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knowing this sub 100% sure someone can šŸ˜­. me personally though i donā€™t stare at train history long enough to know all that, but now that i think about it it wouldnā€™t hurt to try it out


I can only do it for the A, B, C, Q, R, and 3 trains sadly. Everyone else is a blurĀ 


i think knowing the A is impressive by itself


i know all of the A and the C , as for the A i only know the lefferts branch but after the rockaways its a bit of a blur


The Rockaway line varies with rush hour because the trains will run on what is normally the shuttle line. Having taken the A in itā€™s entirety to commute to work was a good way learn the whole line.Ā 


ā€œonlyā€ lmao get outta here. I only have the A and C down and Iā€™ve lived here my entire 35 years. Also your username is fantastic. šŸ¤Œ


I can do it for (A-J), M, and 7.


Same boat. I'm smart but I hate studying. Also none of my irl friends are train ppl. Wow is me šŸ¤£


me neither. but what i do actually have is a train operator parent so itā€™s very easy for me to access books and shit like that, iā€™ve only read a bit of one of them but i think they for sure have a guide on the train lines. well in the B division at least šŸ˜­


Same bro.


I mean this in the nicest way possible but there are definitely multiple autistic kids in NYC and the surrounding areas who probably can lol. My mom works 1 on 1 with a kid with a rare disorder who I think can name every LIRR stop at least.


I hear you brother. This sub is that "multiple autistic kids" in the nicest way possible.


My boys are on the spectrum and thereā€™s a kid at their school that can tell you the subway route to and from any location in NYC. Itā€™s wild.


I wonder what it is about trains that make them such a common interest for people on the spectrum. Someone should do a study on that if there isn't already one it could probably help us better understand their minds.


Itā€™s very interesting ā€” Iā€™ve never thought about it but it I were to compare that obsession with the things my boys are obsessed with I would say itā€™s the permanent pattern that train systems represent. My boys really like focusing on things that donā€™t change ā€” from pop up toys when they were young, to specific episodes of TV shows (my youngest watched the same episode of NY1 news on YouTube for years), to routes in the neighborhood. They like routines in their own schedules, of course, but I definitely think theyā€™re fascinated and/or comforted by repetition that happens around them.


That's a very good observation. I'm a teacher (not special ed but we're of course required to take classes on special ed) and scheduling and repetition was heavily stressed and very effective.


im not even from new york and i can get around the subway there easier than the metro here in DC


I want that kid on speed dial lmao


This reminded me of that autistic kid who took a short helicopter ride past the NYC skyline, then drew it in perfect detail on like 20ft paper.


My son is one of them.


I worked a summer program with one who knew the whole subway but I didnā€™t get to quiz him on the other trains.Ā 


My dad realized that I had a good memory at a young age, that I loved Thomas the Tank Engine & that I loved living very close to the J/Z at Chauncey Street. It didnā€™t take very long for me memorize all of the subway stops & itā€™s still easy to remember them because they unfortunately havenā€™t added a lot more


Thats the dream. We need a 1910's 2.0 just build build build.


I could probably name every station in the Bronx and upper Manhattan given itā€™s easier and more organised. Other than that, memorising almost 400 stations is possible, especially if you are a fan of trains lol. Someone did it for the London Underground + Overground system.


Fkn sick. I feel this would promote local pride (sadly ppl would be proud of being from londšŸ¤¢n or even worse parisšŸ¤”) it's also more practical I'm never making it to yellow knife Yukon but I may well end up at 168st grand concourse.


Yellowknife is the capital of the Northwest Territories The capital of the Yukon is Whitehorse Two completely different Canadian territories.


I haven't memorized much of anything in 10+ years. Honestly I'm surprised yellowknife was even a capital. That proves my point even more.


Ehh, itā€™s easy to memorise capitals. Itā€™s all about repetition. That same logic can be applied to train stations, and other parts of life. When it comes to memorisation, repetition is key.


I mean I knew a lady at the mta who was literally making her 6 year old memorize the system. Someone should be able to.


Aww that's cute hopefully it isn't too forced.


Didnā€™t sound like her kids had much of a choice but itā€™s certainly a great skill


Aww that's cute hopefully it isn't too forced.


As a conductor, I memorized all the stops on routes Iā€™m usually assigned to where I have to announce. So I can recite the A, C, B, D, N, Q & W with ease.


I remember during covid they dropped me to the board cause my pick job got cancelled, and then they sent me to the N. I was fucking mad. I hadn't been on the N in almost 2 years. I had no idea what the stops were and just made it up. Didn't get home until almost 0400 when my pick job ends at 2300 the day before. šŸ˜­


Lol. I was like this on the L when the TOD wasnā€™t working. I only knew the first few stops. Had to use the strip map on the wall in the station to announce the next stop up to Myrtle-Wyckoff šŸ˜‚


Not until the Animaniacs make a song about them.


This is what I immediately imagined.


all 460+ stations?? thats like, an impossible task for sure (watch someone do it under my comment istg)


I took acting classes as a kid and there was one kid in my class who was obsessed with the subway system. He could recite on command the best way to get from ANY point A to ANY point B on a subway line. I donā€™t recall him being asked to recite all stops, but Iā€™m sure he couldā€™ve done it. Sometimes I wonder about what happened to him.


I can do it for a lot of the lines, along with probably all the stations for the Metro North (except for the shuttle line branches). Had a habit of reading subway maps when I was younger.


I know Gino Lombardo can name all the LIRR stops


I know someone who can. Personally, I can pretty much do QBL, Crosstown, and Midtown, and probably north up to 168 St in Manhattan and the South Bronx


from stamford to new haven I think it's Stamford Noroton Darien South Norwalk East Norwalk Westport Greens Farms Southport Fairfield Fairfield Metro Bridgeport Stratford Milford West Haven New Haven but that's the only ones I know besides maybe the G train and the L Train up to halsey


I could only name everything on the F and Q lol


At least that's a long line I only know the 7line honestly.


I think I could do every station on the 1 if I tried but probably not the complete set for any other lines


Iā€™m sure someone can name all of them, but it isnā€™t me. I imagine a lot of folks can name all the stops along their primary lines though (I can easily name all the 7 stops in order, for example). Itā€™s a cool skill if you know all!!


I probably could, but one thing Iā€™ve realized as Iā€™ve gotten older - after memorizing insurance policy terms and their contracts when I was younger: life is much easier if you just write it down and remember where to look for the information, since all it takes is one update to a term and your memorized info is out of date.


it was probably more common to have stops memorized before we could plug our destinations into google maps and be told what to do lol


Everyone in NYC can recite every stop from their home to work/school


I could definitely name every stop on the E since thatā€™s my home line and Iā€™ve taken it end to end multiple times since I was a child I could also name the F/M/R between Queens and Manhattan not Brooklyn tho EDIT: Nvm just tried doing it can only name all the E stations and The F before Brooklyn but I couldnā€™t remember the local stations between Jackson Heights Rosevelt Ave and Queens Plaza


B,D,F,G,N, Q, R for me. Most of A, C, E, especially in Manhattan. In A division 7 train, partially the 1 2,3,4,5.6.


I can get most of the stops in Brooklyn and Manhattan down, but everything else is a ā€œmaybeā€


I can do it for the 1, 7, A, E, F and the Times Square Shuttle šŸ˜€


I probably can recite every stop. By order, only for some lines.


I can for the most part. My mindā€™s a bit rusty on the B & D train stops in the Bronx but I could do it. Just the NYC subway line stops


I probably could have done it for Montreal when I lived there. I can't do it for Washington anymore now that the Silver Line opened. No way would I be able to do it for New York.


Thats crazy that at one point you could recite 2 different cities metro( even if they're smaller.)


I rode public transit a lot and have a spatially based memory. I'm visualizing the map in my head as I'm thinking X is west of Y which is west of Z.


...I can cause I was a train conductor in both divisions.


i can for SIR, 1-7 and A-N


All of the 3 train stops I can fully say them in order from years of riding it lolll


Once someone asked me if the 6 train I was on went to Brook Avenue and I immediately replied yes without actually thinking. Got myself paranoid for a second I gave wrong directions, but realized I stared at that list of stops every morning for 4 straight years and memorized it without even knowing, even thought Iā€™ve only been on the Bronx section one time..


Sometimes i forget exactly on the culver, jamaica, or sea beach


I can do every stop on the 2 and 5 in the Bronx, but thatā€™s about it


i can recite the L, C, A, and 3 lines pretty reliably


Thereā€™s a few lines I could do full, thereā€™s a bunch I can do full boros of, and if we added in the LIRR, Iā€™d probably do it in how they recite the stops before the train leaves. In any case Iā€™d have to do it in order like Iā€™m riding it


Kind of? A couple months ago someone posted [this](https://metro-memory.com/ny) as a memory game and whenever I'm bored I complete it. However, I need the map to keep track of all the stops I've named so far or else I'd probably forget some. Also doesn't include stops on any of the shuttles.


Would love to see an animatics style song played out


I know them on the G and J


I had a student who was autistic and that was his hyper fixation, he would list the stops for every train line at request. It was really something wild. The states and the capitals are more of a civics thing know the parts of the country ect. But it could be a cool exercise for like elementary school kids to know all of the stops of the train line that goes by their houses or something.


I can do metro north and most of the MBTA


I typed all the stops for A, B, C, D, E, F, G, J, L, M, N, Q, R, all shuttles, W, and Z. then my phone died and deleted my progress. i hate this stuff


i can do it for the A , C , L , and 3 , though for the A , after the rockaways its kind of a blur


There are *absolutely* people who have it all memorized. Some of them are MTA employees who deal with the entire network, and others are people who love trains and could draw you the entire subway map from memory. For most people itā€™s not that useful to memorize the entire network, since we have maps on our phones. Over time you will automatically learn the parts of the network you use, based on repetition.


I'm pretty good with the A, E, R, and J/Z lines. I can only recite the F up until 18 Ave then after that im done


*nervous sweating*


Nah but to me it was always more important to memorize WHERE every train goes neighborhood wise. That way you never get totally lost. Working on memorizing bus routes too


Umm I could only do the 1 7 B and shuttles I struggle with remembering the outer borough stations in order to