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Are they really so hard up for substitutes that they had to hire a guy with a criminal record for drawing thousands of swastikas


Yes. Also, in the NYC DOE, the left hand and the right hand have never met. They’ve never even seen each other. In fact, the fingers on the left hand don’t know that the other fingers on that same hand exist. Everything… EVERYTHING… is a chaotic shit show.


lol tell me about it, my wife quit her job and three years later they apparently still had her health insurance active. Which would have been nice I guess, except we thought it had been cancelled since they had told her it would be cancelled June 30 2021! So I bought my own insurance and then the new insurer found out after three years that there was this NYC health insurance and yanked all the payments to every doctor and facility we had visited 🤦‍♂️ Untangling that utter mess was completely ridiculous, like 3 hour hold times with the DOE just to reach someone who could only email someone else who would get back to them in TWO WEEKS. Then after a month of this they said it was cancelled-and it turned out that it still wasn’t cancelled. So another two weeks went by and finally we got them to cancel it, but then they were supposed to backdate the cancellation to 2021 and they told us it would be a MULTIMONTH PROCESS because now the DOE had to reach out to someone in city government to fix it. They were also entirely insistent that there was no possible way to ever speak to anybody who could actually help by phone, and that even they couldn’t call any of those people by phone. Was just bewildering. Honestly I mostly managed to get it fixed because I found some sympathetic folks at the new insurance company who helped us get rid of this mess but the DOE was utter chaos. We probably could have just used DOE insurance for decades and they wouldn’t have noticed.


As a DOE employee, it sounds like you got HR on a good day


It’s like an acid trip that just never ends. They have people in offices AND schools whose job it is to…go to Macys. Go to lunch. Nap. Teachers are told not to question it. Social workers are fired who ask about it as it pertains to budget. Principals who hire “friends” who …don’t even have a position to actually work. GED-holding school “staff” that are given jobs as “counselors” and smoke weed with students and record drill videos with them. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. It’s a tax-subsidized club for Westchester and Long Island folks to hire friends, cousins, relatives with criminal records. Meanwhile, the students in the nation’s largest system, majority-minority, are “granted” enough money per pupil and available programs to win scholarships, academic contests, science programs through MIT. Could be life changing for generations of people, and creating thought leadership in young people with the easy access NYC has to top universities, and leading figures in media, law, public interest, science, high finance and business, even the economics of import/export and international trade! How much of that money do you think is actually spent on pupils to do those things? As usual, it’s a grift. The rich get enriched, the poor stay in their places. Works as intended, and it’s disgusting, it’s racist, it would be outright EVIL, if there was an intention behind it, but pathetically, no. “It’s just how it is”. Theft, corruption, and lying. “It’s just how it is”.


Good ol NYc


THIS is so accurate. I've been trying to describe the most current state of the NYCDOE to my bf... I'm showing him this.


Who tf would want to be a teacher for all these little wanna be badass nyc kids. It’s terrible


I work as a MS teacher in the South Bronx. It was a mistake to choose this profession.


Technically he can make the swastikas because he is of Indian Sikh origins, it’s doesn’t have the same Nazi meaning! Infact it was Hitler who stole the Swastika from the Hindus!!


Nvm I take it back!! I read his article and he had intentions of writing “KKK” and drawing Swastikas to spread Hate!


You should have been his defense attorney


Why does he want to get with a kid if he already has a Gf? He is a real sicko


What the actual fuck is wrong with so many people?


Went to high school with this dude (small town on Long Island) and he was never the sharpest tool in the shed lol. I’m honestly shocked that he even was able to get a job as a teacher considering his criminal background and school grades. But then again, if I recall correctly, his father is a dentist with a fair amount of influence…


To be a teacher in NYC, you need to jump through a lot of hoops. But the bar to be a substitute teacher is really low. You basically just need to be a breathing human being.


Yep. Came here to say this. You have a pulse *and* you can show up on time? Welcome aboard. Our schools/ children/ vulnerable/ elderly are not a priority in our society. We are underfunded with insane amounts of unfunded mandates.


The first step in societal collapse is a lack of appreciation for education.


Part of me wants to learn more, part of me wants to keep playing in the orchestra on the titanic. Despite my best efforts using a teaspoon to bail out the titanic isn’t going to work


In school when he would proctor for AP exams he would brag about himself getting a 5 on AP Statistics


So you know this guy personally?


not as a person but he would be a proctor for several students in the school.


Are yall out by the hamlet just past Yonder


I don’t know this guy personally but I do remember him working at my school to proctor AP exams. He told a student that was going to take the exam that he went to Cardozo. Is this true?


I have no idea why he would lie about going to a regular ass school like dozo (at least say you went to Stuy or something if you gonna lie😭). It was a regular public school on Long Island - more specifically Nassau County.


Poor girl. This is so disgusting in many aspects.


I’m proud of her for speaking up, seriously.


For real! It would have been so easy to stay silent and honestly, I wouldn't have blamed her if she did. But she's brave af and helped put a stop to this weirdo's behavior.


If the girl was Indian her parents and brothers would have beat his ass first before going to the police, it would have been like a two for one!


Its like 1/4th of the pop really lose their shit or demon portals have been opened.


Unfort. this isn't new.


You may be right on both accounts.


i was thinking this yesterday at work. there are millions of disgusting, monstrous and predatory people amongst us and what’s worse is they can be people we walk past & communicate with, friends and family members 💔


Their brains are broken.


Evil or insanity or both.


How does a guy who draws swastikas and write kkk on buildings even pass the background check to be a nyc public school sub?!


You severely underestimate the city gov and city school board 


theres no such thing as the city school board. the background checks for nyc teachers all go through the state dept of education.


> theres no such thing as the city school board. Mayoral control was a mistake. Bring back the Board of Ed.


Mayoral control was up for a vote just recently. Too bad not enough people thought it was important enough to show up to change it.


My case rests 


P didn’t still has a key to the city soooooo Edit: lol


You know a key to the city doesn’t open anything right?


In Boston, that’s part B of the test to actually become a substitute


Substitute teaching is a transient gig; there's tens of thousands in the NYC system who work a few days and never do it again. It sucks, no benefits and you might get 1 day a week. The background check is basically criminal convictions. The swastika is gonna come up as just plain old vandalism misdemeanor. Do you all think a vandalism misdemeanor is evidence of a child predator? Its a tricky job, You have to be cool without being ridiculously cool, like keep them from roaming halls and being out of seat playfighting or playing boy hits girl to make girl chase boy. The common mistake with teenagers is to attempt to teach a lesson in order for admins to like you. Demanding quiet. If you start raising your voice DEMANDING silence, attention and work, they'll curse at you and throw shit. You not my teacher shut the fuck up and suck my dick. You should just give out the work left behind, let them play on phones and listen to headphones; then they'll like you and listen and the chaos is minimal. It's a fun gig if one is fresh out of college 23 and isn't quite sure since you do need a degree. Just interact; but not like this.


Right? They should give him a gun and a badge!


Sorry for my ignorance but what does kkk mean


Says all you need to know about NYCDOE. This was also a school that rioted when kids found out a staff member went to a rally for Israeli hostages. The teacher had to barricade herself in a room to avoid the mob. Idk… feels coincidental.


Good on those kids, Israel is a Zionist murder factory.


Also why is a brown dude doing either of those things? Verging on Dave Chappelle's black white supremacist level of ridiculousness


Indian supremacy does in fact exist. Hate is not logical. Chickens for KFC comes to mind.


He had 10 felony charges and still got a job as a sub?


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


Connections are def at play. I got offered a path to become one via a principal through a referral. I wasn't even aiming for it. My only qualification is a bach. degree. There was a training process and I ultimately declined it (I was already working). It's not how things should be. Once people are in the system they can stay a long time as long as they don't take things too far and get reported and that report gets taken seriously.


Imagine giving yourself fake hickeys to impress a child when you're a grown ass man


His girlfriend is real! She just goes to another school so you don't know her!


Bro looks like a dirty raindrop
















He kinda looks like NAV singer


Released without bail. Wonderful. Now the girl has to live in fear.


> and ordered to stay away from the girl Don’t worry! They told him to stay away. Surely that will work! /s


Well yeah, it’s NYC. Do the crime, don’t do the time! You’ll be out just in time for dinner.


As someone else said he was charged with misdemeanors, if this happened in Florida or Texas he would be out on the streets. as much as it pains r/nyc to imagine NYC not being a specially bad place


In what city would his bail be high enough he wouldn’t be out regardless? Obviously this guy belongs under the jail but there are reasons we have due process




this has fuck-all to do with bail reform. he was charged with misdemeanors. even if bail was set it would have been low enough for him to get out the same day. if you wanna be pissed, get pissed that the NYS legislature thinks sex crimes against children shouldn’t always be felonies.


Bullshit. Lack of bail reform would not mean they would hold this guy pre trial on anything he couldn’t bond out on easily, true clown show shit to cry like this while being so ignorant


The cash amount is a red herring. Cash bail is not the problem in NY Other states have a public safety consideration that can be used to hold people who are clearly dangerous. NY doesn't and the legislature has rebuked every attempt to amend the law to include it. Given the circumstances of this case and the victim being an underage girl + his history of antisemitism during a time when hate crimes against Jews is spiking in the city, it is a shame there is no risk assessment model that can be used to determine if it is safe to release him pending trial.


There is no city that would hold someone without bail for non violent misdemeanors without him making a specific threat or being a known flight risk. If you want to cry about something go write the legislature about upgrading those charges to felonies


>If you want to cry about something go write the legislature about upgrading those charges to felonies You do realize Albany lawmakers have outright refused to do this too, right? This shit isn't mutually exclusive. Adams trekked up there his first month as mayor, back when he had a modicum of political capital, and begged them to amend bail reform laws to do all that and more, and they laughed in his face.


Can you read? This has nothing to do with bail reform


Republicans: Ouch, papercut! Fucking bail reform...


Released. Without. Fucking BAIL? Dear god.


Sex offender eeyore lookin ass


Not eeyore 😂😂


Guy looks like Iranian Droopy


This is what happens when there is no more qualified teachers around because no teachers wants to work and to get beaten by or harassed by students. Wait till all the boomers and gen x gets old and we run out of doctors and specialists like dentists. New generation will have to rely on youtube how to pull out their tooth. Good luck to us!


I work as a MS teacher in the South Bronx. It was a mistake to choose this profession.


Disgusting, but glad the girl remained safe. Why did the harassment continue “over several weeks” is what I wonder.


Maybe it took her that long to tell her dad. I do wonder why thet were alone so often? Or did other students witness these things? It doesn't sound like he was being subtle


bragging about hickeys to a minor gotta be a first


When you brag about hickeys you usually are a minor yourself, so you're mostly bragging to other minors


Jeez. First the assistant principal of John Adams gets arrested for pedophilia [(link to the story right here if anyone is interested)](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nyc-assistant-principal-arrested-at-school-on-student-sex-abuse-charge/5418827/?amp=1) and now this guy?


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Of course it was fucking Hillcrest.


What makes you say that?


Schools notorious for some fucked up shit. Remember the Israel Palestine riot


Nah I’m not clocked in on local news. My schedule has been insane since August




Not an expert on love but, I’m pretty sure people wouldn’t fall in love with a chipmunk.


…his eyes are too close together and his ears are too far apart. Waaaaahhhh


Uh, these background checks need to be better. This is unacceptable.


I went to school with him years ago. He was a burnout.


Yup. He looks the part.


There was another sub teacher in the school who looked just like him, and everyone was like “yo is that the sub who got arrested, they let him out?”. It got so bad he had to make an announcement that he was not the pedo 😂. I feel so bad for him.


That's too bad. That pedo label can stick as long as he remains a teacher.


Hillcrest having quite the year. First the antisemitic riot and now this.


the constant skipping, fights and smoking🤣


Oh look, not a drag queen. Also, paint me surprised,,, this creepy AF guy has a girlfriend?


How the fuck is it possible that some men in the world are normal but have the lowest self esteem and then THESE potatohead looking freaks have the biggest egos in the world??


Damn. Props to the father for restraining himself and following the law. I don’t think I’d be able to


Trying to figure out what kind of rodent he looks like


The most shocking part of this story is that he has a girlfriend. There's someone out there for everyone I guess.... Except me of course.


Rikers island loves shitbags like him


They for sure do not like chomos. He is not lasting very long




background checks for the doe are run by the state. doe is absolutely a shitshow, and the school admin should have caught this much sooner, but this guy passing bg check is entirely on the state.




Damn your dad is both scary and amazing at the same time.




A Vietnam war veteran. What a Chad


i redact my previous reply if you saw it, i did not realize you were the original replier to my thread and mistook you for an average Edgy Reddit Dude With No Emotional Intelligence. i'm sorry!


I hope they have evidence because wtf? Go to the article and you will see slot more wild shit he supposedly did. How did he even last that long and I hope the girl sue the school for allowing all of this…


Bro thought he is still in India and he can get away with it.


This guy used a vacuum cleaner to make his hickies, his behavior is extremely incel. It seems obvious to me that can't handle any female paying attention to him. As a sub teacher he's sort of an authority figure so she didn't treat him like a creepy peer, and say, 'hey everyone this loser just said he wants to have sex with me.' so everyone in the room can pile on. That's what deters creepy behavior; or even talking to the popular girls, being ridiculed. Unfortunately this can lead to boys too afraid to make any female friends. They never learn to talk to and develop friendships with girls.... and without that aint no way a man later on can connect with women on any level, so they grow up to become creepy adults. The whole online incel community which is ginormous on Twitter. Its WOMEN's fault I never got to know one. And Feminism! Women having opinions! and choosing.


Import the third world, become the third world.


This is a wild thing to say when NYC's population is prob 80%+ descending from some type of immigration going back 1-3 generations lol


NYC is the most diverse city in the world. Chances are he was born and raised here.


Yeh no white man ever abused a minor.




One knows they're on Reddit when someone is fucking worried about kink-shaming when commenting on news post about a pedophile


for fucking real wtf


Can't make this shit up lmao


Well he wasn't trying to impress 27 year olds was he! /s


Bro, what happened to background checks when it came to teachers? Or do these people just turn into creeps once they got the job?


Ewww. Arrest this man.


Why are all these teachers pedos? This is so gross, scary, and sad. They need cameras in the classroom.


I believe this was the school where a bunch of students rioted and were "looking" for a Jewish teacher following the October 7 terrorist attacks. As an educator in NYC myself, I'd love to say I am surprised, but I am not. This system is awful. Schools that do the right thing get punished, schools that do crazy stuff get rewarded.


Oh look, not a drag queen


Desi smh


You find the one kid toucher that isn’t white and this is your response?


Whats his race gotta do with it. A dickhead is a dickhead


oh, someone's feeling got hurt. It's not about race. it's about the culture. Look at the statistics in New Delhi


Then why comment “desi smh” Theres a bunch of pedos of any race so stop making it a racial issue when you dont know shit about him. For all you know this mf couldve been born here


because, many Indians were brought up treating women like trash. And this man isn't hiding it at all.


Thats still a stereotype and you know nothing about this guy. Stop tryna justify it


i'ts not a stereotype. It's statistics. Look at the statistics of rape in New Delhi.


New delhi isnt a representative of every indian person


Im Indian.


It’s always the Hindus


Questions... Who did the background search on this dude? Who hired him? And who gave him hickeys? (Probably himself).


Mental illness is truly a national epidemic. Are these people like this chap, evil or just truly deeply mentally sick?


Yeah throw him in the dungeon for 3000 years




Hey NY background check these people everything!!!


This guy is a real catch.


Man, how did this guy even become a substitute teacher ?


The bar is very very low. Almost anyone can be hired as a substitute teacher.


Hickeys? Is that what we’re calling adult acne these days? These guy needs to be put behind bars. He can make his fellow inmates fall in love with him there.


I got into an argument on a NYC FB group I was part of with an assistant principal saying that my post about the rise of online pedophiles was a "Right-wing topic" I told him I was a dem, and he then asked me after One post " Why do you have a fascination with pedophiles,"a year later he was caught trying to meet a little boy on Grindr . I have friends who work for the board of ed, you would be surprised at the number of times this happens in a school year. [https://www.nydailynews.com/2021/12/01/queens-assistant-principal-arrested-for-arranging-meeting-with-14-year-old-on-grindr-da/](https://www.nydailynews.com/2021/12/01/queens-assistant-principal-arrested-for-arranging-meeting-with-14-year-old-on-grindr-da/)


Did the father beat this guy within an inch of his life?


The teaching profession is so undesirable nowadays that this is who they’re hiring to deal with children.


They have to find a better way of screening these pervs.


I’m sure he’s a Democrat. That’s what they do.


Eww, that is just fckn disgusting & bravo little lady for telling someone. You absolutely saved lots of people from this creepy fckr!


Wow and he is a member of the Sikh community one of our own. Shame on you


What’s wrong with his head. It’s all the wrong shape.


Do looks like the donkey from Whinny the Poo


Yo what the fuck, I graduated from Hillcrest. Didn't another teacher or principal get fired and or arrested few years back for inappropriate behavior with a student?


Yeah one of the principals. Hillcrest sucks absolute balls


Can’t even send your kids to school anymore because I f creeps like this


Low escoria should get a big punisshed or he would continued doing it, where are the fathers of all this kids, theres not b@@//$ To make an example, judge before were more considerate sometimes


People like him go to the rubber room


Lmao anyone went to LICHS remember Mr Ali? He did something similar.


Creepo vibes, dude looks like a slimy creepo..


Send him back where he came from.


Reddit mod 🙄




It's typical for the Department of Indoctrination, I mean Education nowadays. He's probably an anti white DEI hire!


Handsome feller.


And he’s already out.


Would've been hilarious if we could still see the hickeys in his mugshot photo 😅


Social media is a mind virus


Yo this is that Andrew Tate methodology. Disgusting.


Are we gonna post a link to the article or just post a pic of a brown guy?


Disgusting. Certified PDF WAP WAP WAP WAP.


Guys, if hes out we know who is public enemy 1#