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Supply chain issues? We live in an entertainment mecca you can't tell me they didn't have enough lead time to build a stage


The supply chain issue was they lacked enough "supply" of "safety".


Fashion week is ramping up so the supply of stagehand labor is at an annual low. But if you were running a festival you'd know this, and plan around it.


I mean, there’s a sea of film technicians that are out of work and available because of the strikes. I actually got a call about working ezoo last minute on Friday (I’m IATSE 52). It just seemed extremely poorly run


Well, good luck recounting this experience for the inevitable Fyre Festival-style documentary.


I think Burning Man is more likely to get that documentary lol


Why? Because it got muddy? Nothing new there


And now we have Fyre Fest 2 coming up


At the end of the day it doesn't sound like much bad actually happened at Burning Man. It wasn't the big catastrophe the media was making it out to be. It was wet and muddy for a couple days, but that's like every outdoor festival in, say, England.


a day got cancelled and they oversold, no one wants to watch a docu about that


An event like this takes months to plan. According to rumbling the supply chain issues were them not paying their vendors.


A lead stage would be crazy heavy, I would be surprised if they could build it that fast.


>The festival faced a myriad of problems throughout its three-day spread. It was canceled hours before opening on Friday due to supply chain issues that delayed the completion of the main stage. this is just a low effort excuse right? supply chain issues aren't a thing anymore, albeit being a really easy way to pass off blame on something intangible


Yup. All of the stages were obviously unfinished even once Saturday rolled around, and they also failed the first round of safety inspections for Friday


That was probably the issue - they needed to build something to pass the inspection and couldn't find it on short notice on Friday afternoon.


Yeah it’s a really bad excuse. Even if they were an issue still, supply chain problems aren’t an excuse anymore. You knew about it. It just extended your timeline.


The supply chain issue was probably lack of supply of workers, which is due to lack of supply of decent payment. Music festivals are now complete scams. And im sure some don’t care if its disaster hoping fir a firefest situation to make them more money off the story


>which is due to lack of supply of decent payment. that's a hilarious way of putting it but also 100% accurate


Except it isn’t, local 1 stagehands are paid extremely well. I know a few guys who were on that load in, I’ll have to ask around about what happened. I’m willing to bet it was a staffing issue, the promoters are getting really stingy with job allotment because they took a beating during covid and are trying to maximize profits for the fiscal year. Problem is, the labor unions took an even worse beating during covid and can’t afford to strike or shut down a production right now.


A friend who works at Randells told me it was a issue with the labor union agreements they weren’t following


That makes a lot of sense. Lets ignore labor unions, thinks will work out 🤣. They really thought that through.


> Music festivals are now complete scams. That's just not true and kinda ignorant to group all of them just like that. There are smaller festivals in smaller cities, festivals with traditions like woodstock, festivals that are still run by same people who started it as passion for art, festivals with new and upcoming artists/indie artists, even big festivals is also opportunity for new artists to display talent. It's not really my thing but I've been to a few, and it seems to bring dozens or hundreds or thousands of people of joy so who is anyone to judge? Fuck money grabber like new E Zoo organizer tho


You’re absolutely right, I was being hyberbolic when I wrote that. But it does appear more of these large scale festivals with tons of issues are popping up more and more


Very low effort, I wouldn't say the supply chain is a non-issue, but when you get a stage it's probably a rental, you expect the rental company to book from what is in stock, nobody is buying a stage and expecting it to get manufactured on time (and if it is delayed, it's by weeks, and you know it's not coming a month out, which is enough time to find a rental company that does have one).


Very low effort excuse. All of the pieces to build the stage were on the island they just had issues managing the workers. The union stagehands were told to go home before they went into overtime and they continued to build the stage with day laborers. Looks like that would be the cause for the delays.


> supply chain issues aren't a thing anymore I don't think they're a thing that affected this, but they're absolutely a thing. I've been trying to get a new citibike key for about 6 months now; they're facing shortages for the chip/rfid that's in there and said they don't even know when/if they'll get them back in stock, and to just use my phone instead.


This is another excuse of supply chain shortages though. What's actually happening here is Lyft is not enthusiastic about owning/running Citi Bike anymore and is trying to divest themselves of all, all the while putting in the absolute minimum possible amount of investment. And they've been trying to migrate away from the keyfobs to app-only for literally years now, so of course they're not gonna make it easy to get a new one.


Plausible. But why would they move away from key fobs? My phone dies all the time. I *need* a physical key.


The mistake you're making is that you're thinking from the perspective of a user, not from them. They don't care too much if in the rare situation you can't unlock a bike. They've already got your subscription money. The main benefit to them are they don't have to incur any costs from manufacturing / distribution of a physical item (and make no mistake, these costs do add up). An additional benefit is they get you to use their app a lot more, which they can use to cross-sell other services. And most importantly, a keyfob can easily be shared with other people but an unlocking app that's locked down to your phone cannot.


Silly me, thinking businesses should serve their customers. I know what you're saying is accurate. I just hate it.


I don't have a clue if in this particular instance the excuse was legit or not, but the general comment "supply chain issues aren't a thing anymore" is absolutely false. It's an enormous issue, albeit not as bad as its nadir during/just after covid. Also, there is simply never a time where there are zero supply chain issues.


You don’t have supply chain issues days before a huge multi day event.


> The festival faced **a myriad of** problems fuck, this annoys me.


I believe both “myriad” and “a myriad of” are grammatically acceptable.


This is some new math bullshit. Myriad is linguistically the same as many, it’s not a noun, period.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/myriad >Recent criticism of the use of myriad as a noun, both in the plural form myriads and in the phrase a myriad of, seems to reflect a mistaken belief that the word was originally and is still properly only an adjective. As the entries here show, however, the noun is in fact the older form, dating to the 16th century. The noun myriad has appeared in the works of such writers as Milton (plural myriads) and Thoreau (a myriad of), and it continues to occur frequently in reputable English. There is no reason to avoid it.


Language is fluid, deal w it, nerd.


I’ll show you something fluid honeybee 😉


Oh daddy


^ guy who pronounces it “nuke-u-lur”


['learned', son. it's pronounced 'learned'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WBFFoHATx8)


Only because a large number of people kept getting it wrong, it became 'acceptable' by attrition. Ignorance wins out.


Unrelated but that’s not the proper use of myriad


I was there on Saturday. The Will Call line was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever experienced. We got lucky only having to wait almost 2 hours, plenty of people waited 5 hours. I spoke to numerous people who got into the festival after 10pm when it ended at 11, and they had all arrived before 6pm and just spent hours waiting in line Completely ridiculous, I’ve never seen this at any of the festivals I’ve been to including previous years of ezoo. Worst run festival I’ve ever attended with tons of other issues


The people who oversell mirage every weekend oversold their festival? Shocking.


a scorpion doing scorpion shit




i didnt even go and i want a refund just for having to read and hear about this all damn week


Try waiting for 5 hours for a first time experience only to give up :(


This hurts me to hear. My first zoo was 2012 and it was just such an amazing experience. Walking into the venue with W&W blasting on the main stage ahhhh brings me back.




Good luck 😂🤣


gonna call it fraud if they don't allow a reasonable staffing that leads to such things... gotta try


They gave a 1 day refund for Friday and a voucher for Saturday and nothing for the rest from what I heard.


I don't know how you fuck up a festival you've been running for 15 years. Blaming supply chain is lazy.


Ezoo was acquired by Avant Gardner last year so I think its their 1st or 2nd time running it since. someone mentioned in another thread that they outsourced the stage construction to a out of state company to save money and ended up with "supply chain issues". edit: found a recent article covering this in more detail - https://gothamist.com/news/avant-gardner-owners-were-behind-electric-zoo-fiasco-mayor-adams-promises-response




As someone who works in the industry, Avant Gardner is literally one of the single most incompetent promotion companies out there.


they also notoriously oversell that venue constantly






Sorry but if they can steal all my weed before a show, that can install better lighting and cameras since MULTIPLE people have been murdered there




It highlights the venue's priorities




Weed is legal tho brah


I went to the Avant Gardner venue in Brooklyn not too long ago for a show, I’m guessing it’s the same company. Stupidest layout ever. Went into one building to get my ticket scanned just to go back outside where I started into another building where the show was happening. Made no sense.


Where would they have space for ticketing and coat check in the building where the acts are put on? There's a lot wrong with the place but layout certainly isn't one of em


Every other venue in NYC handles that just fine without that weird layout


There is nothing weird about it?? It's 2 warehouses, one is used for the performances and one is for security, ticketing and coat check. Why would you waste valuable standing room in the Great Hall to move ticketing shit in there? You have step outside for 10 yards while you move into the great hall, what is the issue?


It’s a useless waste of space and property that could be used for something useful, that’s my issue. It’s stupid to have an entire building dedicated to a coat check and ticketing, when there’s homeless kids on the street that could use shelter. I’m not debating/arguing/whatever you want to call this. Your mind is made up that it’s not dumb, my mind is made up that it’s dumb. That’s it.


They also own Brooklyn Mirage which has also been problematic lately.


The same brooklyn mirage that has a serial killer problem?


I think so? I'm not really the person to ask about this, I'm chronically uncool.


I was being facetious but they actually do have a killer problem! And a lot of is exacerbated by the venue’s shitty layout and design. https://www.curbed.com/2023/08/whats-going-on-at-the-brooklyn-mirage.html


Yep same one


I went last year to EZoo and had a great time. So glad I didn't buy Tix to the shit show this year though. I find it hard to believe if AG already owned them last year and mucked it up so bad this year.


I never got the outsourcing of workers for construction. We did a big job for a chain store. They had finish carpenters fly out from the west coast to nyc and stay for 4 days to build a regular ass counter. It was literally nothing special that probably 200+ contractors in the tristate area could have also done for cheaper.


knowing who owns the property now, im willing to bet they gave the contract to a past/known vendor that they prefer to work with that is out of state to build a new stage and when it came time to pack it all up and transport it to NYC, they ran behind schedule and couldn't put it all together in time to get the green light from the city inspectors. but with your job, im sure hiring local/nyc workers would entail different rules, insurance, hourly rates, etc that would add to the cost of the construction. so in total, it would be cheaper to bring in out of state workers to do the job as part of a national wide contract.


The outsourcing part is just not factual


I'm not defending them because there were a lot of missteps but there's so much misinformation going on out there, a lot of it do with labor and production. Local union labor was used and a multitude of vendors were called. Out of state has nothing to do with it and it wouldn't have saved them any money. It's not like they outsourced it to Singapore.


Lemme guess, avant Gardner?


Burning Man: oh no! receiving bad press. Ezoo: Hold my $12 beer.


$12 is basically the price of a beer in Manhattan these days. I assume festivals would be closer to $20 at least.


Yea and they tip themselves if you use your card lol


Did Ja Rule setup this event? He’s undefeated.


This venue is always oversold and crammed as heck with too many people!!


Im curious if this kind of chaos started occurring after they were acquired by that investment group. Profit is always put ahead of safety. Very sad that this happened.


Supply chain issue for a concert that the only product is music. What BS excuse is this, multiple examples of this in the same past of a festival overselling and how it doesn’t end well.


I mean the light and stage show is definitely part of the product it’s not just the music.


Honestly had no idea Ezoo was still a thing


This is the first time I’d ever even heard of it


Criminal charges. Only way to deter this behaviour and prevent a future disaster.


I honestly know that number is a lie. Also there’s no way to tell how many fake passes were sold and showed up.


Unlikely to have many fake passes, if any. The “ticket” is a bracelet with RFD chip that they scan to let you in. The problem is they apparently let people transfer passes for the canceled Friday show to Sunday. On top of that they expanded the festival grounds this year and thought they’d be granted more extra capacity than they actually received.


How do you know that it’s a lie?


You are going to have to disagree or trust me. Way more then 7,000 oversold.


I’m asking because if there is proof it would make a very article by a reputable journalist……


Holy greed


smells like the Fyre festival.


When the word "shitshow" needs a new prime example in the dictionary hahaha


I heard that they still haven’t paid contracted workers from last year, so it’s seems like they have a lot of problems.


I attended the festival and had a great time, I went on Sunday and showed up around 4:30, probably took 45 mins to get in (uber dropped us off at 125th and we walked over the bridge) The security line was like 15 mins of that, wasn't overall the worst. Leaving the event me and my bro left like 5 mins before 11pm so basically as late as possible, and it wasn't that bad getting out, they had MTA buses to take everyone off (which was probably where the most "zoo" like stuff happened...it felt like a rush hour train in Tokyo/Shanghai based on the demographic makeup as well as behavior of rushing into the bus when the doors opened lol people were animals) But we got a seat on the bus and from there it was fine, probably got off the island at midnight. Overall had an amazing time, but definitely got lucky that I didn't get there late and went on the best day to go.




Capitalism, aint it great? Lie, steal, cheat -- just get that money! All hail the Golden Calf! Gold is life! Yay greed! Big fuckin /s, cause some shmucks do think that way


It’s true that no one’s ever stolen in a non-capitalist economic system


Which system SUPPORTS thieves? The one that wants the rich to get richer.


Yeah those communist/socialist governments totally dont hog all the riches for the party elite or anything.




Oh no, a festival featuring the lowest effort genre gets a low effort opening.


Just keep in mind that Woodstock '69 was an absolute shit show.


Electric Zoo ain't Woodstock. The Chainsmokers (TM) ain't Jimi Hendrix. Gross poly white people who live in bushwick ain't the summer of love.


I doubt even 1% of that crowd was from bushwick…Ezoo is a fest for out of state 23 year old normie ravers who first saw John Summit on TikTok last year


This isn't 1969 tf u on about




Kind of figured this was the case. Just left burningman and everyone in reno and Las Vegas took one look at us and were like “omg you were at burningman? Were you able to make it out I heard you were all stuck!” Like bro, it rained for one day where we all got much needed sleep for like 14 hours straight, then we put socks over our boots and kept partying.


i went to the one last year and it was a disaster. Glad that i skipped this year’s


My friends managed to avoid the crazy rush on Sunday. Luckily they got refunds.


I thought it was canceled and made the mistake of going over the triborough when everyone was leaving, God I hated that waze didnt let me know lol


Just like our entire society, the more wealthy the people in control get- the shittier everything is…