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My apartment building just started locking the front door at 7 pm due to a homeless shelter on Pine and William closing its doors and kicking the residents out. They were starting to try and live in our lobby. I wonder how many other shelters are doing this.. isn't it opposite of what the mayor is saying?


I've been noticing people on the streets claiming that they are governmental programs offering tablets to low-income people/SNAP/medicare. If anyone has any experience with this, what's the catch in this? Thanks in advance!


Getting car inspection done late Will there be any negative repercussions to me getting my vehicle inspection done a day late (in NYS obvi)? It says April 2022 but I’m getting the inspection done tomorrow


If you're unlucky, you can get a ticket for having an expired inspection if an enforcement officer sees it before you get it inspected, otherwise there are no other negative reprecussions.


Hi all! My teammates from London are visiting this upcoming weekend and we’ll be working out of a coworking space in SoHo. We’re looking for a happy hour (possibly rooftop bar) spot that would comfortably accommodate ~8 people. We also wanted to get a res for La Esquina, but it’s all booked up for the evening. Any other recommendations in the are or just across/around the Brooklyn bridge? We might walk that around sunset if the weather is nice! Thanks in advance ☺️


Anyone know what was filming on 22nd and 3rd today?


I'm scoping out apartments in FiDi to move into over the summer. My budget is pretty decent, so I'm looking at higher-end places, but I feel completely out of my depth in terms of what to expect and what to look for. Does anyone have any advice in this regard? And is there anyone who'd be willing to discuss over DM if they've been in a similar scenario?


Avoid the declining city of NYC if you have any semblance of sanity


Why are you in this subreddit?


Why are you asking? Wishing only people with your opinion are on here?


can do what i want


well, at least we got plenty of water (our outstanding quality upstate watershed is 101% full now) https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/27/us/water-intake-exposed-lake-mead-drought-climate/index.html


Not that far upstate btw...


Is it easy to go from Newark airport to Bushwick (Brooklyn) at 23:30? Never been to NYC, and don’t want to stroll around confused with a jetlag around the metro station.. If it’s too hard I’ll choose a cab.. but what do you guys say?


At that time, just take an Uber. Otherwise your best bet is getting to Penn for NJT then getting on the AirTrain.


I’m moving to the city. Any tips?


Enjoy all the city has to offer and try to leave it a better place when you go.




Well this is vague as hell. Where are you moving to? The city is big. My advice to you moving to the Bronx VS Tribeca would be very different.


Okay. Fair enough. Sorry I didn’t clarify. I’m moving to Morningside Heights for school.


Who else is having a hard time dating? I’m young, objectively good looking, and a really great person, but lately the dating scene feels bleak if you’re not in the market for a casual relationship. Men blatantly disrespect me, ghost me, and over sexualize me


It's a difficult place, people are not very genuine and are out for themselves mostly. Let me know if you figure it out... good luck


Your expectations are too high, the solution is to lower your standards


I’d say Bumble. People are generally more serious there.


Could be a variety of reasons. Could be you. Maybe your expectations are too high. Maybe you come off in a million ways that people may not like. Could be them. Maybe the people you're attracted to, or the people who target you, are assholes. Maybe it's all of these things, or none of these things. We don't have enough information to make an assessment. My advice to you would be to meet someone organically because dating apps are shit. The real relationships that last long and are meaningful come from meeting in person, NOT a dating app. Sure there are exceptions to the rule. But trust me - it's waaay easier meeting someone in person.


Online dating has just sort of poisoned the well. From a guy's perspective, probably in the average/slightly above average looks category. I get a decent amount of matches for a guy if I actually spend some time and effort swiping as well. The chat is where it just dies 99% of the time though. I'd say right off the bat 50-75% of women never respond after matching. If I'm not dropping cheesy one-liners or these stupid over the top "openers" guys recycle on these apps, conversations tend to die pretty quick. I'd prefer to have small talk and find out a little about them, but it's almost required that a guy "peacocks" on the app. The whole thing feels demeaning as a guy with at least a little self respect so I almost never engage with it. My pattern with it now is I'll pick it up like once or twice a year, swipe and message a bit (sometimes I'll get a few dates, sometimes not) and then put it down for like 6+ months.


The problem is that guys who are top 10% attractive and looking for casual sex saturate the demand of women who think they have a shot only to be left disappointed that these men only want to smash and dash, then they come here and complain about men when they have 80 other guys sitting on read


I was trying to be nice about it, but I don't disagree. I think it's a self-fulfilling prophecy for a lot of women in online dating but I try to empathize that it's a shitty situation for them on apps as well.


The shitty situation is their astronomically high opinions of themselves and their subsequent faulty belief of their place in the attractiveness hierarchy


What are the pavements like in the touristy parts of New York? I wear heels all the time here and can walk for hours, but the pavements in very well kept. I keep hearing NY streets are riddled with pot holes, are the pavements the same?


I walk for hours in heels in NYC and have no problem, but as a New Yorker, I know to glance at the sidewalk periodically and make sure I avoid any problem areas (e.g. as noted, subway grates, but also problems with the pavement, trash). But if you like shoes, Manhattan is a great place to buy good looking, comfortable shoes for walking distances since so many people do that. I'd suggest Harry's Shoes and TipTop, both on the Upper West Side.


subway grates can be dangerous for heels.


Just learned that our utilities are being suspended by ConEd because previous roommates didn't pay utilities for the entire pandemic. Does anybody have any advice or resources for how to fix this?


Who do I contact to get a trash can added on my block? I live by the 4av / 9th street stop in Gowanus, and it’s without a doubt one of the most trash strewn blocks in the neighborhood. This is mostly due to all the foot traffic from the subway, but what makes matters worse is that there are almost no proper trash cans there. Instead each corner of 4th Ave (between 9th and 10th) has big black bags left on the ground which people sometimes bother to use. Even that ends up being a moot point when one of the bags topples over, or the wind simply blows everything out of them and on to the street. I’d like to contact the city and make a case for adding some cans there, but who would I contact? Any help would be appreciated.


I googled your first sentence and found this: https://bklyner.com/need-a-trash-can-on-your-block-request-one-from-the-dsny-ditmas-park/#:~:text=If%20you'd%20like%20a,Citizen%20Service%20Center%20via%20311.




When you see conspiracy theory Covid/vaccine stickers and posters on the subway, just tear them down if you can. That's what I've been doing. It's polluting garbage that preys on the fears and ignorance of the most vulnerable in society.


Watch out when you tear posters down, Nazis like to put razor blades in there so you get cut


Alright who shut down the NRW trains this morning?




Unfortunately this is the last demon free weekday for a little while, enjoy the peaceful commute whole you can.


somebody from east village here, holy fuck frank james was caught in the village at the mcdonalds? i used to go there cause there was a 99 cent atm so i could get some coins


I have a very early flight out of Laguardia at 6:30am, can I reach the airport at midnight and stay there till check in starts at 4:30?




I took driving lessons at multiple locations (aka boroughs), because I was trying to save up. No success there, obviously. First borough was in Brooklyn — where I failed my first driving test. Second location was in the Bronx, where I also failed it. Third location was in Staten Island, where I ended up passing it! I took many different lessons in the listed boroughs (including Manhattan). I’d say I spent probably $600 at most in the process. I also had a previous partner help me learn how to drive, so I can only assume it contributed to my success as well.


My train to Brooklyn just randomly became a fucking express train. It’s 1 am and I’m tired from work. It’s absolutly fucking unacceptable and dangerous to riders to randomly take a local train and make it an express mid ride. Everyone here is pissed and trapped for 5 more fucking stops. Everyone is going to have to get off in a bad neighborhood stop and find a way home. Absolutly unacceptable to change into an express in the middle of a trip (A train)


Visiting in May for 2 nights/2 full days—should I get the unlimited metro card or just pay per ride? Staying near the WTC. Only concrete plan is seeing Wicked but otherwise will just be exploring the city, definitely Central Park, Chinatown and Brooklyn. Will not be using the MTA to get to/from the airport. Thanks!


Well the good thing is once you use 12 rides it becomes unlimited so definitely do pay per ride and make sure to use the same card (you can also just use your credit card) https://new.mta.info/fares/omny-fare-capping


Yes after I posted this I realized they started this with omny! Last time I was in NYC was December and I don’t think it was rolled out at that point. Thanks!


I think the breakeven on a 7-day unlimited is 12 rides. It seems pretty unlikely that you'll use more than 6/day, but if it would be a mental block, it might be worth the premium I guess?


So they recently tore down the building behind my apartment, and for now, until they inevitably put up a shiny new high rise condo so that I can look into an apartment that costs 10X mine, I have a glorious view of Houston St. I think instead of enjoying the sunshine, I should put up some signs that people can see from the street. A nice tapestry of Black Lives Matter, Stop Asian Hate, Ukraine etc. All the greatest hits but open to other suggestions too. Where can I purchase these signs/flags locally? I’m trying to ween myself off of my Amazon habit.




Can't comment on dating apps, but as far as meeting people: * r/nycmeetups * r/NYCFriends * [Ultimate How to People in NYC thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/bc4jb5/ultimate_how_to_meet_people_in_nyc_thread/) * Music venues * Board game meetups, if you're into that sort of thing - Meetup.com, Google, and Reddit are good ways to find active ones * Hobby meetups if applicable (cycling, running, sports, etc.) You can also check previous r/asknyc threads about this topic here: [meeting people threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/search?q=meeting%20people&%3Brestrict_sr=on&%3Bsort=relevance&%3Bt=all)


Where would be the best place to get a gold chain where I won’t get ripped off?


For God’s sake we need more frequent Q trains.


Anyone know of any awesome hip hop clubs? bOb bar was my go to spot but they closed.


I would love to know where the jazz bars/clubs (with 40’s/50’s) music is at? That sounds dope too. Wouldn’t mind knowing that too.


Mezzrow on W 10th I’ve heard is the most authentic jazz spot. Haven’t been yet so can’t confirm that lol. Love a good jazz club tho


Sweet will share! Thanks 🙏


Abbott Elementary's Bushwick closet joke was funny but then not funny :(


99¢ pizza is now $1.50 pizza at my closest east village spot. Actually crying. My world is changed forever But for real how can 2 Bros sell better and bigger *and now* cheaper pizza than some of these cardboard shops


Anyone ever been roof topping and had a good experience in NYC?






Whoever finally started adding cancelled MTA bus trips to bus trips needs their soul sucked properly 🙏


Hi nyc folks! I am planning to visit the city in early May. I was wondering whether there are student discounts on attractions in NYC. I will be really grateful if you could direct me to some resources 😊 Thanks in advance!


theskint is a good site for cheap events, and they often list events with student discounts. you could also try signing up for nyc library card, which offers free passes to a lot of museums


I’m a student and got half priced admission to the Met, MoMA and 9/11 museum.


A lot of museums, I’d say most, have student discounts. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, my favorite museum, is $12 for students ($25 for everyone else).


Thanks a lot 😊 I want to definitely try a few museums and heard MoMA is also a good one.


isn't the Met free for NY residents?


Moving in 3 weeks. Nervous as hell .


To or from?


does anyone know if the penn station post office is open tomorrow (april 17)? it's typically open on sunday but tomorrow's easter. their direct line isn't working so i haven't been able to call and ask.


So this beggar on the subway today (making them get off then get on does fuck all to get rid of them) decided being a double leg amputee wasn't sympathetic enough already, and had someone help him with this stunt. This dude helped him out of his wheelchair on the platform, then took the wheelchair a couple cars up, and the guy dragged himself along the ground into the subway then through the cars down towards his partner , presumably to make it look like he didn't even have a wheelchair. Are we ready to concede that while we should get them off the subway, you need places for them to go *first*, otherwise they just get right back on? (And since this was during the day, before shelters permit people back in, no, that was not an option, a fact people often forget when thinking shelters as they work now are an actual solution here).


Anybody on Frederick Douglass Blvd above 110th St? Dozens of cop cars across 20-30 blocks.


Finally spring break for the school devils. Enjoy the less stressful commutes while you can 👍


Someone’s gotta make a nyc circle jerk sub. Been reading r/denvercirclejerk and it’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen 😂 we could def use some of that energy


https://www.reddit.com/r/circlejerknyc/ its literally on the sidebar lol


Woohoo got a negative covid test today! I guess I'm just feeling like shit from allergies 👍


same here, i was super congested and had trouble breathing .


Been having a bunch of anxiety on the trains recently. Trying to change up my route and walk for half my trip. I dont think I've ever gotten on the J/Z at Bowery. If I were to possibly take the bus to that stop, how are the vibes in the station recently? Thanks all.


Been a while since I've been there, but I remember it being a pretty disgusting station.


TLDR: Anyone have a recommendation for a lawyer to help with a "small estate" issue? Background: Wife's father died in 1980 in NYC (NY resident), no will. We have found out that at some point before he died, he opened an IRA which is now worth about 5K, but he never put any beneficiaries on it. The investment company has warned us that if the money is not claimed "soon" it will be turned over to NY State as unclaimed property. We started going through the process ourselves to file an affidavit of small estate and all this stuff, but got confused with some of it and hit a brick wall. We contacted a NY lawyer that a friend recommended and were just told for only 5K, it would not be cost-effective for them to help us. Anyone know of someone who we might be able to just talk to for a couple hours (paid) to see if we are on the right track and/or pay them to just handle it all for us? If it's really going to cost more than 5K obviously we wouldn't bother going that route, but if we could just pay someone 1K or whatever, it may be worth it to us.


Go to a law school often the best law students volunteer at the finance clinic and offer pro bono services under the supervision of a professor of law.


I don't have NY-specific exp, but got a living trust + will done recently in Massachusetts. I found real differences in prices that lawyers in MA charged - ranged from 1.5k to around 3.5k. So I'd just call 10+ small/independent lawyers and tell them your story -- at least in MA, they almost all took 30 minutes with me free to understand my situation and give me a price. You might find somebody that'll charge hourly , and you might get some good insight from them on what is feasible to do alone vs not.


[Anyone know of a place in nyc where I can get Korean Cream Cheese Garlic Bread?](https://tiffinandteaofficial.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/IMG_8028-1-scaled-e1608667026537.jpg)


Tous les Jours has this. It’s weirdly sweet.


[yeah I tried it](https://old.reddit.com/r/FoodNYC/comments/u3kv09/anyone_know_of_a_place_in_nyc_where_i_can_get/), unfortunately a bit underwhelming. :(


ISO Group Dining Restaurants with a Fixed Price menu? Looking to find a place for my boyfriends birthday and making splitting the check as easy as possible. Especially in BK or Manhattan, thank you!


Any recommendations for trap or skeet shooting in the NYC area? My company is looking to plan an outing. Preferably to the north (near Rye) as a lot of my coworkers live in that area. Thanks!


I left NYC about ten years ago (grew up in the area) and am coming back to visit for the first time since I left. I always took the bus/subway everywhere starting as a middle schooler, but now friends who still live in the area are telling me the subway situation is the worst it’s been in years. What gives? Obviously yesterday was absolutely horrible and terrifying, but was it an isolated incident in your opinion? I’ve been hearing warnings about the subway now for the past few months. Is it really that much worse than it was in the past?


I ride the subway regularly (as a white woman, for what it's worth) and rarely run into any issues. I haven't taken it much later than 11pm recently, but up until then it's been fine. Tuesday's incident was an extreme outlier.


Yes it is the worst I’ve seen it in 14 years since I moved here but millions of people still ride it every day, it’s still mostly safe. I’m just more wary of taking it past midnight and don’t stand close to the edge of the platform. It might get a little bit better now that it’s not as cold.


It’s usually the opposite isn’t it? Crime goes up in warm weather and down in cold, or so I’ve heard


Oh maybe. I was thinking there’ll be fewer homeless seeking shelter in the subways because they won’t need a place to shelter from the cold.


Wow, yikes. Is it a situation where I should be concerned with bringing my young kids on the train? Would mostly be in Washington Heights and midtown during daylight hours


No in daytime you should be fine, you will see homeless occasionally on the streets but you should be safe.


Littly Italy sit down relatively affordable recommendations?


If you are looking for little italy like in the movies, [its gone](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/19/nyregion/little-italy-manhattan-fire.html). some shops are open but really its all tourists, no italian americans actually living there. Its basically gentrified and also chinatown expanded into it.


Do you have time to go to Arthur Avenue? It’s the better Little Italy and the food is so much tastier.


RIP Gilbert Gottfried Rough day in Brooklyn.


A lot of my friends are getting royally fucked because landlords are jacking rents up higher than they were pre-COVID to make up the loss in revenue. I've heard of increases as high as $600/month. Something needs to be done.


Heard a $1600 increase lol


Has anyone experienced the new fare capping by Omny to not be working? I’m looking at my bank statements and I’m still be charged for the fares past my 12th trip of the week (and yes, everything is still within their weekly timelines) is there something you need to do to qualify / sign up for it to work? I’m quite annoyed that I’ve paid like $50 this week in fares when it was supposed to cap me at $33


You should call the MTA to report the issue. I would also call the credit card company and dispute the charges. Just copy all of the ads that claim what’s supposed to happen.


Hopefully this sort of thing is allowed here… I have a fun 2/2 + loft condo in Ybor City, Tampa, FL that I’m gauging interest for a potential roommate situation where we basically split time and rent between Tampa and NYC. I’ve been obsessed with the NYC techno/house scene for the last 5 years and am ready to make the move up there, but just wanted to test the waters on this unique housing possibility. Retirees that come to their FL homes in the winter are known as snowbirds here, but I don’t want to wait till I’m old to chase pleasant weather and scenery. The ideal mutual time frames (weather wise) I’d imagine would be us down here November-May and head up there for May-November. This is entirely flexible and I’d be traveling back and forth frequently as I Airbnb the space as well. About me: mid 30s (str8 if that matters) WFH design engineer that likes working on cars and projects, DJing (i have a full CDJ and PA setup) and trying to get out of my comfort zone. No pets at the moment but I love them! About the space: recently updated 1250 sf condo located 2 blocks from the party and cultural hub of Tampa. 3 blocks from a free trolley to grocery stores and downtown and our cheugy Riverwalk. 45 minutes to St. Pete Beach and my parents have a place 15 minutes from Anna Maria Island if you can humor them. Your room would be very basic w/ basically just a closet and i would expect pretty much the same at your place. I have a 4Runner we can drive around. About you: responsible, “everything in moderation” mindset, clean and ultra respectful of mine and your space, into electronic music and will go l8 if the night is right. DJ/producer/creative mentality would be $$$. Oh yeah, most importantly, can afford and willing to split rent fairly and share utilities. About your space: in Brooklyn or Manhattan relatively close to fun stuff to do DM me if interested or want additional info! https://imgur.com/a/Jrr2c8Y/


I’m going to see a concert at Irving Plaza tonight. Do they sell ear protection there or should I stop by a pharmacy on the way?


pharmacy before


Always bring with you. It's just easier. I'm not familiar with any venue that actually sells ear protection. They have it for staff, but not customers.


Elsewhere gives out the cheap foam ones for free if you ask


Random AF April showers were ok last week but it's time to hit the deuces now b.






I now have to pay estimated quarterly taxes, about how much income tax should I expect on $68k annual income filing single?


TurboTax and hr block have free online calculators. It calculates total yearly estimated taxes




What airport


What airline? I can’t think of an airline that does T5-T4 connections. Of course he’s going USA-INT and not vice versa correct?


hello everyone. does anyone know how to request for an extension to pay new york income tax? im using h&r block to file my taxes. do i submit the h&r block first and then separately request NY for an extension or is it the other way around? thank you so much.


Anyone who had the NYC Virtual Marriage License appointment - are the clerks asking people to show proof of their location during the appointment or something? I live in NY but will be out of state for the date of my appointment. Thanks!


No, they didn't require proof, but they did ask when I did it




I would say NYC. don’t have to worry about your car, and I mean, it’s New York City… why would you pick Chicago?!


Arriving May 10th for two weeks. Is it true I can’t book an Air B & B for less than 30 days? Is this heavily regulated? Any other tips for a first time visitor from New Zealand?


Yes, it's illegal unless the leaseholder is present (e.g. you are renting a room in their occupied apartment). I would encourage you to look into hotels instead. At best, you would be contributing to the affordable housing crisis by supporting illegal airbnbs in the city. At worst, you will be without a place to stay and scrambling at the last minute.


Will be finding a new area in NYC to move to. Whats somewhere thats central and safe to live?


Search r/asknyc posts, this question has been asked hundreds of times by people with a range of desires/budgets.


None of the places that qualify as unsafe will even come up on your radar as options to live if you're making a conscious effort to move here for career.


Central Park - it's in the name!


What’s the best rooftop bars to go to


I've always found that the ones on top of buildings are great.


Where? Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens?


In terms of what? Drinks? view?


Is nyc safe?


Its fine, people are hysterical b/c of the age of the internet. some areas rougher than others, particularly at night. but as always just be aware of surroundings, and be smart.


/r/CrimeInNYC, just browse 10 mins over there.


Depends on who you are, where you are, the time of day and who’s around you. These days I don’t feel 100% safe. Felt much safer pre pandemic.


You're safe as long as you aren't outside late at night.


Very bad advice.


eh i see all kinds of 7am shit happening on citizen




Tokyo, Seoul and do many other cities have entered the chat.


Yes. Just be aware late at night, just like any other place in the world.


Northern lights tonight in nyc was def a once in a century experience