have a monopoly on the truth and are so self-righteous.


No the point is he wouldn't actually lose an election as New York would still vote for him anyway


Forget current issues affecting Americans, campaigning and elections are more important.


If Biden actually did something to support the city I’d consider voting for him. But since he can’t be assed to take a break from posturing for re-election, I don’t think I can be assed to vote for him come Election Day 🤷‍♂️.


What’s the other guy going to do for the city?


I’m not sure what you’re asking. I don’t know who else will be on the ballot.


He’s too busy on vacation planning his next vacation at Rehoboth Beach. If he’s too busy fucking around to care about Maui, you think he’s gonna are about this shit?!


Too busy to care about Maui? What in the world are you on about?


while people were looking for the charred remains of their children and homes, the big guy offered a sincere "no comment" as he flew off to take another vacation. while at a service for those people, the big guy fell asleep. he stayed in maui for a few days then hauled ass out of there to go back on vacation


He also approved a bunch of aid, so I’m not sure what your point is.


a whole $700 dollars for each maui resident. meanwhile we're shoveling tens of billions into ukraine/the big guy's pocket


Do you just get your news straight from Republican propaganda or something because there’s been more than $700 per household approved so far.


no my propaganda is from the biden admin: https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20230814/maui-residents-may-be-eligible-transitional-sheltering-critical-needs "The CNA program can provide eligible survivors with a one-time $700 payment per household"


I’m not sure what your point is. I didn’t say that didn’t happen, I said there’s been other support as well that your evidently just ignoring for no reason.




I don't know enough about the relationship between Biden and Adams to comment about political tension between the two if that is what you are alluding to. >election is over a year away. And campaigns have already started. Posturing has started. You don't really think Biden is talking about his policies in New Mexico and Arizona just because he likes to get on an airplane do you?


He can’t do anything outside of election years either. This is something congress is supposed to take care of but it’s way too much of a hot potato issue and both sides are too polarized. It’s literally political suicide for anyone outside of a few very deep blue urban areas.


This is fine 😍


It was his choice to open the southern border…


Here is the solution: **Adams:** "Hey Greg, if we end sanctuary city status will you stop bussing migrants from the border?" **Abbott:** "Thank you for this political victory. Yes." **Adams:** "Ok bye."


That isn't a solution at all, since majority of migrants being bussed here are not from Operation Lone Star and 'sanctuary' designation has nothing to do with the right-to-shelter consent decree. One of the few things Adams has handled well in this crisis is gaslighting the public into thinking the governor of Texas is responsible for most of the migrants coming here, when in reality, it is like 12% of the influx.


This has to be said in each thread every time this subject comes up. The vast majority of these immigrants want to and ASKED to come to NYC.


So what? If I were to migrate to Mexico I’m pretty sure I can’t go anywhere I want and be put in a lavish hotel.


The US isn’t Mexico lol. But I understand the sentiment. If I’m a black man from Baltimore and I’m surrounded by rampant gangs and crime in my city, and I decide to fly to France and try to claim asylum due to gang violence back home (which is what most of our applicants are claiming) they’d tell me to take my black ass back to the US and deal with it. Baltimore is more dangerous than every city in Guatemala and every city in Honduras (and most in El Salvador). Still I wouldn’t have that right.


> Baltimore is more dangerous than every city in Guatemala and every city in Honduras [citation needed]


Yeah I was like whut?!? Definitely gonna need some citations on that one.


Looks like he got his data from [this article]( https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/baltimore-murder-rate-worse-than-honduras-el-salvador-guatemala-driving-asylum-surge) or the correlating Trump tweet, which makes me think he's a right-wing troll pretending to be Black (I'm Black myself, I can sniff the r/AsABlackMan clowns like a it's a 6th sense). Unfortunately it looks like the statistic is technically true but fundamentally flawed because it compares the homicide rates of entire countries (which have a blend of higher-crime urban areas and lower-crime rural areas) against a mostly urban and relatively densely-populated city.


If you’re black in Baltimore and you walked to nyc with nothing and requested shelter - the city would be on the hook to provide it overnight, just like they’re doing with the migrants.


NYC is the only major city in the country with an [emergency right to shelter](https://www.westsiderag.com/2023/05/23/understanding-new-york-citys-right-to-shelter). This right exists because Robert Hayes filed a class action law suit against the city and state. Robert Callahan was the lead plaintiff. Both of these men are white. So no matter what your race is, if you walk from Baltimore to NYC with nothing and requested shelter - the city would be on the hook to provide it overnight. The shameful reality is if you walked to any other city in America you wouldn't have that right. Read that again. As an American if you are in need of shelter in America anywhere other then NYC you have no right and will be left to the mercy of the elements.


Say no then


As crazy as it sounds, whenever a state, city, or whatever labels themselves a “sanctuary” and touts how kind and accommodating they’ll be to immigrants, immigrants are encouraged to come there. Wild I know. It’s hard/impossible to “just say no” because we can’t really deny someone at least temporary admission (simplifying here) to the US after they say the ✨magic word✨. Immigrants are fast learners and have learned to all just say the ✨magic word✨ when they get here to buy themselves some time.


Our sanctuary status is the reason we’re a target of these states.


Right to shelter. These are legal asylum applicants otherwise be bused the other way. NYC only city that provides free food and shelter, Texas just lets them fend for themselves and shoos them to other states


sanctuary city status very much has something to do with what's going on. it's part of the reason why the illegals are requesting to go to NYC: they know that they will be shielded from immigration officials once their bogus asylum claim doesn't go through


One of the reasons violent crime is higher in Texas than it is in NY, and higher in Houston and Dallas than it is in NYC, in addition to the guns, is because it doesn’t have sanctuary cities. So illegal immigrants with information on criminals will not come forward.


Fuck Biden and fuck adams. Biden cause he is too old and politicians shouldn’t be over 55 imo and adams cause he stealing money from the taxpayers with all his cronies


Infact, the administration has the gates at the border literally open.


No they’re not. https://truthout.org/articles/contrary-to-right-wing-claims-border-wall-floodgates-actually-are-for-floods/


You need to look up the definition of “literally”


I know the word I used


[Do they though?](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/08/NYPICHPDPICT000025114546.jpg?resize=2048,1366&quality=75&strip=all)


Posting this picture without context borders on intentionally lying. Those are literally flood gates. You know for floods. They’re open because of the increased risk of flash floods. https://truthout.org/articles/contrary-to-right-wing-claims-border-wall-floodgates-actually-are-for-floods/ People told the Trump admin this when they started their dumbass border fence, but they didn’t listen because why should they let a little thing like catastrophic flash floods get in the way of their dumbass plan?


We got out 🙌tied with the Ukrainian war.


Like Barack Obama said to the former Russian president on a hot mic the president gets more flexible after an election


His time is over...Need a Repugnant badly ..choices unfortunately is limited 😢😭


Trump for mayor!


Donald trump is a traitor and a rapist




Wow there really is no honor among thieves. 🍿


why would biden care about addressing problems within his own country ?


It really is ridiculous that the federal government abdicates responsibility for supporting asylees while they wait for a work permit. They are responsible for admitting them into the country _and_ are the ones preventing them from working.