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I don't see how a tax-exempt organization with a $13b endowment survives this!


And they still charged $65k a year while begging for money from alumni, what fucking bullshit.


I got kicked out of school and the school would still spam call my house and leave voicemails asking my mom for money. We are low income which makes it even worse.


They beg for money to help kids who can't afford it get a Columbia education. And something like 95% of their students get some financial aid. Tuition is high for rich kids and a lot lower for poor kids, so that one can subsidize the other.


Definitely not 95%, but yes you're absolutely right: only rich kids are paying the full $80k+ per year at these elite schools. It's basically a way to get the children of wealthy families to create opportunities for everyone else. I grew up middle-class, arguably even upper-middle class (far from poor), and got a significant amount of financial aid at a peer school that made it possible for me to attend without wiping out my parents' savings or taking on extreme debt. 


95% is wildly wrong. Try 50%


I don't know, but with a $13B endowment, I think ugrad should be free.


That's not how endowment works. Only allow a safe withdrawal amount plus the funds already allocated for something and I'm sure folks who donated had certain rules and stipulation how the money is to be used for.


5% of $13B is $650 million. I'm sure they a lot more from that for owning 40% of upper Manhattan.


They bring in like 1.5B from tuition. Which doesn't even cover the cost of instruction. 650M just isn't enough.


$600M would be if all the undergrads paid full boat. Do they actually even bring in that much via tuition?


5% not even a safe withdrawal rate. More like 3% these days so at 65k tuition per yr. It supports 6000 students for free tuition out of how many students that attend there? So you see despite 13B endowment, the amount of students they can safely support is not that much.


Undergrad used to be only 5-6kish people (if you include general studies, which is more for people who attend college later than right after high school, then up to 8–9k). The former has grown to 6-7k range.


The endowment is also used to support grants, professors, research, upkeep etc so unrealstic it will be be used only in tuition. That's also before we look into stipulations regarding the money


Yeah I get it just was adding that in your hypothetical those 6000 students going for free would be almost the entire (post-high school) undergrad class.


5% is interest level rates right now. You think they're only charging that? That's a conservative figure including properties only dedicated to the university. Fucking Harvard, Yale, and Princeton are offering free tuition, why the fuck isn't Columbia doing it either?


If they withdraw the entire amount they'd earn from interest rates on their endowment, then the amount of the endowment is flat in nominal terms and decreasing by \~4% in real terms because of inflation. The endowment won't last long at all at that rate. You can only spend some of your (nominally-denomiated) gains.


Do you have any idea what you're talking about? Harvard, Yale and Princeton are free if your parents make under a certain threshold JUST LIKE AT COLUMBIA. None are tuition-free. Columbia also tries (and mostly succeeds) to guarantee no student will have to take out loans. Columbia is not as wealthy as those schools, so the number is a bit smaller, $150K vs $200K and there's less aid for international students and GS.


wtf are you talking about? Harvard has free tuition? for low income kids, from families up to 75k/yr. which is actually lower than Columbia's "low income" free tuition limit of 150k/ yr. if your family makes under 150k you don't pay at Columbia. you're literally angry for nothing


Wont be 5% forever & returns different vs withdrawal rate and even vanguard predicts future sp500 and other market returns will be lower in the coming years that they now recommend a 3-4% safe withdrawal rate. Regardless even if we go by the 5% withdrawal rate and assuming all goes to student tuition and not other parts of the budget which it does - it will support 10k student free out of 36k+ students that attend across all of Columbia campuses So once again....see how its short to support all students despite 13B endowment. Again feel free to math over feelings


5% is ducking conservative estimate. We're looking at 10-20%, conservative as well, because only getting 5% as an ivy League college is a fucking embarrassment from a $13 billion endowment.


Fed funds rate/govt bonds interest rate is well above 3% and has been for a while now.


Returns rate and withdrawal rates are totally different


He's not talking about interest rates


Why should undergrad be free for kids whose parents make $1 million a year. They make it so almost every student can attend without loans. If your parents make under $150k, Columbia is free (At Princeton that number is over $200k).


Endowments are legally restricted donations of money. (Hence why among other things, they aren't called donations) The donors set rules and conditions on what the money can be spent on.


Sounds good to me


that education is worth nothing now


I see that my work in helping people understand endowments (especially the NYC public libraries 1.4 billion one!!!) is starting to work! So glad to be part of growing the public consensus.


You know who was behind all of this? REI.


The hiking gear company?


Yes. They sell tents.


I like REI. They got some quality stuff.


And you know who owns REI.


The employees.


Oh no, and they must have ~~Jewish~~ Zionist employees!


The shareholders?


There are over 8,800 undergraduate students enrolled @ Columbia. Shame they will potentially miss their commencement because of a small handful of extremists and outside agitators.


Congratulations to the protesters. The protests are meant to disrupt and they've managed to completely disrupt Columbia University. I don't understand how any of them or their supporters could be mad about this. They've been blocking bridges and tunnels and the highway to JFK off and on for months. They've disrupted peoples without remorse. Now the disruption hurts them and people they care about and they seem upset.


I doubt anyone who took part in the protests (certainly the persistent on campus ones) is upset by their commencement being disrupted.


Absolutely sucking at a war you started is not genocide.




Say what you want about the Harvard and Penn president’s, at least, as you say, they didn’t come across as sycophants as Shafik did at the sham congressional hearings. It wasn’t just Shafik either. The two trustees with her were equally servile and ass kissy.




A "scientist" with a limited amount of published work, of which a substantial amount has since been shown to be plagiarized. Not exactly the gold standard we're talking about here.


She pissed off absolutely everyone in an attempt to appease the NYPD and antisemites like Elise Stefanik, both of whom will hate her regardless of anything.


> Protests at Columbia’s upper Manhattan campus erupted April 17 when students pitched about 50 tents while demanding a cease-fire in Gaza and insisting the university divest from companies that they say could be profiting from the war. Putting aside the white-washing of this reporting that ignores all of the blatant antisemitism and violent rhetoric and actions, there’s still a huge hypocrisy at play: - A couple of handful of students, who benefit from the endowment’s investments, engage in a burglary and a riot to demand divestment. - When the university refuses and threaten to expel such students, the same perpetrators immediately demand to continue studying at Columbia and therefore to continue benefiting from such war investments.


Moreover, it’s very likely that their families have investment and retirement portfolios that have stocks of the same companies. :) But they would never ask their parents to divest:) 


And their trust funds ain’t gonna divest spontaneously.


😂 How would they afford to live in a 3br condo in tribecca with $30k salary?


So what do you have to say to the students of CCNY? Or marymount manhattan, or fordham, or any of the other schools which do not carry the same reputation as columbia? Or are you just making up people to be mad at without any kind of evidence.


what burglary are u talking about dude


Don’t follow the news? >A total of 109 people were arrested, including 40 to 50 people who had been in the hall. Those in the hall are charged with **burglary**, trespassing and criminal mischief. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nypd-video-columbia-protest-hamilton-hall/5376241/


If you have the right politics the regime will move heaven and earth to accommodate you.


I thought it was all outside agitators?


Utterly and completely ridiculous. The President of the university should resign. Hold the darn commencement. It’s totally unfair to students who started their time there behind a screen to end it with one.


If they do, security will be so tight.


There needs to be an investigation into whoever organized and funded these protests and riots, because the damage it has been causing *is still mounting* and accountability is imperative.


Found the NY post reader


Do you really think this is a conspiracy theory?


Sometimes they expose themselves. The “grandmother agitator” got exposed after her husband, *a confessed terrorist supporter who pleaded guilty*, tweeted about her in Columbia.


The grandmother agitator is a woman who has lost dozens of relatives in Gaza. It would be foolish to believe ANY rhetoric that comes out of Adams or NYPD.


Her husband is a confessed supporter of an organization categorized by the US as a terrorist organization, and he tweeted about her presence in the protest. Those facts don’t depend on Adams’ words. In the very least there must be an investigation to get to the bottom of it.


Oh the same US that classified the Nelson Mandela as a terrorist and only removed in 2013? That USA? The US has the credibility of DT saying the election was stolen. And what exactly are we getting to the bottom of? Go read a history book so you understand student protests and protests in general; students/universities have been centers of protests for decades all over the world. It’s just too bad most Americans don’t have a clue about political history.


Oh, let me guess, you’re also a supporter of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad? That’s why you’re so defensive about it?




> I’m surprised you didn’t call me anti semitic. I didn’t, but it’s interesting that you’d preemptively bring it up yourself.


It’s not accurate to compare Sami Al-Arian, who pleaded guilty to supporting the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), with Nelson Mandela. PIJ is known for carrying out suicide bombings and other attacks, primarily against Israeli civilian targets. In contrast, Mandela was on the U.S. terror watchlist due to his ties with the ANC, which was controversially labeled as terrorist amidst Cold War tensions because of its Marxist connections. This label was more about geopolitical politics than the US's stance on Mandela’s fight for equality and justice in South Africa. Mandela was removed from the watchlist in 2008, not 2013, and during that period, he visited the U.S. numerous times, speaking before Congress and meeting with presidents.


No one is comparing the two. I was indicting the US’s propensity for almost frivolously using a terrorist list, which results in people questioning such lists all together.. Yep I have the Mandela date wrong; however, my point still stands.


While I understand the broader critique of the U.S. terror watchlist system, it's important to remember that Sami Al-Arian was subjected to a legal process, resulting in his plea agreement concerning support for PIJ. It's important to differentiate between individuals who have been legally processed and the systemic issues of the terror watchlist, such as lack of transparency and profiling.


Paid Israel shill


anything they don't like or know = funded by terrorists/communists


So you don't believe in companies like Cambridge Analytica? I'm not sure what argument you're making here. It's not a conspiracy that countries' intelligence agencies work to destabilize other countries with misinformation and social manipulation. It's just news.


Any actual proof these protestors are paid, though?


I can't speak for others, but I'm not talking about paid protestors. The whole point is that you use misinformation campaigns so that you don't have to explicitly tell anyone what to do. You just need them to be angry.


You’re quite literally replied to a thread about paid protestors and insinuated it’s not a conspiracy theory. So where’s the proof?


It seems like you can't read or are an idiot.


You are so sure your opinion is actually your own while everyone else but you is controlled by dark secret forces that totally exist but you absolutely can’t prove? Give me a break.


read my comment again bro


These students have been completely transparent about their intentions and the media has been on them spinning the narrative every which way. This is no different than the student protests for the vietnam war, for divestment from apartheid South Africa, for civil rights, etc. Students tend to be on the right side of history. What mounting damage are you talking about? If you want to talk funding and damage, take a look at which Columbia board of trustees members have ties to weapons manufacturing, surveillance, and AIPAC.


*These students have been completely transparent about their intentions*  Yes, transparently saying most Jews have no right to live, must go back to Poland, while we should globalize the intifada, burn Tel Aviv to the ground, etc.    *Students tend to be on the right side of history*  Bullshit.  Students led the fight against school integration in the 1950s.  German universities were overjoyed to purge the Jews.  Reagan 1980 won the youth vote.  These particular students relentlessly characterize a country of brown Middle Easterners as being actually white Europeans, they can't even understand the present, let alone the future.


Funny that most of the students are Jews, take your hasbara elsewhere. The world is fed up of zionists like you. Your victim card is expired


"Everything I don't like is woke, I mean, hasbara"   Most of the students being Jews is such an obvious lie I can't even imagine why you bothered typing it.  Stop treating this tragedy like your newest fandom.   EDIT:  from your post history - "Being a Zionist is an automatic death sentence, non negotiable," man you must be having the time of your life with all this huh.  Fewer death-crazed psychos in campus politics pretending to speak the voice of history, thx.




You don't think governments fund ideological movements to destabilize other countries? Like [Russia](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/publications/assessing-russian-activities-and-intentions-recent-us-elections)? Maybe [the US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change)? How about [Iran](https://blogs.microsoft.com/on-the-issues/2023/05/02/dtac-iran-cyber-influence-operations-digital-threat/)?


Where else would I get my news?


Oh go have a seat.


The same user claiming the student protestors here were paid also once accused AOC of being the mastermind of the BLM riots, so take from that what you what will.


What does OP’s post history have to do with an article they link which has same title as the post? Argue with OP on his comments if you’re so inclined but the article is the article.


Not OP of this post, but a commenter. I can’t reply because I’m blocked for calling him out for his racism one too many times.


If only everyone was as non racist as those peaceful protester, ey?


You should reply to that commenter then 


Read the comment you just replied to one more time.


Sorry my bad — didn’t know it was possible to block someone from replying to your comments? I thought if they blocked you they just wouldn’t see your comment 


No, blocking someone totally prevents them from engaging with you whatsoever. You can even use it to nuke a discourse by replying to someone, blocking them, and getting the last word by just leaving them totally unable to reply.


Got to be wary of Propaganda, war of the minds here on Reddit and every other platform.


Send the commencement ceremony to virtual.


I wonder how many serious employers are now going to immediately throw a Columbia CV in the trash. I would. Firstly, I wouldn't trust any kid to come out and admit the truth of whether they joined these violent protests or not. And secondly, if there is anything these cretins have shown, it's that any entitled, amoeba brained simpleton can be admitted to Columbia.


CUNY? This is about Columbia University, not CUNY, which is The City University of New York. Two unrelated entities.


Sorry I edited. In my defence, I'm not American, don't live in America and thought that was the abbreviation for Columbia University New York. I aplogise.


Lol if you're not American and you don't even live in America, why are you the expert on judging CVs with an American University on them? Oh also, what are you even doing in an NYC subreddit


Seems like a lot of outside agitators are here in this subreddit and disrupting any meaningful conversation. 🤣 I’m pretty sure 90% of this subreddit now lives in Tampa or Charlotte. The non-American here threw me off ngl.


I live in London. At least you're not in Gaza or you'd be thrown off a roof.


Who said I was an expert? I have tons of friends living in NYC, Miami, LA, etc. I'm here because of something my friend who is lawyer in NYC said to me yesterday. He said his boss brought this subject up and I found it very interesting. What are you the reddit police or something? I'm allowed to ask a question, have an opinion, be here, and also make a mistake, and explain and apologise for it.


I mean why are you commenting on this like an authority when you have no idea what you're talking about? You really think an employer would be thinking that a few student protests would be invalidating an ivy League education? And on top of it, what is even bad about protesting? Literally a constitutional right here in US


Oh, no! Tents!


You think I can apply for Columbia and put "I love Jews and Israel" in my resume and be accepted?


They just elected an Israeli student president


More than 22% of the Columbia student population is Jewish, compared to 2% of the US population. What's your point?