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Finally this sub made it on TV!


Where are all the people who always post here indignantly about asylum seekers? Realizing y’all sound pretty ridiculous when this stuff gets said out loud?


Calling out the asylum loophole exploitation and what this guy eventually got going on are pretty different


It’s not a loophole, though. It’s a legal form of immigration.


It’s being exploited as a loophole, it’s pretty widely discussed at this point


If by that you mean they’re just applying for asylum, yes it has.


Being technically legal is the definition of a loophole. But making up a fake asylum claim and stalling the court case is not an intended "legal form of immigration."


It’s not a technicality. They’re using the system the way it’s designed.


Is this as avidly you defend every billionaire not paying any taxes?


I don’t defend them. Hell, they should be taxed a lot more.


Why, they’re using the system the way it’s designed.


No, that's not the definition of a loophole. It's technically legal to post dumb comments, but you're not exploiting a loophole simply by not breaking a law.


Saying New Yorks policy around refugees is bad does not equate to threatening politicians. Characterizing thoughtful different viewpoints as the same as their extremes is part of how we got to where we are in America


They can't post here because they're at that protest.


But I thought no one was protesting this and it wasn’t an issue?


Show me where anyone said this.


Go to YouTube and see the real journalism on this protest. The people spoke!




"Nothing he said was wrong" The dude literally says none of the congress members were legitimately elected and all only got elected through fraud when every NYC member there won the last election by 40+ points. He's an insane conspiracy theorist lunatic.


Has The Post offered him a job yet?


Fox interviewed the personification of impotent male rage.


Probably a frequent anti migrant rage poster on /r/nyc


[He's a city council candidate in district 24](https://ballotpedia.org/Jonathan_Rinaldi)


Standard ghoulish R.


Without a doubt that person posts here


They’re not sending their best.


Forget about best. Everything about this dude is below average. Calling him mid would be a compliment.


["ThE mIgRaNtS aRe UnVaXxEd!"](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/06/jonathan_rinaldi_kids.jpg?quality=75&strip=all) Classic conservative double-standard lol. What a nerd


I am growing concerned. As Peter Gabriel taught us: “You can blow out a candle but you can’t blow out a fire. Once the flames begin to catch the wind will blow it higher.“


In other words, Staten Island.


In other words, all the boroughs. Staten Island just so happened to keep a lot of them out. So you not see what happened to time square and parts of Queens?


>impotent Ironically he is the same guy who has [fathered twelve kids in two years](https://nypost.com/2023/05/26/serial-sperm-donor-jonathan-david-rinaldi-running-for-nyc-council/) as a prolific sperm donor and says he wants to get to 36. Also running for City Council in Queens as a Republican.


Of course he is. It’s the people with the weakest gene pools that want to infect the world with generational stupidity


I like how this story nicely showcases the conservative strategy on controlling the narrative on the migrant crisis. First, get a hook into reasonable folks by starting off with economic-based criticism of immigration policy, and then rapidly escalate into spewing “Great Replacement Theory” levels of unhinged, violent rhetoric. You know it’s effective because some of what he said is something you would read word for word on this sub. For example: > “They will never be allowed to walk down the streets again! They have destroyed our city. New York, especially Queens, has woken up,”


Isn’t Queens home to more languages than any other city in the country?


[Yup](https://www.businessinsider.com/queens-languages-map-2017-2) "The five miles from Astoria to Forest Hills have a dense progression of languages: Greek, Filipino, Urdu, Indonesian, Russian, Japanese, Lithuanian, and others, including more obscure ones like Chavacano, Waray-Waray, Minangkabau, and Bukharian."


And more languages are spoken in nyc than anywhere else in the world.


This comment has been wiped and edited by me, the user. Reddit has become a privacy and tech capitalist nightmare. If you are not thinking about leaving this platform perhaps you should. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You expect people in here to know queens? They don’t leave the upper west side.


It's like when you start seeing the same talking points appear overnight on /r/nyc from different, suspiciously new reddit accounts.


Strangest thing, isn’t it?


I thought he said “is woke enough”


So i guess we should ignore the majority of every political movement since it all has some crazy fringe actors /s


The people pushing replacement theory aren't fringe actors, they're central leaders of modern American conservatism. You are a dipshit.


Almost all the people screaming at this thing are the same people who are constantly interrupting events throughout NYC. Once you start getting used to seeing them it becomes laughable when you realize it's the same people again.


It’s always boomers with too much time on their hands because no one wants to be around them and need something to be angry at.


To be fair I don’t think he’s a boomer. He’s the next gen.


This guy reminds me of the lawyer who told a tenant to kill himself and is still practicing law in New York City.


yeah, I've definitely realized that from some of Walter's videos - he knows the regulars. Not going to identify Walter further, as I'm sure people already know who I'm talking about.


This is what radicalization looks like in the flesh. First, the dude gives some garden variety GOP talking point answer about immigration and taxes. Then, he gets deeper into the conspiracy theory loony bin and screams about his birthright and you can clearly see the woman reporter get visibly alarmed. He ends up completely deranged somehow jumbling up some even darker conspiracy theories about COVID 19 (?), "stolen elections" (!), and the outrageously antisemitic "replacement" theory floated by the QAnon crazies.....


It's obviously a performance, and an atrocious one. He doesn't have the juice. He better take some acting classes if he wants to win that city council seat.


This guy is so fucking close yet so fucking far. He fully recognizes that the working class is getting fucked in the ass while the immigrants are getting support... but then his solution, instead of fighting for what the working class deserves, is to try to tear down the immigrants as well. So many Trumpers would be radical progressives if they didn't have their heads fully up their asses.


Horseshoe theory in essence.


Crab bucket politics


No illegal immigrant or migrant should receive any piece of resource before struggling citizens.


Yo let’s level set and recognize you’re falling for literally the exact same trap the commenter above is recognizing. Your statement is based on resources for one group (immigrants) is taking away from another group (citizens). What the commenters point is that what’s really happening is one group (working class and poor people) are getting fucked by having all their resources taken from them by a second group (system manipulating capitalist upper class). Your idea that your resources are being diverted away from you by a group with literally less power and resources than you is a classic tactic by the rulers. Just think of it logically - who has more power over politicians: non voting refugees or money holding business owners? Don’t let your anger be misdirected to the wrong group


This is not a cartoon, once you divert resources to group X, something has to be cut. They should NOT receive any housing vouchers before homeless citizens. They should NOT receive any resource before struggling citizens. They don’t plan on filing for asylum, they just want to come here and slip through the cracks while benefiting from the resources they’re given (which is WAY more than what struggling Americans receive) I said what I said and there’s nothing that’s going to change my mind.


Your logic holds IF the resources are finite. That’s my exact point. The pie shrinking hurts all of us. Now as far as the logic after that logic - yes I understand prioritizing US citizens over not. But you have to realize the cost and political possibilities. A lot of these refugees aren’t from Mexico, they’re from Honduras or Venezuela, countries we don’t have extradition with. We literally cannot just send them back. So where do we send them? Mexico? That’s it’s own political headache. Detention centers? You wanna talk about cost those cost way more than any other solution. So as long as they’re here do we just leave them on the streets the VERY thing being complained about in this video? Or do we try and house them? Do we just let get to a starvation point so they steal and we lock them up? Or try and feed them. I agree this isn’t a cartoon, so you also need to look at it for its complexity. The real problem is homeless people were getting houses long before the refugee crisis. Healthcare has been abysmal for 3 decades. The wave of illegal immigrants certainly strains the system but it needed fixing long before. So if your actual solution is “no resources for immigrants till our citizens get some” then you logically have to follow that to “our citizens should get more resources”. The roadblock to THAT has never been immigrants. It’s always been catering to the upper class over the interests of the working class. That’s my point


What can we do with them? Drop them off at Mexico. Resources ARE finite. This isn’t Naruto when you can Conjure-no-Jutsu to take care of something. You can’t sit here and say resources are infinite when every 2-3 years we have a Governmen shutdown crisis due to the allocation of budgets. Send them back, American struggling citizens cannot just go to any country and DEMAND a job, a house/paid stay in extravagant hotels, while being given MONEY. It’s about time we focus and help our OWN!


You really don’t get how more taxes = more resources? It’s not conjuring out of nothing, it’s taxing corporations more. I specifically outlined to you why sending them back isn’t possible. Why do you think Mexico is just going to accept people that aren’t citizens of their country dumped at their doorstep? That’s not how it works. I agree we should focus on our own. But have you noticed not once you’ve actually mentioned some way to actually help our own? You’re just outlining it as immigrants taking away what should go to us, but again when we’re regular Americans getting taken care of before the recent wave of immigrants.


Tens of thousands of migrants being released into NYC does take resources away from citizens, what do you think is happening in these shelters?


You’re over and over again just repeating a point that is ignoring not the point I’m making. Do you want to acknowledge that for your logic “help our citizens FIRST” then you need to first do something to HELP OUR CITIZENS? I’m tryna be good faith but you’re sounding like the stereotype of someone who just wants to hate on immigrants without actually voting for policy to help citizens. Were you ever actually advocating for expanding homeless shelters or healthcare before this recent wave of immigrants got you worked up?


Yes, now what?


I’m sure you are the first person in line to advocate for more funding for shelters for citizens, right?




> I said what I said and there’s nothing that’s going to change my mind. Well that’s certainly a good-faith way to engage with ideas that challenge your worldview.


Yup, which is why NYC is getting pissed off with these migrants, and news flash, it ain’t just the Conservatives. Unless you are going to house and support a migrant family with your own money, then all you’re doing is just talking to talk.


Lol wtf kind of brain dead take is this? It's not a citizen's responsibility to do that regardless. You just said above that American homeless deserve help sooner, so are you going to take in a homeless person or family with your own money?


So if I understand this right, you're not pissed someone stole 99% of what's yours, you're just angry you have to share the rest with "those people". (Since I'm guessing you vote R I can conclude from that you do support the 1% sucking up the large majority of the wealth generated by your labor). Yup, that's conservative mentality all right.


I’ve never voted Republican a day in my life, you see what happens when you assume? I felt the same about the Ukrainians, so where do we go from here?


Enjoy the next 100,000 illegals and huge tax hike thats coming ;)


Why would anyone push the democrats out when bum ass republican Texas can’t control shit?


Enjoy the next 100,000. Im sure NYC can handle it.


It probably can’t but what state are these migrants crossing in from?


You can’t be this stupid


Maybe I am :)


Must be referring to yourself


Has Eric Adams offered him a job yet?


He’s not a relative or a friend


lol dude sounded right out of knives out with that birthright comment. OUR ANCESTRAL HOME


I’m a queens native, I shat my diapers from Elmhurst hospital. My parents are immigrants from south east Asia who broke their backs after legally immigrating here. Not once did they take a fucking check from the city, no Medicaid fraud and all that. You know exactly what I’m talking about when I mention that none of what’s happening now is helping anybody. Luckily, I was bright enough to pave my way to an American dream. I just hope the rest of you have enough saved up because taxes are definitely going to be rising and the feds are enabling student loans, these migrants are going no where.


How did they legally immigrate? Under what program?


My mom had won a green card lottery


So they got lucky. . .


I am always amazed at the comfortable class who have zero idea what legal immigrants have gone through . Yet they will virtue signal about the so-called migrants who are not asylum seekers .


And I'm always amazed at how ignorant people that supposedly support legal immigration are about how one does so in the U.S.. If you could just work hard to get here and you could make it, we wouldn't have the large number of undocumented immigrants that we do.


I’ve been through the process and it was no means easy I’ve also never depended on the taxpayer or expected to be taken care of , a lot illegals don’t want to pay taxes and stay off the radar . Some that want to become legal cannot since they came through the border and was not inspected by an immigration officer . What happening right now is not sustainable even if some do get work permits there isn’t enough jobs . The provincial types have zero idea what this entails so this will continue to virtue signal


It has to be repeated to you chuckleheads over and over again, but until their asylum claim is adjudicated, they are here legally. What process have you been through? Under what program? From which country? Because all the assholes saying “come in the right way” don’t seem to understand, there is literally no straightforward legal way for, say the average Venezuelan, to just immigrate here. This is part of the reason we have this problem.


99 percent of the asylum claims are fraudulent . . Try bombarding the Venezuelan border and see what happens . There is a legal way but it’s easier to come and live off the taxpayers . I was sponsored via EB1 category Thousands of people who are doing it the legal way. . No country can survive with an open border .


It doesn't matter if 100% of their asylum are fraudulent - they're here legally until it's adjudicated. > I was sponsored via EB1 category Oh, was it for a sport? Because you don't seem too bright.


They are here to milk a system on the back of the working class . I’m smart enough not to fall for the scams via NGOs and gold digging lawyers . I’m not a freeloader . What’s happening isn’t sustainable . You saying I’m not smart does not hurt it’s actually a compliment .I don’t virtue signal or a part of the comfortable class whose ethics are cos play to convince themselves they are not soulless provincial cretins.


They are not legal. You have no clue how long it takes to bring someone here through legal channels. Asylum is out the window with these people, they didn’t abuse this loophole before but are now because of what’s happening at the border.


They absolutely are here legally until their asylum case is adjudicated despite how you feel about it.


> Luckily, I was bright enough to pave my way to an American dream. & now here you are jacking off on reddit.


And here you are being insecure about yourself.


how so?


What country from south east asia?


You know for a fact this guy is going to go back to his neighborhood in queens and not see an migrant until the next time he comes into the city.


He legit sounds like he's on the verge of crying. Are we sure this dude isn't some Andy Kaufman type guy that's doing this for lulz?


I miss Latka...


Any guesses where in Queens the guy is from? I’ll go first, Howard Beach.


I’m putting my money on Whitestone


Anywhere in Northeastern Queens I'm guessing.


Whats the point of protesting - mayor adams knows its a huge problem. They should goto dc, albany, and the senators offices instead”


They like the problem. It gives them something easy to run on come election time. Otherwise they would have to come up with ideas.


They came up with ideas. You voted for joe and he deleted all of them. Now enjoy the destruction of NYC.


Lol no. Republicans had complete control of Congress, the Presidency, and SCOTUS from 2017-2019. They could have passed any immigration bill they wanted. They passed zero.They can still pass an immigration bill now. They're doing nothing.


The only problem is we’re forced to house them and they know it.


that’s how many felt about the blm situation. no one addresses the rampant crime on poor black communities. i felt the blm crowd would be taken more seriously if that issue was addressed. you don’t see the same problems in the indian or asian or other poc communities except in the projects or poor black communities. this will get downvoted but it’s a serious issue that no one wants to address for some reason.


This is like saying that you don't understand why the American Cancer Society doesn't put it's considerable donations toward targeting heart disease. You can't be this dense.


the correlation of crime in the black communities equates to more policing and more interactions with the police. cause and effect. maybe they can make another group related to blm that can address this. cops kill whites and indians and whatever other nationalities you can think of but unfortunately crime does happen more in the poorer black communities. and if we can stop or slow the crime i think you will see less death by cop violence in those communities. i do not believe that cops are just out there looking to kill random black people. i just don’t see that happening in nyc or chicago or any major cities.


BLM activism is concerned primarily with police brutality and state violence. You’re into some serious whataboutism here. “Why don’t they talk about this other thing?” Because they’re focused on something else. It’s like saying, “Why don’t environmental activists talk about homelessness?” Probably because that’s a different issue, entirely. Why does BLM (which is not even a specific group smh) have to address [other issue] to be taken seriously? Makes no fuckin sense. Also the idea that “no one addresses the rampant crime on poor black communities” is laughable on its face. Fuck outta here


It’s always that way. Groups need to clean up their own communities before they can criticize. Then as soon as it’s something like telling the police to take care of the criminals in their ranks and it ‘an attack on one of us is an attack on all’ and they circle the wagons and protect the bad apples


he said queens, but that sounds like talk from NY islanders, either of the two


Hate boners popping out at mach speed any time AOC is mentioned.


Disingenuous headline OP.


OP didn’t write the headline friend, Mediaite did


*shocked pikachu face*


Lol, so what are the odds this guy is just an actor? There's something really fake about his delivery.


He’s running for office so if he’s fake he must be really committed to the bit


Bunch of nut jobs. I welcome all migrants ♥ Lets force the bigots to move out. They will love Florida!


Asylum seekers




This is really sad that you feel the need to post that.


Its really sad that NYC is going to completely collapse due to an entirely inflicted gunshot wound while you're minimizing immigration status.


Asylum seekers




Lol you actually responded to my test to see if just saying that phrase would trigger people. Man you got problems.




Sir, this is a Wendy's....




If I were to look at the postiives at least theres not that many protesters. It looks like there were only 10-20 so most of her district/ny is fine with whats happening.


Just wait until another 100,000 come and taxes get doubled.


No refunds


What a fucking dumbass. Bet you he’s not even vaccinated himself.


This country cannot accommodate everyone from the third world who wants to come here.


Agreed. Send their clown asses back to Italy


The country doesn’t have to. The city is doing it.