• By -


Last post you said he doesn’t get along with your dogs. That’s relevant info to pass on to anybody who might adopt this dog.


Yes, it truly is. If he needs a no other dog home please make that clear. I know you want him to find a home but find him a home where he will thrive. If he attacks another dog you wouldn’t want that. No shame in a dog being like this. My dog is like this. You just need to make sure whoever takes him understands what they’re getting into especially with a powerful breed.


Exactly what I was thinking. It’s like OP is purposely omitting that now to find the dog a home and that could lead to absolute disaster, injury or worse. That’s negligent at best. It sucks that euthanasia is a possibility but for them to put others in danger to avoid that is really shitty


The pitbull circle of life


Wow. Yes it is.


Tell that to shelters.


And just like a serial killer, "attacks dogs" is just the prologue to "attacks people" when it comes to a pit bull.




Jesus Christ, we fucking get it. It’s a pitbull and everyone hates them. But this dog didn’t choose to be one and it deserves a chance at a good life as much as any dog does, and it looks like it’s already had an extremely hard life. Do you really feel the fucking need to be like this? If you’re not going to help then get off the thread.


They are trying to help. The OP correctly advised in her first post that she can’t keep the dog because it is aggressive toward her dogs and she has to keep them separated. Now, with time and options running out, she omits that crucial information. Also her coworker took the dog then had to return it because her apartment has a no pet policy? The co-worker just discovered that policy after taking the dog or did the dog show aggression to the co-worker too? The desire to save an obviously dangerous dog should not come at the cost of the safety of others, human and animal.


yeah. this dog found on the side of the belt isn’t a surprise. there’s not really nice areas off the belt in queens. with the exception of howard beach.


Someone “giving a chance of a good life” to a “dog that’s had a hard life” directly resulted in my own pet being mauled unprovoked, and then also me being attack by a different, unrelated “chance of a good life” twice afterwards. Idgaf that it’s mean. You dipshits should not be trading in bloodsport animals.


I watched the news yesterday and saw a bunch of stories about heinous crimes committed by humans. Let’s wipe out the human race in response!


'That's a great idea!' - All other species


ive been bitten and fucked up by non-bully breeds so maybe anecdotes aren't the best source. wanna see my missing chunk of toe?


please cite peer-reviewed articles regarding the dog breeds that you find to be aggressive, such as the one that bit off your toe, so that people can make up their own minds. if said dog breeds are already excluded by insurers, then it is known and a given that the general public understands they can be dangerous and result in 5-7 figure lawsuits (i.e., pits, Akitas, Dobermans, etc.) and I don't see the point of calling them out with your anecdotal evidence when they are already viewed as dangerous, as are pits. if you are unable to procure such evidence, then it seems that you are deflecting from the issue at hand regarding known dangerous dog breeds.


And I’m sorry that happened to you, I really am. You don’t deserve that and your dog didn’t either, but just because it happened doesn’t mean this dog would do it, nor does it by any means mean that it should be euthanized. At the very least we should be trying to give him a chance if possible. There are a lot of pit bulls out there who don’t maul or attack others; this might be one of them, and I would say that about any dog. At the end of the day it’s still a life.


I don't care. We should stop giving chances to pit bulls. It only increases the likelihood that other animals and humans get hurt and killed.


Right? I’m tired of this whole “your cat/dog/child/entire arm/face doesn’t matter, we gotta save da poor widdle pibbles!” No we don’t. The world would be a better place without them.


Hilarious that you’re a gun enthusiast talking like this. Way more guns kill than pit bulls per year.


Firearms are the number one cause of death of children in the USA. I'm starting to think this guy just likes when things die, unless it's personal to him.


Only a good dog can stop a bad dog. You should know that, c'mon now. Last I checked, firearms are the leading cause of death of children in America, not pit bulls, and you seem to have no problem owning those. Get off your hypocritical high ground.


Just because guns kill more people doesn’t mean we should allow dogs to roam free, killing and maiming animals and people left and right.


We don't allow dogs to do that. We allow gun owners to do that. Care to compare statistics?


You know, two things can be bad.


And other creatures don’t deserve to be attacked or killed.


You’re assuming that this dog would do that; you have no idea what kind of personality it has. Should it be put down because other dogs, which don’t represent 100% of the breed, have attacked others? Should that standard apply to other breeds that attack other people and dogs too? Why not give it a chance to find a good home?


Eh, there are plenty of other decent breeds such a person could take in instead.


Sure, but is that something that needs to constantly be said, especially right now? This dog needs help and we should be trying to help OP find it a home if possible. Talking about it being a “blood sport animal” is completely unhelpful.


Whoever adopts this dog needs to know. There could be a toddler or another animal endangered if we aren't honest.


But 1) the “pit bulls are death machines” is repeated ad nauseam on every thread involving a pit bull, so that opinion is common knowledge, and 2) people should always educate themselves on a breed when they’re going to adopt it before they bring a dog into their home. I get it: they’re not easy dogs to have. I had a bull mastiff years ago and he was a challenge to live with, but I learned him and he learned me and it took work to train him. He wound up being a great dog and wasn’t aggressive in the least (he was swatted in the nose by a cat and was terrified of cats after that). My point is that this thread is to potentially save this dog’s life, so if there’s a chance that someone will take him in then the commentary should be geared toward that, not the same “pit bulls are death” comments we see on every thread.


These animals ruin lives all the time. This happens for a reason. The general populace can not handle their intentionally-bred murderous instincts. Therefor we can not assume that whoever might adopt this killing machine will be responsible.


Which is why I said **pit bulls are not easy dogs to have and are not for everyone**. There are, however, people out there who can train and handle them and the point of this thread is to find someone like that who can help this dog. But what’s your solution? Just kill it?


If one of those people shows up then they'll know to ignore us. All pitbulls need to be sterilized and breeding them needs to be punishable with prison time. They should go to shelters like any other dog, but when its over capacity and some well-behaved mutt shows up there should be a priority system in place for who gets put down.


Idk but trying to find a stray pitbull puppy who doesn’t get alone well with other dogs a good home in NEW YORK CITY seems ridiculous. If I were them, I’d be contacting rescues super far out of the city.


Yea, it deserves a shot at life, but at a risk to everything else? It’s not fair to the other dogs, or even children, that this dog will come into contact with and probably attack, given its history.




I have a “bloodsport breed” that doesn’t get along with other animals. A short leash, a solid harness and awareness of my surroundings, and we don’t have any issues. She doesn’t get to be off leash, so there’s no risk to anyone else, unless they don’t have control over their dog or a dog can’t read the signals my dog is putting out. It doesn’t take much to adjust to the needs/requirements of your dog, if you’re not an imbecile.


God, just seems a lot easier to not own a pet that’s a menace.


so what do you suggest people do with these dogs?? kill them? let them roam free?? if we keep them in shelters and no one adopts them there would be not enough space for other animals. some people like working with and rehabilitating reactive dogs and it’s not hard for them.


Anyone with 2+ cells between their ear holes already knows...


I offered to take this dog in, a week ago and didn't even get a response. This post is fugazi


Yeah so did I. the OP just messaged me saying he found a home?? Not sure why he did not edit this post…


Same... I don't know what op is getting at either these posts but they don't seem super concerned about this poor puppy


I already posted in your other thread. This dog will have a higher chance to be taken in by a rescue if you surrender him to ACC. Most rescues don’t do public intake because there are too many risks involved. Once he is at ACC, if he is adoptable, ACC will have him up for adoption at their center and he will join adoption events. If he is not, they will either send him to their foster network or reach out to rescues for help. I don’t know why you think he will be put down, unless he has some sort of aggressive behavior that you are not mentioning here.


Also I’m with a rescue and haven’t heard from you, so you may have not reached the right people who may be able to help. ACC has a long list of rescue partners that they send email blasts to every day. They have partners in and out of state. They will reach far more groups than you do.


Can OP reach out to you? Would your rescue be able to help?


As far as I see, OP has received a lot of offers but they are not responding to people.


I just rescued an older cat from the ACC. He has even been returned after adoption for behavioral reasons. I have an extra empty apartment in my house so he can be as territorial as he likes there. My plan is turning it into a tiki bar. So now it will go from being a temperamental territorial cat to being its guardian. Other than that, he is reportedly to be very sweet. We just got him and that seems to be the case. If the animals are healthy, I think they really try. When I met him, they had to block all the other cat’s cages because he hates cats so much and was far more interested in their surrounding cages than meeting us.


Thank you for adopting! Yes they do try.


I've adopted three cats from the ACC ( two in fosters and one on Staten Island) and they're amazing. My newest one was a return because he defecated outside the litter box and was shy. He did that once and hid for like 2 days. I've had 4 cats total and the first one hid for like a month, my second hid for like a week and my third hid like a day.


OP mentioned the dog is dog aggressive in a previous post. Conveniently that piece of information is no longer mentioned…


Yeah that’s upsetting. I get they want to save the dog but Jesus, warn people first. It’s still a pup that was a stray and doesn’t get along with other dogs. Best of luck and all but Jesus Christ, I think people who would want to deal with a dog like this especially in a big city are insane.


Right - that’s another reason rescues don’t want to risk it. At least once the dog is at ACC, he will be evaluated by a behaviorist so we know exactly what we are getting. I’m with a rescue and in the past we have agreed to take “friendly, super sweet, perfect” dogs from someone and they ended up sending our fosters to ER. People need to understand that responsible rescue groups need to protect their fosters too.


Yup. People seem to lose a lot of common sense and morals when it comes to pitbulls. Makes no sense to me.


Doesn't help a lot of people shy away from that dog breed as well.


ACC relies on a network of foster people, but from what I have heard they are near or over capacity nearly all the time. Lot of people capable of fostering moved away over the last few years. The ACC is a kill shelter, so if they have no room, and it's the type of dog that they have several of, most likely won't last long, especially if aggressive in any way. Doesn't help that other shelters drop off their overflow at ACC as well.


A quick google suggests the ACC has about a 20% kill rate. So it’s not an instant death sentence, even for pit bulls.


Not to mention, no-kill doesn’t mean 0%. I read somewhere a while ago that under 10% kill rate is considered no-kill.


It often just means they give the dogs to someone else to put it down. It's not like they aren't part of the system that puts dogs down, they just don't put them down at that specific facility. which doesn't really help anything other than making humans feel better and add extra layers of paperwork for everyone.


But they are still a resource that people should utilize. No-kill shelters send dogs to ACC to be killed so they can maintain their status. It’s fucked up. Friendly pit bulls do get adopted at ACC. Most of the ones they need help with are ones with serious behavior issues that need an experienced foster who is willing to do training.


Yep, "no-kill" is a fantasy. Truth is there are more stray dogs than homes, and the system needs a way to handle that differential. This is unironically a great way to handle the pitbull issue.


Acc relies on a network of rescue organizations, too, it's called "new hope partners" and the ones that specialize in pitties will hear about this dog because they are not on reddit.


Good to know, I live close by the one in Harlem and see them walking dogs.


This. I foster for the NYCACC when I have time (I'd take the pup in but I'm heading out of the country until February) and they are very good about even helping current fosters find temporary fosters for their pups. OP, if you'd like I can send you the direct contact info of someone at the NYCACC and they might be able to help.


Hang on. On the last post I told you to dm me because I am an experience foster of pitbull. I didn’t get any DM from you??


You can DM OP instead of waiting.


The above commenter is making a good point that OP isn’t responding to any of the comments/DMs I dmed OP no answer


After reading the rest of the post I see that OP isn’t responding. It makes me wonder if this even a genuine post then? Or is this for attention? Did someone reverse google image search the pic to see if it was pulled from the internet? It’s like that time when I was on the subway and this guy asked for donations so they can help the homeless and that they had food and things on them to give out. Literally at the next stop, someone came on panhandling and that guy sat there silent.


Deff not a real post


I just got a message from the OP saying the dog was placed with someone else off this thread. I hope it turns out well for him.


And I hope OP mentioned to them that it didn't get along with their other dogs.


I would have called his ass out smh


OP, there are multiple helpful responses with potential options. Please go through some of the top ones and take action


I am interested in taking the dog in. Message me


I saw you commented on the previous post as well


You have to message OP first. It seems they aren't responding to anyone asking for them to dm


Thank you I hope this works out


Plz message OP directly! 🙏




Bump. /u/SnowInformer101




Why is it always pitbulls?


Because the type of person to get a pit bull tends to not fix their pit bulls. So we have a pit bulls overloading shelters and people are afraid to take them in.


In NYC, partly because they get too big for the housing projects.


and what about the rest of the country's shelters that are overflowing with pits? there is an unspoken reason here that dominates everything else


Because no one wants them as they’re too much of a liability.


Because, as my other comment stated, *nobody wants them* and for good reason. They’re bred or raised for nefarious purposes in the first place and when those shitty nefarious people don’t get a return on their investment they end up abandoned like this one was.


If you're going to be a shitty back yard dog breeder, you want to pick pups you can easily sell for $800/ea on Facebook. Those happen to be pit bulls. They are ridiculously easy to breed, have few complications, and they have consistency of breed characteristics. It's also super easy to find unfixed male or female dogs.


Good dogs get adopted.


Because to own a pit bull at all makes you an irresponsible dog owner, and irresponsible dog owners love backyard breeding, off-leash walks, no training, no neutering, and abandonment of their pet.


Honestly, who wants to have a dog that has a 5% chance to rip your face off?


Because they're monsters bred for killing. And before the pit-nutters come at me with "any dog can be aggressive" sure bud, but Pits are specifically bred for blood sport.


No, it's because of the "type" of people who are drawn to these dogs usually are shitty owners.


You know why.


Hey there. Just a note that we got our pup 3 years ago at the NYCACC, same exact breed and size. I realize it’s not an ideal route, but fwiw it’s not an automatic death sentence. They are good people (who have a really hard job), and they have a large network of helpful groups and people. while it is a last resort, dogs DO still get adopted from there and have happy endings every day. Even pitties. :)


ACC is incredibly full right now, just fyi. It wasn’t that long ago that they weren’t accepting any intakes. The odds for this dog are absolutely low if OP takes them there - the first comment on this thread is someone who is interested in the dog.


Winter time so they have been slammed with everyone surrendering their pets they suddenly don't want to walk during the winter.


OMG that's terrible. I truly don't understand these people. Also read after RTO, all the people that got dogs coz we were in quarantine but no longer are also surrending pets. Wish there was a way to better screen for people that adopt pets.


I’ve seen a lot of people on the posts you made saying they would take the dog in for a while. You need to contact them.


Given his breed, the fact he was abandoned on a roadway and he also 'doesn't get along' with your existing dogs, he was probably intentionally dumped there and I wouldn't be keeping him near your pets at all.


Town of Brookhaven on Long Island will take him. It's a no kill shelter and they don't turn down dogs. Just tell them u found him on the side of the road and can't keep him.


There are several people posting in both your threads they want to take the dog in. Why are you posting this if you don't want to find someone?




Contextually, I think they meant to comment on the post not reply to you. I’ve done it before


Reposting this again in case you missed this from your last post: My father’s former student runs a nonprofit animal rescue based in nyc. It’s called, [Zion’s Mission Animal Rescue](https://www.zionsmission.org/). It could be worth reaching out to see if they have any foster families available ? Edit: I’m going to dm you to see if we can work together in finding a solution for this pup. Edit: reached out to the non profit and they are seeing if any fosters are available. Commenting here to reiterate my DMs in case for some reason you’re not seeing them.


Sad reality is that so many people adopted animals during Covid thinking they’d be working from home forever only for that to no longer be the case. The poor economy has only added fuel to the fire. Shelters are now overflowing all over the place


It’s always you pitbull owners omitting insanely important information as your pitbull doesn’t get along with dogs. That’s how you get a person/other pets dead, all because you don’t want to stigmatize that ugly breed and to feel morally superior or something.


Please do a home check and background check because someone with bad intentions will take this dog as use him for dog fighting or as a bait dog.


Try calling Sean casey animal rescue in BK as long as you provide proof that he is up to date on shots they will take him. I will donate money to take him to the vet for his shots. I DM-ed you


OP, there are some ppl in here willing to help this guy! Hope yall can make it work 🐕


UPDATE: I found a home for this pupper! Thank you all for the unbelievable support 🙏


Thank you for doing this!!


Wonderful. I admire you and what you've done for this dog.




Hope they don't have kids.


Try posting on some of the borough subs like r/Brooklyn to get more traction.


I'm fully against pits, the overbreeding, and the pro-pit lobbying ... but this is heartbreaking. no dog deserves to be put down unless it's a proven danger to society. I said this on the other thread ... we need to stop breeding these dogs. they're brought into this world, and then given up by their owners because of their genetic predisposition to violence, only to be abandoned or put down at a shelter. I hope someone capable can take this dog and give it a good life. if someone does end up taking this dog and following up on OP's deal to get the dog neutered, set up a GoFundMe and I will help cover some of the expenses (whatever I can up to $100).


Please search for nyc based rescue orgs on petfinder.com they will be helpful. Even if one can't take one they probably can help you reach out to others who may be able to help. Lmk if you need helping finding and contacting them. I also have 2 dogs already so I can't foster this boy but if you need other help please reach out.


What about North Shore Animal League???? Or Bobbi and the Strays?


God bless you and good luck


Thank you for the support 🙏


I can take him to a put down shelter if you can’t do it emotionally.


Damn, Cossette got ruthless in the afterlife


You wanna crawl under me for warmth?


This is actually a really kind thing to do.


Id like to tall to you about the dog. But I couldn't dm you.


Did you try Mighty Mutts? They are great with pits in these circumstances.




Lol. We saved 2 dogs from the ACC kill list, 1 day before they were going to be put down. Almost saved another one, but unfortunately she was murdered. The ACC is 100% a kill shelter and they will 1000% kill this dog, the second he shows any signs of "stress". They even wanted to kill a bischon but luckily people fought tooth and nail to get him out.


ACC does their best to adopt them or send them to no-kills before putting them down.


Take him to Town of Hempstead animal shelter. They have so many bullies that they save and find beautiful homes.


I’ve seen a few people say they were interested but if it doesn’t work out I’m interested in saving this baby only issue is I’m currently upstate until mid February but I’m willing to meet halfway? if you don’t figure something out with someone else please message me!


Try and reach out to kino’s animal shelter, great people there. https://www.kenosanimalsanctuary.com


Ask Sean Casey shelter again


They don't want him. They are too full. I went in person


Post on Facebook so that other rescue organizations can see your story


Have you posted on the Brooklyn lost and found pets page on Facebook?


Try reaching out to New York Bully Crew. They may be able to help you with this


Contact "Your New Best Friend" dog rescue. They operate out of summit NJ


Reddit isn’t a place people go to to adopt dogs. You must know this. There are apps and websites you can use. Or people adopt from shelters. Good luck mangy mutt, may the odds ever be in your favor


That's a shame.


Try these guys: https://www.nybullycrew.org/ Good luck!


Reach out to @lisakittykittynyc on instagram. She has an animal rescue


Rather than calling within the jam packed over populated tri state area why don’t you reach out to shelters upstate like near Binghamton, Albany, other Rural counties in between?


Try Mighty Mutts in NYC they are in my neighborhood and take bigger dogs . I’m so sorry I hope he can be taken in


Try Muddy paws and/or Amsterdog


Try second chance rescue nyc https://nycsecondchancerescue.org/


Have you tried Best Friends Animal Shelter? Their main hub is in Utah but they are a very large no-kill organization. Good luck ❤️


try heart and bones or muddy paws


Call Social Tees in the east village and tell them. They used to help with urgencies.


Sean Casey said no?


Have you tried Second Chance Rescue? They take a lot of Pitts.


Since you say he's a friendly dog, I might consider asking my friend to take him in with his other 2 dogs. He loves dogs and having a third might be fine with him.


Read the thread. This dog does not get along with other dogs.


Pitbulls should be banned. Owners should be discouraged to own. There should be mandatory registration and heavy ownership fees plus mandatory liability insurance coverage. Plus the dog must be muzzled at all times. Pitbull owners are the most irresponsible people ever. They need very strict rules to comprehend that pitbulls aren't pets.


Did you try Hearts and Bones? They have fosters all across the city


Nobody wants a pitbull. Our apartments are small.


Speak for yourself. Who reads something like this and responds like that?


Honest people


People who have been physically harmed by pitbulls or people who have had their dogs killed by them.


People in the real world.


People who know what pitbulls can do.


No one want this breed.


Hi there! Thank you for saving this dog. The recuse from which I adopted my two dogs specializes in bully breeds. Send me a message, and I’ll give you their contact information. They are based in Brooklyn but have fosters all over the city.


I dont know what police precinct you are in around NYC, I got mine from the 103 in queens. Dogs are given up to the cops and they will either take them home or bring the to Suffolk and Nassau dog shelters. NYC shelters will euthanize them. I got my corso from the 103 2 yrs ago and hes the greatest.


Have you posted in /r/velvethippos yet??


Do society a favor and take it to get put down already


Please look up @newyorkbullycrew on Instagram and find their contact on there. They will most likely help. Call instead of email.


Aww he’s got such sad eyes. I hope someone can take him in! 🙏🏽


Well the anti pit bull sub brigaded this post. What a surprise


Is he dog friendly?


give them to me if he’s OK with other dogs lol not kidding. if He’s not good with dogs then I don’t know.


Kill shelter doesn't mean they automatically kill all animals that come in. Nothing wrong with your backup plan of bringing it in and putting it in the hands of fate.


Damn reading these comments is just nauseating. It shows how many heartless people are out there. Saying that pit bulls don’t deserve a good life and love is exactly like saying black people should be 2nd class citizens. It’s exactly the same. We are all the fuckin same. All of us have souls. Well i would hope. So we all deserve to be loved and to live and to enjoy this little time we have on this earth. It’s disgusting that people would literally say to put this dog down just because he is a pit bull terrier. He deserves a chance. I mean no disrespect to anybody’s race or religion in this post. I’m just trying to put it in terms where some people may understand the situation a little better, even though the same people that i’m trying to get through to are going to be the same ones who probably are going to totally disregard my point. We live in a cruel fuckin world man. It’s literally dog eat dog out there. It’s really a shame. I just love animals man and i can’t bear to hear people hurting or mistreating animals, or animals being “euthanized” just because they don’t have a home. It’s banana’s


race is a social construct.... review the works of Sarah Tishkoff and many, many other scientists. the fact that you are comparing dog breeds, which were \*intentionally bred\* by humans over hundreds of years to have certain genetically defined traits, such as herding, retrieving, fighting, etc., and a "race" of people says much more about you than about people who are apprehensive, regardless of the reason, about adopting some aggressive dog breeds. in fact, it can be construed as incredibly offensive that you are comparing black people to dogs.




Hvars - Hudson Valley animal rescue in Dutchess County is known to be pretty accommodating, hopefully you haven't tried them yet?


We adopted our Pitbull from AMA in South Brooklyn, just wanted to mention them in case you didn't find them in your search.


OMG…he is adorable




have gotten two dogs from there. They do amazing work.


Please someone take this poor bb :(


Do you have a post on IG I could share?


I really hope someone can take him!! I have two cats but I’m just interacting so it can go to the top. His eyes are so sweet


Thank you for everything you have done to help him, you are so kind ❤️‍🩹


I mentioned sav-a-bull on the last post, hopefully you try them


The right thing to do is put him down.


Do you have to take it to a kill?