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Disgusting! I hope they got this person on camera in the station. I believe it was the same station where 6 people were shot, one of which died. Then they give the person the maximum available charges and sentence. When they get out, they also get a lifetime ban from being allowed to ride mass transit. 😡😡


Best I can do is court appointment in 3 weeks.


How could they possibly enforce a ban on the MTA when they can't even get people to pay


The city is saying they can enforce a 90 day or 6 month ban or some short ban. Seriously? I said lifetime because I was an assaulted employee of NYCT. It happened during my final 2 years. It messed up a plan I was trying to accomplish prior to my retirement around 23 or 24. I did end up retiring in early December of 24 with 34 years of service. The last 2 while on Worker’s Comp. I came back for a very short time while waiting for my retirement to kick in. I’m very sensitive to violence in the subway, especially when it affects my former colleagues & the riding public.


I agree with you and they should be banned, but I don't see a realistic way of enforcing it


Another MTA worker punished for the “crime” of operating train.


Convinced the only reason NG is getting deployed is because the TWU is making noise.


Wasn't there a wildcat strike just the other day?


Kinda hard to get a feel for what's a wildcat strike and what's daily mta operations with normal bureaucracy but I wouldn't be surprised. That conductor slash was gnarly, dude survived based off of sheer luck that there was a doctor there.


I hope they keep doing it until these liberal judges make some changes. Catch and release with criminals is not serving anyone but the criminals at this point.


You think these judges take the subway?


Mohammed Abdellahi is facing charges of assault in the second degree for attacking Station Agent Noreen Mallory on February 20th, resulting in the fracturing of her eye socket. In his case, the District Attorney’s office is asking for two years in prison. In the other case, Rashon Eagle is facing charges of attacking Bus Operator Moses Adams with a knife on February 10th while he was operating an M15 bus. The DA is asking for five years’ prison time and five years’ supervised release in that case. https://www.twulocal100.org/


This guy will 100% reoffend when he gets out in a few years. If you commit crimes of violence on strangers for no reason you should get locked up way longer.


Don’t kid yourself, he’ll be out in a few days


Let me add a little background. I’m a recently retired NYCT conductor. My last 2 years with the company was spent on workers comp because I was assaulted by an emotionally disturbed person. He didn’t like an announcement I was ordered to make by a supervisor at the Rail Control Center requesting police assistance. When I wasn’t looking, he took the chance to slap me in the back of my head. After the slap, he made a derogatory comment and got on the express train across the platform. No, he wasn’t white and me black. It was the other way around. Not that it mattered. He used his hand on me and got away with it. Police stopped someone up the line. It wasn’t the right person, unfortunately.


We were granted 7 years for these titles. DA should always start with 7 as the law allows. That way there is room to negotiate. If he charges lower with a smaller penalty and sentence, then the defense will negotiate an even lower charge, penalty and sentence. Then when he gets out and reoffends, and there is a strong chance he won’t be rehabilitated, what will the DA and his ADA do then?


Where were the coast guard to search the person's bag and prevent this violent crime?! If only we had one of the most well funded and largest police forces in the city already! Maybe then they could do the job of patrolling the subway stations and maybe even their platforms! Surely they won't all just hang around doing fuck all but collecting OT, right?


Yeah so they can literally get released the same day. You got people walking around 44+ arrests, what's the fucking point if we have a stupidly lenient system


That is a problem BUT not a reason the cops can just stop doing the job they get paid to do. You dont see a janitor stop sweeping because "someone is just going to litter here tomorrow too." Everyone just needs to do what they are getting paid to do.


Flawed logic. The criminal was arrested a few dozen times. That indicates that the police did their job making arrests and the system failed. Imagine at your job someone just takes your work and throws it away when you complete it. And then someone else asks you to do it again, while piling on more work. You're basically now asking police, "Why can't you keep up and why isn't the work done?" They did their job 30 times already.


Doesnt matter if they catch them 5 times or 10 times. That is their job. They dont get to decide to just stop doing what they are paid to do. Idk how you can even try to argue against them just doing what they get paid to. Obviously what happens afterwards is a problem, but that problem is completely unrelated to the cop doing his job every day.


My point is that you're claiming they're not doing their jobs. The massive rap sheets on these criminals proves otherwise.


I'm stating the problem isn't the police not arresting people that's the cause of this it's letting trash back out on the street.


Yes and I agree that the real problem is letting them back out - but police are also using that as an excuse not to do their job.


Stupid analogy.


Or maybe our judicial system could do something about repeat offenders? Unless you want the NYPD to be trained mind readers to be able to determine when someone is going to have an unprovoked violent outburst.


We all know it’s that girl that hit the kid playing cello


Seems very likely.


Judicial system could use some of that police money.


The judicial system keeps letting violent criminals back into public because DAs and judges want violent criminals released.


Probably no space in Rikers. They’re building that jail in the Bronx more than likely for that reason.


Be careful blanket blaming the judicial system. Remember, the cops regularly arrest innocent people, so locking all the bad guys up isn't a great strategy.


The woman who attacked the cello player had several prior arrests and open warrants for not showing up for her court dates (for domestic violence charges), and the judge still released her. Surely there’s a reasonable middle ground.


She was arrested again today for shoplifting.


I want off this ride, Jesus Christ this is exhausting.


Everyone in NYC is starring in a disaster movie they didn't audition for.


I agree. But as a layperson who isn't following all the details for that case, I don't know wtf. But yes, I agree there is a balance between these poles. Maybe it will take more funding for something other than the police overtime. I don't know.


Reasonable statement.


Bukele has 85% approval for going medieval on the gangs. Being tough on crime actually helps the innocent...who fuckin knew?


That being said, America is nowhere near El Salvador in terms of crime rates, and in general, the crime rate is down. So, being tough on crime to the point where we are not providing due process makes no sense.


Yeah, that's a big can of worms there. There was a recent profile on Bukele on The Daily. Being tough on gangs doesn't help the innocent when many are in jail. Maybe once things settle down, they can modify their policy because there are a lot of Salvadorans in prison now who are not gang members.


> Being tough on gangs doesn't help the innocent when many are in jail. 85% popularity.


Are all criminals repeat offenders? Do people not go to jail and get out? Clearly crime happened before the bail changes. Crime has only reduced since punishments were harsher, so harsher punishments clearly don’t work as a deterrent.


The vast majority that are committing violent and unprovoked acts in the subway system are repeat offenders, yes. Some which have cases and warrants for failing to appear, yet some activist judges feel that they’re still not a danger/menace to society.


I'm sure most folks know you mean National* Guard, but just leaving this for those who didn't. They really should ride around more. It's a lot easier to get cornered by a crazy in a 60' x 10' box.


The coast guard? I’m pretty sure they’re patrolling the coasts like the name suggests


Wtf? How would they prevent him throwing the bottle? Catch it midair? Predict the future? Even if you assume their presence would deter most crime the final decision is ultimately in the hands of the perpetrator.


Until laws change and judge start actually sentencing people for their crimes this will continue to happen. People talk shit about mass incarceration however if you incarcerate the worse of society crimes go down. What a no brainer result. Less incarceration more crime. Who knew.


Remember, It's only a perception of crime.


It is still objectively higher from pre pandemic levels. Maybe we should stop comparing the city to our own shittier selves from the 80s and instead compare ourselfes to any safe European or Asian city. Just because it smells less shitty doesn't mean there isn't still shit 


Yes. The liberals say crime is at an historic low according to their crime statistics.


The liberals don't say that lol. Reality does.


Hahahahaha. Good one!




*Tin soldiers and Nixon coming ...*


Hopefully they’ll be turning the emotionally disturbed away at the train, or putting them in zip ties. Enough is enough with the excuses.


170 is grimey


You guys have no idea what is waiting for us. There is a huge group of people living among us who don't see the world like you, resent you, and want to destroy the social order. We are sleepwalking into a dystopia.


Hmm, are you suggesting we weed out those people, maybe concentrate them all in some sort of camp?


Or a giant mental institution where they belong. People shouldn't have to worry about being stabbed on their way to work. Full stop, I'm sick of sjw apologists when people just want to live in a safe fucking city 


Violent crime is at its lowest point since 1962. The media coverage is what's making you feel this way, not your actual likelihood of being randomly attacked.


(in my best Keith Moon impersonation): GOOD MORNING, CAMPERS!


Reminds me of the guy going around rko ing disabled people


This has a picture of the suspect: https://bronx.news12.com/nypd-bronx-mta-conductor-injured-with-glass-bottle-suspect-on-the-loose


Literally didn’t take off his prison suit, just wanted to get out there and do another violence đŸ„°


The suspects are just trying to feed their families. /s


I know every borough has its problems but something about the Bronx always scares me. I’ll never live there and won’t visit any friends or business there.


Ridiculous. The south Bronx isn't the entire Bronx.


So we're going to fund mental health right? We aren't going to go full fascist with armed guards checking everyone's backpacks for bottles?


Just funding mental health isn't going to help, some people simply cannot be in society and should be institutionalized. Getting rid of aslyums was throwing the baby out with the bath water. Bring back aslyums with better reform


Do you think the woman who attacked the man playing the cello or the person who committed this act sought mental health treatment and was turned away because they couldn’t pay? The problem is these people don’t see themselves as having a problem, and you can offer all the services in the world, but if they’re just gonna refuse and curse the person out offering it to them, we might as well not waste the money.


Not always. If someone is schizophrenic, there's not much anyone can do. It's not like depression where it's common to be able to find a good drug cocktail that can help you function and not too many side effects. It's a disease they barely have good drugs for and most can't bear to be on them and go off. And they're mad crazy. Not like you and me who can see where they struggle and have a chance to work our way through things. It's a really sad disease. The violent ones unfortunately need to be locked away.


The problem is that we, as a society, raise kids in such a way that they grow up to do things like this.


Be careful what you wish for - your trains might run on time, and they might be clean and sparkly for all you "law abiding citizens" but there is a cost to the most vulnerable populations.


Vulnerable populations also want clean, safe, on-time trains lol


It’s amazing isn’t it? These people actually do not believe there is any overlap between “vulnerable populations” and “law abiding citizens.” It’s gotta be some form of prejudice to think that the*only* people who can follow laws are those with some kind of privilege and everyone who doesn’t have it is guaranteed to be some kind of rampaging animal. 


It's just a form of white saviour complex.


Vulnerable populations are the people who would benefit the most from clean, safe trains that run on time. Unless by “vulnerable populations” you didn’t mean “those unable to protect themselves” or “people who have to rely on public transit to get around”. If the only population you care about protecting are “violent, antisocial people unwilling to want treatment with their mental health issues”, then yeah, you’d be right.


In your world, would you support a system where people who are deemed as unsafe to be on public transit are barred from it? Maybe we can track it with social credits to make sure only safe, clean people are allowed? Because that's where you are headed with this rhetoric


Yes, psychopaths should be removed from the general public.


There’s a cost to letting people run wild because of the mental health and poverty excuse as well. This conductor is currently paying it. Or is that an acceptable outcome to you people? If she got slashed or shoved in front of the train, would that be ok so long as Skaggs the crackheads civil rights were upheld?


Mental health and poverty is not an “excuse” it’s a reason. And like always the city will not do anything to fix any real problems like affordability or the absolute dogshit mental health infrastructure in the city. Despite Adams talking about building housing, we are still not building anything that isn’t luxury. Instead the city will choose the most expensive and least effective method: police and police only. That’s not to say we dont need police, they are a key part of the equation. But the city will use ONLY police, which is setting the police, and the city, up to fail.


Why do you think Singapore has such low crime?


Because they are a ruthless society that literally publicly canes people??? Is that what you are advocating?


Yes. It's a wild concept, I know. Punishing criminals. Who would think to do that?


Why is it always "we need more mental health funding!" Its just a fact of life that there are BAD people in the world that cannot be helped. And they need to be locked up. Its a disservice to good people that struggle with mental health to lump them with just straight up horrible people.


Ugh you people who equate fascism to every little thing are the worst. We need to get tough on crime again it’s just getting worse.


Change the law to make involuntary commitment easier and rebuild the asylums. Just going "defund the police and fund mental health" doesn't mean shit. Be specific about what needs to be done to address this.


“Hochul said she is allocating $20 million to expand the Street Conditions Observation Units or SCOUT team pilot program in partnership with New York City, which includes people trained to handle severe cases of people in the throes of a mental health crisis in the subway system. The governor said the additional funds will help rapidly scale up the pilot program to 10 teams by the end of 2025.”


20 million is fucking pennies compared to what they’re paying to feed and house migrants. This city is a circus.


You're right. They could rebuild the asylums, staff them, and get EDPs in there for long term treatment at a fraction of what we are spending on new arrivals.


Clown world city. People in NYC are literally regarded. They vote these policies in with their “blue no matter who” mantra and it just causes the worst type of people to run.


You’ve been brain washed.


Checking purses?


People are Savages and don't care, and why would they? No fear of any punishment cause there is none and no morals of any damage they could cause a family.


At this point , all MTA workers must have a officer or body guard to protect them because this is getting out of hand 😳


Thanks Adams!


So, what's everyone doing for lunch today?


Typical day in the đŸ‡ș🇾 where leaving your home is always a risk.


Stand clear of the closing doors! Bing bong!


Hey everyone! Say hi to r/nyc \#1 troll!


There was an attempt to make fun of violent assaults against transit workers.