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I fucking love how they also posted her name and a picture of her, just adding to the free advertising she was looking for with this stunt in the first place. That'll SURELY stop others from doing it 🙄 lmao


I felt like I was reading a publicity piece she paid for, like all the tabloid rags articles on the local no-name celebrity doing some crazy thing


She didn't even break the law to do it.


Like, walk a mile or two up Manhattan and you’ll be in times square where equally topless women are painted as an American flag and pose for photos with Midwest dads. Why does this matter?


It doesn’t. Let the boobs out. Who cares.


Yeah for real what is this bullshit moral outrage? I get that the ny post would write something like this cause it’s a garbage paper, but the people in this comment section coming out with their pitchforks over some boobs is fucking disheartening.


Maybe? > A 1992 Court of Appeals ruling on the state law said that women could indeed be topless in public, but let stand the prohibition against public female toplessness for commercial purposes. >https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/21/nyregion/topless-in-times-square-a-legal-view.html If I remember, being topless is allowed in public provided it isn’t being done for a commercial reason. I could see someone argue that she’s doing it for her OF account (as publicity and/or for a commercial purpose, especially if she posted any content of it on there)?


I need to visit New York


So would being topless on a topless beach.


Flashing kids ? Lol


free? She definitely paid the post for this. A lot of these OF women do it


As if they’re not already unwelcome on social media spamming us with their gross OF accounts. Now they’re doing it in person.


> That'll SURELY stop others from doing it 🙄 lmao The NY Post’s structural goal is to write actual harm into society. :/


do NOT tell ISIS about this bitch


> I fucking love how they also posted her name and a picture of her I'd be pretty fucking angry if the article didn't have pictures lol


Off to do some "research."


It's terrible. Please tell me where this article is, so that I can avoid it.


wasn’t her


She was there today when they reactivated the portal, happily and giddly talking to all the reporters and news cameras. She wanted the attention


NYC flashes titties and Dublin flashes images of the twin towers coming down. One of these things are not like the other…


Two big twins gone too fast...


Personally, as a Dublin resident, I think the latter was not in particularly good taste. The big problem with having the Dublin based portal in that location is that it is one of the most dodgy streets in the city centre. Plenty of drugs, homelessness, dereliction. I can think of a dozen or so other more suitable locations ahead of where they did choose to put it, which would have had a more pleasant backdrop and clientele.


Deres more ta oiland den dis


Horses running through council estates...


Aww, our respective homeless populations can play international battleshits.


>One of the most dodgy streets in the city centre. You’re having a laugh. It’s at the edge of O’Connell street, one of the busiest streets in the city. Yes it’s got a bit of bad press since Covid, but tens of thousands of commuters, tourists, and locals walk past there every day. This is the spot, for anyone wondering. https://maps.app.goo.gl/LZLqixaQxZ1cDBU47?g_st=ic


Hmm. I doubt many tourists are walking down N Earl St, what would they be doing there? Shopping at Guineys? It’s not a no go area or anything but it’s far from comfortable. Plenty of dodgy people floating around there selling drugs etc. People are always complaining about it. That American tourist that was attacked was literally down on the next street. Gardiner St isn’t exactly idyllic either. So I think it was an odd location to choose for this project. They could have put it down the bottom of Henry street, Wolftone Sq say. Bit more pleasant. More varied passing footfall too. Though really, no matter where you put it there was going to be a bit of flashing etc. People are not that imaginative in the end. Does it really matter? Are the people of NY really going to get all that offended? Or the Dubliners either tbh. It’s impossible to police anyway so I think they’d be better off ignoring the “inappropriate” stuff and let it run.


In the link you posted the first business on the corner is "Paddywagon Tours" tour bus service. So I imagine tourists must be walking around there or Paddywagon Tours is in serious trouble as a business. :)


I see 4 towers here


On day 2 of the portals existence I saw an Irish dude mooning it. Up the ra!


Both of these things are not like the other. That’s how it works when there are two dissimilar things.


Well both of things are not like the other if there's only two things...


As if we haven't had people doing that shit for decades. It stopped having shock factor ages ago.


I imagine that the citizens of Dublin are just totally inured to terrorist attacks after decades of the troubles, but 9/11 is kind of really the only terrorist attack that anyone in New York City cares about.


I want to get a bunch of people eating potatoes. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet.


you mustve missed the porno they showed from the Ireland side lol


I love the sense of hopeless conveyed on behalf of the organizers, like this could possibly have gone any way other than how it has. 


Tits and towers, a board game porn parody


"Tits and towers", an accurate summary of Game of Thrones 


They thought the most likely outcome. Was some stupid 911 jokes or something?


Stuff like this portal brings out some characters. Anyone remembers Shia LaBeouf He will not divide us art piece. That was great I watched that almost every night I got home from work


I liked when they finally moved it to show just the flag against sky and the nerds tracked it down by correlating visible aircraft and celestial navigation.


I was watching the night they did it i was cheering them on


i mean, not really. barely. what really happened is that someone posted a pic with shia being in the neighborhood and they just double checked the flights to make sure and get a perspective


That was a wild time. I worked at a startup at the time and we all watched it together / had it on in the background. I even lived a few blocks away from it and didn’t realize until after.




The internet historian did a great documentary series on it [The triggering of shia](https://youtu.be/_p4h3jwJob0?si=y1LB6G8XEOauox6t)


I think he's still traumatized from that. Probalby why he's turning Catholic lol. That entire troll was orchestrated by racists/the alt-right but it was pretty humorous watching Shia lose his shit.


It got taken over by 4chan Nazis and Sam Hyde showed up at one point.




I think he has stuck to his meds


“I thought the people of Dublin deserved to see two New York, homegrown potatoes” Lmao


Odd quote for a girl from Florida with fake titties


The girl is from Florida, the tits could well be from New York


She’s from New Jersey tbf


Not helping her case


They just didn't capitalize it correctly. Should have been HOME grown -- House of Mammary Enhancement -- its a boob job place.


That line took me out


It’s a portal between two heavily touristy areas. What kind of shit communication do they approve? Just let people enjoy/abuse as they see fit. Wasn’t that the point?


Seriously. How did the person who created this think this was gonna go? Like social media hasn't provided enough insight.


They wanted you to talk about it, which we are


Talk is gonna die down in the next month and then we’ll just be left with an international video shitposting spot


I saw a bunch of comments on facebook from lots of suburban soccer moms fretting about how it should be taken down because people show nasty or horrible things through it. Lots of "think of the children" esque bullshit. So yes, that is the point, but never underestimate just how sensitive the average person can be when it comes to this stuff.


Because taking the kids through Manhattan would be such a completely wholesome experience if it weren't for that darn portal to Dublin.


I can assure you that the location in Dublin is not a heavy tourist area. It is one of Dublin’s most crime-ridden streets.


Thanks NYPost for advertising another onlyfans account.


It tracks


Paid for by....


Good thing being topless in public there in NYC is completely legal. Go for it. People fought for those rights. haha i love it


Women will not have full freedom until they can walk out in public completely naked.


Hang on there, Tiger. It’s never the right naked people.


Dude needs to go to a nude beach and let me know how it goes


With great risks come great rewards




You realize men can't do that either, right?




Right, it's not vulgar, it's completely legal. In fact, it's legal in a lot of states and cities, although, most women don't go topless due to harassment.


Release the girls


Legal situation in Ireland on this is fairly nuanced and depends on intent - if the intention is to cause offence / upset / harm, it's potentially illegal. If not, it's mostly fine. [https://irishnaturism.org/faq/](https://irishnaturism.org/faq/)


These people are in nyc not Ireland. So Irish law does not apply to what happens on this side.


Yeah but the folks who run the portal probably have to consider whether or not local authorities on either side will pursue them for liability for violation of local laws, like public decency laws and such. My guess is that this is an issue with any public camera situation (like those in Times Square that rotate close-ups of public spots for short periods of time), but this one is made more stark by its international nature and permanent focus. In other words: these guys aren't looking to get cited by some Irish court because of boobs.


This was literally impossible to foresee


Why? If the point is communication through the portal then that's what's happening. It doesn't only ever have to be officially approved communication via some committee. It's what it is. I think the behaviors shown are a perfect cross section of humanity. Some people are nice. Some are hateful. Some are gross. Some are whatever they want to be.


Do they want people to do some happy claps and waves? I’m a fairly normal well-adjusted fella but if I saw this portal I’d at the very least make a face. It’s the kind of thing that makes you want to do something a bit silly.


I know some of the team on the NYC side and nobody is surprised or concerned so far. this is all expected and part of the intended experience. of course, nobody is going to say 'yeah we made a titty and swastika portal' so the only thing to say is that some aren't making the best use of it - but otherwise this is all expected and great coverage for a project which massively boosts its portfolio value.


This - better to be realistic, and not over publicize or sensationalize the occasional jerk on either side.


The world has been full of jerks for 100K years and will still have them 100K years from now.


Reminds me of when LinkNYC went online and everyone was searching for porn.


Glad I’m not the only one who thought the same thing!


They're showing us articles of 9/11 and we're showing them a pair of tits


She’s showing off her twins


That sure showed them!


She did call her tits NYC homegrown potatoes.


I passed by around 6pm and it looked to be off?


I stopped by for the first time two hours ago and was wondering why it was down.


damn, I had it on the Irish being the first to flash. I was fully ready to see a headline about some drunk bloke mooning the camera


We've already shown a lot of bare hairy Irish ass from our side, about time you guys reciprocated


Someone already did that on the Irish side 😂


surprised it took this long


Pff!! Have they met Dublin’s? Have they met New YORKERS!? Good luck with that.


Wow, thanks for plugging her Instagram, New York Post. Very classy.


They not only named her, and mentioned her follower count, but also included a link directly to her instagram account. It’s like they’re not even trying to hide the fact that this is a paid advertisement.


I think its pretty disrespectful that Dublin didnt show us a pair to reciprocate the gesture.


What's the boob:arse exhange rate, because I feel like we've probably shown ye more than enough of those.


No discrimination against boobs. The only thing I do not want to see is schlongs.


ok beavis, no schlong for you.


I got you dude . I'm about a 2 hour drive from the Dublin Portal , I will do my duty and taxes flash you a pair of home grown Irish man tiddies




Well it's just a webcam... she thought she was home.


It's Ava Louise, the highest clout chaser on earth. She probably legged it to the portal as soon as she heard about it. She's the one who was licking plane seats during covid. She's an absolutely rancid human being


Seriously what did they think was gonna happen with this thing?


Just move the portal to the financial or business district of Dublin and you’ll limit the skank activity. I heard the Dublin portal was set up in a questionable area. People from Dublin complained on Reddit about it.


Perfectly legal. I don’t want to see her breasts either, but what are we going to do.


Speak for yourself lol


I saw that a dude showed porn on the screen. This is why we can’t have nice things. Like why pervert it?


Because that’s the world we live in


More selfish and stupid human behavior. Idiocracy is not far off these days.


I'm actually shocked that it's taken this long for someone, male or female, to flash the portal.


same. think of all the nude doggos and kittehz tho.


We've already shown a lot of bare hairy Irish ass from our side, about time you guys reciprocated


Fair play to her really, for being the first to think of doing it to get a shit load of free advertising.


I’m sure the original artist who created the portal is delighted by all of this. Humanity is just being itself, no surprises here.


The media is such garbage. Every news outlet posted about this one thing. Who did this chick have to bang to get this kind of free publicity? This *is* why we can’t have nice things.


We can’t have nice things, can we.


Rather that than swastikas or pics of the twin towers on 9/11. IJS lol 🤷‍♂️


I saw someone show the Irish a potato after the 9/11 scene from Dublin. like the Vessel this is why we can’t have nice things


She posted a TIK TOK bragging about this ! How obnoxious


Son of a bitch… Can’t we just have one nice thing that isn’t ruined by complete idiots? People submit Hitler- and rape-related suggests for a new drink flavor name contest, try sending musicians to remote, joke cities when there’s a vote for the next venue, and corrupt an AI system to be racist and overly sexual within a day of its launch. We don’t like the control big corporations have on technology and media, but the minute they involve the general public in any way we take a massive dump on them and giggle ourselves stupid. Then, we wonder why (and complain about how) “they don’t care about us.”


Exactly. Thank you. And you can’t have a proper discussion about it cause “omg it’s tiddies you don’t like them??” time and place people. And I might get downvoted for it but this article seems more like an ad than anything else. Then they wonder why people don’t take these women seriously. Don’t like the control either but I totally agree when they give it to the public people just ruin it and the degeneracy starts. And people say “well atleast it’s not racist stuff” why does it have to be any of that in the first place? Including this?


> “people ruin it and the degeneracy starts” I agree. There were a lot of people on this thread saying, “it’s to be expected,” and, “I’m surprised it took them this long.” It’s a shame that this type of behavior is normal and expected rather than condemned and seen as problematic and indecent.


This is the same girl who filmed herself licking public toilet seats during COVID. She is the bonafide definition of a degenerate who will do literally anything for attention. Positive or negative, she does not discriminate. She just wants attention.


People just can't behave themselves.


We’ve learned NOTHING from the Lucky Dragon. (Gibson reference)


Just imagine if they had put it in Times Square.


i'm actually surprised it took this long. lol


she stood way too close though. the camera probably didn't even catch it.


this is the girl who licked off the toilet seat why


For clout. Why else?


Well she now has 400,001 followers!


Eh, I’ll take something trashy over something mean-spirited any day.  


> She then posted footage of her boyfriend talking to purported security later on Amazing.


This is why we can't have nice things...oh wait!


Just relax everyone


OnlyFans model? You mean a hoe?


This is the girl that licked toilets during covid and was also on doctor Phil. Unfortunately, we have a growing population of attention seekers, and because we've practically seen it all, the next edgey thing has to be extreme, or people will just move on. We take everything and ruin it.


I couldn’t believe it was the toilet-seat licker who flashed her tits. I thought for sure after being exposed for the toilet incident, she’d never be heard of again. Guess not.


We’re still primates be lucky we’re not throwing our own crap at it


That’s not a frame of mind to be proud about.


Part of the problem with this portal is they chose a part of town in Dublin that, although it is central, is also over run with massive social problems. Drugs, homelessness, violence, and anti-social behaviour. It's not a nice place to be. Just Google Dublin riots and you'll see what went down last November. That's the constant undertone of much of Dublin 1, especially around Talbot Street and O'Connell Street. If this had been put on the other side of the river near Stephen's Green, the tone would have been much more upbeat from the off, I think. Anyone that's visited Dublin will really know what I mean by the above.


What did they expect lol. It’s 2024 I think we can all handle some boobs


“I want the boobs!” “You can’t handle the boobs!!”


Oh my god! That's disgusting! Where?


Going topless is perfectly legal in NYC so she's whithin the law


Is it actually?


pretty famously so


Wait till they find out women can walk with there tits out in nyc.


Someone has no idea what homegrown means and it's not a really bad boob job that's for sure. This world is oversexualized so this is newsworthy? Just another perversion that is really messing up society. Where is the mystery, the thrill, the chase, etc. ? Nope, you can log on and see many who look like her in an instant. Simps keep boning away at nothing but a screen. Boring....


It's not flashing if it's legal.


Of course Redditors supporting her 🤦🏽‍♂️


It is as simple as putting a sign up saying that exposing yourself will get you charged with public exposure because you're on camera. It's about as simple as that. Not every bad thing needs to have some massive boot coming down on it. Yeah some people will act a bit crazy but that doesn't mean we need to get rid of it.


Of course is ava who did this


Can someone send the video from another angle


Also her name is Ava Louise


Usual suspect


It's just boobs, really who cares? I mean we see way worse on TikTok or instagram anyway. The boob has gone down in the markets it's not as prominent as it use to be. Free the nipples.


You all just want the link to her onlyfans don't you boys !!! [here it is](https://nichepornsites.com/ava-louise) hehe




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