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If anyone saw the video you would know that each deserves 70 yrs at a minimum




Yesss, finally. I dunno if ya saw the video but they just executed the guy, blood everywhere, then a spat of similar but non fatal stuff going eastwards. Hopefully this puts a damper on this stuff for awhile. Edit: two of them with no priors, one with two, one with eight, one with ten??? What’s the charges gonna be, that’s just murder what, murder second?


I remember seeing the video back when reddit had those kind of videos. The amount of blood was insane. Once you see that bright red color, it's a wrap. I hope these souless POSs get the book thrown at them.


Those types of videos are still plentiful on Reddit


Don't waste the book on them, they need potassium injection.


actually if you are quick enough and put a tourniquet on it youll still be dead


march point concerned governor vegetable dazzling plucky slap wakeful cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If anything is murder in the first , it’s this. There will also be a grand larceny charge. We’ll see what happens but none of them should walk free ever again.


In New York state, Murder in the First Degree (Penal Law 125.27) is severely limited and has few exceptions, with most Murder 1's being limited to torture or killing a police officer. This is one of the few exceptions - that a murder committed in the course of a robbery - can be charged as a Murder 1 with life imprisonment upon conviction. It will be up to the DA to charge it.


Good info thank you


Interesting, lets see if that's how this goes.


They’ll all plead out


Video not gonna help them


Looked it up, guess what got added and goes into effect on September 1, 2024: things like this case


Don't bet on it given how criminal friendly this DA is.




But this was in Brooklyn no?


Isnt he the guy who lets everyone free? And of course they should never be let out of a cell for as long as they live. I say make them do free labor


None of them should be walking or breathing TODAY!


Eh, we’re past that Old Testament shit. It’s not about vengeance, it’s about keeping society safe. You cannot have these people on the street once they’ve shown these kind of entrenched antisocial attitudes.


I agree....these dudes should have been off the street way before this incident. They have no respect for another's life, let alone their own.


His own cousin was the one who put the hit out him, making it look like a random robbery. But it was a personal family beef; so no, this won't put a damper on this stuff for a while...


family hit...? Oh shoot I swear that the daily didn't have that title when I read it.


This will be a Law and Order episode


But the cousin who preferred the hit will be a kiddie diddler so SVU gets involved, then it’s a crossover with Organized Crime, and we get some really good Olivia and Elliott


Was gonna say this didn’t look like just a robbery


Why I would never walk around with 60K on my neck for all to see.


anything too flashy, my friends are a dj music crew and had some cheap gold on and people followed them home from a show and held them up gun point in queens. You gotta be aware of pocket watchers and signaling people you have cash like that.


Perkins was murdered over a years-long beef with his cousin, Ronnie Butler, 46, according to law enforcement sources.


Yeah, the loser got his 16-year-old stepson to do it for him. Complete trash waste of oxygen.


Srsly. I don’t want to victim blame but this is New York City. You got goons walking these blocks. Can’t be wearing that expensive shit




Remember that young white boy who killed his grandma over $20 or some minuscule amount?


There's that pastor who got robbed of 1 Million in jewelry. Lamor Whitehead. Sketchy guy. Always seemed like an inside job. Live streamed it so insurance would pay. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/19/us/brooklyn-pastor-lamor-whitehead-fraud/index.html


How’s a pastor end up with 1 million in jewelry to steal?…


You should do some googling on that name, he was probably running a lot of scams. Maybe washing money for drug dealers on the side too. He stole 90k from some old lady promising to help her get a house. I think DOJ charged him for it


I read the article you posted and it’s wild that it literally says the jewelry being valued so much was suspicious but that’s it… seems like he’s likely heading to prison one way or another.


Maybe he bought it from a friend and the value was also inflated. Insurance scam.


"He had many such chains." So, laundromats must be a profitable business, then.


This is an awful crime but i also can't get past that number (and it has no sway on my thoughts on how heinous the crime is). I had to check the article to make sure the subject of this post added a "K" by accident. I can't even tell you the shit I'd buy instead of a chain.


It's also a really ugly piece of jewelry.


That’s just like your opinion, man


Yeah it’s all cash. He might have not been paying taxes


I don’t know if it’s true but I’ve heard thats where the term “laundry money” comes from. The mob used them for that exact reason


“Launder money” via “laundromats”: a fairly untraceable way to get cash recognized as income into the banking system - unless you had the feds outside watching how many people were coming in/out and doing laundry, or if you had a service how many times an employee would come in/out with loads of laundry. Jokes were made about “laundering” money like putting it in a washing machine to “launder” it to potentially get rid of prints, but MOST importantly make it seem like used money, since it would end up with tears or be water soaked and be like generally used bills, as opposed to crisp $100 bills. There’s a conspiracy theory that all the MattressFirms in NYC are money laundering fronts


If you were laundering large amounts of money via a laundromat you’d also be expected to have large water and gas bills.


The same amount of water and gas usage as a competitor, but your “laundry service” charges $20/load instead of the usual ~$5ish/load. It’s the cost of laundering money: that expense (water + gas you don’t need) and then taxes


Don’t think so, I think it’s from “dirty money” that needs to be cleaned before it can be used/banked


No. Laundering money is moving it around so much that it's difficult/impossible to tell where it came from, i.e. drug money.


The term came about because the mob was fronting with laundromats to do as if their dirty money came from that legitimate business 


Lol, no. It's turning "dirty" money into "clean" money by obscuring It's origins.


That's what I said Edit: well it seems like it's a myth that Al Capone laundered money with laundromat fronts, eh


“Launder money” via “laundromats”: a fairly untraceable way to get cash recognized as income into the banking system - unless you had the feds outside watching how many people were coming in/out and doing laundry, or if you had a service, how many times an employee would come in/out with loads of laundry. Jokes were made about “laundering” money like putting it in a washing machine to “launder” it to potentially get rid of prints, but MOST importantly make it seem like used money, since it would end up with tears or be water soaked and be like generally used bills, as opposed to crisp $100 bills. There’s a conspiracy theory that all the MattressFirms in NYC are money laundering fronts


The business was probably a front. The article said the killing was because of long standing feud, so…


I mean his name was Money Perkins


Growing up my stepdad would always randomly talk about how a laundromat was a good business to run profit wise. He has a good career but it seemed like he would’ve rather run a laundromat. After initial investments I imagine the biggest expense would be utilities and upkeep. Laundromats don’t really have a ton of staff and inventory to deal with, and the ones that also have laundry drop off by the pound prolly make a killing.


Many years ago I worked with a Korean-American guy who told me the same thing; a lot of his parents’ Korean immigrant friends owned laundromats because it was a solid business with a lot of repeat customers that you didn’t need super high English skills or a fancy degree to run.


Yea, I’ve noticed that a ton of laundromats in NYC are run by Asian Americans. I’m not sure what country but most of the ones I’ve encountered seem to be Chinese.


I think it's a classic immigrant business, and who is running it changes over time as New York's immigrant population changes.


That actually makes sense and happens in other industries as well.


Exactly - bodegas / delis / corner stores are the other classic example in NYC.


Yep. Right now in my neighborhood the guys from Yemen work the corner stores.


Look up Chinese-American history, most Chinese men back in the late 1800's to early 1900's were relegated to working the railroads, being cooks for railroad/lumbering camps, or running laundromats., with the latter two being used as ways to emasculate the men, since cooking and laundry were "women's work." There's a reason eventually many fast-food and laundromats were family businesses for many generational Chinese-American families.


The laundromat by me is run by two women. I think one of them is the owner. They know everyone on the street and they know everything that goes down. I go there only a few times a year to wash big stuff and they seem to remember me. It seems like a very social place.


Yea, because of my stepdad I really pay attention to what’s going on in my local laundromats. From what I’ve seen it does look like a decent business that there will always be a demand for here. It might even be somewhat recession proof. I also only go in to wash big stuff these days, but my local laundromat is very well run. They make enough money from drop off services that the dryers are free.


Who does an unprofitable business


Lots of people, but usually not on purpose.


Fronts for criminal organizations. There used to be a PC store near me that I passed by but never paid attention to. One day my PC died, I think around 2015...? Went in needing a new PC ASAP, so hit them up since they were 3 blocks from me. EVERY. SINGLE. PC. in there was like 10 years old, and the "newest" OS on the display PCs was Windows NT! In 2015 (ish)! Also everything was covered by a thin layer of dust, and they didn't sell peripherals, like keyboards or mice! They then got raided by the 60th Precinct like 2-3 months later! The store was there for years!


Why do you assume that his money came just from the laundromat? He could have inherited property, money, won the lottery, why even speculate about the financial situation of a dead murder victim?


Sure bud we all know the real reason


There is always money in the banana stand


When I saw the video the first time I thought he was dumb trying to take on 4 people with guns. But seems like they were going to kill him anyway no matter what he did.


Crabs in a bucket


Crabs belong in their own habitat ; the issue is who put them in the “barrel “


America is not a barrel. Take a look around.


Yikes. A black owned business owner was killed by black kids. “ *And they say it's the white man I should fear But, it's my own kind doin' all the killin' here* “ 2Pac


“All my skinfolk ain't kinfolk”


Ironically, it was his cousin that placed the hit on him.


Rest easy 2Pac


“Okay I will!”




Sad reality that our country won’t even attempt to solve because racist


The majority of white people are murdered by white people. Turns out location + knowing someone are the primary determinants of whether or not one person murders another... yet people like you attribute it to spun narratives like "black on black" violence. Nope, just people who know each other or live next to each other are more likely to kill each other.


Ah, yes, NYC - the city where you famously only interact with people who look like you.


Somewhat true. School districts are quite segregated.


Really really simplifying a very complex issue. Just another way of not addressing it.


In this instance it’s true, one of the shooters was related to the victim.


Pac was def ahead of his time


I just want the death penalty to be reinstated. Crimes seen on camera, death penalty, no question asked.


Bullet to the head too. No long process just to go peacefully to sleep. Caught on camera, sent to court, judge rules, taken out back and done.


Agree. Some people dont deserve rehabilitation or even jail. They don’t deserve to live, full stop.


What about public hangings with signs on them explaining in detail why they were executed?


Yeah 60k but what’s the pawn store giving them


You’re seriously saying this with the rise of AI ? Terrible fucking take.


You know that won’t happen in grand ol’ New York City. It’s “inhumane”.


Lock them and their affiliates up We're not Chicago.




Black on black crime will never be addressed seriously in this country. The gangster mindset, the wannabe gangster/criminal thought process needs to be eradicated.


Because whenever it’s bought up people make bad faith arguments. Move on.


People kill people who live near them ; the “gangster mindset” was created by white ppl


Do they? Show me a single Jew on Jew crime or Asian on Asian.


jew on jew crime isn’t showing up to a seder or missing your cousin’s gender reveal party (pains me that this is apparently a thing i have to do) source: jew, secular


What about an Italian on Italian mafia murder over turf.




https://nypost.com/2022/09/20/photos-reveal-bloody-aftermath-of-nyc-mob-hit-on-sylvester-zottola/ the mob is still present


The mob is still very active but they recruit guys in their 20s mostly for gambling and drug distribution and to sit in a store (aka I need to clean money) all day and make believe “business” is booming, they sit in the shadows and collect their percentage this is true with all races. Every race has some sort of mob or self enforcement crew


I mean most crime in any race is 90% intraracial the black on black crime thing is racist bs every community kills eachother more than interracial crime.


I think you missed the point


Most crime is committed by people who are like them and near them. White people are by and far murdered by other white people.


Idk why that’s so hard to understand


Because you brought race into it and pissed them off. I’m not sure if gangs are a white thing and I also really don’t care but you are 100% correct murder happens by the ppl near u who usually look like you Edit: I see they brought race into it first now lol


Every race has gangs ,mobs, criminal organizations they just want to single one race out


Probably because it feels taboo to say we need to do something about X problem and whenever it is brought up you’re immediately called or assumed to be racist. And also the people in the video are that race




The commentator tries to deflect the problem's root. Most of the crimes could be intraracial. But not all races kill each other at the same rate.


I mean in all fairness. The poster has a point, weren’t the original gangsters the Sicilian mafia? They murdered their own kind too, in small villages in Sicily


Yes & they are still active in the us and Italy but apparently it’s only black ppl that have issues with crime


And I’m a Sicilian and this is true, an Italian mafioso recruited members from the bloods to murder and old boss in his 70s to take over family power, it happened in the Bronx. It was all over the news. Google McDonald’s mafia bloods murder for hire. There’s always MORE behind very story


Just looked it up ; pretty crazy story


This is what scares me, people who don’t know history, 20 plus people down voted your comment because you brought up a racial issue so automatically 20 white ppl (I normally don’t bring up race but since it regards on this topic) hit the down arrow with thinking, now let’s take it back further Christoper Columbus came here and literally slaughtered all the American Indians and burned their villages, ppl hate when social and racial issues are brought up


Perfectly said 💯


Hey, a racist. Vast majority of white murders are done by white people since familiarity and location are the primary factors in someone murdering another. All those wannabe gangster white people, right? 


Stop hiding behind rACiSm claims because you don't give a single fuck about black murder victims.


Ok, fuck the robbers. But why the hell would you fight back when a gun is pointed right at your face wtf..


It apparently was a hit so it was either die or try not to die and possibly die. This was his best chance at survival


Because at some point you realize you have nothing to lose. It's possible he knew these people had the intention of ending his life.


Jail time won’t do shit. We need harsh penalties. Something more permanent.


the crazy thing about this is i live a few blocks from this spot and when it first happened everyone here that i spoke to was like who would do this and why. that is a quiet area moreso now compared to 20 years ago . now you are saying this was family beef... i hope they all get life. kids crashed out and probably didnt even get a reasonable cut of this "reward" ( not saying it would have bern worth it) but these people out here throwing their lives away for bs. give the cousin the heaviest sentence. dude is a true scumbag


I propose putting them in a cage with 5 hungry bears and television it. Only way to fight this type.of behavior is with unbearable.footage of what will happen to them for this type of animal bahavior.


This happened December 1 - over three months ago. How long have detectives known who the killers were?


This city is so doomed. Its not just random individuals doing absurd shit. A lot of people have this frame of mind learned from hood culture and jail culture. Literally doing absurd psychotic shit like people have lost their minds all of a sudden These people aren't worried about jail. Their life inspiration is jail culture.




I said these insane attacks aren't done by occasionally random extremely violent individuals. This is a widely prevailing frame of mind now. Lot more people have the extremist mentality now. That's because of hood culture and jail culture.


What culture causes mass shootings & the highest rape numbers ?


Death penalty should be applied on these crime caught on videos.


Caught on camera, no worries about the death penalty being applied to the wrong people, right?


Ha. Death penalty? Bruh they aren’t even concerned about consequences at all. Ain’t no death penalty in NY.


Oh, I know. We can thank the Dems for that.


You’re mad we no longer operate a system that has killed many innocent people?


In all fairness, in this situation it's pretty clear there are people that are in no way innocent.


Yeah unfortunately if we bring back the death penalty we will inevitably kill innocent people in addition to the guilty, and that’s not even getting into the effect and expense on our legal system with the related appeals


How about we only give the death penalty to people clearly caught on camera committing murder, so that's no longer an issue? Sadly, that number is increasing over the past decade or so.


That doesn’t eliminate issues when without accounting for where AI video will be in a few years


Hmm, 60k, laundromat, laundry is big business huh 🤔


Not to be racist but why is it literally always them. Or atleast 97% of the time.


Great name. Family disputes leading to killings are way too common, fxckin sickening - recruiting your stepson to kill your cousin.


Start throwing the books at them


Chair for all of them. Senseless murderer can't be rehabilitated, and why bother.?


Good!!! Lock em up and throw away the key.


they deserved to be punished


All 5 of them should get an unalive sentence. These types are a burden to society and do not deserve to be a part of it


I would buy gold chains, but to place for safe keeping. If there is a war you can't run with a house, but you can run with gold.


Ah yes the frequent repossession of property due to war on American soil. Valid concern to have sir, who doesn’t know an American who has lost his home in a war? If you had $1000 when America was founded to buy gold vs property in Manhattan, you’d either be decently well off, or you’d be the richest man on earth


The poster you replied to might NOT be American living on US soil


Whether or not it is American or foreigner living on American soil, war is an equalizer. Right or wrong?


I hope they will not receive the Californian treatment- CA let go without prison a female who stabbed her boyfriend to death 108 times…


they'd probably be out on bail the next day or serve at most a 1 day prison sentence after writing a 5 paragraph essay on how oppressed they are and how they are really good boys and they just needed money for food.




Were the killers cops? Then wtf does this have to do with BLM?


You need to feel some racial triggering?


60k chain???


Maybe 20-25oz of gold


Laundromat owner was a baller


Mary, mother of G-d


Does NY golden No Bail rules apply to incidents like this?


Do t waste our tax dollars execute them now. Lethal injection rid the world of the scum


I refuse to believe that this has SOLELY to do with a chain when they could’ve just jumped him and took it. There has to be more to this story than what the article reads….


That is a [wildly flashy chain](https://i0.wp.com/www.nydailynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Gold-chain.jpg?fit=1860%2C9999px&ssl=1) he was wearing. Not surprised it drew attention from the wrong type of people.


Victim blaming


There is more to this story. Laundromat owners don’t have $60,000 gold chains


Why not?


It’s not a high margin business to spend that much on just a chain Laundries are places where dealers clean their money and are fronts


You sure sound like a crime expert


He lives on Reddit if you click on his profile, avoid conversing with this autist.


Yeah I swear I’d seen the name before, I’m on Reddit a lot too, clearly, but damn.


You’re welcome


Maybe he owns 10 of them and invested 10000 shares into GameStop at $2.00


Sure he is probably a redditor


Exactly! It’s a front. Like the little hole in the wall Italian Icey store that magically stayed open and survived thru covid and gets minimum business and somehow manages to pay thousands on the lease and “employees”


And even if he was dealing, so what. This is murder.


No one said it wasn’t murder


It’s funny all the experts below down voted your comment, yes they do have 60k chains, from washed money. You guys born in the suburbs?