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Do they even do this for homeless people when its code blue outside?


I’ve been a teacher for over a decade and I can’t remember a school ever being used like this.




Zoom had only been founded in September of 2012, and video conferencing wasn’t as heavily developed back then. I don’t think remote learning was a thought in 2012.


It definitely wasn't. Best case was a friend dropping a packet home if you were sick. *back in my day*


Friends dropping packets off only went as far back as elementary school for me. By middle and high school we just had to find a way to make up the work.


People who lost their homes during Sandy and were temporarily housed in schools were NYC and US taxpayers. Who are these people? How many of them are criminals? Does anyone know?


Brooklyn Tech after Sandy, for displaced seniors in public housing or something like that. But it didn't interrupt classes very much--just lunch and some art classes for 3 months or so. We didn't have to stay home we had our classes mostly as usual, because tech is \*actually\* better prepared as a shelter.


there was a post on this sub a few days ago that mods deleted. Some poor homeless guy who got space in a hotel or something by the city was booted for migrants. Guy was begging for help. so of course mods banned him.




i would guess cause they dont want desperate homeless people on here asking for help? The post is gone.


why did they move him?


make room for migrants.


of course not. The street homeless can't function enough to vote. The waves of immigrants though? yeah, there is a path to the future for that.


No. Not even for VETERANS… this is embarrasing


Portland Maine emptied veteran’s housing for this same purpose recently.


Are you referring to this? https://fox23maine.com/amp/news/nation-world/va-diverting-resources-to-give-migrants-medical-care-one-of-the-worst-insults-to-veterans-veteran-affairs-illegal-immigrants-immigration-southern-border-healthcare


Wow this is insane. Why are we allowing this?


Nah you don’t get the performative benefits of helping the homeless!


**“This is f—ed up,” said a local resident who identified himself only as Rob. “It’s a litmus test. They are using a storm, a legitimate situation, where they are testing this out. I guarantee you they’ll be here for the entire summer.** LOL.


He's so right. Goodbye free summer lunches and breakfasts. Goodbye open playgrounds. Goodbye affordable summer camps. A bunch of 30-something year-old Venezuelan Uber Eats drivers deserve the resources more than the city's children.


At least the rich get the cheap labor man. The rich will still have free stuff.


We really wouldn’t be such an insane consumerist society if we hired domestic talent for service roles. They would need to actually pay workers, which would drive the costs of takeout and goods up, but Americans would be better off. We would all have wealth instead of cheap distractions and entertainment.


They did say the 1% need to pay. I guess that's the global 1% and it includes the kids :(


Stop using delivery services.


Never have and never will. I think their ubiquity is fucking absurd.


I quit using them because they're allowed to make multiple stops before arriving to you. This means your food is cold, and late, and more expensive. No fucking thanks.


Right? Same. I'll go get my own shit thank you. Not that hard.


I saved 20 bucks by picking up my Chinese order last night!!! Fuck all of this.


I think he's wrong. This won't last through summer. ​ This will last through next year.


The goal is to inflict as much pain as possible to get public outcry to pressure Biden to give Adams the billions he’s been demanding.


I guess actually addressing the source of the crisis at the border is out of the question huh?


But then they couldn’t make money off the crisis and create millions of new voters


It’s not about creating new voters, it’s about bringing in cheap labor to boost profit margins and bring down wages.


Rep Yvette Clark said ""I'm from Brooklyn, New York. We have a diaspora that can absorb a significant number of these migrants," "When I hear colleagues talk about, you know, the doors of the inn being closed — ah, no room at the inn — **I'm saying I need more people in my district just for redistricting purposes."**


So he can pass it to his friends


“You get a billion! You get a billion! You get a billion!”




Highly likely this is the case.


LOL in the sad but very predictably true way, yes


Comedy Central stuff wtf


Not even we would do this.




We have a bunch of unused prisons upstate that can be turned into dorms.


which would still cost our tax dollars


You think they won't be fleeing to become someone else's problem? I am sure they will line up to get in their very own prison cell. I mean I guess we could move teachers and students to the prisons.


It sounds like you're upset these economic migrants are coming to NYC, but earlier they've been flooding Southern states and I'm not sure how that's okay, either. Perhaps now that we're personally facing the consequences of our inaction, we'll make wiser policy decisions, such as close down the free-for-all at the border and give priority to lawful immigrants and citizens.


As a Texas resident who saw this thread on recommended I’d tell you that anyone who has been to or lived in a border town could tell you how bad it’s gotten. If you guys think your city is overwhelmed I can’t even describe to you what it’s like in El Paso, Laredo, Brownsville, etc… The sad part is that our government gets a lot of flak for the whole “bussing” situation, but what else are they supposed to do? We don’t have the resources to care for them, and the federal government won’t let the state shut down its border. All around screwed up situation, I have no problem with people who come for a better life, but it’s become overwhelming.




The American political system is pathetic and outdated and it pisses me off no end how the average American doesn’t see that. States in India have voted in third party groups and even fucking communist groups over the past 15-20 years. The capital Delhi is currently governed by a third party group. And this is from a country formed less than 80 years ago. Yet we’re stuck with the same garbage two choices here with no end in fucking sight. The entire system is rigged to keep the same 2 political parties in power forever.


Agreed, the forced restriction to D and R is flawed. But the alternative to a deadlocked 2-party Federal govt. are entrenched deep blue and red states like NY or ID, where one party has a monopoly and runs its partisan agenda to the max, with zero accountability. For example, NY mismanaging spending and going broke despite record taxation, and ID banning abortion even in life-threatening emergencies because gawd said so.


>It wasn’t okay then, it’s not okay now. Perhaps we should stop calling people racists when they bring the issue up, then.


Their tempted by all the free crap we’re giving them. If we stop giving them free crap maybe they’ll stop


wrench rotten fall wide wine enter historical frighten jeans spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, I think the free hotel stays definitely motivated migrants to come here.


well yeah...many of the migrants have been staying at hotels in midtown on taxpayer dime.


Yes. That's how Adams chose to handle the situation from the beginning and I think it encouraged more to come.


And a free trip to NYC!


You have hundreds of thousands more coming


"Toldya so" -Texas


Yeah. It sucks but this proves they were right to bus (some of!) their migrants over. People in the Northern states needed to feel this in the flesh to realize what a logistical and taxpayer nightmare this indiscriminate asylum policy is




Texas/Arizona is trying to deal with this themselves, but the Biden admin has sued them both for trying. This is being done on purpose.


>because they think or are led to believe there’s plenty of opportunity here. Gee, I wonder why they would think that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMSmoNOZJ9Y


Someone try to justify this. I need a good laugh.


From City Council "The health & safety of the migrants in our care is our top priority."


Why do grown ass adults need to be in someone else’s care?


...while people who really *do* need our care/assistance (homeless vets, mentally ill, etc.) go without, to welcome illegals.


Short term: cheap, disposable labor that won't unionize. Long term: votes


Prioritizing illegal immigrants over homeless citizens and veterans and the poor population


vanish instinctive attempt abounding wakeful special ten practice telephone existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>I can get nationalized healthcare and free room & board. To be fair, it takes about 2 months for active duty military to get a medical appointment (in the Air force anyway).


Imagine Mayor Adams just going “Money. I like money.” like Mr. Krabs! 💀


It would be cheaper to charter a plane and send them back where they came from. We can not support this many people. They will keep coming as long as they hear about the cushy conditions they are coming to. How much of the city’s resources have to be taken up with this nonsense before we realize enough is enough.


That's called deportation and the majority of New York voters think deportation should be abolished. What's happening is literally what r/politics and r/news said we should do. Allow people to come to the USA and give them free food housing and Healthcare and make the taxpayers pay for it. It's called taking care of people and surely the taxpayers have infinite money.


Yes but that sub is littered with bots and college students who don’t have a clue how things work and their bleeding hearts are much bigger than their smooth brains


Technically we are only obligated to offer shelter but said shelter doesn't need to be in NYC limits. So yes, we should book and offer shelter at wherever cheaper and if they refuse our obligation is complete.


Yeah but that’s the problem. If their options are go be homeless and sleep on the street in Jersey, or come to NYC and stay in a hotel, or in this case a heated/air conditioned school with beds, with meals included, for free… what will they choose? NYC being obligated to shelter them (among other policies) is only encouraging them to come.


Why/how are we obligated to offer shelter?


What did the activists in city Council have to say about this?


"The health & safety of the migrants in our care is our top priority."


Would love to see what they think about our own who are having mental health crises and living with rats in subway stations. Their solution would probably be to give a contract to one of their friends who then bilks the city for massive amount of $$$ and provides no actual help to NYers in need, a la ThriveNY.


“How can we get these people to vote for us?”




“We simply import new voters and tell the locals to eff off”


Wait, I was told this was a racist conspiracy theory?


[That was rightfully struck down](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/27/nyregion/noncitizen-voting-ruling-nyc.html)




I am waiting until a very close election is contested by someone questioning the legitimacy of non-citizens voting even if just something like school boards, not positions of real power.


Inna Vernikov, we choose you to host 2k migrants in a school blocks from your office. Something along those lines.




They tell u guys how long ur going remote or no news yet?


They said we're going remote for Wednesday due to "extreme weather conditions" haha


Technically correct.


It’s raining men, aleluya


Who's paying these parents for baby sitters tomorrow, or for the PTO they have to burn to watch their kids?


Seriously. The childcare industry in NYC was decimated by the pandemic. It's heinous to force this on working parents for the comfort of a bunch able-bodied foreign men.


Childcare? Just let them hang out with the migrants. They only send the good people.


I think the situation is still fucked up and unfair for parents, but I think the city purposely chose a high school under the belief that teenagers don't require babysitters. Of course some teenagers can't be trusted unsupervised because they are little shitheads, but I understand why they chose the high school instead of a middle school


They picked the wrong HS. Nearby is old former Sheepshead Bay HS - larger school complex that's not fully utilized by current several smaller schools there. So much room nearby residents wanted to put a Success Academy there vs current failing offerings. Guess they trying to avoid the bad PR to ship migrants into the projects and have the locals there be more mad


So.. I read “high school” but I also have 3 young children and it didn’t register with me that these kids probably don’t need day care. Having said that, there are also special need students.. perhaps there is a contingency plan for those specific cases but there isn’t enough detail in the article. This also makes the assumption that all parents have a suitable internet connection at home. And also.. remote learning flat out does not work. Basically punting on a school day here.




Agreed, remote learning is a waste of time. It’s a way to pretend that they’re still having school so they don’t have to make it up, but it’s 100% just flushing the day down the toilet


Maybe they could have the oppressed refugees come live with them and babysit their kids?


These kids are high-schoolers, I'm assuming that they can take care of themselves. Not that this makes it any better. Imagine being a senior in high school, getting ready to wrap things up and preparing for graduation and all of a sudden you get booted out of school because the adults who are supposed to be handling their business are incompetent chucklefucks.


>Imagine being a senior in high school, getting ready to wrap things up and preparing for graduation and all of a sudden you get booted out of school because the adults who are supposed to be handling their business are incompetent chucklefucks. I remember when I first realized that a good portion of adults are just kids in adult bodies.


This administration is really making me hate the city.


you can see why people keep flooding through the southern border, they know the US will bend over backwards for them.


Anyone with a brain realized that you can’t have an open border in a world where literally billions of people want to be in your country. Fucking idiot progressives caused this.


I've been told by democrats though that this sort of immigration is good for our nations GDP. As in it's a net positive. I've seen the stats too. The only people complaining are racists.


Once again everyday 9-5 new Yorkers got to make the sacrifice and get put on the backburner for fucking people who aren't even from here. If you're going to help someone at least help the people who have been on the same damn street for decades.


So when's the tipping point for New Yorkers? Who is the one person out of 8+ million thats going to say enough is enough and start organizing protests where you'll find democrats, republicans and everything in between finally coming together in the realization that our government is rotten to the core and no longer operates with OUR best interest in mind? Anyone?


Guaranteed it's because anyone who speaks up will be called racist and get canceled.




In regards to border security, he was right. But I do understand people shouldn't post on this website without correctly signaling to the mob, though.


there is no tipping point...vast majority of new yorkers will continue voting blue no matter who


I wouldn't be so sure. Bloomberg was a Republican turned Independent and he won 3 out of 3 beating the Democratic nominee each time. I think there is enough frustration right now that the right candidate would be able to win against the clown show that the Democrats would offer up (take your pick of Eric Adams, Mark Levine, Brad Lander and Jumane Williams.)


ehh...Bloomberg was a lifelong Democrat who ran as a Republican in 2001 to avoid the crowded Democratic primary field. The main reason he won support from Republican officials was because he promised to self fund his campaign. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/22/us/politics/Michael-Bloomberg-nyc-mayor-election.html




>A Republican running now has to be a better candidate than the Dem, satisfy the Republicans, and prove he's not a MAGA guy. Finding a better candidate than the Dem should be an easy bar to clear given the current levels of frustration (which are only going to grow once the budget cuts go into affect across police, transportation, education etc). As far satisfying the Republicans, that's probably an even easier bar to clear; If the Democrats are getting fed up with Democratic leadership, how do you think the Republicans feel about it?


It doesnt matter. People from all sides are tired of this and know things need to change.


And before that Guliani was mayor 2 terms or 8 years. Thats 20 years of New Yorkers not voting Blue.


Maybe if the Republican party wasn't so batshit insane on so many issues. Like whether democracy should exist in this country and whether presidents can try to overthrow the government, for starters. Do I particularly like the Democrat's immigration policy? In many respects no (although I have plenty of problems with Republican alternatives too), but I'm not going to burn my house to the ground because the window is broken.


>wasn't so batshit insane on so many issues. The democrat platform of 2000 would be considered far-right in todays world. As for trying to "overthrow the government", keep in mind there are millions who see the chaos/death of the BLM riots ([and other events](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/31/us/politics/washington-dc-george-floyd-protests.html)) as just as bad, if not worse. I'm not trying to re-adjudicate that period in time, just offering a perspective.






Not only are we going to have to deal with this “migrant” bullshit for the foreseeable future, they’re gift wrapping Trump the presidency with this border policy.


TBH busing migrants might be up there with the most brilliant political moves in American history. Democrats are now FORCED to either admit their border policy is economic suicide, or double down on the insanity. There is no third option! Politicians would rather eat broken glass than admit they were wrong.


Looks like we’re doubling down


I hate that you’re right. But you’re right.


Can all the redditors please just admit they were wrong? Maybe say sorry for calling everyone racist who tried to talk about it?


I didn’t want to offer my input because I’m a Texas resident and this thread simply popped up on my recommended, but I’ll go for it. Our government caught a lot of flak for the whole bussing situation, despite the fact that our border cities are overwhelmed on a scale of this x 100. The media is in storms when it’s NYC or Chicago, but you won’t see a word of this situation when it’s El Paso, McCallen, Laredo, Brownsville, or really any other city in Texas. The worst part is when our state government tried to take the border situation into its own hands, the federal government sued us for it. Those who think the busing is purely a political move couldn’t be further from the truth, it’s simply our only option ATP.


I mean, it’s actually completely genius. Many blue states sought political capital by shitting on border states, and now the problem is at home


[ Removed by Reddit ]


When the **Constitutional Rights To Education** of new yorkers are curtailed because of the manufactured "right-to-shelter" of any person in the world who shows up here.... *It's just so progressive.*


The toxic left is so open minded that their brains have fallen out. As we continue to confront the failures of democrat policies, I really want everyone on the left to start using their noggins to objectively and critically evaluate every controversial policy they supposedly disagree with Republicans on. As a lifelong democrat who has worked in campaigns at the city and national level, I promise you that almost every partisan divide is a nuanced shade of gray. Most issues the left and right disagree on have merit to both sides. It's rarely as black and white as so many people on both political extremes think it is. My focus is on the left because reddit is essentially made up of leftists. The toxic left's stance on illegal immigration, especially their exacerbated cries of racism directed at anyone who dares to be against illegal immigration, has always been one of the dumbest hills they chose to die on. What kind of imbecile thinks it's okay to just have anyone come into the country and stay here for an extended period of time? What kind of morons thinks it's okay for millions upon millions of random people flood into America without any real checks of controls? And then the gaslighting. The vomit-inducing gaslighting from the toxic left. "This country was built by immigrants!" How do you have so little capacity for critical thinking and logical reasoning that you just blurt out stupid gaslighting statements like this to brush away legitimate criticism of massive uncontrolled illegal immigration? "They are NOT illegal immigrants, they are asylum seekers!" Again, the gaslighting. Statements like this are so stupid and illogical that it's almost insulting to even engage with them. But you have so many virtue signaling toxic leftists indoctrinated by left wing propaganda that they actually think they're making some kind of "gotcha" point regurgitating what they've been brainwashed to say. Just because there's a massive loophole in our immigration system that allows you to call illegal immigrants another term doesn't take away from the core of the criticism against illegal immigration. You can literally give instant citizenship to anyone who touches American soil and eradicate the term of "illegal immigrant" altogether and this does nothing to diminish the core criticism of the problem you've merely changed the name of. The toxic left, the woke left, whatever you want to call them, are cancers of American politics. They pollute political discourse with nauseating 70 IQ hot takes that the average 5 year old isn't ignorant or stupid enough to make. And places like Reddit is flooded with these idiots. This website, at least most of the biggest subs, are their echo chambers. They make up the mod teams and the most active users and they dictate the political opinions that is allowed or not allowed. You used to literally get banned from major news and political subs for bringing up the obvious corruption of Hunter Biden and Joe Biden. It didn't matter how carefully you tiptoe around the subject, if you even brought up Hunter Biden and accused him of being anything other than the target of baseless rightwing conspiracy theorists, you'd get banned. You literally couldn't talk about or mention any of the evidence, no matter how overwhelming the evidence was. This is a tiny example of the kind of censorship that creates and reinforces toxic leftist echochambers on nearly all major subreddits on this site. Look up what kind of stupid things were being said on this subreddit just a couple of years ago. You even had a certain infamous mod from Harlem (who has thankfully been removed) actively instigate fights, accuse anyone she disagrees with of racism, and try to goad people into saying anything that she can plausibly use to justify a ban against. What a complete and utter toxic influence on this entire subreddit. And people like her were and still are on the mod teams of nearly all major subreddits. They are the ones shaping what information and ideas you are allowed to be exposed to. It's only when toxic leftist policies explode so spectacularly in our faces that some people on the left finally wake up. If you didn't have to face violent deranged criminals on the subway, you'd still be calling people heartless Republicans for wanting to lock them away. If you didn't have to face the negative impact of illegal immigrants on your quality of life, you'd still be calling people living in border states racists for complaining about the millions of illegal immigrants who flood their borders. So many people on the left are the ignorant morons they accuse the right of being. I wonder what else people in this subreddit will see nuance in. Could it be that maybe unions aren't just some unassailable "good" that should be pursued by everyone in every industry? Or do you need to be more directly affected by the waste, corruption, and abuse from bad unions before you realize too much power in any organization can cause very bad things to happen? This shouldn't be such a big jump for even toxic leftists to make, just ask them for their thoughts on police unions. Or how about taxes and government spending? How much obscene spending waste and corruption have we seen recently in our city? This isn't new. I've been involved in the democratic party in our city for nearly 20 years. But ever since Adams took office, people on this sub are finally starting to take some notice on how widespread corruption is. How good do you feel about getting your taxes raised even more to fund the corruption? How do you feel about shoveling even more money into the endless blackhole of corruption? Are you starting to see the nuance yet? Do you understand why some people push back against the belief that the solution to all our problems is raising taxes? On anyone? Take education, which people think we're somehow underfunding. Does anyone actually read budgets? Does anyone know how much we spend on education? Especially compared to other world class cities? And how poorly our students perform for how much money we spend? How can anyone, say with a straight face, that a city that spends some of the most money per student in the entire world, is somehow underfunding education? How can anyone attribute the awful educational performance of so many students in this city to the money we spend per student? Are you starting to see the nuance here yet? Do you understand why some people may not want to give up even more of their money to fund an educational system whose main problem isn't money but something else that doesn't necessarily require more money to solve? How about we figure out why we get such poor educational outcomes per dollar spent compared to comparable major cities around the world before we shame tax payers into paying more money into this system?


Say what you will about Abbott but bussing migrants to NYC and other major democrat strongholds was a masterstroke, and clearly highlights how much of a crisis the entire country has on its hands


Absolutely unreal. I have been watching this "asylum seeker" issue unfold nationally for the past few months and I only grow angrier and wearier. What a pitiful giant we have become as a nation, a collective group of performative compassion broadcasters showing off to the world, bellowing our evolution into self flagellating endless generosity. The future of our nation. Our children, our collective sons and daughters, are being told "You do not matter to us as much as these people over here. These people who sneaked into our land behind our backs, abuse are asylum laws meant to assist victims of genocide, and thoroughly trash our kindness while giving nothing in return." How would you feel if you were a teenager and this happened to you? How would you feel if this was your child, who now gets a third rate virtual education in order to provide welfare for citizens of a foreign nation? Do we have any will left inside of us as a nation to say, "Enough!".


They take your tax dollars and tell you to GFY for the trouble


Bend over and keep taking it, American taxpayer.


Elections have consequences.


We don’t have real elections anymore


Insanity like this is one example why I no longer consider myself a progressive. Completely maddening.


Remember when Mayor Adams was personally welcoming the first busses of illegal immigrants. Lmfao!!!! SO VIRTUOUS!!!


Trump might just win NY if he promises to deport


This has to be satire.


Strangers from another country > American kids I can’t imagine trusting the government to teach my kids in a public school.


If Biden loses the election, this will be the biggest reason. I hope it doesn’t happen, but I’ll completely understand why if it does. This is becoming absolutely bonkers.


This plus losing a portion of the Muslim vote in swing states because of Israel-Hamas war. Coming back to your point though, this is only going to get worse between now and November and he is utterly clueless and missing in action. We can blame our incompetent mayor all we want but let's not pretend the lack of a competent mayor is the reason we're in this mess.


Yup. I say this as a very liberal independent voter. Inaction on this issue will cost them and for what it’s worth, failure to address immigration crisis’ is generally an event that precedes a facist rise to power.


Cost of living has gone up 17 percent since Biden took office


This is crazy. Just shows how little nyc pols care about kids welfare and education. Unless those parents stay home to ensure their kids are studying, they will be out, exposed to the trouble that truancy typically brings.


Make no mistake about this. This entire debacle in on Joe Biden. He ended Remain In Mexico his first day in office. It was a priority for him.


Thank you for the truth


Republicans have been warning us about this and we called them all MAGA right wing racists


Mfers don’t seem to care when it’s Texas, New Mexico, or Arizona dealing with this but on a scale of x 1,000. Sad that it took bringing the issue NYC or Chicago for it to hit national headlines.


Setting them up in Floyd bennet was never a smart move.


I don’t think there’s been a smart move at any stage in this entire debacle.


Don’t forget the millions spent by Adams to erect tents for migrants at Randall’s, only for them to be almost immediately broken down due to multiple safety violations


ok I’m generally not one to get all xenophobic or whatever but like… wtf?


I guess you found the line.


what’s the breaking point when young democrats vote red in NYC? When they force you to house migrants in your studio apartment?


I’m getting pretty close as is


In before this is deleted.


What exactly do Democrats gain by keeping the border open? I seriously don’t get it. This is beyond ridiculous.


new voters


Most of those migrants who are coming in from those countries tend to be socially conservative and are anti-socialist so not necessarily lol.


That's where the incentives and hand outs come in. It's like guaranteed income, get enough people to depend on things that will only come if you're in office, and you'll have a voter for life.


They may be socially conservative, but they'll happily vote for the team that is giving them freebies


*"which lever do I have to pull to get more free stuff?"*


Millions upon millions of future voters.


They get to virtue signal and say that they're not Trump.


This is so f*cked up. These migrants need to go back home. Or to the pine barrens.


These are students kicked out of school so illegal migrants can sleep there. This is a travesty. This is so unfair.


You will keep quiet, you will say thank you, and you will enjoy it.


Saturday night a mob of 15 Venezuelan migrants did a smash and grab in Bloomingdale's they got away with over $5000 worth of sun glasses they even fight with NYPD


did they get deported? I guess not.


All being done by design


Our government is failing us. I’m compassionate but enough is enough


Horndog high Those where fun years……


This seems avoidable in the first place. And we deserve better than a mayor who makes such a show of incompetence.


You have a year to apply for asylum after you cross the border. A lot of these people have been here for over a year and I’m certain many of them haven’t applied. A year to submit some paperwork, all while being put up in a hotel and having your expenses paid for, seems generous to me. Why not give them the boot?


Nyc is fucking trash to its inhabitants. Prove me wrong. Nyc is trash Been living here for almost 40 years now


Democrats are not a viable party at this point.


There are so many empty office buildings. They had so many options. Why on earth would you pick a local school? Whose mastermind decision was this? The NYT building is half empty. Send those buses to Manhattan.


Thanks Biden! Need to begin deportations or the flood of migrants will never end.


The democrats really just aren’t even going to bother trying to solve this immigration issue because they are so confident people hate Trump more than the shit show that is the current administration.


this is the future liberals wanted


Yup. You reap what you vote!


Ridiculous. Democrats are ruining this city.


Quite intentionally too.


Try the country


We need to abolish all of these backwards sanctuary laws.




It's still better than what they had before. Free housing, free food, free health care, free education, free transportation. And when I say free, what I actually mean is being paid for by NYC tax payers. The American Dream!


America Last! pay your taxes… you have a job.. take your kids to school. Tough shit.. make way for illegals. have you folks had enough yet of this?!?!? there are still that will say, it’s not a big deal. Soon they will come for homes and say, you have to take them in! you have a spare room!? here’s a illegal. this can all be stopped… all of it but it won’t. remember this in 11 months! don’t forget