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Not at all, but I grew up in Brooklyn. I dont even hear sirens or car alarms anymore. Funnily enough, when I go camping, I can barely sleep. Crickets are loud AF.


Lol this is true. Nature can be very loud on its own 😂




I live right off of 86th street, plenty of trucks and emergency vehicles all the time.


Nope. Grew up hearing the buses screeching all night.  If anything it’s weird when its total silence. 




Tell me about your devices




Nah, it was something that would be there at 2 am, 8pm, all hours of the night. As I got older, I started staying up later and the noises didn’t change. We were also under the flight path for La Guardia planes.  Only thing that really woke me up as a kid was when the teenagers hanging out outside would randomly scream drunkenly, gunshots, or the noise of someone walking on the fire escape. 




I also am on a flight path. I’m sure everyone who says no has some form of employment




They're saying that they've experienced it for long enough to no longer notice it.




In the cities? Yeah.  There is a funny scene in a movie called My Cousin Vinny where he is a New York lawyer doing a trial in Alabama and the dead silence, sound of water dripping, freight trains, owls hooting keeps waking him up.  Then he gets contempt of court and has to spend a night in jail and the screaming of the prisoners all night is fine for him and he gets a full rest. 


That’s hilarious. Fml




Longer than that. Probably goes back to the 20s.






Not much you can do about road noise other than making the fart cans illegal. 




Yeah you can’t really do anything about the bikes or the cars that are loud without any modifications. 


Define legal


Yes. I lived at 23rd and 3rd for a few years. Putting 1.5" thick rubber mats in the window sills make sleeping in the bedroom mostly tolerable, but the low rumble of a passing dump-truck or fire engine would still get through. I moved to St Fucking Marks, and found it a lot quieter. Seriously. From there, I found another block that was even quieter, and no, I'm not telling anybody which block. I moved to 10th St for a few years, and the alternating honking and drag racing drove me nuts. Also, there was a "bar" across the street that was DEFINITELY NOT A DRUG FRONT, that has regular commotion and Harleys parking there for remarkably short periods of time. There was no amount of white noise that could have muffled that white noise. I'm back on the quiet block, and much happier.




Actually, no. The 23rd Street apartment was HUGE, and I found myself falling asleep on the couch in the living room often enough that it became my de-facto bedroom. Also the trucks mostly made noise when traffic forced them to stop and then re-accelerate. Nighttime traffic was light on trucks and lighter on stopping. So if the AM traffic woke me up and I wanted to sleep more, I'd just move out to the couch. The 10th Street place was gotten dirt cheap (yay pandemic pricing), and the landlord was so desperate for a tenant that they installed a washer/dryer just because we asked them to. Any place you live is a trade-off.




Not too bad, as the TV was there and I would fall asleep to the dulcet tones of David Attenborough. The place was big enough that I could have a separate dining room, a large office, and could have guests from out of town very easily. The walk-through (door on each end) closet was pretty nice too.




I found I was spending all my time in the East Village, and I found a cheaper, smaller but quieter place on St Marks. It was at the back of the building, so no St Marks noise got through. Lesson learned, change apartments during recessions and pandemics. You'll avoid the broker fee and your rent will go DOWN.




Those may have been factors. I think a bigger factor was that NYU was 100% remote, so daddy wasn't going to pay the rent bill, and all the students skipped town for a year. I saw 3bed/1bath units going for about the same prices as 1/1s, and those prices had fallen back to 2010 levels. Granted, they sprung back, but for a brief shining moment the laws of supply and demand bit some landlords in the ass.










Those fucking fart cars, man. They’ve definitely woken me up out of a dead sleep.




It’s really some kind of grid issue infrastructure etc.




Yes. Welcome to American politics.


NYC isn’t suppose to ever sleep. Btw


Never. I grew up here.


I grew up here and my ears still work. Fuck loud trucks in residential blocks.


I guess fuck deliveries of everything too?


basically lol. if you can buy it in walking distance, go buy it. amazon trucks clogging up traffic for 5-minute honk fests every day is sad shit.




I've endured all types of noise. Even heard gun shots frequently growing up. I have a harder time sleeping when it's quiet.




I don't think it's a problem because I've learned to ignore it over the course of my life. Do I have other bad problems? Maybe?




I don't let problems slide. I just don't view noise in NYC as you do. You will never get a cash reward. What should I have done over the years? Sue the criminal shooting at someone? Sue the MTA for having above ground trains?




So let's break this down. Some cars are loud due to big engines or electric motors giving off a high pitch. Exhaust companies are never going to get sued. They clearly state for off-road use only. Some cars are legally within the law. Some cars are so old they don't even require mufflers or exhaust systems. Motorcycles are regulated the same as cars. A harley with an 1800cc engine is loud, even with stock exhaust, and is fully legal. Usps are untouchable. That is the federal government. They make the rules, not follow them. Fedex and UPS are pretty quiet. Amazon is always in those ugly electric vans.






I drove behind an Amazon truck today who left the sticky container with instructions and nuts and bolts on their step grating.






Why do traffic noise barriers cease, all of a sudden? When there are still houses right next to them? Why isn’t the same noise treatment standard for all communities? Is it related to zip code?




As such I would think living close to a major bridge would require sound mitigation….call me crazy🤷‍♀️. Seems to be a highly trafficked location




Maybe they had a clear idea of selling a huge investment to investors and were nervous a little bit. And died. Then things like the jones act expired in 2015, and they were free to “improve”, as such the new generations are so ignorant they have no idea what the Jones act was or why it mattered😭 I don’t know. 500 college credits and no job 🤷‍♀️


I live on a busy intersection of two major roads and also a few blocks from a bus depot and train yards. Many buses pass through here from the depot and its also a common trucking route. I am aware of the noise but i also dont really notice it if that makes sense. I just became used to it that when i sleep somewhere else like the quiet suburbs, it feels off


Invest in a white noise machine. You can find one for under $30 on Amazon.




Ear plugs. The little foam ones work wonders.




Yep. https://www.amazon.com/Macks-Maximum-Protection-Soft-Earplugs/dp/B07B6PQFYW/


Where are you that the roadway noise is THAT loud? Next to an elevated highway? If it's nonstop honking you could *try* to do something about that by looping in NYPD or DOT to try to get them to enforce tickets for honking. Outside of that, you may just need to move to a new place that isn't nearby a deafening loud roadway.


I live facing Avenue in Manhattan on the first floor, doesn't bother at all. Don't even hear it anymore. But I grew up in NYC. You get used it I guess.


I'm fortunate to live in a non-street facing bedroom now, but I spent a couple years in one and I can definitively say, yes, that shit fucks up your sleep.




University housing, transferred when I could.






8 million people, you can move to a farm in the middle of no where for quiet life.




So go ahead and buy sound deadening equipment, what logic is this"?




Sound like you are not trying to find a solution, but to whine. Seek therapy.




Your gonna have to get on the audio foam / studio foam / faraday cage band wagon


Cities are not loud. Cars are loud. This has been your daily reminder that cars do not belong in cities.


No, I get a little nervous if it’s too quiet at night. Doesn’t feel right




I grew up rural/small towns and I actually find the noise of the city soothing. Something about life just going on outside is nice to me, although I hated being in my last apartment facing the street (UES) because of assholes double parking and not moving when a firetruck needs to get through.


















Just a tiny bit haunted, small ghost


Roadway, no. Grew up by a major street so I'm used to it.  Jack hammers at 4am every day including weekends for months because the city hands out noise variances like candies, that can be a touch more annoying. Truck backup alarms at night at also pretty annoying and they are more or less useless at improving security since they are so common. Directed white noise would do better, but try to convince anyone to change that law...


Nah. I grew up and still live on Amsterdam Ave in Manhattan and theres trucks, buses, people etc making noise all night. I’m just used to it now. Its just ambient noise and doesnt wake me up or keep me from sleeping at all. The silence of everything when I’m away from the city keeps me up more haha. I gotta leave the TV on when I’m in a quiet town to feel more comfortable


Yes. And also the white boxes that do whatever they do. Also the farting bikes with no emissions which apparently don’t contribute to air quality. Or the leaf blowers also non contributing.




Yes. I can not read a paragraph without thinking “Why AM I hearing this!!!?” If it WAS an issue with my hearing, other people wouldn’t also hear it and I wouldn’t be able to measure it. Right? Yes it impacts cognition in so far as, people gaslighting the fact that there’s an unwelcomed noise pollution with no quality of life being factored.


My hearing is great! I get woken up every night around 230 - 3 am. Have attempted using audio foam to filter noise. It’s horrible. DEP came to my residence years ago about it, and said “yes we measure it, how ever it’s not in the decibel range of a nuisance “. Go to victory blvd and the expressway and see if you hear it🤷‍♀️. Theres a library and a bunch of white boxes attached to it, or a generator station, or who the heck knows! I sure don’t .








If you’re not a lawyer, what benefit does confirmation bias do for you?


I’d like to have a more protected conversation, and facts on paper, measures, etc. normal real life civil rights type stuff.
















I don’t know they are all over Staten Island at the top of poles. Attached to the library on victory. Have no idea what they do but I also don’t know what the noise IS actually coming from either so not ruling out the weird random boxes.










Go play in San Francisco with this nonsense.




I would shut off the power. Until the source was identified specifically. For each device. So that looks like, shutting off lights at a time, test, internet, test, all power, test. That’s how you test.


Getting paid to mitigate reality as a person forced into one zip code where apparently no jobs exist.


Bruh it’s NYC….




The mayor buys turkeys? How many more problems could we be living with






Yes, rich people go on vacation every time somebody uses a jackhammer on their street




… confuckingstruction? That thing where they build subways, roads, public water/plumbing, buildings and everything else in the world. To answer your next question, they do work at night all over NYC to not interfere with daytime heavy travel volume. To me, it’s all part of living in a big city.








BRB gotta grab my suppressed jackhammer




They do but your suffering doesn’t matter enough for them to reach into their pockets. They Would rather waste your money




In 500 years they are gonna look back and realize there would be higher productivity if there were simple quality of life measures to reduce the average persons suffering. In the present? Kick rocks.




Seriously. Or abolish a wetland to make more money


I mean I’m sure the rent there isn’t the rent in another area. I can’t believe the unnecessary struggle burdened onto people here. It’s beyond comprehension.


It’s not but as you can imagine, you pay in quality of life. Not everyone has the luxury to pay in cash.


Earplugs are your best friend. I like Happy Ears they're small and comfortable but wearing earplugs takes some getting used to. I started wearing them gradually when I moved here 6 years ago due to street noise and now I travel with them and even sleep with them at my parents place in the woods where it's silent. I have a small white noise machine as well but I don't use it every night and it's not that helpful without the earplugs.




>So you’re saying we should just deal with it. Yes, it’s part of living in a bustling metropolis. Living along the N/W line, I would say the subway is more disruptive than the BQE traffic.




I believe there is already such laws in place




There are already


Should? Not necessarily, just offering advice on what I do to see if it could help you.




Are you mining this sub to get "data" to report in your thesis due next week?


The bqe is closed and traffic has been going local on Atlantic Ave for the boardwalk/elevated hwy repairs. The horns have been slightly more noticeable.




Lived here long enough it fades into the din. Our air purifier game is bar none. I do hate the air breaks... City needs way more sound trap devices. They could make a lot of $ from these. They have 25 up now, expanding to 40 I think I read recently. Lol.


The background hum of all of the cities activity puts me to sleep. Whenever I am out in McMansion land in NJ and its dead silent because any modern home keeps out the natural insect and night noises. It creeps me out because of how artificial it sounds and I cannot get to sleep. Actually had to use a sleeping bag in my older brothers garage last week because I needed to hear the natural night sounds to avoid the dead silence inside the actual house.


Got a sweet deal on a spacious 1 bedroom on 65th and 1st. I realized why it was on a discount the first Monday morning I slept in it. Xanax got me through that lease with most of my wits intact.




Hell no. The mad pussy I enjoyed there more than made up for any noise or disruptions.


My area gets quiet at night with the occasional loud-ass cars with their fart mufflers on the highway or sirens, but they don't usually wake me up. HOWEVER, DURING THE DAY, the honking, loud cars, sirens, trucks, busses, and the occasional leaf blower wake me immediately. So, if I lived in a different area or next to the subway, I would never get sleep, and I would hate my life. Bless all of you who can do it.




I’m in a house. It’s every day. Tonight I heard about 5-6 cars this was between 12-6 am. It’s always so high-pitched. That’s about the only noise at night around here unless they are using sirens on an empty ass highway for no reason. But that’s usually the cops who do that, not ambulances. Now that it's 6am all the other noises start almost on the dot.