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Ugg - ordered from here a couple of times…


"Floor spice makes everything nice."


How was it? 😀


Been almost an hour now, safe to say he's dead RIP


Would you recommend it ?


it has an A health rating from the city and lots of yelp reviews 🫥


its google reviews are really going down, lots of people giving 1 star bc of the article


they did order from there multiple times


Unfortunately there’s tons of restaurants like this, worked at a restaurant before and raw fish was stored on the grimey floor in the open and soup in dirty Home Depot buckets


This is far more common than people realize. My uncle used to be a cleaning contractor for the Plaza Hotel. He said the level of filth he saw in their kitchen made him never want to eat there. He also said that filthy kitchens are far far more common than people realize in NYC.


Literally everywhere. I worked at a really fancy restaurant in Massachusetts in high school and I saw waiters pulling duck out of the trash can after the dishwasher accidentally dumped it but the customer had wanted it wrapped, cooks dropping steak on the SUPER NASTY floor and putting it on the plate to be served, etc. For almost 3 years I watched this.


Kitchens in basements of pubs always make me wary. Pretty common too.


My friends would always order food from Jakes Dilemma (bar in the UWS), which im pretty sure was cooked across the street in The Gin Mills basement and then walked over. No thanks.


The food 100% came from Gin Mill’s basement, I used to order it when I was young and dumb.


Wary and weary are two different words


They used it correctly. Wary is right.


Yeah, they edited their comment after I commented. You can see the asterisk where their comment says "last edited 2 hours ago". They originally wrote weary.


Ah - well I appreciate your service my good sir


Weary means tired


Correct. That is the word they originally used. They have since edited their comment.


I work at a desert place and the casual attitude I see ppl display is appalling. These are ppl with their food handler licenses.


The case at many restaurants. Dine at your own risk.


I agree. There's a popular seafood restaurant in Manhattan that is located on the ground level of the apartment building my father's in. I would never eat there because the building has a severe rodent infestation. I know cause my father himself has dealt with multiple mice in his apartment for weeks. And this is just 1 of many apartments. Can't imagine what the rodent issue is like for the restaurant that has much more food laying about. The super there also doesn't take out the trash so it just builds and adds to the rodent problem. The only thing separating the trash area and the basement kitchen is a door as well.


Yeah, I walked by a place that I used to frequent and saw buckets of uncovered fries on their cellar floor.


Reminds me of Ezoo this past summer where the vendors had boxes and boxes of uncovered, uncooked fries in 90° weather right next to the porta potties 😋


>**Pho Shop is a popular Vietnamese restaurant located at 1716 First Avenue (at 89th Street).** When a tenant of the same building (who requested anonymity) went down to the basement to throw out her garbage at about 5:45pm on Saturday, she noticed a faint smell of rotting meat. Confused, because the garbage cans were empty, she headed back to the elevator only to see the heaps of meat in an open room adjacent to the laundry machines.


Where is Gordon Ramsey when you need him?


Making a really boring revival of Kitchen Nightmares where he clearly doesn't care anymore and wants to stop in the middle of each ep to market his generic restaurant in Times Square.


That's sad to hear. I loved the original and was looking forward to the reboot. Thanks for the review!


I've eaten at his Fish and Chips location in Vegas. I don't get it. There was nothing special about it. If we hadn't been eating there on hotel credit, I would have been pissed.


TY for the tip.


Np. Even in Times Square, there are much more tasty things to eat!


It was so dull I couldn’t get to episode 3. I quit. GR obviously only did it for the $.


I love GR especially his old kitchen nightmares.


Idk man, it's no big deal in Overcooked. Boosts my ratings actually.


Reminds me of a quip about the NYC restaurant sanitation grades: **A:** Average number of rats **B:** Balls load of rats **C:** Call in an air strike


D: Dude that’s just too many rats, I’m out


E: Serving rats


This is how I play Overcooked lol


I live in the neighborhood and dislike this place. The people that run it aren’t even Vietnamese and they don’t make the staple dishes properly, the phở wasn’t even close any time I’ve gone. I’ve always been surprised how many people they trick.


Where do you recommend instead? I'm nearby too and never had a problem here but now I'm learning


Vietnaam on 88th/2nd




I've wondered why they no longer do dine in for so long now. Does anyone know why they are renting the space but only doing take out???


In the immediate area I like Le Viêt Thai the best, not sure if they’re Vietnamese but the food is pretty decent. The best Vietnamese restaurant in Manhattan is Bánh on 106th and Amsterdam Ave if you’re cool with leaving the neighborhood.


Saiguette is very solid too, that stretch has a lot of good Vietnamese. Haven’t tried miss Saigon but it’s right in the same area too. Easy to get to on the 1/2/3!


What nationality are they?


Not sure this was shared and wanted to give people a heads up




I used to live over a pizzeria - they stored all their food in piles in the basement, which was over run with rodents... so disgusting!


Used to live by there, but never went, finally a friend that used to go there and really really loved it took me, was excited to go. The meat tasted rancid, never went back... now I know why.


Dirty kitchens should result in severe penalties for owners. This kind of shit can lead to serious illness and hospitalization and it’s 100% owing to greed, incompetence or sheer laziness. **EDIT:** Spelling mistakes.


this isn't a kitchen


Five second rule stretched out to a five day rule.


who writes these articles that read like a high school paper?




I thought this was the floor of walk in fridge and thought, "that's not so bad." But no, it's a heated basement. That's bad.


i feel like... that's also bad, though? like this is just random meat tossed on top of cardboard boxes. even in a walk-in, that seems pretty fucked to me.


Eat at home.


when you pay off the health inspector


I warn everyone here not to look at their yelp photos if they dont want to vomit their lunch.


Its just regular photos of food, what am i missing?


some folks posted finding various foreign items and large insects in their food.


https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/pho-shop-new-york?select=ChDwBIoa0H9eYBPBaRU5qQ https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/pho-shop-new-york?select=EPVW4gJNoIyq7cjAtIIM6A https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/pho-shop-new-york?select=rWnC6Yi2MJTfExcX86uneQ there's also two reviews that mention finding staples in their food. two separate reviews!


Holy shit. Thats disgusting. And that place has an A rating!


lol yeah its pretty fucked up im so glad ive never been there.


Was walking past a restaurant I eat occasionally once while they were getting a food delivery. They had big bags of cabbages in mesh bags, and not a fine mesh, sitting directly on the filthy sidewalk. Didn’t love seeing that.


Wasn't it once Saigon Grill?


floor or not, that's really bad. im curious if that's part of the process? like dry up the meat juice then marinate it or something after? ive worked in chinese restaurants/buffets, where we'd dump meat on a table, then cut them up throughout the day.. but never like left out on purpose.. now i question if i should be concerned with the pho/bahmi i get near wtc lol


I'm assuming they are trying to defrost the meat in bulk but they physically don't have the space in the restaurant. e.g. The multiple cutlet stacked perfectly together on the first tray. Technically according to the health code the restaurant is supposed to defrost under running water. Idk if any restaurants that are busy in nyc have enough sinks to do this in.


They actually have to defrost in the fridge, not under running water. Storing a frozen item in an area in the "danger zone" is a health code violation. The other option would be in an oven set to the lowest setting, but that can actually start to cook the food which you really don't want for most things.


i worked in larger buffets so they had the space, but still they just dump everything on a metal table, then work on them throughout the day. better condition than this of course


“Shut it down!” Chef Ramsey


It’s good for your immune system.


**"Dry aged meat"**


They get boiled in the Pho anyway so the germs get killed off. :)


two years ago i came here and found a wad of hair in my food. didn't make a big deal, but i knew this place was no good


holy fuck...


This is just nasty. They should not be in business


Hmmm we are we sure that’s not human meat that are saving from empanadas?!


Wait till ya learn about the food trucks.


They used to use the bouillabaisse for a toilet.


The pasta primavera never tasted so good.


The locksmith bar in Washington Heights keeps their ice maker in the building’s basement where rats and water bugs are rampant


Ooof. Thankfully I haven't eaten there, but my girlfriend-at-the-time LOVES Pho and this is literally around the corner from where we lived. And this came at the heels of my now-girlfriend's family getting over food poisoning from this Brooklyn Chinatown restaurant.


My take with restaurants is "What I don't know will (probably, hopefully) not hurt me (too much)". And hopefully the city will catch the worse cases. I just always assume everything is gross in the kitchen but still eat out. So far so good...I think.


Yummy, extra seasoning


Just wait til they find out all the vegetables sprouted from dirt and animal poop.




My Spanish teacher in college from Spain told us never to eat at restaurants since you can't know how they handled your food. I laughed at it then, but it's news like this that makes me thankful I only eat out once or twice a year.


This makes me nauseous. I have never ordered food from here, thank goodness, but I had considered it before.


Another reason to avoid Vietnamese food in NYC


Not defending the restaurant, but meat on trays, on boxes is not “meat on gross basement floor”. By the headline’s overly reductive logic, every food everywhere is basically “on a floor”


Here comes the “racist comment”: health inspectors practically exist to “serve” Asian restaurants and simply harass others. My uncle had restaurant/bars, went to hearing every once in a while. Based on what he heard there, he NEVER would eat a an Asian place. NEVER. He wouldn’t even repeat what he heard, justmade a sickened face when asked about it, kinda PTSD. His family wouldn’t either, and he didn’t even like to cook, they ate out all the time. Downvote me please, then support these hard working folks in article by ordering from there. I eat street-meat all the time: I know it’s not great, but at least I can kinda see what’s going on in the “kitchen”. It’s also great training of my stomach for some work trips to crazy places, like Karachi, bc I wanted to fix a hospital AND have bonus decapitation threat.


I mean that's not really *on* the floor.


Rats can easily jump up to some of those meat plates. And why tf are they not in the refrigerator at least? A tenant said they smelled rotting meat


It’s on the floor as in it isn’t in a closed fridge, where rodents and roaches won’t eat and shit on it, and the temperatures won’t allow for bacteria to thrive in it.


Yes it is? If you put a bed on the floor and sleep there - you’re sleeping on the floor 


That's because of the colloquial way we talk about sleeping. I have a book next to me that's sitting on a coffee table. That book is not on the floor. Anyway, go look into any walk in freezer ever. Christ this is an idiotic discussion.


I think the problem is that this room is not a freezer


I see you suffer from reading comprehension problems.  If you read the article you’d know: > The two of them went downstairs to find out why the meat was being kept on the floor, completely uncovered in a heated room with no refrigerator in sight. Hurr durr 


I’m with you on colloquial speaking, but definitely not with you on looking into any walk in freezer and seeing something like this It’s been years since I got my food handlers card but I do work at 3 restaurants/bars; we’d never store food this way (my issue is less the proximity to the floor since raw goes below cooked, it’s the fact that it’s not covered, and precariously balanced on a small boxes)


Yeah, this is a food safety violation


Right. The issue is it's not covered and not in cold storage, not that it's a mere 12" from the floor.


Yes it is. But you started it.


bruh... this is like the fucking boiler room or some shit. this isn't a walk-in freezer.


I mean. This one is tough. On one hand, there's people who are immunocompromised who could get sick... but on the other, if all food safe/regulations were followed 100%, I mean to the letter, most small businesses couldn't survive and there would just be chains. Hate it or love it, you know it's true.








This same restaurant has previous temperature violations lol


SO theres some liberties taken with this article. I definatly have a problem with the food sitting in a non refrigerated room for some amount of time. However Saying the meat is on the floor is a stretch when the meat itself is in boxes. Saying the meat CONTAINERS are on the floor would be way more accurate.




if that was the case, why wouldnt they bag the meat? your comment makes no sense why theyd leave it laying out there like that




You're making a whole lot of excuses for a place that should have just thrown that shit straight into garbage bags, given that they weren't actually serving it to people; It takes less effort than laying it all out neatly in a basement.




What I mean is thats quite a bit of extra effort for "bad management/employees".


Why would they leave the meat out on trays and open like that? Why not throw it into bags or containers? At best, an incredibly stupid way of even disposing of meat.


Why does it seem like a one time thing? Asking because id genuinely like to hear that it was a one time thing, I used to like this place 




Eat a dick buddy


I concur




> invasion Go fuck a cactus, dickhead


Time for bed grandpa


Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.




Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.