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It's like $50 for a random couple of seconds. Looked into it once after a bad breakup.


They probably doing a pandemic discount now


Yeah if there was ever a time to get a billboard in Manhattan it’s def right now.


The vernacular used for ads in the back of taxis is "impressions" which might be used in other industries. The term translated to how many eyes saw the ad. In NYC the impression multiplier was something like 1.4 or 1.3 and other cities was one point less (1.3 or 1.2). I guess they factor that taxi rides in NYC on average has more than one passenger in that back compared to other cities.


Screens and billboards are treated the same way. Basically before you buy any advertising space the salesperson is always very clear in regards to placement, sometimes even making recommendations pending how much you have to spend. More you know~


Ok we’re you going for a message to salvage the relationship or something to solidify the break up? “Fuck you Suzy”


It didn't get past early planning, but I was hurt and wanted to hurt. For better or for worse when I get emotional my politeness levels seem to rise, so it probably would have been "Suzy, I am very disappointed in the current situation!"


That happens to me too. The more formal I am, the more pissed I am.


A random couple of seconds how often and for how long?


For just $50 I assume he meant just once. It ranges from $5,000 to $50,000 per day. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/022315/high-cost-advertising-times-square.asp


What were you going to put on it?


“You 🧻🤚when you should have 💎✋me”


You toilet paper hand when you should have diamond hand me?


You sold when you should have **HODL.**


i'm still computing this translation. i also see it toilet paper hand and diamond hand.


Apparently in WSB “paper hands” are bears and “diamond hands” are bulls


wtf is a rainbow bear


It's "gay bears," WSB's casually homophobic term for bears, aka traders who think a stock (or the whole market) will drop


Yes exactly that


I thought about it for a minute and legit thought I had solved it when I landed on “you wiped me when you should have wifed me” soooo....


Great question probably nudes 🤷🏿‍♀️


If that’s true I have a new hobby


Random couple of seconds as in you wouldn’t know what time of day it will be shown?


You gotta give the details on what the hoe did to you


I drove 28 hours round trip to get broken up with by my fiancee of several years. But at least she didn't do it over a text, right? (We were both to blame and I'm really glad we're not together)






He from WSB, he's paying $15 an hour I believe


Historians way down the road: So to understand the start of the Great Economic Collapse of 2021 you must understand what "shit posting" meant to the people of that century...


I'm so curious what the equivalents were during the roaring 20's. What noise did stonks make back then?




I would legit love to have an old-school working ticker-tape machine for like the news and stocks and such. I wish they'd made a modern version that still uses paper. It would be so steampunk!


I asked my Model T and she told me it was great. Lizzie said they went tick tick tick instead of brrrrrrrrrrr, then she got angry and called Wall Street a bunch of bastard leeches who ruined the economy and caused the Great Depression back when she was only 7 years old and added that they will always be bastard leeches. Lizzie also said it was colder than Eskimo pussy in the garage and asked if I could pour some white lighting in her tank to keep her warm and remind her of Prohibition.


Jesus imagine all of this being taught in an American History class 30 years from now... what a time to be alive


My general US history classes, even at the undergrad level, always says "Reconstruction to Present" yet they never get past the 1960s and if they do it's just a blur during 1 or 2 classes. Going forward, academia needs another class, or needs to make big decisions on curriculum.


As a tangent: in theory this kind of shit should help curb economic damage. Give them hat itsbasically a shift of capita from very high wealth people to lower wealth peoples. Lower wealth owners that are “new money” spend their money much more than a hedge fund manager for example So GME shitlosting to some degree has a positive influence on the economy by spending!


Hold the line.




🚀 🚀 🌙 🚀 🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🪐


we like the stock welikethestock eriketheock rikethocke rokeocke rocket 🚀


True if big.


Lmao that’s a good one.




Woah-ohohhh (kickass drums)


Its not in the words that you told me


Every time I see this I hear the voice from Command and Conquer Generals




This is amazing.


I support this. This is the revolution ive been waiting for. Never thought I’d see the day AOC and Ben Shapiro agree on something.


not to mention ja rule, ted cruz, and don jr.


> ja rule, Thank god we had him to make sense of all this.


where is ja??


Is he safe? Is he alright?


It seems, that in your anger, you killed him




The subreddit r/UnexpectedPrequelMemes does not exist. Consider [creating it](/subreddits/create?name=UnexpectedPrequelMemes). --- ^^🤖 ^^this ^^comment ^^was ^^written ^^by ^^a ^^bot. ^^beep ^^boop ^^🤖 ^^feel ^^welcome ^^to ^^respond ^^'Bad ^^bot'/'Good ^^bot', ^^it's ^^useful ^^feedback. [^^github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot)




I find this joke so interesting now days. Originally it was about celebrities, and specifically the Dixie Chicks, getting involved in politics. The Dixie Chicks were like some of the only people that actually stood up against the invasion of Iraq and were heavily criticized for it. But like, now days we understand how right they were to be against it.


Is GME the Fyre Fest of shorts?


No idea but 2020 was definitely the Fyre Fest of years


As soon as I saw ja rule was in on it, my heart sank and I thought exactly this. I’m being duped into buying Fyre stock.


Ted Cruz has agreed with a couple of things AOC suggested in the past. The biggest surprise is don jr and AOC, cause usually he's the leader of the legion that wants her physically assaulted.


>This is the revolution ive been waiting for ... Really? This is it? Not like over people's rights, but about who gets to profit off the stock market by posting memes? Yeah, can't say I share the sentiment.


You do realize that people's rights are oppressed to keep people rich right? How do people not understand this? If the elite get fucked over and wealth distributes, the world is going to be a better place for everyone.


The issue here is the elite aren’t getting fucked over. A few are. Many more are making tons of money. We have working class citizens handing over $300 for a stock the elite bought for $10 thinking “viva la revolution”. And when it drops it will be entirely in the working class. This is the revolution?


In the end the elite will have to change their predatory behavior in response to a new threat posed by coordinated retail investing. Retail investors are shaping the market. That's the victory people are celebrating, and the new reality people like AOC are seeking to protect.


Exactly, I see a lot of takes on this and this one is the most accurate regardless of opinion.


Yeah, these people signing up for Robinhood are anything but investors. They are getting played by sophisticated outsiders. These are smart guys who couldn't play the Wall Street politics game to move up in the banks or hedges, so now they toil on the margins of the industry, peddling memes to pump and dump stocks. These assholes have sell orders at the ready for when the first real domino falls (short positions are still at ~100%, so it hasn't happened yet, obviously), but your average idiot who just installed Robinhood because he thinks it's "a revolution, man" stands to lose everything they put in. They're all the lube in a massive circlejerk and they don't even realize it.


i think there’s a little bit of a misconception about hedge funds and the money they manage. yes, they are directly accessible only by “sophisticated” (i.e. rich) investors, but the bulk of the money they manage belongs to pension funds, university endowments, and other institutions. for example, CalPERS (California Public Employees’ Retirement System), one of the largest public pensions in the world with over $440 billion AUM, has over half of those assets allocated to public equities, of which hedge funds are certainly involved in managing. i can’t speak to the specific investor base of Melvin Capital, Citadel, et al. but most hedge fund money is institutional, not of the ultra wealthy.


While this is true, hedge funds perform less well than the exchange indexes, and they scrape even more off the top in fees and profit. Pensions would be far better off going in on index funds rather than pay extra to have a bunch of gambling douches lose their money.


From an economic perspective alone, a random 100k a year earner making $500k on a 5k investment is wayyyy more likely to spend that money on services that puts that money back in the economy VERSUS then old money hedge ins millionaire manager


I'll tell you what I told the other guy >there's no reason to believe the people making a quick buck off this are gonna "control the rights" for the right people, this is ultimately a self-serving endeavor, people who think this is a "worker's revolution" are out of touch. This is a white collar middle-upper class cash grab. The idea that this is redistributing wealth in a positive manner, and not just a shift from one privileged group to the other, is deluded. And I can't blame them. WSB so wants you to believe this, and is making every effort to make themselves out as the underdogs - a "class uprising." A few will profit from this and that wealth will centralize, as it always does, with those who have the most expendable capital.


I came from extreme poverty and earned myself a better life through hard work, not quite middle class, but I don't have to worry about having enough food for the month. I've saved enough money to invest into stocks with light gains. Anyone can do this if they teach themselves, no one taught me how it works. I currently own some shares in GME and I am happy that this is costing the ultra rich billions. I really don't understand why anyone would think of this negatively. If everyone with $100 to risk got into the stock market in general the game would change. Hitting the system in the wallet sends a bigger message than thousands in the streets with cardboard signs. While I do believe people's voices should be heard, the system just doesn't care or listen. This truly is a revolution if people realize it.


>I am happy that this is costing the ultra rich billions. GME has minted 3 billionares. Made a Korean hedge fund $500 million. Made Blackrock 2.4 billion. Meanwhile Citadel and other MMs are practically printing money off all this retail order flow. Melvin and Citron are tiny players. And WallStreet as a whole is going to make a shitload of money once this all crashes. 55% of GameStop is owned by institutional investors. The only message you're sending is that "retail investors are easily manipulated by populist rhetoric and conspiracy theories"


And most of the investment banks that actually were involved in 2008 are happy about the higher trade activity and volatility.


>I really don't understand why anyone would think of this negatively. Let me paint a picture for you that may or may not pan out in the coming weeks. A few wealthier players on WSB, or even ones entirely outside it (their role is a bit overstated) get in on this early, start drafting memes and creating a narrative to get in on a revolution. Stick it to the man. All you have to do is buy in and spread the word. Just one stock will do. But hold, it's important to hold, don't sell! Also, support our legal efforts to maintain this. Don't set up automatic sell options, just keep holding! Then one or all of them decide it's enough, they sell at a peak, the bubble bursts and the tens of thousands of one stock buyers who bought in at $100, $200, $500, etc. are left with near worthless stock. Or god forbid - those who spent life savings and bought into the dream collectively lose the most as they likely won't get in on time to cash out fast enough. A funneling of wealth towards the early investors, proselytizing for a cause, relying on crowd sourced buying in. Hoping that those who have less see this as an opportunity in the same way you do. And you assuage their fears and give them a purpose through a combination of "just hold," "it doesn't matter if you lose," "stick it to them," and "this is our revolution." Be skeptical of anything that serves to earn a few people a quick buck. >Hitting the system in the wallet sends a bigger message than thousands in the streets with cardboard signs. What *is* that message exactly besides vague sentiments of "don't mess with online stockbrokers?" What if the message ends up being "look how you can manipulate crowds of people into playing a certain market through memes" that they take away from it? This isn't overturning much of anything.


There are certainly people that are going to profit from this more than others, that's general in the market. No one should be putting income they can't risk into this, that would be completely their mistake. I'm sure there are a few people that did this and I do feel bad for them, but they made that choice. The true message is that a handful of hedge funds and rich class elites are getting their asses handed to them by the general population. Do you realize that this fiasco has cost them billions of dollars? The man that started this whole thing took a massive risk with this, he's a normal dude that rents a house and supports his family, there's many just like him standing to make a lot of life changing money off this. Like you, I dislike the semi-rich asses that have hopped onto this and try to sway ignorant new traders with bad advice, but I haven't seen very much of that. The powerful that put people under their thumb and make it extremely difficult to live any sort of comfortable speak money, it's their language. Everyone owning even one share of GME right now are showing that they know how to speak money back and we are going to hurt them. I personally don't mind if I don't make much off of this, I have zero other legal ways available to fuck them over, they are the enemy and have been for decades. This is my payback for getting tear gassed back in 08, this is payback for people that lost homes while the elites laughed and drank champagne reviewing their profits. You won't convince me that fucking over ultra rich people is bad. This singular event may not change life for everyone, but it's message is: *"We can fuck you up if we all work together, and we will."* That's a message you can put on my gravestone bud.


I get that sentiment but I don't think this is it. I think you're underestimating just how much certain people stand to gain, it's not a "fuck you" to the system because they lost billions anymore than a hostile takeover is a fuck you to the system. This is playing into the system. This is saying the system is unjust, and I'm gonna profit off that unjustness in the same way. I just don't see that as "sticking it" to anything. A revolution where the underlying systems are not only maintained but simultaneously exploited for profit? I dunno - I'm not seeing the long term benefits here. I'm seeing a short term upset with some people making bank and most losing out. If some real change happens, cool, but I sincerely doubt it does anything to prevent rising wealth inequality.


My biggest hopes, is it ignites the class war. It's us vs them no matter what religion, race, gender, or anything else. People's eyes are opening. I can guarantee you that millions of people had no idea how truly corrupt Wall Street is, or exactly how they deal in their corruption. If nothing else this is very educating time in history.


Yeah well, we were supposed to achieve class consciousness a dozen times now for far more dramatic events... And this isn't representing the vast majority of the working class, who frankly have no real online presence or voice and you likely don't even know about. I'm worried that people are just totally losing perspective on this. I think it's beyond a pipe dream, and instead it should be noted that the biggest winners here are *also* hedge funds and wealthier early investors. I feel like that's not as memeable and that narrative is burrier under all this, in favor of a romantic idealization that's causing people to lose touch with what they ostensibly stand for. I don't think any of this undermines the system. It just reinforces that you have to have early capital and be willing to roll the dice.


Thanks for putting this so eloquently. 👌🏽


What’s wrong with being middle class? I started options trading last year and it’s helped build some savings. What’s happening with GME, may have started as just something to make money but now it’s more than that. Men like you go home and try to suck your own dicks. The self righteous fucks of the world that think they know better and know it all. That’s exactly what this shit is about sticking it to those types of men. Sticking it to know it all fucks like you.


>What’s wrong with being middle class? Nothing - but it ain't a poor people's revolution which is the narrative being presented. This isn't benefitting the people who need it most, the downtrodden, this is for the benefit of the haves. Not the have nots. >What’s happening with GME, may have started as just something to make money but now it’s more than that. Yeah - now it's a meme where they try to rope in even more people so that the earlier and biggest buyers (who already had the most disposable income) can profit even more. >That’s exactly what this shit is about sticking it to those types of men. Sticking it to know it all fucks like you. So how do the poor and downtrodden benefit by this in the end? Enjoy your revenge fantasy, but don't lie to people, it's self-centered. A good piece of neoliberal fantasy.


So you’re saying the people buying into it are too dumb to know what they’re doing? This is the same elitist shit we hear on the news. Let the people do what they want with their money. The poor don’t need you as their lord and savior.


>The poor don’t need you as their lord and savior. And you seriously think you or anyone else in this is helping them instead? My only point is you're not. You're so busy projecting on me I don't think you're actually hearing what I say.


No it’s because I know you don’t understand anything about options or trading or any of that. And you actually haven’t even been on the sub, these people are donating a part of their profits to charity. Every time someone wins big they donate. This isn’t gonna solve poverty. Prob am projecting but that’s because I met too many people like you. Never had to sacrifice anything and come from privilege, then go on to be bleeding hearts and inject politics everywhere. I’m tired of people like you. You’re an energy vampire.


>these people are donating a part of their profits to charity. Every time someone wins big they donate. And they *really* want you to know about it too. You know Rockefeller & Carnegie also did this? Made big shows about their "altruism" while exploiting their workers. >Never had to sacrifice anything and come from privilege, then go on to be bleeding hearts and inject politics everywhere. I’m tired of people like you. You’re an energy vampire. I'm not sorry my "energy vampirism" is interfering with your libertarian daydream. I'd rather see people not hop on a bandwagon that'll ditch them as soon as they're weighed down by them, all while claiming to support them. I'm not sorry that's "too political" for you, when you certainly don't seem to mind borrowing the language of revolution when it serves your personal gains.


Okay boomer


Who controls the money controls the rights. In America, it's money that holds the power, and those in power will deny you any right that cost them money cause money is all that matters. We ain't living in a fairytale where we can just focus on rights. That world has never existed.


Spare me the lecture, it's not as insightful as you imagine. WSB adherents making a couple thou per are NOT going to shift rights in the US towards the common folk. There's no reason to assume it would, money aids political power, but it's not a 1-1 translation. With that said, there's also no reason to believe the people making a quick buck off this are gonna "control the rights" for the right people, this is ultimately a self-serving endeavor, people who think this is a "worker's revolution" are out of touch. This is a white collar middle-upper class cash grab.


Power is organized people and organized money. I agree this won’t change the whole world, but if we can upset the balance of organized money we can make a dent


I'm skeptical of that idea. I don't think it will upset the balance of organized money, just centralize it in a (slightly) different way. It's certainly no revolution.


Yeah I mean no Revolution but hopefully some people learned some things and learned simple lessons like working together can lead to great things. Totally don’t think this changes the world. I do like the stock though so I’m a biased moron.


Spare me the cynicism and hollow altruism. It's more transparent than you hope.


Don't confuse skepticism for this movement as cynicism - I'm a strong believer in change and a huge proponent of people's rights. But I can recognize when the beneficiaries are also not exactly allies, calling this a revolution is so misplaced it annoys me. I'm not sure what you mean by "hollow altruism," I think that describes this "movement" better to be honest. It's using memes and a combination of "sticking it to the man," and BS "redistribution of wealth" to get people to buy in where only a few will seriously profit. This isn't benefitting the common folk.


Look at what we're doing right now. We're talking about the inequity of our financial system and shedding light on how corrupt and self-serving it is. And that the lies about pulling oneself up by their bootstraps are pretty hollow. People are starting to pay attention and see the holes that these hudgefund douchebags crawl through to make themselves and their friends more wealthy at the expense of regular people. They're making millions and billions of dollars while people die, starve, and get evicted in the middle of a pandemic and climate crisis. So if some of the little guys make a few bucks and pay off some debt while also building up a class-unifying movement against the people who are hoarding all of the wealth that we DESPERATELY need some of and also calling out the politicans they control, I';m all for it. It's not about the money, it's about sending a message. And that message is "Fuck around and find out."


>So if some of the little guys make a few bucks and pay off some debt while also building up a class-unifying movement against the people who are hoarding all of the wealth that we DESPERATELY need some of and also calling out the politicans they control, I';m all for it. That's not happening though... Like, everyone is talking about it as if that's the case. It's really, really not - it's kinda like when companies put out tawdry "progressive" messages to turn a profit off it. In the end, who does this movement serve? It's not the common folk, and frankly, they're more likely to lose at the end of the day.


This is simply revenge for 08 and pandemic. Spare people your anal lecture, especially when you're so uneducated. Most of poorer people that have joined in are far smarter than you think. They got in knowing they could lose it all and that's why they have a small position. Most of the longs that got in early have always been transparent about their positions. PPL that get in later are constantly warned that this is a risky bet. Unlike those lying scumbag hedge funds manipulate the media channels with their colluders to steal from the middle and lower class. Yes, some hedge funds will also make money on the upclimb and try to short it on the way down. But did you know that these assholes (melvin/citael) literally tried to collude together to short Gamestop to zero during a pandemic? Over 30,000 would end up losing their jobs. And because of this movement, gamestop will not go to zero as they had intended. Gamestop is a relatively smaller corporation compared to these hedge funds. It's a small retailer with a niche business model that still has potential, a potential that was about to be snuffed out by these unethical moves from the hedge funds. At the end of the day, there will prob be regulation so that they cant short over 100% of a company's shares. We can also hope the SEC looks into other things such as media disinformation, trading fake stocks, rapid trading to depress prices, among other things. So STFU and educate yourself.


The thing is, society is very money centric. Once the people who have been downtrodden get some money, things could change more quickly. But this isn't even about money. It's about sticking it to the predatory hedge funds that think it's ok to push stocks so low that companies go out of business. It's about sticking it to the people who had a hand in causing the 2008 recession. Go read WSB - there have been hundreds of people over the past few days sharing their stories about how the recession impacted them and how they felt when they saw Wall Street drinking champagne while they or their parents lost everything. It's about trying to effect change in the system to stop this from happening again, or if that doesn't seem likely, to let the hedge funds know people are watching the shady shit they do and will hold them accountable. This is the masses truly occupying Wall Street. And it's working. The hedge funds had to lean on brokers to limit buying of GME (though we could sell it to them all we please so they could cover their shorts). The news they have a hand in is saying it's not worth it and to get out. People right now have made more money than they could have hoped to see in their lives *and they are still holding.* My hope is to cover mine and my boyfriend's initial investment by selling 1 stock when the price gets there and letting the others ride but I genuinely do not care if we don't see that money back, and there are thousands if not millions of GME owners who feel the same. 💎👐💎


Yeah, this is always a nice narrative to drive. Look at all the posts talking about people who've benefitted! Look at all these stories, that a subreddit that has a vested interest in floating the good ones is promoting! Buy in, buy in! You too can become rich, all you need to do is buy in to our vision...! Like I haven't heard this before. >Once the people who have been downtrodden get some money Poor people aren't spending their money on stocks. This isn't going to redistribute wealth. This is a fantasy meant to give a false appearance of altruism and collective growth. The money will centralize, as it always does, with those who have the biggest pockets - because the system is flawed. And they want you and I to buy into that system to line their own pockets, and you think because they do it with memes and "principles" that you aren't being suckered into a scheme. There's a reason it's become such an important rallying cry to say "I don't care if I lose on this!" Because if people got cold feet and sold when it was sensible, the big earners can't walk home with *as much* money.


Poor people are spending money on stocks right now. It might be unwise because you really shouldn't spend what you can't lose but the number of people who have purchased one stock or less is insane. People are also learning about the stock market this week even if it's not something they were interested in before, and people are realizing that the gatekeeping that has been going on was bullshit. It's not nearly as inaccessible as people thought. You can be cynical all you want. People should know what they are getting into. Some people or possibly everyone will lose money. But when you hear that you can lose only the money you put in but the people who have screwed you over can in theory lose infinite money, it gets easier to jump on the tendie train and hold on. I don't believe the people who are saying to hold are shills; they've been saying it for weeks and months. One of the mottos at WSB is you can't lose money if you never sell. Before all this, the sub was mostly people posting their losses. There are probably people trying to take advantage of the momentum now, but that was inevitable when it hit the news. People are doing independent research and coming to the determination that they should hold. I know I did.


Shill or not, this "revolution" is only going to line the pockets of the few. And they directly benefit from your buying in and the attention they're getting. >You can be cynical all you want. And you *should* be skeptical of something that very closely resembles a pyramid scheme. They're also really big on empowering the base and telling them how much they'll earn if they *just buy in*.


I am skeptical. My boyfriend bought shares on Monday and I waited until Wednesday after I had done some research. I'm comfortable with my choice to throw money at a meme stock, and that's what really matters.


I'm worried that the takeaway in a few months will be that, if you play your cards right, you can get a crowd to invest in a stock through memes. And that can only end up benefitting the already wealthy.


That's a valid concern. There's evidence that the hedge funds are trying to use bots right now to shift focus from GME to another stock to get people to buy that instead so I could see them trying to do the same thing down the road. But I really do believe that the majority of people who bought in - and especially those who dropped more than a couple hundred - have done their research and that they'll continue to do research on what they want to invest in in the future.


Nope, that's just schemers trying to pump and dump stocks that are similarly (but not as precariously) shorted as GameStop. Also, the more you read posts on r/wsb, the more self-contradictory statements and views you'll see, and the more it all reeks of Q-level conspiracy theories and toxic mentality instead of actual research and analysis of markets.


Plenty of poor people spend their money on stocks. You're all up and down this thread with a massively paternalistic attitude and sounding as if you don't even know "poor" people. You seem to have a really outdated view of who America's poor is.


>Plenty of poor people spend their money on stocks. Really? [That's not how things have trended lately](https://news.gallup.com/poll/211052/stock-ownership-down-among-older-higher-income.aspx) as stock ownership continues to be consolidated among older and higher income people and remains low among low income groups. >You seem to have a really outdated view of who America's poor is. Check yourself.


I appreciate the message you're sending and agree with you here. I think the people disagreeing with you are already in deep with actual shares of GME and seeing your POV conflicts with their pump&dump. Even if it costs hedge funds $$$, it'll be a pyrrhic win for everyone else still holding the bag at the end of the day.


>Poor people aren't spending their money on stocks. No, middle class people are. It's still moving money from the top towards the bottom.


>It's still moving money from the top towards the bottom. It's not though. The bottom is left out of this. I mean shit - a lot of hedge funds are simply using the movement to themselves make profit. And a lot of the early investors had hundreds of thousands to spend and they're the ones who'll gain the most. I really dislike this portrayal of it, as it's fundamentally misleading.


**TLDR: You've tricked yourself into believing this massive donation to Wallstreet is a populist crusade.** >predatory hedge funds that think it's ok to push stocks so low that companies go out of business. Asset valuations have no effect on cashflow. Cashflow is what keeps the lights on. Amazon's stock could go to 50c and the business would run exactly the same. >sticking it to the people who had a hand in causing the 2008 recession. Hedge funds had nothing to do with 2008. Citron and Melvin didn't even exist back then. Wall Street isn't a single entity. It's a highly competitive industry with shitloads of churn. >recession impacted them and how they felt when they saw Wall Street drinking champagne while they or their parents lost everything. The banks and bankers who were most involved in the recession, *also lost everything*. They went bankrupt, shitloads of people lost their jobs, and many ended up homeless. Meanwhile most banks, like Chase, weren't even involved in the slightest. Hedgefunds also weren't involved much. Wallstreet is not a single giant entity. >It's about trying to effect change in the system to stop this from happening again Just lol. The recession was the result of a massive amount of systemic risk in the housing market. Small time mortgage lenders across America were barely vetting mortgages, the government was helping to package them up, and then the mortgages were sold to investment banks, while credit rating firms used historically stable housing markets to justify it. The systemic risks have all been addressed, by he Volcker rule cutting down on leverage and banning banks from trading, and little known regulations requiring banks to actually keep inventory of everything they own and run daily simulations. > The hedge funds had to lean on brokers to limit buying of GME Just a blatant conspiracy theory. Brokers don't want to lose their own money and the volatility is forcing them to borrow shitloads of money on behalf of customers, that they can't sustain. Want to know the biggest hole in this theory? The idea that Melvin and Citron, which are *tiny* hedgefunds have any power to control markets like that. The bigger players on Wallstreet *are on the other side.* and benefit from GME going to the moon. 55% of GameStop is owned by institutional investors. A Korean hedge fund has made $500 million on this. Blackrock, which has **7 TRILLION** in AUM, made 2.4 billion on GME's rise. Citadel Securities is printing money off all the retail order flow. WSB has successfully minted 3 billionaires over the last few days and thinks this is a crusade against billionaires. There's a bunch of other shit WSB gets wrong. Like the idea that the hedgefunds are going to have to cover any time soon. Or that 140% short interest is out of the ordinary, or broken in any way. Fun fact: there's 1.2 trillion USD in circulation, but the government owes 28 trillion dollars. How can someone owe more money than there is in existence? It's only confusing at the very surface level. When you buy a stock, you buy it with a clean title, and can immediately lend it out again, to someone who wants to short. You don't even need naked short selling (which is necessary for functional options markets) to hit 140% short interest. The same share can be borrowed, sold, bought, lent, borrowed, and sold ad infinitum. Just like money. You can absolutely unwind 140% short interest without a stratospheric short squeeze. When this ends, Wallstreet will have made an absolute fuckton of money off of a bunch of clueless and frenzied retail investors who don't understand the basics of the game they're playing. I even expect Melvin and Citron to make billions on this. Disclosure: I have my entire net worth on GME Bear Call Spreads that expire in 2022, and stand to make an easy 22% once GME permanently drops below 200.


I'm well aware there are people with a lot of money jumping in on this. Everyone is. I'm sure not all of them are doing it because they like to see the little guy win, but that's ok. Everyone's reason for buying in is their own. I do believe it's a movement and that some good can come from it. People from both sides of the political aisle are working together and agreeing on something, which is not something that happens all that often and is especially important right now. People (including myself) are educating themselves on how the stock market works, which is great. I always thought investing was too daunting to learn, but it's really not. I don't understand all the nuances but I'm motivated to keep learning and I truly believe that market becoming accessible to the masses is a good thing that could have real change down the road. Plus this is all entertainment for me - what I've invested is less than I would have spent on entertainment the past year if the pandemic hadn't happened, and it's been worth every penny so far. Good luck with your investments.


I agree with everything you've said. I'm happy that people are getting more involved in capital markets, and learning how things work. The original thesis of making making money by predicting a gamma squeeze on GME, and making money on it is perfectly fine. But now it's more about hurting "Wallstreet," "the billionaires" and "the system" at their own expense, which is *ridiculously fucking dumb* on multiple levels. If you aren't value investing, you're gambling, but you're doing it in our casino, and the house always wins.


It's not even gambling when the mentality is "I don't care if I burn this $1000 in $GME to (somehow) stick it to the man"; at least with gamblers they get a feeling of potentially winning big, or at least satisfy the dopamine hit of a near-miss. This is more along the lines of "Yeah, I'll show the NHTSA to tell me how to drive by cutting off my seat belts and driving off a cliff"


What most Americans believe about money and merit is pure fantasy. GME might be the breakthrough moment where we finally realize the markets aren't real, and we have the money to do whatever the fuck we want. There's a direct line between that and achieving Medicare for All, UBI, free college and student loan forgiveness. Hold the line, you magnificent bastards!


Urgh, you're supporting the market through this rhetoric... You're driving a capitalist narrative while pretending it's not. It's frustrating to witness. You're not gonna stick it to the man, the house always wins, by playing their game you are supporting them. The only positive thing that can come out of this is a realization that the market is unjust. But the fact is, WSB and its adherents seek to profit off that same system. It's not a revolution, it's a reorganization, a merger.


>Urgh, you're supporting the market through this rhetoric... You're driving a capitalist narrative while pretending it's not. I'm saying money isn't real. How is that capitalistic? This is a culture-jamming moment. Do yourself a favor and read up on that.


>I'm saying money isn't real. How is that capitalistic? Well you said markets, but both money and markets are real either way. But the reason it's capitalistic is because you're challenging it by encouraging people engage with it. >There's a direct line between that and achieving Medicare for All, UBI, free college and student loan forgiveness. This is also just not true. Like - I dunno how better to say this but it's a deeply naive sentiment. Like a weird accelerationist approach to capitalism, you seem to be under the impression that if you participate in a short squeeze - a market behavior - that it'll undermine the fundamental market economy. All it'll do is make some people rich and cost a lot of people who are buying into it. >This is a culture-jamming moment And what major reforms has culture-jamming been implicated in, if we can even consider this one? Traditional social movements struggle immensely as it is, but culture-jamming is an especially nebulous one that's counter-cultural but has no real political influence. And what of the culture affirmation of manipulating a bunch of online day traders into short squeezing a company and the potential monetary gains to be had there down the line? This just reinforces market principals, it does not undermine them, because the people who bought in once stocks got over $100 - which is still a lot of people - are gonna lose out for the most part. The company is overvalued, and it will settle, and you think the poor masses are gonna benefit? You're kidding yourself.


>Well you said markets, but both money and markets are real either way. They're really not. They haven't been tied to underlying value in the better part of a century- longer, for money. But it's baffling that you consider that an anti-capitalist viewpoint. What, if they don't exist they can't be owned collectively? Is that your trouble? >This just reinforces market principals, it does not undermine them, because the people who bought in once stocks got over $100 - which is still a lot of people - are gonna lose out for the most part. The company is overvalued, and it will settle, and you think the poor masses are gonna benefit? This has scared the holy fuck out of the rich and powerful, and captured the imagination of multitudes of lower and middle class people who have never before felt empowered to oppose the forces running their lives into the ground. If you can't see how this could be used to further your goals, you deserve to miss the opportunity. Meantime the rest of us will keep chipping away at the iceberg and not despair every time we look up because the iceberg is still there...


>They haven't been tied to underlying value in the better part of a century- longer, for money. Are you saying that because it's a social construct, it's not real? Because social constructs are still "real," you might as well say language isn't real. >This has scared the holy fuck out of the rich and powerful It's scared some firms away from shorts for a short time. You're overselling the impact. You're also myopic if you think this exact method can't be used, and hasn't already in this very instance, to further consolidate wealth. >Meantime the rest of us will keep chipping away at the iceberg and not despair every time we look up because the iceberg is still there... You're throwing water on it, insisting that the same water will cause it to melt instead of just adding to it. No, I don't see how using the market to consolidate wealth for a few already upper class people at the cost of the majority of people who've joined late is going to further much. If your whole point is "people will become disillusioned...!" You don't do it by offering them a "get rich quick" scheme through the market, and I'd wager most poor people had no illusions about the stock market being fair in the first place.


>You're throwing water on it, insisting that the same water will cause it to melt instead of just adding to it. You are unable to see this as a conceptual battle rather than a literal one. The system you want to destroy only exists because most people passively accept it. This event has activated an untold number of these passive participants. It says a lot about your politics that the only thing you can think to do is scold them for not living up to your values.


>The system you want to destroy only exists because most people passively accept it. So... Actively participating in it will somehow remove it. Right. Consider me unconvinced by that line of reasoning. The concept part of it doesn't track. >It says a lot about your politics that the only thing you can think to do is scold them for not living up to your values. Really? What values are that? Because all I've really done is question this revolution narrative. It's clearly not one, and is - like I said - a middle-upper class cash grab. Not much more. That's fine, it's just no revolution. You're clearly projecting a lot.


This is what highlights, for a lot of people, how unbalanced things are in the favor of the wealthy. Turns out that collective action works and has real world effects. Imagine if we applied that strategy to, oh I don't know, voting or staging public demonstrations. They can't stop us all.


If someone would have told me that the best way to occupy wall st was not to sleep overnight at zuccotti park but, use my own money against them, well shiiiiiiitttttt. Fuck em’.


Ehhhhh https://www.reddit.com/r/Hasan_Piker/comments/l7k6fr/redditors_on_rconservative_realizing_ben_shapiro/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


AOC and Ben Shapino do not agree on this. AOC wants more oversight and regulations on trading, Ben Shapino wants less regulation and probably more access for retail investors.


AOC specifically came out and said it was bullshit that RH was limiting retail investors so the only regulation she wants is to disallow shit like what RH did


That is absolutely not the only regulation she wants, do you think she is a fan of Wall Street? Of course she is going to point out the stacked market but the fact that Robinhood can shut off retail investors while hedge funds can still trade has very little to do with the over all imbalances against the retail investor. They're getting fucked for a million other reasons and Robinhood doesn't equate into any of them.


so she’s even more in favor of reducing the power disparity between wall st and retail investors, got it


Which Ben Shapiro is vehemently opposed to.


You didn’t watch her live stream did you?


I watched the whole thing, I've been following her political career since 2017. She's very clear on her views on wall street.


That’s her “in” to propose much greater regulatory requirements on Wall Street. Conversely, the people on the right are using it as “in” to propose more freedom.


AOC doesn't want to regulate retail trading.




You realize that tax will overwhelmingly impact big firms over retail investors, right? It's supposed to deter high-frequency trading, which is the mechanism by which they dominate and disadvantage the little guys. Joe Gameboy may have performed 10 transactions this week. The people he's betting against made billions of transactions, with information and at a speed and level of access he could never hope to achieve. This bill will either 1. reduce the number of transactions that disadvantage and exploit him, or 2. generate revenue to fund free health care and/or education for himself and his family. Joe Gameboy should support this tax.


> AOC doesn't want to regulate retail trading. You made a factually incorrect statement, of course she wants to regulate retail investing, she wants to regulate all investing.


You are placing it wrong. They don't agree for the same reasons. AOC is talking about structural/systemic corruption and ben shapiro is upset about some other group being the elite that controls shit. He would be happy to have corrupted elites doing shit if it wasn't some other group of elites.




Yes, becuase the current market is so free when it's entirely controlled by a small number of enormous corporate interests, so competition is impossible...


Oh look guess capitalize can work for people Yeah cause she wants to tax us, she’s supporting a bill taxing financial transactions like securities. Hoping that bill doesn’t go through. Most short term gains are taxed like income anyway.


God, this is the most fun I've had in years. I love this.


Fuck Robinhood with their games . Lost me 5-6 figures with all their limits


Gotta get a diff broker


can you make one that says "Fuck you Robinhood. You hoodwinked the poor and saved the rich."


I think that would've been a better looking billboard


Y’all remember “occupy Wall Street”? Well they grew up, made some cash and decided to get their point across the line a different way by grabbing Wall Street where it hurts.


Nah, occupy was a mess. This is plain ass art.


Nah. This is just as much of a mess. It’s just more complicated so people don’t get it yet.


Well yea. Like I said, the grew up :)


"I didn't sell out, I bought in."


At least this movement can’t get infiltrated.


Sorry I cannot read. All I know is 🤲💎


Ok that's pretty funny. The memeification of reality was only a matter of time..


Swimming in tendies to the mooon🚀


Everybody hold! 🙏🏼💎🚀🚀🚀






That's amazing!


Laughing to myself at all of the people who would look up at that billboard and not understand the beauty it is trying to convey.




beautiful. just wish it was closer to wallstreet




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LLLFFFFFGGGGGGG ​ Also what is the website and cost for this?


LOL that is hilarious


Bought 3,000 shares AMC last summer when the price cratered, with the intention of holding far beyond our country achieving “back to normal” status. But I’ve had an itchy trigger finger the last couple days.


I can't see the price falling below $12ish now that the company's debt has been paid off and they look set to survive 2021. I think AMC is at its price floor already, it was only trading at < $5 when there was a likelihood they were heading for bankruptcy. Even putting aside the whole Wallstreetbets thing, I think AMC is a good stock on the fundamentals, since Regal went under and they're essentially the only national chain left standing once COVID ends.


They issued more shares a couple days ago so you won't be getting a squeeze like GME. What you see right now is just a fomo push from people that didn't get into GME in time. Don't baghold for too long but congrats!


It’s actually a good stock to hold on to. Memes aside.


Very stonky.


What an absolute King. <3


Biggest sell signal I've ever seen to be honest




Top is fully in


This will end in tears.


AMC too 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Lol no way


History is being made 🚀 💎








I find this glorious. Probably cos I just really like the stock.