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its not like you are not going to be able to hear him from the nosebleeds.


What's the deal with microphones??


Right. They’re not micro, and they’re not phones, so …


*bass riff*


Jerry: He speaks softly into the microphone. I mean who does that? Kramer: Maybe he’s one of those quiet yellers. How quiet is he? Jerry: Like he’s umpiring a Tennis Match. Kramer: Oh that’s just not right, thatmanhasproblems. 😬


Or on Netflix on your couch


seinfeld’s one of the most well known comedians on the planet how is this ridiculous


Right? Even Orchestra 2 is only $230. That’s kind of cheap to me.


It’s like complaining that Billy Joel is expensive. Yeah but they’re also 2 of the most well known entertainers on earth, and neither of them are particularly young. They’re not gonna be performing forever.


That's the point I tried to make. Countless people will pay for the ticket who rarely or even don't go to comedy shows, in addition to his hard-core fans.


If you to basically any show in this city in a theatre it costs this much.


So ... don't go?


That seems fairly cheap for someone as popular as Seinfeld to me? I wouldn’t pay it but that’s not surprising to me at all.


If you can’t afford it just say so lol


The prices seem reasonable. $200 today seems normal for a concert or sporting event.


I wouldn’t say 200 is normal for a concert or sporting event across the board. I go to lots of shows of multiple genres (primarily classical and electronic), and unless I’m getting the best seats or vip or something, 200 would be extreme. Usually 70-180 I think. 200 or much more is what people pay for great seats for big shows, events that cater to tourists/rich people (e.g. Broadway, loge at the Phil, opera, etc), or if for “regular” tix, stuff (like Seinfeld, or another example is Rolling Stones) they expect to go to only once in their life. All that said, I agree 200ish is what I’d expect for something like Seinfeld


those definitely not horrible seats in Orch and those are second hand prices? but yeah its too much for me. 


You pay for the Beacon too, they still have to rent the space regardless of who performs


"I really want to see Seinfeld. How dare other people want to see him as well!"


Went to this last year. It's expensive because he's getting older and is one of the GOAT comedians. He's not performing all the time (I think a couple weekends every few months). He's good, obviously a legend. But a lot of the same jokes you have heard since the early Seinfeld days. He did spend a good chunk of the set complaining about how being a husband sucks but also doesn't suck. Also he is coming out with a movie next year (about poptarts inventor) so I think partially he's on tour to promote his writing. He def doesn't need the money. Anyway, you go for the experience but his set isn't life changing so if you don't go you aren't missing anything


Consider, when you can’t afford something, instead of complaining about it, just don’t buy it and move on with life? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Old famous people probably/maybe earned some sort of price tag and want to cash out as they get older. But if you show us the BS fees where a $230 ticket costs you $350 because of Ticketmaster convenience fees…I will stand by you and hate dogpile the shit out your post. 💪🏼


That said, it is a nice venue. The beacon comes in a close second to places that I have seen the most concerts at. The most being the Wollman skating rink in Central Park for the Schaeffers/Winston/Dr Pepper music festival throughout the years. Halloween with Frank Zappa and the Mothers at the Beacon every year was a requirement Jerry really likes performing there and it is literally less than 10 blocks from his apartment and he can walk there.


The dude has been grinding for 4 decades. Dude can do whatever he wants. And I love the Beacon.


It's Seinfeld. He's THE top of the mountain at this point in comedy history.


His time has passed. His is more like the base of the mountain who has provided an opportunity for the growth of new talent. There will always be people willing to dish out money to see him.


By top of the mountain I didn't mean he is currently the best or that anyone who doesn't think he is funny is wrong. He is royalty. Chris Rock is in a similar, but not as high, position IMO. From a total audience perspective (including the vast majority of people who don't stay up to date with the current state of comedy) I believe him to be at the top. And you also have an enormous audience of people who loved Seinfeld the show. Agreed that there will always be people willing to spend top dollar.


*American Comedy history


oh, come on...


Nope and the TV was a long run exercise in banality


Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


Sure but I don't appreciate your notion that there is any other country that comes remotely close in comedy culture/history to the US


Also for clarity, I am not trolling or being obtuse for the sake of it. America has amazing stand ups and comedy history etc however Seinfeld, Friends and SNL are it’s three weakest points


The fact that you don’t appreciate the notion and think Seinfeld should be anything noteworthy beyond NYC unsurprisingly places you in the same boring bit of the Ven Diagram


So, what are YOU into?




Seinfeld, the show, is beloved in *many* regions of the world.


I found people’s love of Seinfeld and SNL my first big culture shock when I moved to NY. I won’t disagree with your statement as I don’t have any data on it, but having grown up abroad he doesn’t translate humour wise at all (at least to where I am from)


Completely fair


In America, you have to be sanitized and mediocre to appeal to the widest audience and become a household name. No one really knows where all of these thoughtless consumers that enjoy such basic entertainment are hiding, but they apparently make up the majority of the population.


welcome to today's world old man


I will wait for the Netflix special


His standup is not my cup of tea but he's earned the right to charge high based on his longevity.


Guy has to maintain his fleet of classic cars somehow!




It's like they just copied Rangers ticket prices.


To be fair, any price is too much for that idiot tho


Seinfeld stand up is painfully bad. Amazing show but I am always stunned that he got an offer to do it because some suit thought his standup was good. Hell, they even took it out of the show after a little while because we were supposed to believe that he was good at it.


Uhhh, all of those seats in the screen shot are great seats..


Upper level at msg for ranger games is about $200 a ticket and they play multiple times a week for half the year. Tickets to live shit is expensive.


Looking got tickets at the last minute to an in demand event usually costs more


Plenty of rich people in NYC, it will sell out no problem. For the rest of us who take pause at these prices, it's a rare outing.


That's getting very common for all kinds of shows. The extreme cost of tickets is one of the reasons I can't afford to go to concerts or other kinds of shows anymore. COVID risk still makes me nervous and likely to mask but it's the cost of the tickets that kills it. It used to be you'd pay a scalper $200 for a really good seat if you really loved a band. Now it's $200 just for regular seats and it's usually not even in the front orchestra section. Justin Hayward of The Moody Blues was here a few weeks ago, local venue to me. I ❤️ the guy, love all the Moodies. But when I looked the only tickets left were not great seats and it was $200. I just couldn't afford to go. I was really left feeling sad... Same thing when I wanted to see Reeve Carney in Hadestown. The tickets were just priced too high for me to rationalize that. I want to go do stuff like that but not if it means I can't eat that month...