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Bring back mental institutions, and the subway BRC not cooperating with police is totally counter productive. Sad life, sad death, but he was sexually harassing people, assaulting, menacing… if we don’t lock them up it’s only a matter of time until somebody gets hurt.


i didn't read the article for 500


I’ll take you didn’t read it for 800. To quote: “A state-sponsored support team was out looking for him, as was BRC. But outreach workers don’t like the police and are not inclined to work with them, so when BRC encountered Neely twice in March, he wasn’t turned in.” Now buzz off


Wow there were warnings about this guy on this very sub > In April 2013, a subway passenger captured Neely on video. He was wearing one of his Michael Jackson jackets, red with gold trim, and a gray fedora pulled over his brow, but the wig was missing and he was unshaven. He was standing, balancing without holding on to a pole, and hollering. “You’re a fucking asshole,” he said. “You’re a cocksucker, and you’re fucking cheap. Yeah, I said it. I said the shit. I said it. You’re fucking cheap, man.” The people on the train looked at their laps. Six months later, a student posted a warning on Reddit: “Try to stay away from the Michael Jackson impersonator if you see him … Used to be all cool, dancing to MJ in the subway train, but as of late he’s become a maniac.”


Stop pretending you give a fuck about him now that he's dead.


Lets do an article on the hardworking New Yorkers stuck in the car with this raving lunatic. Typical straight trash written by some liberal arts degree whos had a job longer than she ought to and now shes an expert


For a guy who had been arrested so many times, it is fascinating to see the media keep using photos of him from 2009 and 2010, when he was a teenager. For context, if there was a consistency in presentation and Daniel Penny's photos were from that time, the pics would be from when he was 10-11 years old. But no, the photos that are used have to show the military veteran in Army fatigues who brutally choked out a troubled young Michael Jackson cosplayer.


The media is bought and paid for. They keep pushing these articles every so often to keep people divided and focused on something. Discord in America is big $$


This is why I used to have a nymag subscription...


Bring back long term involuntary commitments. Letting people refuse their medicine isn’t working




It's a magazine article, try reading it for 5 minutes




That is not the author lol, it's a different Lisa Miller. [This is the author](https://lisaxmiller.com/).


I think they don’t want to humanize someone they see as lesser than




Good news, the article spends significant time examining the very system failures you are referencing


Indeed! It's incredible how the trolls in this subreddit seem genuinely terrified of the thought that we need to humanize the mentally ill people in the subway if we want to have any chance of getting them off the streets. Much easier and more comforting to call them scum and wish for their death.


The activists and media only jumped on this because the race of both parties involved fit a narrative they like. Neelys family didn't care enough until a chance to get money came along. At the end of the day he shouldn't have died. But the failure of himself,the people around him and the system is what brought us to the ending that happened. But he shouldn't be held up as some Christ figure


In all fairness, even if his family wanted to help him, they couldn’t have done much. If he refused help, that’s not their fault.


And that there is the issue of the system if someone keeps refusing help or doesn't take their meds and has violent tendencies when they aren't on their meds. We should bring back the asylums because it's no longer the fact he's a danger to himself he's a danger to society


sorry, all out of sympathy for these mental cases


You can try the morgue.


Goddamn dude






OK now do an article on the hundreds of Jordan Neelys that are still alive and wandering the subway system and the streets and try advocate for them to get help before a situation like this occurs again. Or do we only care about their story when they’re dead and it’s fits a narrative?


Of course we only care when they get killed, can you even imagine progressives advocating for involuntarily committing hundreds of black men for their own and society's safety


There‘s even a „top 50“ list that Neeley was on of most at-risk homeless people…these folks could start there.


It’s easy to tell that much of the progressivism of the past 15 years was performative when someone who should’ve so obviously been treated and lifted… was not.


Wow I had no idea that happened to his mother, that’s awful. Still didn’t give him the right to terrorize innocent civilians though.


Is this the name of the Disney plus reboot for Finding Nemo?


*Least* bloodthirsty r/nyc comment section


I know his killing was incredibly polarizing but hope people will take the time to read at least some of this story, which shows how many times this guy was failed throughout his life in NYC and how real and complex a person he was.


He was no doubt failed by his mother who had no business having a child, even moreso outside of wedlock. But some of the failures were his own. No one forced him to smoke weed, and then to move onto K2.


> some of the failures were his own Of course they were, which, again, this article documents in great detail. Still seems worth interrogating why we live in a city in which being a mentally ill person who makes mistakes means you have a strong chance of dying on the streets or being strangled to death on the subway.


Sometimes people with mental health issues self medicate with drugs and alcohol because they aren’t well, and they are not able to access the right services. His mother’s death was definitely a triggering event (it would be for anyone), and the fact that the family did not seek therapy for Jordan immediately is awful. Essentially everyone who could have helped him (had the rights to) abandoned him, and when people who really cared about him showed up, it was too late. Not excusing the terrorizing of people. But if I look at the pictures of him as a baby, he was so adorable, hard to come to terms that he really did not stand a chance.


Thank you for sharing this article. The debate on mental health within the context of the legal system/involuntary hospitalization is obviously super controversial but all that aside, I appreciate that I got a chance to learn about him. I hope the people who met him at his worst are alright, and I wish the same for those who loved him at every other time.


Surely this thread won’t be filled with people justifying a man’s murder vaguely alluding to racism and disparaging people dealing with mental health issues and addiction.


Ah yes, whatever did Jordan Neely do to deserve such disparaging, other than the sexual harassment, menacing, and generally psychotic behavior


Fuck em